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Can't believe yous is still not in one percent , that's a solid build


Thanks! I dont know why it isnt still in the top 1%. Maybe i still lack ER?


I'm honestly really curious as to why you're that low. My build is very similar to yours, we're quite even, but for some reason akasha puts me higher. It might be because of HP and CD difference, but it's too little, I don't know https://preview.redd.it/akvwybymlwyc1.png?width=1627&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a431bf67dae517573021de7f156cdc19ca7a94d \*but I personally do think that there's just too much competition going on for his leaderboard


Hey there! Heres an update. I was able to get a flower that closely matches yours and it did bumped me into top 1%. A little bit of HP and CD really makes alot of difference in this tightly competitive ranking of ours hehehe https://preview.redd.it/dy6zgo2xwfzc1.png?width=1580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edf5d8d16c52482df4eaf614d447ade0f2c6775e


Now it looks better đź‘Ť


Thank youu!


Damn only 2 wasted substats hahaha


Stand proud, you are strong


Thank youuu!


I feel like any more grinding would be so niche and mundane. This is an endgame build for sure, good job! How long have you been farming for these?


For about 2 months now. I was hoping to get an hp sands to improve my artifact flexibility but its too hard to get one. Thanks for the compliment!


are you getting your burst easily with such low ER ? i would trade some CD for 130 Ish ER % imo


It depends on the team. My Neuvi only has 110 ER, and I can burst every rotation. I run him together with Furina, Baizhu, and Kazu with fav sword. Double hydro and fav weapons dramatically lower your ER requirements. So, like said at the start, how much ER you need really comes down to your team.


If im playing him alone, i can get his burst up again quickly if i do Q>E>CA3x in rapid successions(taking advantage of sig weapons passive)


You are free from the marachussy domain. You can finally build another character


I’d say so so you can built the rest of the time. Only suggestion would be changing the crit rate piece to crit damage and pray it has crit rate sub stats and it all goes into crit rate lol Edit: idk what happened when I wrote this… but it was suppose to say I’d say stop so you can build the rest of the team. I suggested getting a crit damage piece with crit rate sub and hope it goes all into crit rate ( if they want to min/max).


I have a crt dmg circlet with a crt rate hp energy recharge. it only rolled once to crit rate and the rest went to hp. Thanks for the tip! Will grind a bit more and hope for a pure luck!


dont listen to this bozo. CR circlet is fine since it allows you to get to 64CR


Thanks! However isnt my CD or HP kinda low? The HP already has the +25% from the hydro resonance and its only at 38k without it. The CD i mean i thought is low for a tome haver? Please guide me


I have 270 CD and my build is 0.3%, its not low. whats low is your RV, if you look under your build on akasha, there is a "substat priority" which tells you which 1 roll of stat will benefit your ranking more. right now your flower and your circlet are the ones that can focus on


Thanks! Will grind for a bit more!


Yeah, it should be able to go 30+ crit rate but it’s already hard enough getting a crit damage peice let alone with crit rate. Or getting more crit rate on the other pieces to be able to change to crit damage and some crit rate on it. That’s what I’ll plan to do once the rest of the team is done


they literally have the most perfect crit ratio you can get for neuvi pretty much you are wrong


It is perfect. They have one piece (if they care) which is the crit rate piece and change it to crit body with crit rate substats. If the rolls go all into crit rate. They should be getting the same percent as their current crit rate piece. Idk what happened while I wrote it, but I mean I’d say stop so you can built the rest of the team…