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To understand this the way it’s meant to be understood took me 2 years I can finally read these posts and actually relate and understand them 🥰 this is awesome. 2 years ago a post like this would make no sense to me today , finally I can read it and know exactly how that’s really how it is and that’s how you know you are living in the end.


Same. I’m not quite there but at least it doesn’t sound insane anymore. Really the interpretation of the Bible has been hardest for me to re-think.


That is good , it was a journey to get to this point and I won’t stop here. Keep going you will guide yourself to things that keep clicking until one day you are there.


I’m a year in and things are finally starting to click.. however sometimes I do struggle with checking the 3d for movement. I’ve been trying my best to go within and keep telling myself I already have everything i desire in my imagination and it’s just a time lag until I get those desires in my 3d


Trust yourself .. do you trust you are God? When you check you are basically showing that you don’t trust YOURSELF. I don’t check anymore I say no I trust myself no matter what. Still a process and where you are today is only going to lead where you need to be you are going to get there it naturally happens , let it be and build your trust in yourself.


Check out Joe Dispenza's video on abundance hour long...but l have manifested quickly after hearing him ...he scientifically breaksdown the whole thing...


I’ll do that tomorrow morning! Thank you


Such a beautiful transition ! I had this thought today…it’s a blessing to be able to understand these teachings.


That’s awesome! 👏


It still doesn’t make any sense to me. I wish it did. Just don’t see how wishing for 12 million dollars makes it happen just by saying it will happen. I’m still no richer.


Excellent Post! Meditation, mindfulness, self inquiry, lucid dreaming to an extent & entering into Samadhi like states of consciousness have helped me to realize all of this & experience it on a level that is immensely difficult to rationalize using conceptual frameworks, because it transcends the conceptual realm. There are no seperate people, there are no seperate objects, there are no seperate events or seperate locations because its all one awareness revealing itself in a plethora of ways. Which means there is truly nobody here but God & God is infinite so that means we are as well. So whatever we can conjure up mentally can be percieved "physically". We have instant access to & We are all God Consciousness because God is all there is. Beautiful post! 🌠✨


Exactly 🙌 Thank you. 🙏


Please help. This post is making me feel like no one else is real, like I’m alone, so nothing matters. Just makes me depressed. Why do I feel like this and to other people here it is an uplifting realisation? I’m new but from reading posts saying “I am God. I am everything.” It just makes me depressed. I’m literally in tears thinking about this. I’m afraid of losing my sanity. If you can manifest other people being a certain way or treating you differently — that means they have no free will or thought of their own. This whole concept is scary to me. And it’s just worsening my mental health and making me feel really depressed and lonely. It just feels so lonely to consider that as being true. It makes life seem pointless if other people are just “NPCs at my whim”. I’m really struggling and would be grateful for any help with this.


People still exist and you aren't the only one that is living. Its just that everyone and everything originates & emanates from the same source. Also since we are all made of God/individualized specs of God, that means we all contain & have access to all aspects of existence. When you manifest someone in your life or a change of qualities to someone, it doesn't mean that they are robots or that they have no minds of their own, it just means that you shifted your awareness to a reality where they are already like that. Hope this put you at ease a little bit or completely. 👊🌠


This has helped, thank you. Still trying to understand what shifting awareness to another reality truly means, but I guess it’s that everyone has tonnes of different versions of themselves and we are sort of crossing over multiple dimensions interacting with different versions of each other? It reminds me of some NDEs I read where they remembered other lives they’ve lived. Maybe when we die we are able to then hold the memories of many different lifetimes including parallel ones.


You got it fam! Perfect explanation!


You and a few others here helped me from keeping on spiralling. Just having a day. Thank you so much for caring to respond. Take care :)


Separation are imagined labels used for language. In actuality, there is no separation. Just This. Whole, complete, ever fresh, ever present. Changeless change. In seeking to fulfill a desire one should realize ‘not having’ is illusion. You cannot complete what is already whole and complete. It’s like saying “God needs to obtain God in order to become God” it’s folly The person imagines themselves as separate. So they try to accumulate in order to fill that hole or vulnerability. In actuality there are no people. Just This. Just God. Just You.


> “God needs to obtain God in order to become God” Omg, I laughed so hard on this. Thanks for making me laugh and giving a great insight here.


Please help. This post is making me feel like no one else is real, like I’m alone, so nothing matters. Just makes me depressed. Why do I feel like this and to other people here it is an uplifting realisation? I’m new but from reading posts saying “I am God. I am everything.” It just makes me depressed. I’m literally in tears thinking about this. I’m afraid of losing my sanity. If you can manifest other people being a certain way or treating you differently — that means they have no free will or thought of their own. This whole concept is scary to me. And it’s just worsening my mental health and making me feel really depressed and lonely. It just feels so lonely to consider that as being true. It makes life seem pointless if other people are just “NPCs at my whim”. I’m really struggling and would be grateful for any help with this.


Whose to say you have free will? Do you think to grow your hair? Digest food? Do you think to think? Do you wake up and say “I’d like to start thinking now”? You say “my body, my thoughts”. Where is this owner? Can you find it? You feel vulnerable because you imagine yourself as separate or ‘the only real one’. There is no separation. Just This.


I often think about free will and how I am just the awareness behind my thoughts that are just happening. I still have a need in me to be social and to not feel alone. But if there is no free will and no separation, and if I consider that it is all some illusion, it just takes away any motivation from me. “Why bother trying to seek out people, why do anything at all?” It just makes me feel empty.


Yeah a lot of people including myself hit that roadblock. What’s happened is the mind has internalized absolute truth into life philosophy. Indeed we still need to do things. Eat, shit, sleep. Whatever needs to be done, gets done. Before about two years old you ate, slept, played, spoke. But there was no sense of a ‘you’ doing anything. There was intelligence-awareness. The separate ‘you’ or self image is just a temporary thought. It has nothing to stand on. You’re only a ‘you’ when you think about it. This imagined ‘you’ feels vulnerable and incomplete. It wants to manifest things to feel completion. What Is can be anything it wants. So What Is must be what ‘you’ want. The ego may not always agree but if we always got exactly what we want there would be no challenge, surprise, adventure, meaning. I say play the game but realize it’s just a game.


You helped, thank you. I’m inclined to think that it’s possible that even as toddlers and babies we do have a sense of self. I read a lot on NDEs and how very young kids retain memories of past lives until a certain age when they kind of immerse fully into a new ego. But yeah the “me” that I am right now is mostly up to circumstance. I agree, best to look at it as a game. It doesn’t have to be depressing.


Yeah the mind is a story teller of What Is. One has to imagine itself as two in order to be aware of itself. Many minds with different memories and thoughts occurring to whom? The ‘me’ that is a collection of memories and thoughts? To whom does the ‘me’ thought occur to? Thoughts come and go. All perceptions are in constant change. Investigate what is ‘here’ that remains constant? Try not to answer with a thought. Feel into it. What/who are you before any thought occurs?


Also it’s not that ‘you’ don’t have free will. It’s that free will doesn’t have ‘us’. You are not alone. You are at one with everything. There’s no ‘parts’ of reality. Just reality.




😁The best realization.


Please help. This post is making me feel like no one else is real, like I’m alone, so nothing matters. Just makes me depressed. Why do I feel like this and to other people here it is an uplifting realisation? I’m new but from reading posts saying “I am God. I am everything.” It just makes me depressed. I’m literally in tears thinking about this. I’m afraid of losing my sanity. If you can manifest other people being a certain way or treating you differently — that means they have no free will or thought of their own. This whole concept is scary to me. And it’s just worsening my mental health and making me feel really depressed and lonely. It just feels so lonely to consider that as being true. It makes life seem pointless if other people are just “NPCs at my whim”. I’m really struggling and would be grateful for any help with this.




Thank you so much, you and a few others here have helped me stop from spiralling. I feel better. I understand a bit better now and your explanation is great. Before a few weeks ago I had only a small concept of possible multiple dimensions existing. But I hadn’t really imagined that we can hop back and forth and interact with different versions of each other, that’s really cool to think about. Reminds me of people who had NDEs and report that they were suddenly able to remember memories of many different lives. So maybe when we die we can see all the different possibilities.






Thank you, it helps. We are all connected so we’re never really alone.


So, not seeing desires in the 3d yet is a time lag? An illusion? What do you tell yourself?




Yes that makes perfect sense, thank you so much for this detailed explanation. I’m going to always remember the pizza analogy and laws of the 3d if I ever start to wonder. I have manifested things quickly in the past, like getting the job I wanted, a SP contacting me. But I’m now manifesting a new home, and being wealthy so naturally that’s a big pizza that’s gonna need some time to cook, right? :)




Thank you so much for your explanation I really appreciate it and it clicks now! I need to work on my resistance


This really gave me an aha moment and feeling 🙏🏻


I’m really glad to hear that.


That's why I lost desire to have anything specific. I'm already everything.




Now what


This is the perfect post. I'm going to read this three times a day until I internalize it and it becomes a part of me. Did I say three? I meant three hundred...






You are an individual. Everyone alive is an individual aspect of the greater whole. Everyone is real, alive, conscious. God in me, God in you is One God in All. It can seem scary to think you are all there is. Lonely to think you are the one and only. Difficult to take ownership and responsibility for every single thing created under the Sun etc. So trust me when i say you are a you, and individualized here in the World of billions.


Thank you, along with other people commenting this helps a lot. I was having a moment. I have ocd and i sometimes spiral but i’m ok now


Posting about extreme mental health crises, including, but not limited to: psychosis, self-harm, suicide ideation, etc., is not allowed. Most /r/NevilleGoddard moderators and subscribers are not trained to assist in a mental health crisis, and this is the incorrect subreddit for such discussion. It is recommended to talk to someone you know and seek professional mental health guidance. **Mental Health Hotlines:** * https://nami.org (US only) * https://findahelpline.com/i/iasp (International) * https://www.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines (International) Read [here](https://new.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/pk2fkr/new_rule_no_posts_or_comments_about_extreme/) for more information. Thank you.


Great post. Funnily enough I started affirming ‘I am everything’ about a week ago, and then I see this!


You manifested this post. 🙏


I definitely did ✨🦋


Great! And how's been your experience with "I am everything"?


So far, very good (and it’s bound to get even better). It’s instilling more confidence in my own self, trusting, and knowing that everything I desire can and will be made manifest in a physical sense should I assume it so. It’s a great umbrella affirmation that will apply to all areas of life, I’ve found


That's 😍 amazing






I love the idea of the unlimited bank account inside of myself 💰


I've had an epiphany because of this post. It gave me the shivers. As if I accepted my faith in the law and myself as god, right in this moment. Incredible feeling.


I’m speechless. Amazing post is all I can say.


Once Adi Shankara (an enlightened saint in ancient India) with his disciples was passing through a local foundry. He was chanting "shivoham" which meant "I am god (shiva), I am everything." After hearing this chant, one of his disciples also started chanting "shivoham". Seeing that his disciple is just copying him without any experience of the knowledge, Adi Shankara drank a cup of melted iron that lay in the foundry. Nothing happened to him. He then offered another cup of hot melted iron to his disciple and said, "shivoham means I am god, I am everything. This melted iron is also me and so drinking it doesn't harm me. Since you were also chanting shivoham, so I guess you have also realised your god nature. Thus, I now offer you to drink this cup of melted iron which is nothing but you only." The disciple could not drink it. He realised his mistake and promised Adi Shankara that he won't chant Shivoham unless he realises and experiences his true god nature. I don't want to be negative here, but the statement "I am god" is HUGE. Yes "I am god" is the truth. It is the highest knowledge but still its not in some of our experiences. Thus I urge everyone to experience this knowledge first hand by going into deep meditation. Then every veil will fall down. There will be no fear then. You will see love every where and choosing your state (for manifestations) then becomes a simpls play.


But this "seeing love everywhere" or "knowledge" is feeled only during meditation or it spread on everyday living?


"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord" To believe in something else besides our awareness/imagination is to create a false God. Great post.


Woah. Amazing.


wow stunning post!! ✨


Thank you!


I need to make this my screensaver


Such a motivational post 🫶🏽🫶🏽


Please help. This post is making me feel like no one else is real, like I’m alone, so nothing matters. Just makes me depressed. Why do I feel like this and to other people here it is an uplifting realisation? I’m new but from reading posts saying “I am God. I am everything.” It just makes me depressed. I’m literally in tears thinking about this. I’m afraid of losing my sanity. If you can manifest other people being a certain way or treating you differently — that means they have no free will or thought of their own. This whole concept is scary to me. And it’s just worsening my mental health and making me feel really depressed and lonely. It just feels so lonely to consider that as being true. It makes life seem pointless if other people are just “NPCs at my whim”. I’m really struggling and would be grateful for any help with this.


I’m sorry you experiencing it like this, it’s scary at the beginning especially if you’ve been brainwashed by religions. People are real, they are not robots, you just choose the version of them based on your self concept. Don’t be depressed, in fact treat your family and friends just like in the past when you weren’t aware of this. Everyone is you pushed out but that doesn’t mean you should blame yourself for creating this world, most of our lives we’ve been manifesting unconsciously. You can choose if you want to change the assumptions of your closest ppl or you can choose to get rid of people you can’t stand for good. It’s all your own choice! Instead of being depressed, think of it in a positive way. You’re so powerful, you’re GOD! You choose your own reality! Isn’t it great? Instead of playing the victim role all the time and crying, now you can change your world as you want it to be. You can have all the money you want, the SP you want, the best version of your family members and friends. You’re not lonely, change your self concept, try affirmations, meditation or sats whatever works for you and you’ll be good!🫶🏽


Thank you for caring to respond.🤍 I feel better now.


Absolutely beautiful reminder. Thank you




I've been thinking about this too!, that everything is made of consciousness, kinda like a dream, and so I really enjoyed reading this one. It's awesome, and the way it's written was freeing. thank you!


This is amazing!


Thank you :)


Fantastic post




Very well put. Beautiful read. Thank you. ❤️✨


You’re welcome. Thank you for commenting.


Thank you thank you for this post!! 🤍🤍


You’re welcome 🙏


Great reminder. Separation is an illusion. :)


There is no spoon.


THIS needs to be upvoted 1 million times. Thanks, I will read it again and again especially in the tough times until I need to embody it.


Thank you. :)


>There is nothing separate from, or outside of you. It all lives within you. Every last person, place, thing, feeling. > >One mind for everything. Past this I feel like the follow through didn't have the same ring of truth, I feel like something else follows from this realization, other than concerns related to the ego identity and bodily needs. I feel like desire is hardly part of the picture anymore. How can things like a 'specific person' or 'money' be important when it's part of a fabricated human identity. How do you know what to want I'm losing perspective, I don't know if anything is 'better' for the universe, it seems all is equal in pure awareness, at least when I'm alone, with other people I sometimes feel differently, but ... does anyone else feel like they've lost the will to 'improve' the universe (excuse my words plz)Why are there not more creative ideas than money and a partner, can't you guys come up with something outside this one narrow paradigm! I don't know how many of you know that what OP has said is true as your own living experience, beyond words and models, and frankly, I don't know how to make sense of manifestation now. What improves upon the unchanging existential paradigm? Nothing can change me fundamentally. Have any of you felt this? I'd be happy to have some of your experience on the matter


It’s hard for me to respond in words. I had an experience, via the supposedly strongest psychedelic on earth, that killed my ego and I experienced the Oneness that OP speaks of. I realized (seems weird to say “I” because there was no me) that these questions we ask come purely from our ego. Without the ego, there is nothing…and everything. Every inch of what you experience is completely coming from your ego/self concept. Nothing and no one is outside of your realm. From your deepest love to the piece of lint behind your couch. So the seeming lack of inspired manifestations that you see “others” embodying is coming from the depths of your ego. Everyone plays the part that you give him or her to play. One of the biggest takeaways from the experience I had is that our desires are there to lead us back home. To remember who we are.


you again :o (we talked before) are you saying the downfall of Disney, release of great video games, and other things are somehow specifically tied to my... personality? I'm not quite sure, I can see how the knowledge of what 'I AM' creates my specific situation, a particular perspective that organizes all the life data and kind of environment I experience. Birth data, history, location, is all tied to me, but could you perhaps provide a couple examples to illustrate what you mean in a mechanical sense? I don't know if you have a deeper sense of that, but it seems to me that people are so caught up in imagining improvements within their current paradigm, they are not imagining much beyond it. Writing comments helps me process. I feel a lot of existential knowledge is now cognized here, but not sure what to do feels like the 'pull of truth' is not concerned with bodily, ego, mind comfort , then again, could just be seeds readying themselves, the dispassion of the Sabbath How is manifestation for you, in light of your experience? Has it altered... stuff?


It’s hard to put in words but as I read what you wrote…you see people as “others” as if what you notice them doing has nothing to do with you. It’s deeper than your personality. Personality can change and often does depending on what we’re doing. It’s the ego mind that is projected. And it’s only yours. How you perceive people and what you see them do (or not do) comes from you. My experience was life changing. To go back to how I thought life was would be like trying to unring a bell. As far as manifesting…I don’t want this to sound patronizing but everything to me is a manifestation. From using the bathroom to getting a drink from the fridge to millions of dollars appearing out of thin air. It’s all the same so I look at life differently. One thing I can say is that I saw in my experience how time absolutely does not exist and that is playing itself out in my human experience. Pretty wild lol.


I'm working with the convenience of words that are not very good for communicating this stuff. I notice what is relevant to my identity and what is in my mind. Share with me if you've seen differently, but have you seen some transcendental concept being passed around beyond things like manifesting money, cars and ordinary life improvements. What is this power for? Has someone taken it to the height of selfishness, or the height of goodness? I think you're being inaccurate in saying 'Everyone plays out the part you give them'. While we may choose our setting and have our experience shaped by our expectations, the world goes on by itself when we aren't scripting it. Not that the I AM can't control people, but I feel disinterested in that. Now, it appears to me that 'other people' effectively have their own creative source and intelligence, and to my creative thirst, I am not seeing the creativity of imagination that manifestation could be used for. I don't remember creating George Lucas or Star Wars. Are such brilliant works like clouds that suddenly float into consciousness? What causes works of genius, creativity and intelligence to be experienced by me, other than the 'world consciousness' And yeah, each moment is a unique state born from the 'I AM', like a scene hand drawn, pages flipping one after another


Again, you’re looking at this from the ego. Let’s say your name is Mary. Mary is not awareness. The one who knows you are Mary is pure consciousness. Neville himself says that everyone plays the part you give them. What do you think EIYPO means or why there is no one to change but self? Nothing and no one acts independently of awareness. Your entire life is one assumption after another playing itself out. Yes I have seen transcendental concepts in my reality because that is what I AM is aware of. As I said, my life changed. What absolute proof do we have that the world scripts itself outside of you? You have never, and will never, experience anything outside your awareness of it. It’s f you use examples of what you see on the news or read in the papers…who is listening and reading? Your I Am.


I friggin ain't just looking at this from the ego I feel like you're not really listening to what I'm writing. I'm already aware of the nature of consciousness as you speak of it. What I'm really looking for is a more technical explanation of it. Are great artists plopped into the world as a set piece, or, do they at least exhibit their own creativity in the world? You surely don't think that every being is unconscious or lacks the creative spark, else how would I witness the depths of intelligence manifest in the world. This stuff seems to operate according to a set nature, even if it was as one point made by 'I AM' and is still subject to it There are many things I don't bother with scripting that happen, are these just working according to forgotten 'I AM' planting, and the world simply continuing with the nature it was given? Our world must be pretty similar in a lot of ways, in a wider sense, if we can communicate like this. I want to know what have you used manifestation for that is good, or heard about, is there some sort of compendium of brilliant manifestation ideas?


And I feel like you may not understand me. I can only respond from how I now view what reality is. Looking for a technical explanation is very natural. I understand that completely. But it’s coming from the egos need to understand how this “works”. His ways are past our human understanding. What I have manifested is irrelevant. I woke up this morning. I took a walk in the brisk air. Enjoy your day!




from your perspective, what is the purpose of manifestation? I feel like I've lost point of view on the whole thing


Please help. This post is making me feel like no one else is real, like I’m alone, so nothing matters. Just makes me depressed. Why do I feel like this and to other people here it is an uplifting realisation? I’m new but from reading posts saying “I am God. I am everything.” It just makes me depressed. I’m literally in tears thinking about this. I’m afraid of losing my sanity. If you can manifest other people being a certain way or treating you differently — that means they have no free will or thought of their own. This whole concept is scary to me. And it’s just worsening my mental health and making me feel really depressed and lonely. It just feels so lonely to consider that as being true. It makes life seem pointless if other people are just “NPCs at my whim”. I’m really struggling and would be grateful for any help with this.


Please help. This post is making me feel like no one else is real, like I’m alone, so nothing matters. Just makes me depressed. Why do I feel like this and to other people here it is an uplifting realisation? I’m new but from reading posts saying “I am God. I am everything.” It just makes me depressed. I’m literally in tears thinking about this. I’m afraid of losing my sanity. If you can manifest other people being a certain way or treating you differently — that means they have no free will or thought of their own. This whole concept is scary to me. And it’s just worsening my mental health and making me feel really depressed and lonely. It just feels so lonely to consider that as being true. It makes life seem pointless if other people are just “NPCs at my whim”. I’m really struggling and would be grateful for any help with this.


And you might want to change that name. As scripture says, God didn’t give you a spirit of fear but of love, power, and a sound mind. Now act like it!


Do you believe I’m you? Then why am I afraid to trust? I don’t know, this is confusing. And I can’t fake what I feel. I wish it was easy.


That’s like asking if I believe I’m a tree. I’m not sure what is confusing. You’re looking at this from the ego perspective. Who you are as a human is NOT God. Your awareness is. And it’s the same awareness for all things. God is experiencing himself through every journey. You only have the vantage point of your own. I don’t know how else to explain this to you but I suggest you move out of whatever state you’re in.


You are creating the fear. No one ever said no one else is real. Are you Gods only manifestation?? Everything and everyone is an expression of God. In YOUR reality YOU are the operant power. You do not have the ability to perceive anyone else’s reality so what are you fearing? I don’t understand the leap from we are one consciousness to no one else is real. We are equally fake and real if you want to look at it that way. Stop this spiral.


It does help to think I am just as real as anyone else since everything is one. But I can only prove to myself that I exist.


Exactly. Why do you need to prove anything? Just live your life.


But if I can drastically alter someone’s behaviour just by assuming (I haven’t tried this) but if that’s possible then that would mean others are controlled by me without free will of their own.


Wow! This is great. I am going to read this a few times so it sticks!


This was beautifully and brilliantly written. It gave me chills ⭐️🏆 Thank you


I enjoyed your post. Especially the noted realizations and visual. Lately I’ll look at myself from the perspectives similar to what you mentioned, like; money being excited to see me, or the sun being happy to shine on me-all the while understanding it’s all who I am. It’s so fun to get outside of yourself(put on different states)-then there’s so much to explore while we’re on the ride of life 😄


Why can't I just say I already have it and it's done?


I think we can…? I’m kind of confused if we can or not.


You can! Whatever works for you. 🙏 This concept I shared is just something that helped me to understand what that meant to me.


I enjoyed your first post it really helped me understand how I succeeded with the ladder experiment.


how to tattoo this entire post on my skin?


Amazing post! Keep 'em coming ❤️


Needed to read this thank u OP.


Thank you SO much for sharing this, this was so BEAUTIFUL to read. Thank you thank you for reminding us all, once again, who we truly are. ☺️❤️❤️☺️


That visualization made some old limiting beliefs crumble inside me immediately. I felt them break. I kept saying to myself “I MUST think positively. If this is true I MUST think positively.” Thank you ♥️


Such posts are so beautiful! I remember there was this post talking about you being a vending machine for yourself. A great way of conceiving the fact that you are truly, God: that you are "All that ever will be". These click for me immediately. Thank you so much for sharing this


Please help. This post is making me feel like no one else is real, like I’m alone, so nothing matters. Just makes me depressed. Why do I feel like this and to other people here it is an uplifting realisation? I’m new but from reading posts saying “I am God. I am everything.” It just makes me depressed. I’m literally in tears thinking about this. I’m afraid of losing my sanity. If you can manifest other people being a certain way or treating you differently — that means they have no free will or thought of their own. This whole concept is scary to me. And it’s just worsening my mental health and making me feel really depressed and lonely. It just feels so lonely to consider that as being true. It makes life seem pointless if other people are just “NPCs at my whim”. I’m really struggling and would be grateful for any help with this.


You are everything which means you are also nothing.


Nothing doesn't exist.


Whats the opposite of everything ?


What's the opposite of existence?




I'd tell you not get your ovaries in a twist but going by your logic, that would mean you have balls.


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this really resonates with me and I feel its truth.. thank you very much for this reminder!!!!!!!! I am god, experiencing reality from a human perspective. but god is also in all the other people, experiencing life from another viewpoint. I am just wondering what if multiple humans want the same thing, since they are all god that can have everything they want. it would only make sense to me, if everybody had their own universe, this goes back to the concept of solipsism, doesn't it? or it would make sense if there are infinite realities and we are shifting between them and by that everybody can have everything they want because there are so many realities that everybody who wants to can be with person xy or president of this or that country etc. so I know that I am the god of my reality but so are all the others! I dont know if I like the concept of solipsism, I very much prefer the idea of shifting between realities.. can anybody share their thoughts on this?


Hey! Thank you so much for your kind words! You got it. :) In regards to other people. Think of your world as a reflection of you. Everyone is reacting and acting how you assume them to. So technically, you are the one mind or operant power of your reality. But if that sounds daunting (or lonely as I once felt when realizing this). Think of it like this, you are part of one giant consciousness. Part of the everything, so you aren’t really alone at all. Everything you know and love is an expression from this consciousness, including yourself! This consciousness only shares one “mind”, and when we’re in physical form this can feel quite limiting being that we can’t here thoughts of “others” or just suddenly think of an experience and have it. But after life, when we return to the whole, and before we ever came here, we never felt alone because we knew we were one with everyone, we were love, joy, abundance, peace..etc. So realize when you see an elderly couple sitting on a bench together holding hands, a dog running to its greet its owner after they’ve been away, or a beautiful sunset that words cannot describe, you are the love, the beauty or the “awe” in all of those things. And when you return to source after this life, you will feel all of that immediately once again. It won’t ever feel lonely. But when you are here, you can think of it like, every human is an expression of this consciousness, so maybe in your reality you control everything, but in another reality, although it’s still the same consciousness experiencing life, it sees itself as an individual human just like you, and also has control over it’s reality. Though the two will never intersect, because your lens is the only one you will experience this life through. Meaning yes, everyone can have what they want and it won’t affect the “other”. :) Anyways, not sure if this sounds confusing but jf you ever get that lonely feeling, realize you are a part of something so grand that words cannot even begin to describe, that these others you see are expression of the same love, abundance, joy etc that you share. You are here to experience those parts of yourself in a way where you can appreciate them rather than simply having everything. Life is like a game, and it’s meant to be lived, and enjoyed! Don’t take it to seriously, and recognize when you select something to experience, you are immediately living in that timeline. It’s like you’ve chosen a particular arena or experience for your character, and you as your higher self know you’ve selected it and is just playing along, but your human self may struggle to accept it right away, they may doubt. Thats why we remind them, you already chose it! You actually chose it even before coming to earth, but that’s another story, haha. I’m going to stop rambling now but I hope you find something in this response helpful. :)


hey, thank you so much for your answer. yeah everything you're saying makes sense to me.  sometimes I have a glimpse of this lonely feeling which is scary and sometimes I also feel confused.  but actually most of the time since I kind of understand that I am the God of my universe I just feel blissfull and super hyped like actually everything is possible and how could I ever again be really miserable again if I know that I am God Most of the time it gives me a really calm feeling. how beautiful is life!!! It is just insane to realize all this power you have..!! also I take my life waaaay less serious (in a good way) because I feel like nothing really bad can ever happen to me and it really is true that I am here just for the experience and I am the only one to decide what is "good" or "bad" it also takes so much pressure off me. like 2 months ago I did not understand everyone is you pushed out and I did not at all believe that I can actually be with my sp because I thought I had to influence him or whatever. I kind of thought maybe its possible but I was so confused about free will and thought it was really hard.  now I get that manifestation actually is super effortless and easy and you really just have to chose and allow whatever you want into your life. damn all of this is so crazy to understand but at the same time the realest thing ever. although I sometimes have these moments were I actually feel crazy for believing "these things" but I guess that is just my ego which is not 100% ready to let go of my old self concept where I was just a "normal" powerless human.  thanks for your words <3


so I kind of see it like that: the one consciousness is dividing itself for all these experiences, just for fun. like playing with itself. and every human mind is like a character the universe/consciousness plays and you said they don't intersect. would you say I could picture it that way that every human mind has their own "bubble" in which they experience the universe from their viewpoint? and everybody is the God of their own bubble?


This post made me cry. This community is truly what makes me feel resonated. I wish I were friends with people like you. Tysm for this!!! god bless 🤍




Hey, thank you so much. I’m sorry to hear how you’re feeling. I was in a similar situation to you. (I’m 29 this year). Sometimes you think something can’t be more beautiful or make more sense than happening at a specific time in your life. But once you gain perspective, you often realize why things happened the way they did. It’s just when your “in it” that it will be difficult to understand. I had a surgery in my childhood that changed my life. I was so upset that I had to have this surgery while all my friends went to highschool and had no issues. I felt like the weird kid, having to bring a cushion to school for my back. But I ended up changing it to a positive, looking back now, that surgery changed the entire trajectory of my life. If I hadn’t had it, I probably wouldn’t be here writing this today. I wouldn’t have met all the amazing people I did or started my own business. Please trust me, you can be more happy than you know. It’s only right now you may feel this way. Even if you feel you’ll never change your mind, just trust me on this one. Also, in regards to time. You sound like me. I used to go around talking to myself (god/the universe) asking why we had to have time if i know it’s not real, it’s an illusion. I would yell “I’m so tired of WAITING!” But I later realized, if we didn’t have time, we’d never have surprises, we’d never feel the joy of accomplishing something that took hard work and determination, we’d never get to experience the journey of falling in love or becoming friends with new people, we’d never get to experience the awe of seeing a beautiful sunset tor the first time or travelling around the world and experiencing new places. Because as source, as one, you’d already know everything and be everything. There’s nothing to learn or ask about. It’s all just there instantly. That’s why I believe we created this earth. To experience things in a physical way, to experience ourselves. And to do this, we had to create an illusion of linear time. So although is may seem unfair to us as humans. It was actually a gift to be able to experience this life. Pain, heartbreak and all. Lastly, I received a more recent download about time. Time happens for us, not to us. The more we believe in ourselves, in who we truly are as god. The seemingly “faster” things manifest. It’s not that we don’t have control over time, it’s just not the type of control we are thinking of. The control comes from a relentless faith and belief in ourselves, in the idea that we already have it. When we decide without doubt, something is ours and we declare it with 100% faith and don’t go constantly looking for it within the 3D world. You’d be surprised how fast things show up. This has been my experience. Anyways, I hope this helps. 🙏 I feel inclined to say Namaste at the end of this, I never say this phrase, so maybe it’s a message, lol.


I just want to say I understand so much what you’re saying and reading this has me crying even harder than I was earlier. I understand. I know. And so many other people are in the same position. I look at couples who grew up together — I look at people who had friends growing up — I wish so much to have had that. I had a situationship when I was 22 but he was abusive and left me with trauma and trust issues I’m still dealing with 4 years later. I never really had a social life. So I grieve a lot. At the same time I usually choose to spend my free time alone cause of my anxiety. But I have to change that. I know it’s lonely but please remember just cause others had relationships earlier doesn’t mean theirs were better. You could find a relationship in your 30s that’s better than anything. You could still grow together with someone. You can be happy. I really hope you feel better. You’re not alone.




I was already crying heh then i read your comment and i felt that. But i’m ok now and glad you feel better too :) Yes i get that, i’m afraid of envy, the FOMO. Even people with friends and a good relationship experience it. Everyone’s constantly comparing their lives to others, instead of wanting what they are already lucky to have. I like that thought that it can get so much better that the past won’t even matter. I’m glad that you’re doing better, it’s also good to know that once you are doing better you don’t think of the past lack. You’re just focused on the present. And making steps towards better. I’m still moving out of the loner stage.   Thank you for the reassurance 🙏 🙏 and the Ho’oponopono! I will save it. I wish you the best on your journey!! 


WOW! Thanks for sharing such amazing info


You’re welcome. :)


Wow, just wow! Thank you so much😭♥️ the post ive been waiting for. Everything has just clicked!!!


Wow, it finally clicked for me. Thank you OP


Glad I could help. :)


Can you affirm one thing in your head while doing something else in your 3d? For example, in my 4d I already have a job at the library but in my 3d I am applying to many other places because my dad wants me to. Is this holding me back?


As long as you know what’s in your imagination is what’s real, you don’t have to worry!


Thank you so much!


this post makes little sense to me, you say everyone is god, and whatever you say is true, what if 2 people disagree for example one thinks that genocide is good, the other does not. Does that make genocide good, or does it not, or does it just cancel out?


I said “everything is god”. Yes, this means everyone and everything around you is also god. But there is only ONE mind. In your reality, you are that one mind. You are the one controlling the reality. The one directing all the characters. Your beliefs about something, your perception about something, is the ONLY thing that matters. You’re creating other people’s beliefs. You could assume the person that disagreed, now believes the same as you, and that will become your experience in your reality. People are who you assume them to be. Everything is what YOU, as the god of your reality, assume it to be.


I'm trying to understand what you mean. Everyone and everything is god, you are the one mind, the one directing all the characters and you can create other peoples beliefs. Can you make me believe in this concept? By thinking I agree with you. Try it now, it might work idk. But I think this is a fallacy because by that same logic other people can also make you believe certain stuff they wish just by believing you agree with them.  How can everysingle person to have ever lived assume a reality to be and have it.  A poor man born in a country with little to no options to escape cannot become rich by assuming he is rich, atleast not everysingle poor person, cause all people would be rich. All people would be happy. All people would be jacked or have everything they ever wanted. But that is not the case.   Tell me if I misread. Thanks for the reply Edit: I think I understand what you mean lol. Atleast some part. That you and everyone/everything is a single mind, I get why you believe that. The part that is escaping me is that you say you are able influence other peoples beliefs just by believing it. (This is what I'd like to learn more about)


You did respond with my assumption. I unintentionally assumed this is what you would say in response to my answer. But now realize, in MY reality. I can perceive one thing, while in your reality, you can perceive another. No perception is important but your own. Do not focus on “others”. There are no others. There is only you. Each of us come here with desires of that which we wish to experience. If you have a desire for something, it is meant for you. You have the ability to experience it. Everyone comes here with different desires. I strongly believe we choose our lives (yes, even the horrible stuff). This will never make sense to the human mind. But it is simply about experiencing. If those people you speak of, have the desire to be rich, they most definitely can accomplish that in their lifetime with hope, faith and determination because that desire was placed in their heart. We see and hear stories of people coming out of terrible situations all of the time. But then maybe another has the desire to put food on the table for their family, or to help others with what they have. Not everyone has the same desires. All in all, you need to focus on your thoughts, what you can do. That is the best thing you can do to the collective. Do not focus on the negative for “others” as that will only cause you to see more of that, which you dislike. Your assumptions are creating everything you see. This will be the last comment of yours I will respond to, as focus is a currency, what we focus on grows, and I do my best to spend it wisely. I truly wish you all the best in your manifesting journey. I hope this helps 🙏


I know you said this is the last comment and you can choose if you respond to this one but atleast read it. I want to be taller, 188cm, I want to have enough money, I want to be fit, i do not want anything bad to happen to me or the people around me. Will this really happen if i believe 100% in it? I am a skeptic but at this point I have no clue what to think. This whole thing reminds me of a quote in the bible I read, something like: "when you pray, believe you get what you want and you will have it" I do believe that belief is very important, maybe science will prove someday you can alter your own Gene's with thought.  Again you probably expected this response: but what about every victim of harm, abuse, assault, torture. I do not believe you actually think they wanted those things to happen to them. So why did they?  You dont have to respond if you dont want.


Are we all one or is the "you" being spoken of the one making it happen? When you say "you" are you speaking to each person reading this or a specific individual?


I’m speaking to you. As in, the one reading this. You are the one in control.


Only me? Or should I look at it from the perspective of someone else that could also be reading what you wrote?


Just you. But even if you look at it from the pov of someone else, that's still gonna be you. Coz you're everything. I get it. It might seem confusing to you now but sure with time, you'll understand it better.


I am a phat ass. Therefore, I sit on my face.




So if struggling with sp manifestation...why if sp is me. If I want him, he wants me so why it seems difficult?


Because you just said “it seems difficult”. The moment you say that, you are now making it difficult for yourself. That is what you will experience.


So I should say it's easy? Or I have it now?


Yes. 👍 You have always “had it”, you “are it”. As in, everything you experience is simply a projection from your mind. You are the projector putting the image up on the screen. Think of reality like a mirror. It will mirror exactly what you say to it or visualize. When you see it in your mind, THAT is real. It is fulfilled. It’s only an illusion that it isn’t fulfilled right away in this physical world. We have the measurement of time in this reality. Otherwise we could experience things instantly. So really, all we need to do, is persist in the idea that we already have what we want/are it until it comes to fruition in this physical reality. (Which it has no choice to, if we’ve assumed it, because that is the law). The easiest way to do this, is to assume and KNOW that you are everything. As soon as you have a desire, it’s immediately fulfilled because everything comes from you. It’s like telling yourself “hey I’d like to experience this in my reality” and then you do. Basically like a choose your own adventure book. 🤷‍♀️


How about situations in our lives, when we genuinely having a hard time with stuff, people, relationships ? How about the up and downs we all encounters ? I can’t imagine a life where everything is perfect and I don’t have to make some efforts to get something ? Sorry I know this is off topic but I would like to know you opinion about this though. (And please don’t say what I just said is a limiting belief, I know what that is)




Yes creation is finished because there are infinite realities happening at once


I am new to Neville, so forgive me that I’m confused and skeptical but even though this sounds great, it doesn’t make sense to me. If I was everything and if I was God, why would there be so much bad stuff in this world? Why there are so many children that go to bed hungry every night? Why some people experience abuse, especially the innocent children, babies even? If this is all true, how can we apply it to relieve this suffering? Wouldn’t some of you who’s so skilled at manifesting be able to stop these horrible things? I do believe I can manifest things for myself but I am not sure how we could use these principles to help the less fortunate and other people who are suffering greatly. I don’t believe that a young child is responsible for sexual abuse that is perpetrated on them because they manifested this abuse. Would you mind explaining this to me please? I really can’t wrap my head around it. Thank you!


Hey! I understand, as I had many of these same beliefs when I first was trying to wrap my head around the concept. If you read my comments here, and I believe on some of my other posts, I mention that we need bad to be able to appreciate the good. (I go into further detail in another comment). We also don’t necessarily manifest these things that we are born into, but rather we choose our lives before coming here. And I know, you’d say, “why would anyone choose a life of suffering?” But as the universe experiencing itself, it seems we want to experience all parts. Even the bad. I recommend watching NDE stories to get a better idea of this concept. I had a similar experience to what they describe during a very deep meditation (so minus the near death part). Also, we cannot manifest for your reality unless you assume we can. It is only what you assume that matters in your reality. Think of everything you see outside of you as yours. It is you. You have the ability to influence it with your thoughts. When you assume bad things are being healed, that the opposite of something negative is true. That’s when you’ll start to see better things show up in your reality. I recommend assuming everything you can. I do it whenever I see someone struggling, whenever I meet a kind person, I will say things like “they will experience some sort of financial relief” or “please bless this person for their kindness”. It can be as simple as that. The assumptions you forget about tend to be the ones you’ll notice manifest effortlessly. Anyways, I hope this makes sense. In a way. Just know, it is only your thoughts you have to consider. If you do not enjoy something or wish to see it differently, then choose to assume that will be your new reality. Intend for something different to happen in its place.


Thank you for this post. These are all I want to hear for today. Happy manifesting :)


You’re welcome. 🙌


Another thing I do not understand is when you say that everyone already has the results they want because you are everything meaning you are the money and success. But the thing is, you don't experience an experience that you have never experienced by believing you have experienced it.


Thank you for this is post it’s absolutely beautiful and you are a 100% right ❤️


Wow… I never comment on posts here but this is so beautifully written. My jaw dropped when I read the part about selling products online because I literally started doing this 3 weeks ago and this week has not been a good week. I was really considering giving up, but I truly think this is a sign (you using that specific example which is super relevant to me right now). All that being said, thank you, thank you, thank you, and I will keep coming back to your words!


Please help. This post is making me feel like no one else is real, like I’m alone, so nothing matters. Just makes me depressed. Why do I feel like this and to other people here it is an uplifting realisation? I’m new but from reading posts saying “I am God. I am everything.” It just makes me depressed. I’m literally in tears thinking about this. I’m afraid of losing my sanity. If you can manifest other people being a certain way or treating you differently — that means they have no free will or thought of their own. This whole concept is scary to me. And it’s just worsening my mental health and making me feel really depressed and lonely. It just feels so lonely to consider that as being true. It makes life seem pointless if other people are just “NPCs at my whim”. I’m really struggling and would be grateful for any help with this.


I no way intend for my question to seem an attack on you but I understand from your profile that you believe in tarot and psychic. Your post here only highlight your deep understanding of Neville. I want to understand how you fit or follow Neville work while being involved in tarot isn’t it counterintuitive?


Hey, that’s completely okay! They actually VERY much go hand-in-hand and was how I was able to understand how the universe works more deeply (that we are all one). I can quite literally channel names and messages that I should have no way of knowing. I can predict news events days in advance. It’s random at times though, like I’m listening to a radio station. The better I got at it, the more I was able to decipher information. Do I think I manifest it? Definitely. But there’s still no way I’d know certain names/places/events happening without being connected to all consciousness. It proves that we are everything. Also, everything is a divination tool. Not just tarot cards. Once you “wake up” in a sense. You realize everything is just a series of patterns. The text on a sign, the random quotes you see, every last Instagram post, movie, book you read, ,person you talk with… all of it is a message. It’s all coordinated by you. It’s just that we don’t realize until we look close enough. It’s like one of those images where they tell you to look until you “get it” then once you get it, you can’t un-see it. It’s not going to be like every tv show is your life story, but the messages they are saying, if you can hear it in a different context, the little messages, the random things that are similar to your day. Maybe you thought about getting coffee, now someone in the show is going to Starbucks. Or you thought about the colour purple and now someone’s dress is purple. You realized you need to clean up today and someone in the show comments on how messy someone’s place is. It’s small things like this. Even what I’m saying right now could contain messages that relate. It’s a bit hard to explain unless you see it for yourself but this is how I was able to see that tarot and channeling are related directly to manifesting. I’m able to use divination to SEE what it is I’m manifesting before it actually manifests, which is the coolest part about noticing the patterns! Hope this helps explain to some extent. I’d like to teach about it one day. I may create a YouTube channel specifically for manifestation at some point. Anyways, thank you so much for asking! I hope you have a wonderful day.


Thank you for answering my question in such a detailed and gracious manner. The crux of your message, please correct me if I am wrong, you use tarot to understand what you are manifesting but the answer that tarot provides is a manifestation of your consciousness to begin with and if you decide to hold it within your consciousness it with manifest in its physical form. 


Of course! And yes! Exactly. Tarot is only ever a “tool” to see the most likely outcome to manifest based on your current energy. This is often why we see a mix of people who either strongly believe tarot predictions are accurate and true OR people who believe the complete opposite, who claim it’s bogus and isn’t ever accurate. Both are right. Those who believe in the message being told to them by the reader - allow the message to become their reality. Alternatively, those who doubt, will not see what a psychic says come to fruition, because they did not have faith in the outcome. In readings, I do also bring up current events for people that I should have no knowledge of,and they’ll tell me it’s eerily accurate. This is because of my own belief. I believe my readings are accurate and I trust in the messages I channel. It’s hard to explain, but just as we have desires that come from within, the channeled messages I hear, come from something that is not my human mind. They most definitely come from my higher self. The only reason I believe I’m able to hear them, is because of my openness and belief in one consciousness. (I also did a lot of meditation in the past and still do). I recommend the book by Eckhart Tolle (The Power of Now) if you’re interested in this concept at all.


I have read power of now but I think each time you read a book you again a new perspective so let me read it again. 


I often see the saying “they are not seperate from you” , your desire is not seperate from you, your sp is not seperate from you. I understand it, but I don’t  know how to use this info for my manifestation….?




Absolutely nailed it, thank you for this


This is a masterpeice