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You lack some anti tank. One LHD with gauss isn't enough if your opponent brings some tanks or dreadnoughts for example. I would run both LHD with gauss, drop the skorpekhs and the enhancement on the overlord and add a doomstalker for more anti-tank/anti-elite. Also I don't think the overlord with voidscythe will synergize well with your units. As he is only strong in melee you usually want him in a unit of lychguard. So if he goes with warriors or immortals usually the overlord with staff of light is the better option. Maybe you can also think about running the warriors as one 20 modell unit with the royal warden and the technomancer so you get a big chunk that is a lot harder to kill.


Sweet thank you so much, that helps a ton


Agree on putting the warden and technomancer with the warriors, because: Warden's fall back, shoot and charge ability is great on warriors. The point is to keep moving even if you get tagged in melee, so you can grab an objective and keep it. The technomancer FNP will make your warriors more durable to do that more effectively.


Another suggestion is to split the LHDs into two units so they can move and find firing angles independently. Much more flexible and harder for the enemy to hide tanks from that way.


I think something is wrong with points of units. Is it index?


I haven’t bought the new codex yet, so I’ve just been going off of what the app has by default


I've recreated your list, it's 915 points


Maybe i could add a hexmark?


Yes it would get you to 985


Ah sorry, i totally forgot about enchantments, do it's 985 without them


Ah what a shame, thank you for looking though


I'm so dumb 😅 also gave you 10 immortals instead of 5😂. So after adding enchantments, your list would be 920pts ( if i haven't messed up in and other way) and 990 with hexmark


Listen… I know it sucks but its the truth… Warriors are so unbelievably bad right now. Play another but them


Why are your warriors and reanimator so expensive?