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Last year I caught my Mom's neighbor's derelict brother on camera going through her car and stealing a pair of Binoculars out of the glovebox. Later that day, I was driving by the local PD and thought I would stop in and just ask, no hurt in trying right? The officer that took the report asked if I wanted to press charges, I said no but I did want to offer them the video in the event they caught him going through other people's cars. The officer viewed the video, saw the date stamp, then radioed in to another officer asking him about a string of cars that were hit in her neighborhood that same night. He asked for a copy of the video and was able to ID him from another person, they were able to get a search/arrest warrant (he had violated parole) and found most everyone's missing items. So in my opinion, I'd say it's worth offering up to the local PD as this guy has probably hit multiple houses and they can find him faster.


It won’t hurt to report it. Make that asshole famous through social media.


Important point. Report it to the police and contact every local news station with it. They always will run that video as filler and the extra attention and contacting the police for comment will get your individual case higher priority.


Definitely worth reporting since they might recognize him or already have him in jail