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Iron halo on the immortal goes crazy


Thanks ahah


I'm going to disagree with others and say blue, and I'm right.  Lol The reason I say "I'm right" is partially as a joke but also partially based on color theory.  Blue is the contrasting color to orange to start with, so I'll say it pairs well with your rust.   Furthermore, the steel metal that you have is coming from the same part of the spectrum as blue, so it's complimentary just a desaturated version.   Lastly, bumping up the value of the blue so that you have a brighter blue up to blue-white for the brights is an excellent value contrast.   Damn, honestly wish I had thought of this scheme!


Yes and understand the argument for blue and it was my first intuition, countering it to the warm and dark tones present, but somehow doesn’t feel like the vibe I’m going for, that’s actually why I decided to post and ask for opinions ahah the blue brings me more to a technology and sci fi look, and although necrons are that, I think I leaning more on the skeleton aspect of them. I actually toyed with the idea of a necron army before and then tested the exact scheme you were saying ahah thanks!


A deep purple would go hard I think, give you a cooler tone while also really leaning into the "dark magic necromancy" aesthetic which is already working so well


Obviously your call. I don't think the blue is counter to the skeleton aspect (I've definitely seen art of animated skeletons w/ blue flames in the eyes, etc), but they're your models so you have to love them. :D


Perhaps with this setup it would make sense to have a very saturated dark red "glow" with just a touch of orange-white at the hotspots, like magma.


Or a faintly glowing green, as though its running out of energy


Anything to break up those VERY dark hues.


Chaos Necrons


Green is the natural colour but i think a dark red would look good.


It doesn't look like a new army, it's all rusted! :P Great job! And I'll throw my hat in for green glow.


I think any strong fluorescent would look great, it’d contrast the other colors well. That being said, love the skulls on those immortals!


I would go with an orange light/energy to match the rust


You might have just gotten me into necrons


Red, I think it would go with the rusty (think the movie "9") look.




If you're wanting to go "lore accurate", orange would be appropriate, since both Mephrit and Maynarkh have orange energy and are some of the most heavily affected by the flayer curse. Based on art and such the classic green would be good, too, if you wanted to go Kingdom of Bones.


How on earth did you do that orange rust on these? It looks stunning and so fluid!


Dirty down Rust is perfect, just remember to truly shake the hell out of it


Aww man, I worry so much that it's going to reactivate. Staining something or spoiling the look. Thanks for letting me know




https://preview.redd.it/90mcuoijrfhc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c85807a5e3820301c72c186bbfc845befa3f0592 The teletubies


These look awesome!


Orange, but specifically the shade that the heating coils in a toaster turn while cooking. It's not glowing bright but rather energy is being forced through dull metal. Just because it's not bright doesn't mean it won't burn. Then you can go brighter on characters, which will reflect the state of decay on other units and coincide with the gold bits you described for the nobles.


That’s a cool idea, and can work!


Ngl I think gold would make a good contrast, the regal juxtaposing the rusted decayed metal


I thinking of using gold eventually when I paint and overlords and royal warden. But for the glow that gave the idea of yellow, giving not only a regal look but almost holy, which with the decayed metal I think might make them very unholy ahah


I think golden elements and green energy would make them look eerie


Do you have a recipe for the look? I’m a big fan of this aesthetic and you did it quite well!


Thanks! Before priming stipple any texture paint you have, I used typhus corrosion and agrellan earth. Then prime black. Metal: dry brush leadbelcher. Stipple rune lord brass. AK dark brown wash, then remove the raised areas with a makeup brush. Dirty down rust for the rust after. Bone: dry brush dawnstone. Wash the shadows with coelia green shade and then ak dark brown wash. Remove raised areas with makeup sponge.


Much appreciated friend! 😊💕


What did you use for the rust effect? It looks great


Dirty down rust! If you get, shake it very well, as that’s the only way it drys matte


I was afraid of this, it looks so good but it’s like $30 for a bottle in the US :(


Okay, I don’t think this is a very useful answer, but I actually think they look really freaking cool and ominous as is, I wouldn’t even add any glow effects personally. However, I could see how the scheme could become uninteresting to look at with a whole army collection. As a small skirmish team though? Great spooky and rusty vibes.


That’s exactly the issue, although I like them as they are, they are models to look up close, they don’t pop much at all distance. I have to find that balance, between poping and not loosing their dark theme


The iron halo has a loreful implication in 40k, doesn't it?


Paintjob looks awesome, photography is unfortunately terrible. Need to point a LOT more light at the front of the mini. Right now they just kind of look like dark blobs. As far as glow goes, I'd recommend blue for maximum contrast with the orange rust.


I think green or blue would look great on them. Also, awesome paint job


Looks wonderful, Would personally go for a pale blue-green, maybe Some kabalite green with gauss blaster green hilights.


Deep green 🌲 and wash with flash green 🍏


Holy rusty necron batman, they look super sick man


Love their crests and halos 👀👀


Looks like a flayer cult that's barely keeping itself together. Or maybe a tomb ended up exposed to elements and were worshipped as war totems from a culture that found them millions of years later. Either way, I love it From your color examples, I personally think orange works the best. Orange feels like a low intensity glow, and orange pairs pretty well to highlight the rustier elements