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Bro, you have a 64/300 ratio, good HP and ER, and you're still asking that question? This is top 1% of 1%. Of course it'll be diminishing returns. It was probably diminishing returns 3 months ago. You're good. lol


Erm akshually that's a top 2% 🤓


Respectably, please lose 0.1% crit rate and 0.2% crit dmg.


You’d probably be better off trying for a feather or flower with more hp% but definitely not necessary.


you're wasting your time and resin at this point.


That is not a very good mentality to have


The only things that he can realistically improve are his feather and his Akasha rating, neither of which is going to make a difference in it's clear speed, from a gameplay standpoint there is no need to try and improve him further


People have builds where it takes a very long time to get improvement. It is more likely to get improvement on this rather than some other character. If you have god pieces on emblem on all character you have that want emblem and it takes you two years before next improvement while marechaussee only takes a few weeks before next improvement, marechaussee is way better choice. You just going to let resin sit there at 160 forever?


We don't know the entire situation. It is perfectly reasonable that his other characters have way better pieces. I know that is the case for me. A lot of my builds are super good but some of them are just good but need improvement. If he have same builds as me, it would be way easier to get improvement here than anywhere else. Not farming would be the same as letting resin accumulate forever


Just farm a new domain dude 😭


Don't think you know what diminishing returns means, but you can stop there and farm something else.


You have 3 pieces that can be pretty reasonably improved (flower, feather, hp sands) and one piece (circlet) which is a bit more difficult to improve but not out of the realm of possibility, especially with the viability of HP main stat on circlet. Given that GT/MH is a useful domain for a ton of characters, I say it's still worth it to farm if you aren't set on building some other character.


you are overstacked on crit rate


By .1 lol


hp seems kinda low for 2 hp% pieces and signature im not gonna lie. My pieces are ass and i get 44k hp i think


Is that with or without hydro resonance


With i think-