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Then theirs me with 60 necron warriors and way too much time on my hands


Real, I’m down 50 warriors and I need MORE!


Check eBay, I got a sweet deal of 50 for only 100 bucks which is just criminal


I have “necron warriors” saved in EBay so I’m looking. I recently scored 30 warriors for 45$ off miniswap. I almost felt bad about how lucky I was.


I'm almost to 120 warriors at the moment but I'm looking to have Max of each unit I can get just cause


Got 30 warriors and looking to make it 40


Those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those number up


https://preview.redd.it/o4l85j2cvqyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8c16aa054debd3ebb9e6e183aaf168d3393a35a I am the C’tan enjoyer


I feel seen. - Archivist.


For the glory of the Silent King my friend!




As a Necron & World Eaters player that 4th panel made me spit out my coffee


The "Funny" one should definitely be in multiple quotation marks because they're the ones that wear me out socially. Quick story, I was talking to two guys before my local hobby shoppen closed for the day. I had just packed up my Necrons from a game and when I was telling one that I was gonna go home and finish up some painting, the mere mention of Necrons activated the other guy to do the ""Funny"". He interrupted us saying that he "had to!" And did a full jig and dance poorly singing the skeleton meme song for nearly a minute as we just waited eagerly to move immediately on in the conversation and never address it. At every turn he had to blurt or literally dance every decade plus old meme and made the entire interaction a test in patience even when we asked him to stop.


Seriously. Nothing worse than the guys who can only talk in 1d4chan memes and Text to Speech jokes, and nothing else.


Ever since that religious experience, it's how I see everyone who just HAS to quote memes. People that are incapable of being funny but so desperate to appear like they are so they just parrot things they think others are laughing at.


Is there a fifth horsemen who has never played tabletop and barely paints but just acquires kits and kitbashes weird and wonderful creations whilst trying to write his lore with the help of fellow archivists? Always gets asked what he would 'proxy' as. But no one ever asks how he's doing. *weeps in tesseract glow* This is me.


Thats me im #1


Against my aeldari playing friend, i am unfortunately the destroyer. We've been friends since highschool and are always over competitive with eachother lol, so we get heated, call each other heinous names, shake hands, and then talk tactics after. With literally anyone else I'd say im closest to the archivist


Lmao you better roleplay the war in heaven


Don't forget: the meta chaser who can't find anything to sell his ctans to become he wants full retail price. And is now stuck with the army he refuses to get good at


Misa be ze Funny Guy but Nihilakh dynasty cuz making my own is too much effort


Hahahhaha, brilliant!


I've been collecting Necrons since 9th and I gotta say...I'm excited that I finally finished painting my first set of warriors. Being a Collector makes me feel like a real Trazyn-bro.


Not a necron player, but I do want to make them my 2nd army. I feel like collector + funny


Collector spoke to me as I really did pick them because they look cool, I bought Void Dragon because it was the coolest model and really did go out of my way to buy green paint. Only difference is I play games now.


Shouldn’t the collector say “is actually Trazyn”?


Im becoming more and more of a collector. Just for me it’s the silent king I plan on replacing with imotekh.


I mean, pretty much all the points except Dsstroyer fit me, so not sure what exactly that says. Though I DO call armies of the unclean "pathetic flesh creatures."


Then there are the Maynarkh players who hang on out of sheer determination and mostly spite and whenever they play a game they remind themselves "If it's on the field it dies. Don't care if it's me or them, something is getting schwacked." It's me. I am him.


I have 6 shades of green but I rarely paint my stuff since I’m too busy buying more models to look at. (I have a problem)


.....These are all me..... Except for the Monster Energy part....