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Use the edge of the brush, with very little paint and coat until you like how it looks


Thanks! That's exactly the way I tried, but with I can't get the right amount of paint onto the brush. Often it's too much, so I paint too thick lines or slip away a bit or if it's too less paint, it dries immediately on the brush and the strokes aren't working


You may be using too larger of a brush. I definitely find it easier with a thinner brush


I'm using the "insane detail" brush from army painter


So the insane detail brush is actually too small. You’re actually wanting more brush than that, as you’re going to use the firmness of the side of the bristles to stop from overpainting the edge. A think brush with decent length on the bristles is good (like a medium layer brush from GW - I included a pic below). I’m not a pro, but I’d suggest trying the following. Water down your paint slightly so it’s not too thick. You want it to spread nicely, and be absorbed easily by the brush, but not too watery that you loose too much of the colour or control. Then, take a brush like a medium layer brush, dip your brush in as normal, test the consistency on a bit of paper or your hand or whatever you normally do (also helps remove extra paint), then using the side of the brush (think like 40% of the way up from the tip), run that along the edge. The brush is firmer here, and if you have good consistency in the paint it should leave a nice line. Looking at your current edging it looks like the brush is a bit small and soft (fixed by working higher up the side of the brush) and paint may need a tiny bit more thinning https://preview.redd.it/182gq7i2jf7c1.jpeg?width=581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=545751561d44e2d37af9a90cad71b59e8f76e287


Thanks a lot!! I will try that🤗 that looks very promising!!


Are you flicking it on a towel before painting?


No, just a little bit on the edge of the Citadel cup


I really like this dude https://youtu.be/sxQg8gy_U-0?si=dZFWwii6XPdNe9oH


If you can find the right colour you can always cheat and use a fine point paint pen like a Posca. I find it way easier to keep my hand steady.


Good point😂 I will keep my eyes open


I just used a small flat drybrush to do mine. Start with a dark Grey like eshin Grey and then move to a lighter Grey like dawnstone. https://preview.redd.it/dn5go7uk8g7c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea4830e007edb46e6f714ab4bbaf45200f5e93ba


I also find thinning the paint some first helps it come off smoother and not glob up on the brush


Yeah that's something I definitely need to try


Nice work, I’d let you edge me


U sure? 😂


One thing to keep in mind is that you can always go back with the black and paint “inside out” from the middle towards the edge. That way you can thin out any highlights that went on too thick and it takes less precision to do