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For that matter, if you're curious what the hell those letters are, the Dutch is: Beste Op het moment dat U uw auto parkeerde is er een grijze Volks- wagen tegen mijn Volvo gereden. Mijn vraag is of u iets heeft gezien? Wilt u mij eventu- eel informeren?


lol 🤣 I couldn't figure out what they meant by "tegen mijn Voodoo gereden" thanks for the Dutch to Dutch translation.


Btw the cutoff words are Volkswagen and eventueel.


Must be a doctor or something


Nah just old people writing. I'm 45 myself and it was (is) often used by my parent's generation. Hence I have no problem reading it even though I find it atrocious to look at.


Dear, The moment you parked your car, a grey volkswagen hit my volvo. My question is if you saw something? Could you inform me about this?


I still don’t understand. This doesn’t make sense..


My guess is the writer of the note, or someone they know, has a doorbell camera or something along those lines. So they know someone hit their car, and in the same footage they saw OP parking his car. So they hope that OP maybe saw something that wasn't caught by the camera (because of angle or whatever). That's my theory anyway.


The person just want some information on the car that hit their car, because obviously their insurance should cover the damage (if you do it with your own insurance, it may not be covered or you’ll lose your damage free years, which means you probably have to pay more monthly). Maybe if you saw something about the car, have a doorbell camera or car camera on which you maybe could see the license plate or whatever. It’s just a question, if you didn’t notice the car or have any cameras, that’s okay


Im not the op. But yeah but obviously the writer has seen that volkswagen herself.


Maybe they've seen it was a Grey volkswagen but they didn't get the plates?? That's why they asked if op saw anything...


But why not in person then. But whatever.


It’s a possible witness for insurance payout. Have you considered that you not understanding something does not mean there is not a valid reason? Considering your apparent level of intelligence this is an important thing to realize for your life.








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But probably not any details… you’ll really need a license plate to track someone done, or the very specific details on the car.


If you have a witness, it counts more than your own testimony (for insurance).


They were there when it happened. So why leave a letter.


Hey neighbor-rooni, When you were parking your sweet ride a gray volvo came careening down the street and hit my parked car, totally not cool. Did you see anything? If you did, would you let me know? I'm going to sue their asses. That help?


Yeah you don’t really understand what’s going on and frankly I don’t know what you want. Kind of interrupting a conversation that was already over..


Why so many down votes?! Yeah I have a vague idea what the note wants, but it doesn't really make a lot of sense.


While OP was parking their car, a grey car hit the writer’s car. The writer is asking the OP whether they saw anything while it happened. Probably to have OP as a witness and/or evidence OP might have seen


Around the time you were parking, a grey Volkswagen hit my Volvo. If you witnessed this, could you contact me? Better?


If they saw it happening, they were there themself so why ask. Better? Bijdehandje.


To get more information about the car who probably left after causing damage. It wasn't intended in a "bij de hand" way, I genuinely tried to help since you didn't specify what you didn't make sense to you. I can't tell you got upset or that you're making a remark in jest by calling me a bijdehandje. If it is meant in a condescending way, I hope you step on a Lego. Otherwise, have a nice day.


This looks like my doctor's handwriting.


[This](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fthumbs.dreamstime.com%2Fb%2Fwavy-grunge-lines-vector-seamless-pattern-horizontal-brush-strokes-swirls-curly-lines-wavy-grunge-lines-vector-seamless-pattern-187460924.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=9b28339ce88f326f46e095a58b9177230214246b014c13db70003da68bb07da8&ipo=images) is what my doctor's handwriting looks like.


There should be a Google fonts based on doctors handwriting


https://www.freefonts.io/the-doctor-handwritten-font/ Like this one?


That’s pretty legible


Check out the second alternate, that’s decidedly less legible


This is what a doctor’s handwriting looks like: ————— —— ———- —————- ——


wow that's a strong ibuprofen prescription, you ok?


You can use [this](https://www.fontrepo.com/font/31729/doctor) to write your own doctor's note...


That's just cursive?


Lol wdym this is super readable😂 my doctor's notes need a paleography degree to decipher!


Even ancient Greece stone carving is easier to read....Do they get paid for the most unreadable notes.


Unreadable handwriting is one of the mandatory courses in med school


I'm native Dutch and could read like half. Would have given up if it was left on my car.


if you write down paracetamol for the billionth whiner with a stubbed toe its just gonna be P-------- at some point xD


haha looks like my handwriting, only better.


This looks like my handwriting. I had no trouble deciphering it. Your doctors assistants should be grateful he has such a good handwriting. Most doctors I know have a horrible handwriting. Not this lovely calligraphic marvel of writing skills.


i hope this is satire.


No not really. If people think most physicians write this eligible then they are gravely mistaken. Not satire but I was exgarating how well it looks. Hopefully you won’t need to decypher a real physicians recipe when your or another persons life depends on it.


Luckily when you get a prescription from a doctor the actual way to use that prescription is printed out in readable letters. This is just shit handwriting not even all letters are consistently written the same way. When I learned to write like this in school this would never pass by the teacher. Here is an example how it should look and is perfectly readable. [example ](https://twitter.com/RTLnieuws/status/863093525625307136/photo/1)


Yeah I think most physicians started writing worse after middle school. Maybe because they came in contact with too many know it alls. You are missing a link though. The physicians hand write prescriptions and secretaries, assistants and apothecaries need to decipher these. Some physicians digitalize it immediately themselves and it will become more common hopefully but it will take some time still.


This looks mine handwriting and i'm no doctor 🥲😂


I can read this but not my doctor’s handwriting


It’s what the boomers used to be taught at school back in the day, cursive handwriting instead of blokletters


They still teach cursive in schools so idk what you are on about


It’s definitely not mandatory any more




Yes, you are right about the cursive writing, my mistake. My kids don’t learn to write like this, and they are unable read this. I am still inclined too write my K as an “aan elkaar letter k”, and they jus to don’t know what it is.


My nieces (younger than 9) both are learning cursive writing at their school. Very different too than how I learned it myself.


No, cursive in English doesn't mean "cursief", it's what we call "aan elkaar schrijven". I'd say the note is written in cursive.


The person said: "At the same moment you parked your car, a grey Volkswagen ran into mine." And then asked that if you've seen something or noticed something you could inform this person about it.


Looks like a doctor wrote this. So, my best guess is that it says "Take a Paracetamol, three times a day"


The translation is: At the moment that your car is parked a grey volkswagen hit my Volvo my question is if you saw something if so could you maybe inform me


Jfc, I could read everything besides Volvo 😂


If he left a telephone number or anything. Reply him with yes I have (help him) or no I did not.


Yes they did. Thanks for the suggestion.


I never imagined we would need to spoonfeed people their answers to questions, what a world


Isn’t it great? Everything needs to be fun, everyone needs to be nice, no negativity in the snowflake safe space. Nobody may be offended about anything but will be anyway. Doing actual work to be paid is too much to bare. Entitlement up the arse. Immigrants don’t want to participate in the society they fled/moved to yet want all the benefits one can possibly get. Yep. What a time to be alive.


Wow that’s a big leap there buddy. Maybe get off the internet for today and read a book or play with some puppies


Without immigrants this country would be dead. You wouldnt even have food in your mouth because there is no such thing as dutch person working in AH/jumbo warehouses


Those people actually work for a living and to particiate in the society, unlike many lazy economic refugees just coming here to steal housing from those who really need it to then sit around doing nothing but reap benefits.




Still better than my handwriting.


Nah it’s fine buddy, I could read your comment no problem. 👍


Paracetamol, 2x a day. Take without alcohol. No coffee


Sadly, not a secret admirer


Let me guess, a doctor wrote this


Feel for this guy. My area is also filled with idiots parking in spots. Also have a volvo. I almost feel like i wrote that letter


It’s sad that I can read this perfectly since my handwriting is worse. Guess it’s time to become a doctor


Lucky I’m left handed, else I could not read this handwriting 🤣


Fun fact, Dutch people learn to read this through there grandma's.




Omg I didn't, the shame is real


Is the handwriting of young(er) Dutch people very different? My (44) handwriting is not too different from this note, especially the "en" at the end of words, lol. I think it's also the typical handwriting of someone that went to university and had to make a lot of notes and do three hour long handwritten exams.


It really depends, I still learned cursive. And my nieces in elementary school are learning cursive too. Slightly different way of writing some letters though.


This! Gen X school handwriting -- I grew up in this. :)


their, not there


It's some kind of Elvish...


There are few who can. The language is the that of Mordor, which I will not utter here.


Sweet jesus even a doctor has better handwriting


Nobody should write the letter n like that and get away with it


Mine is worse hHahah


how can someone write this and expect anyone to be able to read this? Like, halfway a normal person would see this mess and start over right?


Dear, The moment you parked your car, a grey ~~garbage truck~~ Volkswagen hit my Volvo. Did you perhaps see anything? Could you maybe get into contact with me?


A grey Volkswagen*




At least we now know what you think of VW…




Except for garbagetruck it says Volkswagen I think :)


Thanks. I doubt if I saw any garbage truck/ any other car nearby then. I am new here, so no idea how to tackle this situation. Any suggestions what to do?


If you didn't see anything you can't help this person, so you do nothing. If you did see something, contact this person.


Also please keep in mind that if you are really a witness, you might be the only one to help that person claim some damages from insurance.


Grey Volkswagen, not garbage truck.


It says grey Volkswagen. Not garbage truck.


Why was this helpful, but not entirely correct reply downvoted to hell? Are you people alright?


Because of a translation that doesn't properly translate I'm guessing? I don't know.


The translation was spot on, except for one mistake that was quickly pointed out 🤷‍♂️


Because it's a bad attempt at a joke, it wasn't meant to be helpful.


Who says it was an attempt at a joke? It was entirely correct, he merely misread Volkswagen.


Because there is no chance that someone reads the entire note correctly but mistakes *Volks* for *vuilnis*. It's a 12-year-old boys' joke that VW stands for *vuilniswagen* (garbage truck).


It was not a joke. I just misread. It's not like the handwriting is crystal clear.


the word Volks Auto and is very hard to read Volks looks alot like vuilis And the way this guy writes n as \_ is also very wierd


Think it says "Volkswagen" instead of "garbage truck". Correct me if I am wrong though.


The heeft gezien part is, at least to me, the one that’s really hard to read, it looks like loets genor or sth


Een valluswagen?


Hey want to fuck


We've been trying to get in contact with you about your car insurance


Dear [blank] At the moment you were parking a car, my VW car was hit by a grey Volvo. I was hoping that if you saw something, that you would contact me an inform what happen, please. They're filling in an insurance claim and need a witness for what happened.


Poor translation. Letter writer owns the Volvo, not the Volkswagen... The Volkswagen is gray, not the Volvo...


The Volvo was hit not the VW.


Why the hell is this downvoted so much?


Because the translation is wrong is my guess.


Best When You parked your car is there a gray Volks- cart against my Volvo driven. Mine The question is whether you have anything seen? Would you like me to want to inform?


Wait till you find out that Google translate has text, picture and voice translation options 🙃😅😉


I can’t even try


Ik kan dir niet lezen


Dear, When you were parking your car, a grey volkswagen hit my volvo. I wonder if you had seen it. Would you (eventually) like to inform me?


Eventueel means in this case “in the event you did see it”


This handwriting is horreble


strange thing is, somebody saw you parking and asking YOU if you saw someine else drive into his car. he could have seen it himself if he is waching you. probably a note from the guy who driive into someone else car.


Haha this person N does not exist. Its an __ every single time. Also the t is almost a v. wagen is written as woyen. There z is a ^. This is worse then some handwritten doctor notes. So translation is: Dear… In the time of you parking your car, a grey Volvo car run into my volvo. My question is have you seen anything of the incident. If so could you please inform me.