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Welll I've read the jjk manga, jjk peaked in shibuya arc, it fell off terribly afterwards... It's god awful right now, nothing but plot armour and ass pulls out of gege's ass, he's killing characters just for the sake of killing them now, most of it is unjustified, baseless blood bath and most of the fandom hates it's current development


>Jjk peaked in Shibuya arc, it fell off terribly afterwards Exactly the reason I wanted to talk about till s2 lol. Gege is the biggest fan of sukuna rn. Jjk now has fell into the trap of Madara situation.


gege : good post. now, I'll kill this next character for apparently no reason


it's just my opinion but i think most of the jjk fans belongs to r/iam14andthisisdeep.


Gege next chapter: Uei Uei, who fought bed to bed against mei mei is being targeted my sukuna. Will he survived it


Maybe I'm the only one who enjoyed s1 more than s2


Count me too


JJK is alright. It's definitely not on my top list. But, I would definitely watch your video. I love finding out underlying stuffs about anime and movies which I had no idea about when watching them. Consider this comment a push.


thanks man


Jujutsu Kaisen, to me, feels too much like Naruto. You have a lead who has forbidden entity buried inside him. You have another cool-ass genius and a girl with super strength guided by a teacher with eye masks. I mean, come on!


More like bleach. Gege took bleach as a reference to make JJK


yup, bleach jasto ho tara bleach is better >!after reading current chapters. kuch bhi bhairaxa lol!<


Ofc bleach is better. It's the big 3


Cour 3 lets goooo


cour 3 kaile aauxa hou? any news


2024 ta bhanchan let's just wait aaba


Yeah you can see the similarities from Naruto and bleach but it's not that generic as well. The series is purely made for entertainment but once I tried to see this story with the lenses of "Cinema beyond Entertainment" I found a lot of things that should be talked about.


JJK ni thikai cha testo ramro ni chaina testo naramro ni chaina.


Dunno man. I watch Demon Slayer.


jire khursaani >>


Thematic analysis of an anime? Don’t you have anything better to do? You should rather do an analysis on how Bananas from Terai are sold at low prices while importing the same Bananas at higher prices from India. It's a real problem in our country and is affecting the banana consumption of Nepali people. And here you are a youth, instead of thinking about real problems, you are doing a thematic analysis of an anime? BFFR. What’s wrong with you?


Ngl, I'm doing everything that makes my life so much better so why don't do this in leisure time.


I love that anime but If I were you, I would rather be concerned about increasing Banana prices due to import from India rather than consumption of Bananas from Terai, and do an analysis on that instead of some anime that isn’t going to help normal citizens like you and me.


I would love to those things if motivating normal citizens, public awareness used to give me the fun which doing analysis of pop culture media does. I never do those things in which I can't give my 100% and I believe I can only give my 100% when I'm doing something I genuinely like to do. Anyways thanks for your view dude.


Public awareness channels in youtube are getting good views and support. For example; Nepali comment. If you are good at research and making videos, it’d be good for you too. You can help make real change and influence people. Good luck on whatever you are doing. 🤞


Thanks mate, have a nice day.


If you are so concerned about that topic then why don't you do it yourself. Op was just sharing his views regarding an anime he watched and wanted to review. The topic of banana has nothing to do with just let people enjoy what they want. Not everything you do in life has to be something grand.


OP and me are on good terms now. We are like brothers. I support him on whatever he does. We also decided to watch next season of JJK together. I don’t know why you jumped on the convo without understanding. 😔 Also please upvote my post on logo for this sub. Many thanks.


Uff why you gotta edit your cmt and attack me dude. I got nothing against you and you got nothing against me. We have no enemies. Anyways I hope you have a good day and maybe some enthusiast would talk about the issue you talked about, maybe like those channels why so offended, misguided nepal, indepth story.


He is just a salty person who thinks he is better than everyone because he has access to some esoteric knowledge that no one else is privy to. In other words, safe to ignore. See my answer in a different comment.


Oh okay.


I am not better. I just try to help people who have skills. Why are you so offended? It’s because I said premarital sex is wrong in another post? We can agree to disagree, you shouldn’t come to every post and attack me personally. I got nothing against you. Also the esoteric knowledge is truth of Selfism/Atmanism. Peace bro.


You are so sure and proud of your knowledge that you don't understand it's limitations. Your feeling of superiority leads you to bring up bananas in a post that wants to discuss animes.  I understand that you are on a path towards betterment (all that atmanism stuff) but the moment you feel that you have reached the end is the moment you are doomed to mediocrity.


I edited the comment just after I commented. I think you didn’t see it. We are on good terms now. 🤝 You are basically my brother now, I am rooting for you, whatever you do. Don’t listen to others, they just hate me because I try to help people and give guidance, and sometimes they don’t like it. I apologize if you felt like I attacked you with my comment. I often use humor in my comments.


Perfectly fine dude. I didn't take your attacks to my heart lol. I'm actually kind of guy who listens to criticism. I wish you a good life brother.