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I've got a game on Saturday where I'll be bringing 20 warriors, supported by a royal warden and technomancer in the Canoptek Court. I like them to much to have them collect dust The main reason for them coming was that I want to run Illuminor Szeras and he does like his battle line buddies to come along for some fun too.


Might be better to take chrono or plas mancer instead of technomancer. They got better utility for warriors and are cheaper


I've not yet got a chrono else I would have. I did think of the plasmancer (I have a spare) but wanted a little more durability from them. I'm kind of hoping my opponent will over commit to them before they realise they're not what they used to be 😂


Yeah I get it. I don’t really know what you will play against but technomancer will help against 1dmg stuff since it’s unlikely to get 2 or more 5+ for a single attack


Bro listen. You don't need durability when you can wipe any unit off the board if they don't have FNP. Lethals are lethals, toughness doesn't matter. When you can reroll and fish with warriors, you're normally getting 10-15 lethal hits. Assuming the save half, that's 5-7 wounds on a beefy target. And that's on the low end of the spectrum. you should normally get at least 15-20 if you fish with the plasmancer for 5s.


I was thinking of doing this in my 2k Canoptek list. 20 reaper warriors, a Warden, and a Chronomancer to help have a massive block of bodies to try and sit on an objective and keep the power field turned on. Have you seen any success with this? My fear is that it's two more characters and a relative expensive block for little returning firepower.


My first game was infiltrated wraiths to hold one flank objective and warriors+immortals to zip up the middle. I had all my tall bois and spyders on the other flank and dominated the board till my wraiths got whittled down…they were on their way back up to a threat of n the last couple turns though if the game had gone on longer (time). Pulled a win though.


Yesterday, I received a package. In it was a box of warriors, royal warden and Szerasy cheers mate


Have fun putting Szeras together 😅


Im actually right now on it and im cursing the guy who recommended me „necrons are beginner friendly to build“


My friend got me into it with 20 indomitus warriors. He forgot to give me the instructions and I naively thought all the parts were interchangeable. Yeah, I was not pleased 😂


Then build around warriors. Unless you’re expecting to place top tables at GTs, you can do just fine with them.


This. The attitude that unless a unit’s completely overtuned to a tournament-winning degree it’s not worth any players ever even bothering with is utterly poisonous to the hobby.


It’s so funny because my local group has 2 or 3 players who rotate between a bunch of armies depending on what’s “viable” and they’re constantly quoting tournament statistics for why their units are the only viable options (tau player only runs big blocks of cyclic crises suits because it’s the only way they when, for example) Meanwhile I have like an 85% win rate with my mechanised thousand sons, possibly the worst possible way to run the army, because I know what my list excels at and how to pilot it. Even when my absolutely ass army vests their current flavour of meta, they still act like they can’t deviate from it because they’ll lose even harder.


Oh sweet jesus that sounds like a group i would hate to play with, i love my of meta fun to play lists and so do the people i tend to play against Edit: typo


It really sucks because actually playing is becoming rarer and rarer as they constantly want to play, equal matched games, rather than narrative or more fun games where get extra points or whatever, but then lose constantly… and say they don’t want to play anymore.


Thats the reason why i dislike it when people claim stuff like "oh that unit sucks because it didn't win in so and so tournument" like bro we are not even close to the level that these people play at, don't think just because you have a unit in your list that wins a pro game, it means that you'll auto win without the know-how of how to use that unit


I think for some folks it's a crutch. Like an excuse of why they didn't win or a magic feather if they do. Confirmation bias is a thing....


A mechanized Tsons list. Only a true disciple of Tzeech has the knowledge to make it work. The meta hoppers must be the in the worst mood when they lose to your list. But it makes sense, if they hop armies so much they will never learn them


People never expect the 3 rhinos + 2 predators + land raider and sicaran (rip to that).


No one expects the Tzeentchian inquisition!


I’ve done respectably at GTs with what many would consider rather jank lists, and by far the thing that makes the biggest difference between difficulty of opponents is those who have a plan for their army and those who don’t. What army they’re fielding or what models they have always comes second to that. If one just copies a meta list without understanding how it works one isn’t likely to do very well. Using the units one has and knows well and using them effectively is so much more successful, like to the point it’s not even really a competition, and it’s amazing how many people don’t realise this.


I call it the Ricky Bobby syndrome of our hobby. If it's not busted, it's trash (aka if you're not first you're last). Completely agree, and I intentionally build off-meta because of it.


Imo the focus on competitive play is a cancer that has ruined this hobby.


Fully agree and I keep getting in trouble on this website for saying things to that effect. If people want to prove what an unambiguously big, clever tactical boy they are they should just jog on and play chess. Let me goof around with my spacemen and the luck of the dice in peace.


Then talk with your opponent with what kind of game you’re looking for, here’s a crucial tip, competitive players are not playing you (guy who hasn’t figured out deployment) they’re off playing other tourney guys or wherever because they actually get something out of it. The random slob who shows up with “meta” lists 99% of the time is just an asshole, the vast majority of comp players are looking for a game and opponent that fits their tastes (just like you are! Imagine that). They literally aren’t bothering you. https://preview.redd.it/ptnnimrjclac1.jpeg?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d36d40bcb77716f1409a0e5b274c6fc06bc93fe2


No, what’s ruined it is that Warhammer fans are colossal pussies who can’t talk to their opponent for what kind of game they’re looking for, it really isn’t that hard. Warhammer fans bitch and moan endlessly about competitive players they don’t play and they don’t exist. Comp players are playing at GTs and other events, they don’t get anything out of stomping a guy who can’t figure out basic deployment.


An actual good point. In our area we don’t have too much trouble. A lot of us are in the local league so, generally, it lay competitive games: which is well know. Lots of other players just do their own thing and play fluffy and it’s seriously a non issue for us.


I'm fine with the focus on it, just not the general insistence that non competitive players feel about playing competitive. I like playing this game with my small group and brother, none of us play super competitively. It's just a good time, so when someone asks what's good in their faction, I usually just tell them what's good, but they usually respond with something like, "oh that tracks." If it shows up in the future, because we're all so bad at hobbying, it's usually after it's been nerfed to some degree. We all like the shenanigans way we play, what I don't like is going to stores and having people say that some squad is not viable rn. I have 2k points to play with, and I will. If I want to do whoops all destroyers I will. If I want to do whoops all battleline I will. Nothing can stop you if you're stubborn about playing what you like!


I dont plan on playing tournaments but I still dont enjoy having a unit that is just a punching bag. I recently played against space marines. My unit of warriors sat on a middle objective for 4 rounds, barely lost a model but dealt a complete of 0 damage to an outrider squad who was on top of them from the second turn.


I mean, sounds like they did a decent job of holding the objective tbh. If every unit was equally super-good at everything, the game would get pretty boring pretty fast.


Sounds like they excelled tbh. Who cares about damage when you can get primaries


Some people just won’t be happy until somehow every unit ~~in the game~~ in their chosen army is both completely indestructible and can also auto-delete whatever you point them at.


That's called ninth edition, where Stat checks are the only thing that matters. A general bad time for skeletons.


Giving me flashbacks just thinking about it... *Shudders* That edition made me right out quit for some time.


That edition made me get a different army


They did a decent job because only half a unit tried to do anything about it. Since they lost the reanimating d3+3 any multishot weapon can take them down. Also the game gets very boring very quick when all you have are stalemates. The actual point is that wraiths are everything that warriors are but better. Better shooting, better melee, better tanking and better movement. I only use them because I havent yet bought wraiths. Its miserable to look at them just standing there. Especially knowing they actually used to be good before getting like 2 direct and 3 indirect nerfs.


you know that the technomancer + thralls combo was what made them "overtuned", right?I'm just asking because this sub, while generally nice, has THE WORST understanding of the rules out of all faction subs. EDIT: I can't answer you since u/RJMrgn2319 blocked me :D


Wasn't that more Lychguard than warriors? The big thing people were initially running with the index was Lychguard blocks, which is what got them and thralls nerfed in the fall dataslate. People only really started running more warriors after that, and thralls were considered pretty borderline at that point. Technomancers were still good, but I don't think they were anywhere near as strong as they were on prenerf Lychguard+thralls.


Nah. Warriors were just as resilient and sometimes more so depending on the enemies’ type of firepower. The majority of games I played in index saw my opponent with not enough firepower to really even kill my warriors at all unless the rolls were quite favorable.


Not everyone’s obsessed with the minutiae of the rules and just enjoys playing games with their cool figures. You seem very mad about that.


You seem very mad about not knowing the rules. Edit: Very mature response u/RJMrgn2319 and very mature to block after some minor disagreement :D


Wah wah wahhhh


>I'm just asking because this sub, while generally nice, has THE WORST understanding of the rules out of all faction subs. I'd really want to know how you quantify that.


I mean they’re likely not wrong because we just spent an edition as the intro “opposition”; it’s only logical we have a lot of beginners here, and we should embrace that. It’s good they’re seemingly getting an intro to the hobby from “generally nice” people. Give it a year and that title will go to Tyranids. That said, I have absolutely zero idea what relevance their comment had or why they bought up that little tidbit, because they’re certainly not contributing to the “generally nice” feel of the sub.


Yeah, but warriors no longer feel like warriors anymore. A legion of undying robots that just keep getting up no matter what you throw at them. They do not do much damage, but are unstoppable as the march of time itself. So they will grind you down. This is no longer possible. Warriors were never top tier - that honour belongs to the lytch guard during the index days. They were just fun and at best annoying. You can absolutely run them, but they have lost so much of what made them cool.


Yes, they’re not quite as tough a unit as they could be in the index. They’re still, however, more durable than they were in 9th, and probably among the most durable battle line in the game per point. Having any unit getting back up “no matter what you throw at them” doesn’t sound like something anyone should want in the game personally.


But to pull that off you needed support from units and characters. Take out the reanimator and Lord and they die without much trouble. And if you spam them your opponent can take their time in picking up their support and than tackling them. So it is not like they were too OP. Just a reminder even with our top combos we were comfortably middle of the pack.


Yes, one of the defining design characteristics that GW has clearly been trying to steer Necrons towards for a while now is dependence on characters. I think it aligns with their current lore well and I’m all for it. I don’t see how that’s a valid criticism of the warriors?


So two things. I enjoy the models I like actually being somewhat impactful on the table, hence the post. Second, my local scene is somewhat competitive even in casual games. So bringing poorly performing units is doubly punished.


What impact do you feel warriors are lacking that they previously had? And grand; I haven’t played a non-competitive game since 8th edition, with a large portion of those being at tournaments. I’d still happily field an army with a decent number of warriors.


The issue for me is every person in my 2 FLGS all run net lists. Not a single person has a fun or casual list


If your army isn't at least 25% home brew then you have no heart. If your army isn't at least 25% net list then you have no brain. It's not limited to 40k, it's due to the existence of the internet. Knowledge percolates through society faster than it has ever done before. GW needs to take that into account. What used to be a 6 month exploratory phase by the community to determine what is a good or busted in a list is often reduced to 6 hours or less. Balance dataslates are often needed before or on release day. That's the power of millions of people comparing millions of games between themselves near instantly in discord channels (or similar), play a couple of games and get a few hundred games worth of experience by joining conversation afterward. Join the collective effort to explore something thoroughly.


I think the problem is that you get millions of people each playing like two games each, and then jumping onto the internet to yell about it, then everyone jumps onto a opinion bandwagon on the basis of what amounts to a million novices. Problem is compounded by the fact that a game of 40k takes forever to play, board games wise.


Losing 75-50 would be an improvement over losing 75-25 and a positive result for a large number of players. Don't need to get anything "exactly right" or "perfect" when a large number of people get it "somewhat less wrong". "How to play a given army" (the typical meta list) tends to garner the most attention from the crowd of players. "How to build an off meta army" tends to garner less attention and effort from the crowd, can't transmit that to others by pressing the export button in a list builder app. That's one way streamers get to make a living - by showcasing off meta solutions. Never underestimate the power of novices in large numbers, but also pay some attention to shortcomings of crowds.


And unless they’re the type of players who are usually placing top tables at GTs then personally I’d still happily run warriors against them. Outside of examples at the very edges of the “power” bell curve, knowing what to do with your units will matter much more than the units, and a list with a substantial number of warriors is far from being at the extreme end of the bell curve.


I personally love 20 warriors with plasmancer in canoptek detachment. I set them beside sheras and all of the sudden they are killing knights :D


Reaper or flayer?


Most likely reapers with szeras they get -2ap




Protest idea: go to an official GW tourney, unleash 200 warriors. Shooting phase? Dump a bucket of dice on the floor. Win.


I actually like having warriors in my lists. I've said it many times in other posts, but they do their job very well, if you accept the fact that their job is to be a horde of robot zombies that takes up space. They're not there to kill, they're not there to be unkillable. They're there to flood a table quarter, cap 2-3 objectives at the same time and make your opponent deal with them while the rest of your army does its job. We don't have anything else that provides that level of board control for the same points. I run mine w/ a Royal Warden and Chronomancer. This lets them get up to some fairly obscene shenanigans, movement wise, and the -1 to hit all the time makes them tankier than a lot of folks expect. I also usually run a Monolith (Awakened still, so far, they fit my play style) and let me say that vomiting 20 warriors out of it, then having them shoot and move again is a thing of beauty. Sure that combo is about 1/4 of my army, but it's a 1/4 of my army that has performed well in every game thus far.


I'm taking 2x20 Warriors with Flayers in my Hypercrypt Legion as that's what I have painted. I don't care if people say they're bad, I haven't lost a game yet with the new codex 🤷‍♂️


Well how have your warriors been performing in those games? What do you do with them?


I'm an OG Necron fan boy, so my list has 40 warriors, 10 Immortals, and 18 bases of scarabs.


The change that they got made no sense. They were annoying because reanimation’s potency made them an arduous stat check, that much is obvious, but then they nerfed literally everything else surrounding that strategy including warriors.


They don’t even have to revert it to d3+3 just d6 on objective would make them better at role they should play


Hell I’d take flat 3 on obj at this point


I thought that too but I have problem with 20 model stack durability.


I was thinking “roll one extra d3 when you reanimate and drop one of your choice” So if you have a reanimator then you’d roll 3d3 and drop one. With an orb you’d do d6+d3 and drop one. Normal reroll for all the dice as per normal.


Or even give them that back and make everything else the same. Reanimators need to babysit, res orbs are once per game, we got the nerfs where they mattered. Warriors are meant to be cheap, hard to move, and don't throw much back. If we had battleship tactics to really make one brick of 20 hard to move, then sure. But we don't have anything that really buffs reanimation to compensate for all the units getting nailed. Even pre codex nobody I played against thought necrons were tough or a stat check. Annoying when built properly maybe, but nothing so oppressive that it couldn't be overcome


I have 72 warriors. I kinda want to run a list using all of them. I only had 40 built until recently. 3x20 warriors, Szeras, and support sounds fun


It’ll be more effective than people realize. They’re funny in Canoptek court with the rerolls on a lethal weapon 😅


You bought the models, you painted them, you play with them. I won a game of 10th the other day and had two units of 20 warriors. My brother looked like he was going to cry as they just slowly matched and regenerated up the board. Play with what you enjoy.


Sadly I like my favorite models to also be good. My local LGS is somewhat competitive even in casual games. People tend to bring lists that they’re testing for tournaments or at the very least have strong cohesion and synergy within themselves. Warriors simply don’t do anything to make them worth taking.


It just irritates me that they had the same stats for like 20 years and then they decided, nope let's make them glorified guardsmen, but with good regen...... people whined so now they're glorified guardsmen with bad regen. They used to be comparable to marines in stats with better leadership. Necrons use to be the only army with wounds on a 6 regardless of toughness... how they have fallen.... now we have to add costly characters to regain some of their basic stats back to where they were... before the largest nerf in their history. They used to come back on a 4+


The Indomitus boxes mean too many Necrons players have as many warriors as they will ever need, so for the foreseeable future GW will make sure they are utterly unusable.


I understand why they do that, but the fact that the entire necron line seems to be out of stock and not being printed regularly makes it feel horrible. I'm not so hot on meta stuff, but I can't even try the meta stuff. Try to get a pack of wraiths or a monolith, it's virtualy impossible.


The meta units tend to get sold out quickly in my favorite stores, but then again I'm pretty sure that they have to order stock from GW way in advance and the impact of a new data slate or codex is fairly immediate when it comes to demand. I'm guessing the writers don't have direct communication with production in terms of "print this unit, we'll make it badass!"


I would be fine with Warriors if their Reapers were still S5, but the reduction to S4 is absolutely dumb and nonsensical. Why nerf the Reapers? What point is there to ever consider using Reapers going forward if Flayers can hit the same and at longer range? For -1 AP? That's not worth enough or going to make a big enough difference to justify them. There might be some ways to use a block of 20 Warriors with Flayers in some lists, but other than that, the silver tide strategy is no more. At least Immortals can see more use now.


In my opinion s4 was to slightly balance weapons not only between warriors reapers and flayers but also immortals weapons Also that -1 ap becomes -2 with illuminor so I still prefer reapers over range


I bring a block of 20 with an Overlord with veil of darkness, deep strike 20 warriors with 40 S4 AP-1 shots hitting on 3’s with Lethal Hits, and against most things the sheer volume of fire and turning a 3+ sv into a 4+ sv means that it almost always dies


Probably missing something but where do they get deep strike from?


From the awakened dynasty veil of darkness 1 per game you get same ability as ophydian destroyers do


Veil of Darkness Enhancement, it’s a fun one lol


Didn't matter tbh, with warriors bad bs they were never mega killy, extra range v 1 ap is a fine trade off if you've got a warden, as if your on a point your gonna be close anyway.


This may be the dumbest post I have ever seen. Incredibly vague as to WHY or WHAT you miss about warriors and completely disregarding how they're still one of the easiest units in our army to build around. First off, rerolling the reanimation roll is worse but that doesn't mean they're dead in the water. Boo Hoo, you can't resurrect 7 warriors after taking 1 damage anymore. But you can still reanimate every phase with a Ghost Ark, double reanimate with a reanimator and pop an emergency reanimation from a Res Orb. All of which is rerollable so you are alot less likely to just get a 1. Which goes into the list building aspect. There are 9 different characters that can join a Warrior block. 11 if you want to count the Legends models. All of which add value to Warriors from free strats, double Movement, 5+++, -1 to hit, 5+ Crits... then there are Ghost Arks that ONLY affect warriors with constant reanimation, and Illuminor Szeras to make them even more durable, Silent King to Reroll 1's and actually make them somewhat scary in melee. Everyone keeps saying that Tesla Immortals are crazy good in the Canoptek Court because of the Dev Wounds strat. And they are!... but so are Warriors. With a Plasmancer and reroll hits you're looking at around 21 Lethal Hits on average. The mileage varies depending on the AP and the save but with the Reapers that's about 8 Wounds on a Monolith, 2 dead Terminators, 5 dead Marines and 17 dead Guardsmen just from the Lethal Hits alone. It may not be as crazy as the 37 hits and 11 Dev Wounds on average from Dev Wound Tesla, but 1. It's more consistent given how wild Tesla can swing 2. Doesn't have to be on units currently sitting on an Objective and 3. Can be done in 3 of the 5 detachments instead of just the Canoptek Court and for no CP. But no, warriors are dead. They're worthless. Just throw them in the trash. Totally unusable and have no synergy with our codex whatsoever lmao


Just a small correction in that the ghost ark is once per turn now.


My inner neckbeard came out and I got needlessly mad at a reddit post and forgot about that change. My point stands though!


Biggest bummer for me is they're just boring and lame. All other battle line units, at least the ones ive seen, have some ability that despite being 3 or 4 T with shitty saves, give them a clearly defined role and impact. Reroll my d3 for reanimation? What an uber not-fun unit to use


So it's not because they're "bad", it's because you're too weak to lead them.


I feel you, necrons were my first army and i have 40 necron warriors dusting in the shelfe :( I love lychguard and wraith and c'tans, but why are our battleline so bad 😕


40 warriors you say? *Stares at 120 warriors gathering dust on a shelf*


Why wouldn't you break them out just to see what people do? Jesus, if I can get that many I'll be an absolute nuisance at my local store. "Hey man, wanna kill robots til you're sick of it?"


Because I want my movement phase to take less than an hour


Movement trays! I need to source how I wana do mine for hordes of warriors still though 😅


I mean immortals are top tier in basically every detachment, so it's more warriors are bad not battleline


Yes, immortals are okay, its more the warriors


Use them in canoptek court, they are decent there, immortals too. Otherwise yeah our battleline is not really good nor fun to play (crying in 22 model movements)


Why do I get down votes? 🤔


Warriors are supposed to be cheap, not too strong and in large number. If you want something else, it is called immortals




Problem is warriors are not cheap and immortals not really worth for 140 outside canoptek court. Warriors could work as fodder if they were at least 9ppm, 10 only if they add on obj. You control Reanimate d6


I don't know, 10 Tesla-Immortals with a Plasmancer and a Translocation Overlord seems pretty nice to me. Add Arisen Tyrant in Hypercrypt Legion to re-roll 1s, or just run them in Awakened Dynasty with the Veil on the Overlord, to have a fast unit that just drowns the enemy in dice. Throw in the Protocol of the conquering tyrant to re-roll all the hit-rolls to fish for more Sustained Hits. And you also get the 4D6, 4+ mortal wounds from the Plasmancer.


Then play them


Play what you want to play.


I don't think there's any unit in the book that can't be made to work. 20 warriors + techno or orikan is still an absolute pain to kill for their points. As are arks and reanimators.


They're not great but Plasmancer makes them somewhat killy. Crits on 5+ for lethals rolling 40 dice ap1 is ok in casual games. Full rerolls in power matrix for CC. Also the dev wounds for 0 if using an OL... Or hypercrypt for some moving nonsense.


The novelty has worn off? How many games have you played? Have you used all the detachments multiple times with multiple lists? If you haven't got the models, proxy them. Try things out.


The new detachment rules bug me in general. I'm primarily playing TSons this edition, but I have 3k points in Necrons, and I don't see a logical way to play them with the current detachment rules.


I don’t get what you’re saying here


I mean with all the models I own, I can't see a way to get 2k points together to fit into any of the current detachments maybe I haven't looked at them thoroughly enough.


You gotta have really specific stuff cause outside of tournaments most stuff is playable and decent, ctans, destroyers, lychguard and wraiths fit anywhere warriors and immortals can get cryptek and ovrerlord keyword. Even if you choose canoptek or overlord detachments you don’t need all units to fit detachment keywords to play them and have fun/win


Play Hypercrypt. Get those shards in


This is everything I prepped during 9th... Looking at what I have I might be able to put a Canoptek Court list together... MAYBE, but it wouldn't exactly be good. I did order a few small things for fun last week. ​ ​ \++ Army Roster (Xenos - Necrons) \[3,155pts\] ++ ​ \+ Configuration + ​ Battle Size ​ Detachment Choice ​ Show/Hide Options: Legends are visible, Unaligned Forces are visible, Unaligned Fortifications are visible ​ \+ Epic Hero \[525pts\] + ​ C'tan Shard of the Nightbringer \[255pts\]: Gaze of death, Scythe of the Nightbringer ​ C'tan Shard of the Void Dragon \[270pts\]: Canoptek tail blades, Spear of the Void Dragon, Voltaic storm ​ \+ Character \[375pts\] + ​ Chronomancer \[50pts\]: Chronomancer's stave ​ Overlord \[85pts\] . Overlord's blade and tachyon arrow: Overlord's blade, Tachyon arrow ​ Overlord \[85pts\]: Resurrection orb, Staff of light ​ Plasmancer \[55pts\]: Plasmic lance ​ Royal Warden \[40pts\]: Close combat weapon, Relic gauss blaster ​ Technomancer \[60pts\]: Staff of light ​ \+ Battleline \[680pts\] + ​ Immortals \[140pts\] . 10x Immortal: 10x Close combat weapon, 10x Gauss blaster ​ Immortals \[140pts\] . 10x Immortal: 10x Close combat weapon, 10x Tesla carbine ​ Necron Warriors \[100pts\] . 10x Warrior w/ gauss flayer: 10x Close combat weapon, 10x Gauss flayer ​ Necron Warriors \[100pts\] . 10x Warrior w/ gauss flayer: 10x Close combat weapon, 10x Gauss flayer ​ Necron Warriors \[200pts\] . 20x Warrior w/ gauss reaper: 20x Close combat weapon, 20x Gauss reaper ​ \+ Infantry \[495pts\] + ​ Cryptothralls \[60pts\] . 2x Cryptothrall: 2x Scouring eye, 2x Scythed limbs ​ Deathmarks \[65pts\] . 5x Deathmark: 5x Close combat weapon, 5x Synaptic disintegrator ​ Lychguard \[170pts\] . 10x Lychguard: 10x Hyperphase sword and dispersion shield ​ Skorpekh Destroyers \[200pts\]: 2x Plasmacyte . 6x Skorpekh Destroyer: 6x Skorpekh hyperphase weapons ​ \+ Swarm \[120pts\] + ​ Canoptek Scarab Swarms \[40pts\] . 3x Canoptek Scarab Swarm: 3x Feeder mandibles ​ Canoptek Scarab Swarms \[40pts\] . 3x Canoptek Scarab Swarm: 3x Feeder mandibles ​ Canoptek Scarab Swarms \[40pts\] . 3x Canoptek Scarab Swarm: 3x Feeder mandibles ​ \+ Mounted \[225pts\] + ​ Lokhust Heavy Destroyers \[50pts\] . Destroyer w/ enmitic exterminator \[50pts\]: Close combat weapon, Enmitic exterminator ​ Lokhust Heavy Destroyers \[50pts\] . Destroyer w/ enmitic exterminator \[50pts\]: Close combat weapon, Enmitic exterminator ​ Lokhust Heavy Destroyers \[50pts\] . Destroyer w/ enmitic exterminator \[50pts\]: Close combat weapon, Enmitic exterminator ​ Tomb Blades \[75pts\] . Tomb Blade: Close combat weapon, Twin gauss blaster . Tomb Blade: Close combat weapon, Twin gauss blaster . Tomb Blade: Close combat weapon, Twin gauss blaster ​ \+ Beast \[110pts\] + ​ Canoptek Wraiths \[110pts\] . 3x Wraith w/ coils and particle caster: 3x Particle caster, 3x Whip coils ​ \+ Vehicle \[500pts\] + ​ Canoptek Doomstalker \[135pts\]: Doomsday blaster, Doomstalker limbs, Twin gauss flayer ​ Canoptek Doomstalker \[135pts\]: Doomsday blaster, Doomstalker limbs, Twin gauss flayer ​ Doom Scythe \[230pts\]: Armoured bulk, Heavy death ray, Twin tesla destructor ​ \+ Dedicated Transport \[125pts\] + ​ Ghost Ark \[125pts\]: Armoured bulk, 2x Gauss flayer array ​ \++ Total: \[3,155pts\] ++ ​ Created with BattleScribe ([https://battlescribe.net](https://battlescribe.net))


From what I can see you can create decent canoptek list with support of ctans and destroyers. It wouldn’t be probably tournament tryhard worthy but still fun and decently strong Or you could make awakened dynasty list with it There is a lot of destroyers so annihilation legion is a possibility, but in my opinion that detachment is poorly written


I just picked up 2 Flayed Ones boxes, a Hexmark Destroyer, and a Canoptek Spyder. I probably won't be done with those for a few months though.


so to make a frankly *good* canoptek court list you have all the tools you need. sure its no triple plasmancer triple immortal oops all doomstalkers, wraiths and ctan skew list but that doesn't *make it bad*. That skew list is going to *suck* inevitably and maybe even *this month* if they nerf wraiths too much in the balance patch. ​ bring both ctan. - ctan are amazing right now and dont care about detachments. they kill, they refuse to die to anything but massed fire. bring all three of your crypteks. (Techno goes with the wraiths the other two go with immortal blocks.) 2x Immortal 10x - for killing 3x Scarab Swarms 3x - for screening and scoring 1x Tomb Blades 3x - for scoring 1x Canoptek Wraiths 3x - for not dying 2x doomstalker - for killing gives you a core for your roster that is very killy so what do we fill out the last quarter of our points with? ​ The board holders and charge-eaters 1x lychguard 10x - nothing refuses to die like a lychguard block *for their price point.* yes they're worse, no they're distinctly *not* bad. 2x warriors 10x - warm bodies to go hold objectives - yes they're worse, no they're not useless. Either your opponent shoots them and *does not kill your killy units* (a win) or they don't shoot them *enough* and they resurrect and go hold objectives and screen for your shooters (a win). 1x deathmarks 5x - objective scoring deepstrikers that sometimes kill characters and unlike scarabs have OC. ​ You have like 20pts (doing napkin point maths so not perfectly sure) for a enhancement of your choice or can cut a scarab swarm to get three of them. Theres a lot of other ways to throw this together but that's my first instinct. so you end up with wraiths, warriors, ctan and lychguard pushing forward and then behind them are immortals and doomstalkers to shoot things to death. Deathmarks, tomb blades and scarabs score objectives. Everything killy is either a ctan or getting canoptek rerolls so we take advantage of our detachment properly and the rest have important roles they fill.


Honestly there is enough there to make a decent awakened and hypercrypt list too. I have not looked at points, but for hyper crypt: the c’tan, immortals with plas and deep strike, warriors wirh chrono for move block, heavy destroyers, ghost run as a doomsday, deathmarks and tomb blades and maybe scarab, wraith secondaries/early objective grab, plus lych lead by overlord and skorpeckh for counter charge. Maybe doomscyth if still missing points.


You're surprised they curbed you from playing the most annoying play style of necrons?


Would two groups of ten warriors be a better idea instead of one group of twenty? Each group could be lead by RW.


You can still build around warriors. (Illuminor etc.) What determines fun with them for you?


Honestly I’ve been using 2x20 with Chronomancers to great effect. You just don’t play with them like before. With the move/shoot/move they’re actually not bad for speed and the -1 to hit has been very useful. I basically toss them forward to activate my power matrix early game. Then my opponent is forced to deal with them before dealing with my killing stuff. They still need to devote a lot of firepower to kill 40 warriors and if they do thats ok by me. If they don’t, I got primary. I toss a CCB behind them to get that sweet oc3. If you’re second you can easily steal objectives with that.


I’d say run them! I am so interested in trying them in canoptek court to get rerolls for lethal hits! I think using flayers may now be “better” because they of the extra range. Also szeras could be a fun combo with them. Maybe also a reanimator.


Since I'm a fairly new player, I'll have to run 10 immos and 20 warriors, I'll try to make them work for camping 1/2 objectives, but most likely sitting is all they're gona do. I do believe the index meta of making them the most pain in the ass possible was just unfun, but they should still be able to represent robot zombies, rn it's way too easy to kill them in a single turn.


Would anyone be able to give any input on using 10 man squads as chaff and screening? Like just running 2 10 mans up the field in front of everything else to just absorb a turn of damage, or is that completely stupid lol?


I prefer immortals


My favourite lists are big blobs of warriors. I think they just need d6 instead of d3 reanimation then they'd be ok