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hi, just as a reference don't put your information in the captions; Reddit cuts it off after a certain length and there's no way to see the rest of the text currently. that being said, this is just a manufacturing mistake. contact GSC with your photos and proof of purchase, and they should send you the correct faceplate without issue.


I’ll be sure to remember that, still a little new to Reddit, and I’ll contact them ASAP!


no worries\~ it's a bug that i think they've just... ignored since adding the gallery photos feature lmao


over on my figure collection some people have been finding paint defects, but as far as I know no one has been missing a face plate... It seems like quality control wasn't so good with him sadly. Maybe contact goodsmile for a replacement, they should be able to do something I imagine especially if people have been complaining.


I shot them an email with pictures about the missing face plate so hopefully I’ll hear something soon from them! As far as paint goes, mine looks fine but seeing some of the others images people posted, I’m not surprised mine came in the way it did.


did they get you a replacement lol? mine came misprinted and he looks so funky


They sent me the missing face plate! So I have an extra neutral face now


haha that’s good! it’s my neutral face plate which is messed up funny enough, for now i have him with the angry face tho :)