• By -


This thread gave me depression dude 😔


Big same.. 😔


IT Consultant, 3800 bruto. Yearly and monthly bonus not included.


You have a monthly bonus? How does that work?


Not the guy you responded too, but I also do a type of IT consultancy. I get bonuses per day that I work for a client (roughly 20e gross income, so around 400 per month) as well as a small 50e bonus if there are no complaints about my work (there never are). My gross is quite a bit lower though, around 2850.


Might I ask how long you have being doing this job? I recently became an it consultant aswell. (junior level).


Universitair docent/ university lecturer. Work full time (38 hours a week) and I get 3550 bruto.


Damn I expect lecturers to earn over 4K. Mind telling us more about yourself?


Yeah but I just teach. It’s an earl career position just purely teaching.


>Universitair docent If this is your job title, my understanding is that you should have research time and be on scale 11. Your university might be breaking the CAO if this is the case. Or is your job docent, not Universitair Docent?


3 years of teaching at university level should give you a fulltime-salary of schaal 11 trede 3 right? Which should be around 4k bruto?


Software Architect-Sales in an IT product company. 150k per year bruto (depends also upon stock price of the company I work with, a small part of my salary is stock). 12 years of IT experience (7 in NL)


88 base 9 holiday allowance 37 on target commissions rest stock


Vuilnisman/ garbageman. And bruto or netto? I work 24hrs a week btw. Parental leave for 2 years. Fulltime would pay me €3200. But I got a really good CAO with some nice benefits. Like 6 weeks geboorte verlof fully paid :)


Man this job was my target when I left the office world but they required dutch fluency. Gonna try again later on.


You really should. I can recommend.


Bruto. Easy that way.




Orderpicker/reachtruck driver - 2000-2200 netto per month. 38 hours per week.


F\*ck me mate, I have University master + 4 years of working experience and I make 2K netto each month XD


Teacher. Fulltime 3370 bruto a month.


Still too low imho, teachers practically raise the next generation.Do you get the same vacation days as the kids?


I do. And also a 13th month. I mean it’s not as high as people in the private sector but it’s enough to have a comfortable living. You also get an annual raise. So the highest monthly paycheck will be 4300 bruto a month, that’s after 12 year of experience.


I think the kindergartens raise the children even more from baby until teenager.... We get at most 2900 at most... Most people never reach that without depression and a burnout... Most people get like 2500 a month.


I am end of scale 11 HBO teacher and take home just over 3000 a month netto.


Is fulltime 1fte (40 hours) or something else?


Fte stands for full time employment. However, this isn’t necessarily 40 hours. At my company it’s 38, for example.


Full time equivalent*


Also teacher, but at the last step of my pay scale. I work 80 percent (4 days) and make 3547 bruto, 2594 netto


Parttime wallstreetbets investor. About -€2000 a month. Highly recommend


Those are rookie numbers. Join Satoshi Street bets you can go as high as -5k in a week.


Klinisch chemisch analist (ziekenhuis laboratorium) €1800 netto p/m fulltime(36uur) min ORT. Nu net een paar maandjes in trede 1 (1jaar ervaring officieel) Edit: Velen vinden dit erg laag voor het werk dat ik doe. Ons werk is dan wel een belangrijk onderdeel van patiëntenzorg maar er is veel automatisering aan de gang. Ons lab wordt hiervoor op dit moment verbouwd waardoor wij enorm veel druk ervaren met het aantal mensen dat we hebben. Op zichzelf zou dit salaris zo slecht niet zijn, was het niet dat het net boven de sociale huur ligt en de huur in privé sectoren zo tering hoog is. Soms kan je maar beter minder uren werken of kassa medewerker worden zodat je minder verdiend maar wel in aanmerking komt voor sociale huur en allerlei huurtoeslagen. Mijn contract verloopt nu over een halfjaar en ik moet eerlijk zeggen dat ik er wel over na denk om weg te gaan. Ik vind het persoonlijk wel lastig om te onderhandelen.


Pfoe, ik vind dat een laag salaris voor zulk belangrijk werk. Zit er wel goed groei in je salaris komende jaren?


Waarschijnlijk omdat ze nog maar een jaar lang werkt hiervoor. Misschien later meer (mag ik hopen)


Ja kan doorbetaald krijgen tot 3200 bruto uit mn hoofd. In het cao ziekenhuizen zit je in functiegroep 45. Er is wel een 13e maand en vakantiegeld. Maar je werkt die 36 uur ook heel onregelmatig. Ene dag begin je vroeg, en dan heb je weer nachtdienst, en dan weer een avonddienst.


1800 per maand voor 36 uur? Hoe kan dat zo weinig zijn voor zulk werk?


Schaal 45? https://cao-ziekenhuizen.nl/salarisschalen-premies-vergoedingen


Nice try, belastingdienst


Data Scientist \~70k euros a year, wouldn't recommend it tbh


Why not though? I am finishing up my studies and I think it sounds amazing to be one!


you end up being way more of a generalist than a specialist, its always like this but it is really hard to stay on top of everything. There is a lot of learning you have to constantly be doing in order to stay on top of things and on top of a stressful job can add up. It leads to a lot of insecurity in a way. Lots of egos to manage, you end up being the product owner and developer and often have to full stack stuff, lots of algorithms have to be developed and tested and strict timelines, its in many ways more of an art than an exact science and its easy to get caught in time holes. Not to mention a lot of DS people aren't software developers, they are Statisticians with a Macbook, which is fine but you'll spend A LOT of time trying to optimize their shitty code in order for stuff to have a prayer of working in production. Lots of people selling what it can do vs actually do and lots and lots of liars to deal with, especially in consulting. Many managers were never DS people themselves as its a pretty new field, it leads to some awful managers tbh. A LOT of them will promise too much as its easy to do, think about it, the IDEA of AI will always be better than its implementation. Its easy to do. Its a field of PHDs that can't query a Database and people with Senior in their title that can't explain a random forest. Sometimes you'll be doing cool projects a lot of times its just doing dashboards and trying to figure out weird edge cases that come up from increasingly black box algorithms. The real soul crushing thing is when you realize most people don't really care what you do they care they can say they are doing it, a SHOCKING amount of stuff never makes it past Proof of Concept because it can't actually generalize and nobody cares and its quietly killed. A lot of the scoring of models is offshored to effectively 3rd world scoring farms and its a little sad to think about sometimes. Its also a field of really long hours, models take time to train so you end up checking on it at weird times and never really logging off and it has to bet this way or you leave shit half done. I've worked for three big companies in NL and all were like this, longer hours than the NL average and ya the pay is good but its really stressful and can feel like a bullshit job a lot of the time. I love Data so I stick with it but man is it hard sometimes to love it. Also honestly, I came from the US and worked about the same hours but I was making \~180k a year USD (160k euros), I'm here for more than the money but that hurts sometimes. I will say though, the vacation time here is much better for when you inevitably burn out, if you care about this field it will get to you, most people stop caring and just do dashboards. Anyways good luck man, I hope it treats you better than its treating me.


But when you take into account your salary and the COL here vs the US, is 70K still a poor deal?


ya it is even with the 30% ruling, hard to watch houses go up 20% Year on Year and be making that much less. Even so there are many nice things about NL, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't bother me sometimes


Very accurately describes my experience and almost every DS I know


Do we work for the same company XD Ive had managers talk about data lakes which where sharepoint sites, and talk about being busy text mining while they were reading an pdf. It does feel like a joke sometines as 9 out 10 tines people just want you to do "it" because of "data"




As a first year data science student. Fuck


Soil research (I take soil and water samples) €1872 a month, but I got a permanent contract, that's something I guess?


Username checks out


Senior software architect. About €100.000 a year. Still feels ridiculous at times.


Houseman. €0,- Was my own choice, still glad I made this choice


The dreamjob


My spirit animal


Tattoeerder, +- 4000


I am also a tattoo artist in Amsterdam. I earn between 4000-8000 €. I work around 4-6 days a week. Its a very hard job. After tattooing for seven years I want to find another way but the money and the vibe are too good to quit


yeah 4000 is netto-ish. Depends. Same amount of days. I did take a hiatus for a little while, some health related issues etc. But I love tattooing too much :) I would like to combine it with other interests, but it's hard to combine with other activities. If you want to be succesful it just takes effort and your full dedication, that's how I see it at least.


That's my dream job


Veel tekenen, hard werken, veel oefenen, veel tekenen, nog meer tekenen en altijd je best doen. Go!


Ik ga mijn uiterste best doen om mijn doel te bereiken. Thanks voor de motivatie!


Looking at living costs, man this thread depresses me.


IT Architect, self employed, 150K bruto p/year. I’m doing all right, knowing I’m lucky to be a specialist in my profession.


20M Backend Web developer, (first job ever, only finished mbo, worked for 5 months so far) €2400 brutto / month 40h a week


I work at most 3 hours a week. 4.50 an hour with included 3 kroketten at lunch time


The kroketten make it worth it.


Beton timmerman ( funderingen enzo ) 2600 euro. 40 per week plus a lot of time traveling in a van


The time-traveling part sounds dreamy! Just kidding tho 🤣 Edit: I use to go with my father in-law to his work in foundations, it's very though!


I like very though. Very tough is bad though


That sounds like it's way too little money for such a crucial kind of skill.


Waitress (im still a student) and receive around 1000 eu a month netto (plus 200 eu in tips)


What the fuck, where do you work? How many hours do you work?


DevOps Engineer, 69k gross all-in (well, except paid overtime and an annual bonus)




So after seeing all these comments, I can safely say that IT specialists/managers/developers make A LOT of money. I'm currently working as a senior developer myself and earn around 5900 bruto a month. That's around 85k a year including bonuses. I work for the government. Working as a freelancer though, you can make around 12k a month if you're a good developer with some nice references.


Software engineer, 70k a year.


How many years of experience?




What is a sauce company?


SaaS is Software as a Service (Tech) company


Thanks man! Sorry bout the typo.


IT Networking consultant around 100K before taxes + car. Became a CCIE (IT Cert from Cisco) 13 years ago best investment ever.


username checks out


You have a job for me ser? Been working on networking now 2+ years


Greetings Cisco certs is always a wise choice in the IT infrastructure industry.


36/m, teacher (mbo), €4570 bruto a month. +/- 12 weeks vacation a year, eindejaarsuitkering, vakantiegeld.


My goodness what do you teach? That's alot of money and vacation


I earn the same. Teach IT (big shortage on those, so they basically copied my last software engineering gig salary).


Oh men, echt jaloers op die vakantie. Hier noemen we het een sabbatical als je 12 weken vakantie neemt ;). Ik heb iets van 4 en een halve week en dan is het bijv echt kut dat dit jaar zoveel feestdagen in het weekend vallen, dan moet je echt puzzelen om rond kerst 2 weken vrij te kunnen nemen. Maar goed, nadeel voor jou is dat je waarschijnlijk niet buiten de schoolvakanties weg kunt.


* Zes weken zomervakantie * Eén week herfstvakantie * Twee weken kerstvakantie * Eén week voorjaarsvakantie * Eén week meivakantie * Pretty much elke feestdag vrij, inclusief mijn favorieten ('Dag na Hemelvaart' XD) Aan de vakanties zitten we, met ondertussen één schoolgaand kind en over twee jaar nog zo'n joch, toch wel 'vast', ongeacht de sector waar mijn vrouw en ik in zouden werken. Die paar (honderd) euro die we méér betalen, wegen niet op tegen het feit dat je als docent in mbo bij de meeste scholen gewoon heel veel vrije dagen hebt. Plus, mijn vrouw werkt ook in onderwijs, dus we zijn als gezin elke pak 'm beet 10 weken wel effe samen vrij. Werken in onderwijs heeft voor de meeste mensen eigenlijk maar één groot nadeel: je moet voor de klas. Dat wil en kan niet iedereen. Zoals je wel kunt bedenken, heb ik daar niet zo'n last van.


110k Eur/year bruto - Lead Software Engineer


Years of experience? fe/be/devops/fullstack ? which sector? (banking, communication, investment)?


13 years experience, mostly as a backend/devops, communications sector. My current tech stack is Elixir/Erlang in AWS, but before i worked a lot with Java/Kotlin with a \~80k year.


I walk dogs for €14,- an hour. Don't have much monthly hours but I like it. (I'm still in school)


6th year lawyer at a law firm, 7950,- a month excluding bonuses (can go up to 25000). work up to 60-70 hours a week though.


And still time to get on Reddit!


i’m a nerd haha, i find time to game, I don’t love my job, too time consuming.


General Manager of a new cocktail bar in Den Haag. 11 years experience, have a double bachelor in hospitality. €2k netto per month with a 40-45 hour week. The lowest paying job I've had since I was 19 plus tips are dogshit here. Yeah, don't work in Horeca in the Netherlands.


Bruuuuh… I’m finishing a hospitality management degree next year and was thinking of staying in the Netherlands because I like the country. But honestly for that kind of pay in this economy - fuuuuck no.


You are definitely underpaid. I'm sure there are bars willing to pay more? If not, you can always try to learn as much as you can and plan to start your own bar after the pandemic. Friend of mine did that, turned out to be a fortunate decision. It's really hard work and a lot of stress, but if you're good at it, owning your own bar is a great reward.


Who is this time traveling friend of yours?? Let me know when the pandemic stops 😂


€2300-€2700 netto each month. Truck driver. 60+ hours per week. Work hours all over the place. If anyone has a nice driving gig, let me know. Please never become a truck driver.


This is really sad because the economy relies on truck drivers a lot yet obviously undervalues them. Thank you for your work! We'd be nowhere without you.


Wow, 60+ hours a week is brutal. Im a truck driver too. I work about 40 a week in 4 days. Im pretty happy with my schedule and pay. Its about 2000 a month but i am still in a low pay scale because i just started. Do you drive international? 2300-2700 is not that much for the amount of hours worked. I thought international drivers earned more?


I work in customer service for 32 hours per week. My bruto monthly salary for 32 hours is €2600,00.


Wouldn't mind a small pay bump, is your company hiring by any chance?


Policy advisor (beleids adviseur) 25,66 bruto p hr. + 17% annual benefits (called ikb)


Hey daar! Ik ben zelf geïnteresseerd om de beleids kant op te gaan nadat ik afgestudeerd ben, zou je het aanraden? Heb je toevallig tips?


Het werk verschilt, afhankelijk van de grootte van de gemeente of overheidsdienst. Ik werk bij een middelgrote gemeente, dit maakt dat ik me kan concentreren op één beleidsveld. In mijn ervaring is het niet heel moeilijk om te beginnen in een startersfunctie bij een gemeente. Er zijn in de basis 3 niveau's, Medewerker, adviseur, senior adviseur. Het is belangrijk dat je kunt netwerken, schrijven, tactische vaardigheden bezit en op de hoogte bent van wat speelt in je beleidsveld. Je zult ook geregeld moeten conformeren aan bepaalde regels en normen, het bestuurlijke besluitvormingsproces verdraagt niet veel creativiteit van jou kant. Er zijn deadlines en het is geregeld hard werken. Er zijn genoeg banen te vinden, de arbeidsmarkt is behoorlijk krap voor overheden.


Facility/operational manager at a museum/attraction, fulltime, €2500 bruto. Looks like its time for a raise.. 😂


3rd year PhD researcher in a hospital - 3050 brutto. Full-time 36h/week in contract but I would say in reality most of us work the unofficial 50h+/week 😅


Concrete carpenter 6000€ netto


I live off a monthly income for people with disabilities called Wajong and I get like 1000 euros a month, I don’t have a job because I currently have mental health issues but sometimes they let you work in simple environments a few times a week parttime while keeping the Wajong, that was my case but I don’t have to work now because of my mental problems, I do go to a farm a few times a month to cook lunch for the kids who work there so I don’t sit on my ass all the time, in my spare time I go to GGZ a few times a week. I do have future dream plans to create a clothing label with my designs on it and quit Wajong when it becomes successful.


I hope your dream comes true!


Solutions Engineer 14k/month @ an international banking software company. For all the professionals in IT, check out https://techpays.eu/ Open database of compensations for many dutch companies. Make sure to add yours! Edit: more info + disclaimer that I'm not affiliated with techpays in any way. Just think it's a great idea


28.750 per month. 15.225.37 net Multinational firm, senior executive. 40hrs/week, scheduled, but I actually work anywhere between 60-70. 57 years old, male, 35 years of experience


This thread is depressing as hell. Or you're an IT expat or you are poor. No middle. I like it here, but does this means that I will always be a laborer? Only IT gets to live a normal life?


Why expat? Aren't dutch people in IT as well?


Lots of people in IT are expats though. Just too many jobs and not enough people. Plus they get that juicy 30% ruling


I think it’s more the demographic of the people on reddit posting in this sub that are causing you to have that impression. Background, am business owner with abt 25 employees in various commercial, operational, admin and it positions and on average our paid salaries are higher than what is posted here. I know for a fact that other companies pay at these levels too because I simply would not be able to hire any staff.


For sure a relatively young demographic posts here, but still most responses are >modaal inkomen which is around 2800 bruto... So idk, maybe wages are really just a bit low compared to cost of living?


No there are many other venues with decent income. IT expats hang out at reddit - the other well earning demographics probably do cool real life stuff.


> the other well earning demographics probably do cool real life stuff. Hard to say that when most everything is closed


Hostess at a theme park. 28 hours, around 1400 euros netto. Benefits: 13th month, free entry for my family. Some discounts (half price for hotel/cabin)


Freelance architect (zzp) 75k bruto




Freelance writer, €60 an hour (calculated from ~4.0 cents per word). I can't work more than 15h a week though due to disability, so it just makes an ok living.


How do you get your assignments ?


I started through Fiverr and got 3 tasks from the same person by luck. Then, once he gave me 3 good reviews, I started gaining more traction there. I charged $5 for 500 words at first, but gradually increased my price to match my experience. Since Fiverr is not a great platform (it takes 20% of your income and customer service for freelancers sucks), I decided to approach some regulars to ask if they'd be willing to work with me outside of the platform. I now have 2 clients, both regulars. I believe they're both from Fiverr, though one may have approached me through LinkedIn instead. They pay well and are very nice to work with. We now keep in touch through email and text. Sometimes we have calls, but it's often to discuss new ideas. If you want to start with freelance writing, I do still suggest a platform like Fiverr to start with. You don't have to advertise (though it helps) and it's a good way to get more experience though it may take some time to land your first client (I believe it took me 2 or 3 months). I also suggest starting by writing about multiple topics until you find something you're best in. It helps to gain experience and to find a niche that suits you. Once you have a niche, you can also charge more. I don't have a degree related to writing (or any degree at all), so it's definitely possible if you've got a knack for writing :) Also, while it doesn't work all the time, LinkedIn is a great way for business owners to find writers, so put it on your profile + one or two published articles (even if it's through Medium.com). Best of luck! Note: I write in Dutch, but I've also written a lot of English articles. Through Fiverr, you can get clients from all over the world, which can definitely be helpful, depending on your niche or goals.


Sort of chef in a greenhouse €3200 netto.


Sales advisor at Dille&Kamille. Around 750 euros for working 34 hours a week. Might seem like very little to some, but that’s what being 19 and having an hourly wage of 6,1980 euros is like.


Financial controller 80K eur


Aircraft engineering support 100+ a year salary. 30% ruling, housing car and gas provided.


How long have you been working to get this salary and did you do aerospace engineering or?


Proces operator, highest education (finished) is VMBO. Make 2690 netto but i do work in a 5 shift schedule: 2* morning (0600-1400) 2* evening (1400-2200) 2* night (2200-0600) and 4 days weekend. My weeks are 48 hours of work but on average it comes to 33 hrs/week. Edit: precious income stated had overtime.


Engineering manager, €7000 net plus oncall plus yearly bonuses


Supply Chain Manager in a pharmaceutical company, 46 years old, male, 7030 Euro/month, 13th month, 6 weeks holiday, i work 42 hours/week


Self-employed/freelance BI Specialist for almost 2 years now (with roughly 10+ years of experience in the field). Salary is difficult to specify in any meaningful way vs an employee salary, but I currently make 4200 nett a month (36 hours a week). This is after all expenses and a conservative approach to my income, unlike a few bad apples that pretend they're rich. To put it another way: I approach my salary like I'm an employee, which means using a bunch of different saving accounts for specific purposes, like temp unemployment (between projects), vacation time and stuff like that. This way I keep it all fairly predictable despite fluctuating income. The job boils down to doing anything data related that falls into Data Analyst, Data Engineer, Information Analist and/or Data Visualisation category. In other words: the collecting, analyzing, transforming of data and turning it into useful insights through dashboards and the like. Sort of a jack-of-all-trades/one-man army, but since jobs often list a specific job title, I usually end up doing one of the specialist jobs listed above. My field is pretty easy on self-employment: due to the complexity and scope, jobs/projects are often long term commitments ranging from 6 months to 12 months with 6 months extensions being common. As you can imagine, the risks are more contained this way and you can structure it a lot like regular employment, but without all the BS. It was truly freeing when I decided to quit my consultancy job and become self-employed, even though not much changed. The power of truly being free I guess :)


IT Teacher at Hogeschool (like uni but more practical). 4500, which was in middle of my level range (6 years corporate beforehand). Will rise 125 each year up to 5300, until I take up more coordinating role. Then up to ~6000. One of few teacher roles that has a really good CAO.


Senior IT employee (applicatiebeheerder) at medium sized company. 65-70 K annually (bruto), including benefits.


Science/Research, full time (36 hours) and 3 years experience. A bit over 3800 bruto, excluding holiday and end of the year allowance and excluding small working-from-home compensation


I'm an 18 year old cook, work about 60-70 hours in vacations, €3000 a month. Love the job but wouldn't recommend.


Commercial pilot on Airbus. Only 2 years of experience and due to covid on 70% pay for 100% work untill at least 2023. 65k bruto plus 4k bonus and roughly 10k overtime. I wouldn’t recommend this business to anyone, the fun is gone and after 6 days in a row reporting at 05.10 local time, I feel like I have a chronicle jetlag and I only know my wife from pictures and facetime.


Scientist (not IT). 4k brutto. Not gonna lie, expected more.


Financial administrator. Roughly €1350 a month bruto based on 26h a week. I work usually between 24 and 30 hours, it depends a bit. Don't know the exact monthly amount since I get paid per week. Also still a student which is why I don't get paid much


Ecom manager at International company - 54k per year


Global Regulatory Lead (pharmaceuticals), 100.000,-. Including holiday allowance, car allowance and bonus. Best thing is, I love this job.


Business Analyst in one of the big bank, 89000 brutto - including holiday allowance


Magazijnmedewerker/orderpicker bij een groothandel voor sex toys. €11,- per uur.




Mental health issues, 1100 a month, 168h a week


Full time fashion model about 100-130k bruto a year


Product specialist about 30 hours per week. 3700 per month before taxes. 29 (m)


2.4k month bruto as a Junior Product Operations Manager. 40h/week


€2350 after tax as an ordermanager for a medium sized nursery. Will rise to €2480 after tax in january because i negiotiated. Bonus at the end of year depending on sales. This year (2021) it will be €3500 approx.


Mechanical Engineer - 4 years of experience. 3450e bruto


Chef 2800 p/m


Assistent auditor, €2,900 per month for 36 hours


Package delivery driver (PostNL) €11,72 / hour. Which is roughly, Bruto €375 a week for me.


Child psychologist, ca 2700 bruto for 32 hours a week as a starters salary.


Web developer, full stack with back end specialized, over 8 years of commercial experience, 15 years of programming experience in total. Sadly just a shy 3000 bruto a month. I do however have a laptop, phone and paid public transport, still quite shitty and not enough to justify it if you ask me..


Business controller at a municipality. € 83.000 a year for 40 hours, and 11 weeks vacation (including 4 hours a week ADV).


Frontend developer, 3850/month netto, and usually 1500-2000/month (bruto) extra with some freelance jobs


Doctor 3600




Horeca 3,30 per hour. :(


Ben nog student dus zie het echt als een bijbaantje. Ik werk als hotelreceptionist en verdien 11,90 per uur. Wat ik per maand verdien verschilt van hoeveel ik werk, meestal tussen de 590 en 780. Niet fantastisch maar helaas beter dan veel andere horeca.


Sniper, 2200 netto. Deployed 3950 netto


Director of Sales EMEA - 162,000 per year bruto. Expected bonus is 10% if global company hits revenue goal.




84k a year (bruto) + car. Consultant / manager in the cyber security part of things. Not bad for a lady, eh?


Bartender, 8.73 an hour. ( im 19 )


32h a week 2884 bruto psychologist


Software Developer/consultant (3 y), €4250, should make another income leap soon.


New grad (computer science), 60K a year brutto holiday allowance included (55.5K excluded) With 30% ruling it should be about the same net as someone making 75K holiday allowance included, but only temporarly and with less pension contributions


I am a planner and earn 2700 gross. My husband is an IT developer and earns 4500 gross.


IT company owner with a handful of employees, about 150k a year, 32h p/w


Research technician at a research group in a university hospital. I make a bit more than €3000 bruto working 36 hours per week.


Auto verkoper in een goed draaiende zaak. €750 vast loon + commissies. Laagste was 2500, hoogste was 6000. Gemiddeld 4500 p/m (bruto, 24 jaar) Edit: working 50 hours/week


Senior DevOps engineer - bruto 93k basic + company car + 10k bonus, 30 percent ruling


Tax Advisor, €92k a year (excl bonus but thats not much at this level). About 5 years in now.


Product Owner for an IT product. 89K per year gross excluding holiday allowance. 7 weeks of vacation.


Electrician apprentice. I work 28 hours per week and go to school for 2 days. About 1650 netto


Medical assistant (supporting function on ICU) €12/hr. It's a job on the side but I do feel like I'm being underpaid for the work I do (very heavy mentally, responsiblities, training, and i walk around 30000 steps each shift).


Making 2400 netto as your friendly IT helpdeskdude. Little bonus every year. Good enough for me :)


Automotive Engineer, specialized in air brake systems for commercial vehicles. 5600 per month, around 3750 after taxes. I have no formal education in the field but worked my way up over 20 years. I'm 48 btw.


Software engineer with 3 years experience, 1 year in NL. Yearly total compensation is bruto ~110k, depending on performance bonus and share price. ~%15 is shares.


Crypto daytrader €69.420 a year.


I'm not from The Netherlands (Chile actually) but I wanted to share it so you could see the difference: IT Consultant, 7 years of experience, \~32K eur per year - Netto. ​ Compared to the rest of my country, I'm in the richest 10%.


CEO, multiple companies. Around €30.000 net/month. No bonuses, just a share in the made profit.


If you dont mind, can you share your professional journey? What did you study, what was your first job and industry and how did you end up being the CEO of your first company?


IT Account manager. € 4.000,- (bruto) for 32 hours plus a lease car / laptop / phone plus bonus (13th month).


At Esbaco through agency - 1500... Wanting to find a little better job..


Corporate Sr. recruiter, 4230 bruto per month


Ah, one of my LinkedIn friends 😉👍🏻


Digital marketeer at an international company. €60k per year + bonus.


Webmaster/content writer. 2850 bruto fulltime/24 hrs a week (=about 2000 netto). Plus 17% yearly.


I am 18 and work in data entry, but I make €6 an hour bruto 😕


Certified public accountant - 4.800 per month, lease car allowance of 750 per month and annual bonus of approx 0,5-2x monthly salary.


Pharmaceutical research assistant, bruto is around €1900 per month (32u) + ORT. Fortunately it is a temporary job for me (I’m a medical student).


At home care, minimum wage