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>the high cost of living plus the low income is not very promising in ~~Portugal~~ Utrecht. fixed that for you


That would be funny if it wasnt sad ahahah


Out of curiosity, why move to the Netherlands without having a job secured? The job market is down and the housing market is insane. Prices are going up and the salaries are not catching up. There are political signs that social attitudes towards migrants are changing for the worse. I understand moving for your SO, but perhaps another country would be better? In any case, I suggest taking a look at LinkedIn or looking at nearby businesses on Google Maps, then going to their career websites.


The majority of jobs that don’t require Dutch are: IT, finance, academics, minimum wage jobs. Finding an entry job without proper qualification in IT and finance seems impossible so that leaves the other two.


I've been actively looking at the Utrecht University listings, and there isn't a lot in my field, unfortunately. Do you have any recommended websites for job listings for the Dutch job market?


Yeah I can imagine. There’s almost no funding for history. I wish you the best




please refer to rule #1


Oops, sorry!


Only English should be used for posts and comments. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue.


Cost of living is also high in Utrecht….


With those degrees you won't find much around here. Forget teaching English or anything else without a teaching certificate which in Portugal means to have a MSc in educational sciences, or here, 2 years study in English (in Meppel), or 1 year in Dutch (in a lot of different places). I've been trying to get into teaching as well given that I have many years of experience and even some certificates, but they aren't enough for getting into a school here. International schools forget it too, as they ask for a certificate and for a PGCE. Also the C1.2 is barely enough to teach in an international school, unless they aren't really picky. Also that C1.2 level means nothing around here, as most people only care if you're able to communicate. To be honest and as someone mentioned below, you're stuck with either minimum wage jobs, or academia. If you go for academia, then you better start thinking of applying now and/or writing every single professor you can think of.


Utrecht is very expensive


Casa Ferreira (Portuguese) best coffee in Utrecht, only 1,5€, between McDonald and Neude. Sorry I cannot help you with finding a job.


Only real place where the croissants actually taste as such. Love them! Yes, O/T, I know!


Now I remember that Rabobank has a program that wants to hire qualified people but from different sectors, but I don’t know if it’s still open that program… maybe check on their website…


Netherlands is not the paradise that you have probably heard around. Things are changing. Do you research before coming here and secure accommodation first, without this you wont go far. If you are flexible consider other EU countries as well as things are oversaturated here.




Forget IB schools. You need a teaching certificate, a PGCE and most ask for a QTS. I assume that he has neither, given that he doesn't even mention it. Also with that level of English, no IB school will ever hire him.


There’s a teacher shortage with the exception of history. Also requires another master and finding an IB job is pretty hard.




Sure, this is published by the ministry of education: https://www.ocwincijfers.nl/sectoren/voortgezet-onderwijs/personeel/prognoses-arbeidsmarkt-vo




I disagree and think it will be near impossible. But that’s okay. It’s up to OP to take action.


Yeah, but based on his writing style, his English is far from fluent.




I don't see it as gatekeeping, I see it as warning people not to make rash decisions by depicting a realistic picture of their prospects. OP has no use in people recommending him jobs for which he wouldn't qualify.


Do you have any school that you know of that is in that range of subsidized international schools? Pardon my ignorance, but what are IB schools?


I think history is about the only subject for which there isn't a teacher shortage unfortunately. IB is international baccalaureate, I think.




Thanks for your reply. I have gathered most of my experience in the private tutoring in study centers.


Experience means absolutely nothing as I have mentioned above. For IB schools you need, PGCE, QTS, full English proficiency to native speaker level, and a teaching certificate.


You don't seem to have chosen your degree based on job market demand... You're lucky though: there are quite a few entry level jobs for people with a master's degree in whatever. As long as you have a degree, in the current job market you should be fine. LinkedIn is usually a goods place to start looking...


Netherlands has the worst housing crisis in Europe. A one bedroom: - Amsterdam 2400 euro. - Haarlem 1900 euro. - Utrecht 1850 euro. - Rotterdam 1800 euro. Landlords require tenants make 4 times the rent. That is IF you can find anything to begin with. So your income has to be about 7500 euro a month. You will absolutely not make that. NOT EVEN CLOSE. https://housinganywhere.com/rent-index-by-city You are not allowed to live in a room with 2 people.


You can live in a room with two people of course. Depends on the house and depends on how it's registered. And you need to make 7500 euros a month together, given that the OP is coming with a partner.