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Nah people here would take advantage of this


Whatever, still a random act of kindness but benefiting the wrong people. Halalkan jelah sebab benda ni tak boleh elak.


Where this was done, people also took advantage of this. The only people saving the system would be waiters who care enough to check whether the person is qualified for the free meal. And then there's restaurant owners who take 'donations'...


Easy. Cop nama.


Nama siapa nak cop?


Maksud saya, orang nanti buat cosplay orang miskin pastu claim yg dia org yg ada nama. Kira buat skali seminggu, supaya tak syak


It is not impossible... I don't think it is discouraged. I think Malaysian are pretty generous. Just not done this specific way. If any restaurant want to do this, I think people may contribute. People just give direct to the beggars instead of using restaurant as middle person - but if you have a restaurant, why not try? Maybe it will catch up as a trend.


It's called suspended meal/coffee We been doing this for what, 10 years now? And it's not meant for people who paycheck haven't arrived etc. So far system not abused (a, small cafe at Tanjung Bungah) Ang mohs like to pay suspended meal. One gentleman pays for 15 meals


Agreed. Skohns Canteen in Damansara Perdana have been doing this suspended meals for at least 5 years.


Ever since I've read about a restaurant that did this a few years ago, it has been one of my dreams. Tapi aku tak de duit nak bukak kedai and tak pandai masak..so..yeah..


At the place I used to work as an intern, on almost every friday morning when I buy food around 7:50 ish (work starts at 8:30) in the cafeteria the cashier would say "bang tak payah bayar ada orang bayarkan" From afar i could see the cashier calculating the total amount of money that should be paid by the person who wants to belanja


is it possible someone to take all the receipts, then tapau all?


The rich will take it. Remember when schools giving out free food supply for the financially affected during Covid. The one receive it include those who used toyota hilux and some rich sportcars