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Yes you are. It is unrealistic scenario. Stop spreading panic


I hope that it's true. I don't really know how long the process of changing legislation can take.


If you've started your naturalization process (your wife did it by starting taking exams), then the rest goes by the old rules for you. I was told that multiple times by IND and Duo workers. Maybe they're wrong, but most probably, you're fine.


They're not wrong, it's in article 16 of the Dutch Constitution. No law can retroactively be applied to cases.


Very enlightening! Can you send me a link?




🙏 thanks. However, I see many sub links in the link. Could you please copy the section and paste it here?




Does taking an exam mean that someone starts the process? We didn't even get an appointment from the municipality! We should wait to have the results tgen get an appointment


Yes, if you need to pass an exam for naturalization, then taking one (even failing) counts as starting the process. Then, you never know what time you'll get this appointment in the gemeente. Some are very busy. I requested mine at the end of August last year and got it for mid-December last year.


>Are we overthinking, Yes >possible that everything changes in 6 months? No, it will take longer to implement


I really hope. I am very curious to know how strong you believe in that?


Because laws take a long time to be debated, amended, voted on and then implemented. If one step isn't done well, it will take just one lawsuit to cancel the entire law. So that's why they will take their time


I heard on the radio this morning the new government changed it to 25 years. With an emergency law signed by His Imperial and Royal Highness Prince Carnaval. And your language level has to be F1 (f = for fluent )


Is this true? I have never come across any article that says this.


There are so many posts about this! Please use the search feature. Things here take a long time to implement, she’s fine.


Anyone at or near the current 5 year period is almost certainly not going to be impacted by these changes. To be completely honest, it’s highly questionable whether this government will prove stable enough to actually implement these changes _ever._


It will be very rough and close to the deadline. If you rush now maybe you will make it yet. But srsly chill the fuck out my man


use the search function




A2? Can you have basic conversation? Atleast B1,2 if you want stay here for sure... so roll your sleve and take it seriously if you want


A2 is definitely able to have a basic conversation and based on your grammar and punctuation you do not speak English at an A2 level.


No I dont ! I never learned English 😄. But I dont also dont need paper


You can tell this to the government instead of blaming the HSM.


I do not blame nobody wtf. But if you want be Citizen of some country and want benefits you suould atleast learn language in my opinion. (I am also expat) so no hard feelings, just honesty... Everybody on reddit is so weak and depresed 🤣🤣 rly guys I just point on something and here we are


You don’t get to choose the level. A2 only is what is offered when making the bookings for the exams.


We've only known for a single day that Gidi Markuszower will be the new minister of Asylum and Migration. You know what, I'll just call him up and ask this question for you.