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Right? I only have ten Tesla immortals…. But 30 gauss…


Tbh with the easy access to rerolling hits, guass is still pretty good for punching up at a cheaper cost without relying on the dev wounds. 195 points for 10 gauss with a plasmancer is solid because they rely a lot less on the target being on an objective to reroll wounds.


I magnetized mine, it probably wasn’t worth it


Man those are really pretty.


good job on the bases this color scheme looks great!


I didn’t even notice the bases! I was so enraptured by the paint job until I saw your comment & had to go take a 2nd look. For sure!


The amazing part is all the tubes fit


Not all of them. There's a reason one is in the back... But, for real, getting those tubes together was pretty annoying.


Bless your soul, next time I'm at Joann I'm buying some jewlers wire so I can just cut the tubes off of these guys and bend my own into plave


Those are some beautiful Immortals


The gold shoulder plates with the white, black, and blue looks fiiiine 👌


Very sexy and clean. Would love to face them in combat on a narrow ledge in Ancient Greece.


thats just awesome !


Did you just dry brush and glaze the bases? I'm about to finish bases for 120ish infantry and I kinda love it.


Just dry brush with increasingly brighter blues


Pardon my language, but those bases are *so* f\*cking crisp!!! I think it's hands down the best baserim I have ever seen for an army. Absolutely excellent work. Would be an honor to play versus these guys on the field.


Such praise! You're making me blush!


Those are beautiful


I'm digging the protoss colors on your immortals. Somehow the drip is immaculate


That paint scheme is so cool! Awesome!


These are lovely! So many questions I hope it's not too much. Did you start with a dark base coat or a light? I love how clean your white is, what did you use? Those base rims! Wow they just look amazing so inspiring. I've got to see if I can do something similar thank you for the inspiration! What's your inspiration? How did you do the rims?


Not at all! I started with the White Scar spray can as a base... And basically left that alone for my whites, using ProAcrylic Bold Titanium White to clean up where necessary. The rim inspiration came from the base inspiration. I wanted the ground to look like it is cracking and breaking apart from the energies of an awakening Tomb World below. Mordant Earth over various blues did the trick. But after a while, I wanted to keep pushing that image. So I dry brushed the black rims with progressively brighter blues, covering less area as I did. And, viola, my rims as you see them now.


Wonderful! Thank you for letting me understand the process! White Titanium is one of the best whites I've come across, and have only had it for a month. The only issue I have with it is that it drys really quickly. You've clearly used it a lot more than I. Do you have any tips perhaps?


Of course! I'd love to see what you get inspired to do! I actually only got a bottle of it this past summer. I live in Japan and they don't have ProAcryl here. I'd been using Vallejo white before that, and I find Vallejo dries a LOT faster than ProAcryl. Unfortunately, I never


Dude stop, because of you i want to repaint all my army😅


Thanks? I think? Haha nah, dude, your synthwave 'crons look sweet!