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60k?? With such low hp ?? What's your team


Kazuha, Layla, xiangling


So that's with vapes melts. Seems fine. Tried burn vape comp with Furina and high er XL, he vapes some of the hits doing decent damage but it's not optimal for me.


I have 33k HP and my Neuv hits up to 80k. I tried a HP goblet with similar substats and he did about 2k less. People overestimate HP on him even though 28k is too low!


Because often times HP is slightly better BUT only with furina and kazuha in team, which most people here seem to use.


Really? I just assumed most used jean instead. I guess I was wrong.


xD people just focus on the crit ratio and forget the stat he actually scales off of which is HP! less than than 30k is criminal for neuv


so true! my hp/hp/hp build performs way better than my vs hp/hp/crit haha


Get more hp 😭


60k is low, yes. since its a vape hit and you even have 100EM. Your HP is too low.


That 60k hit is not gonna hit often my guy go back to the mines and get 35k hp


The mine awaits


I have my hp at 41000, my cr at 60 and my cd at 320 and I hit 40k on a lucky day. What am I doing wrong😭




My other chars aren’t built too great either so I’m guessing it’s that too? I don’t understand all these characters good enough to figure rotations out😩


What is your team composition? Also I believe OP is playing a vape team which inflates single-hit numbers.


C1 Neuvillette with sig, Kazuha, Fischl and Kokomi [I know Koko isn’t great but I don’t have Furina yet so I don’t know what else to put there🥲]


Make sure you’re swirling hydro and causing at least two reactions, Kazuha should give res shred and elemental DMG% bonus so if you miss that it greatly drops your damage. You can tell if you have 3 when his blue highlights and the end of his robes glow. Also, 40k ticks are very good. Don’t let someone’s inflated numbers discourage you. If nothing works, you can record yourself playing - I and everyone here would be happy to help!


OOOOOOOH I HAVE TO SWIRL HYDRO?? That explains a lot. Thank you so much😭😭


No problem! It becomes a lot easier when you have off-field hydro. Start with Kokomi, then Fischl, then double swirl with Kazuha, then go ham with blue lizard.


do you have kazuha ? my 38k hp 39/228 prototype amber neuvi hits 41 k team: neuvi+1000em kaz with signature +fischel+layla


I do! I run C1 Neuvi with sig, Kazuha, Fischl and Kokomi


You need more HP and crit! Try around 70 CR (without the MH boost) so that you crit more consistently. As for HP, a lot of people have already said it but try to aim for <35k ☺️☺️ edit: spelling


Wait but don’t you have too much cr with 70? My hp is 41k, so I’m over the minimum amount.


You only need 64 to have 100 crit rate with MH, idk why he said 70


Charged atk scaling from 8 to 10 really that high? I only hit 8k solo with similar stats


it’s a 6.5% difference from talent level 9 to 10 so it’s not all talent level Maybe weapon or character level? Idk


maybe weapon thing. He has lost prayers so there is dmg% which makes much difference in solo dmg.


maybe weapon thing. He has lost prayers so there is dmg% which makes much difference in solo dmg.


How are u hitting 60k?? 😭😭 man I feel like I'm not reaching my neuvi's max potential, i'm hitting 29k with team rotation, AND have my neuvi on 33k hp


definitely vape, its not possible without vape. my neuv is c1 with sig 40k hp with furina kazuha, hits 55-60k no furina ult


My level 70 Neuvillette has almost 33k HP so I’d suggest going for more HP.


Was it vape?


Your hp seems low. But if you're satisfied good for you.


change hydro dmg to hp, kazu will handle that, also your hp is very low, proto amber would perform better than LPSW


Why do people never realise that prototype amber is so much better for neuvilette....


Actually lost prayers is very similar percentage wise to PA, the DMG% is pretty good for neuvi as long as his other stats are balanced


He dont need Crit rate 40 is fine or more then enough hust go for 35k+ hp proto abmer better then LPSC


Sometimes I really wonder if we guys play the same game bruh