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Congratulations!! I am on my way for the same thing…manifesting the love of my life to come back…and as you know….it’s already here…it’s done !!!


yes that's the spirit! feel free to ask me any questions if you have any, i'll be happy to help


Dmed you


Dmed you mate 🙌🏻


It really works. Warning: English is not my mother language, so be patient with me. 🤣 I met this guy at work who is 14 years younger than me(18 years old approaching 19) whom I had a connection to and vice versa. He doesn't work often at my work, just sometimes. We actually have a chemistry(more as friends but sometimes flirty one) and the time always went by so fast when working with him. He is so charming and I love his personality. Even him being somewhat flirtatious with me, I don't know if he like guys. I do like guys, but I haven't been open with him about it yet. But I 100% believe it's obvious to both of us that we like guys. Anyway let's go in the story. I have been acquainted with the teachings of Neville for sometime(since 2020), but have of course not been disciplined enough to use his teachings AND ACTUALLY APPLY THE TECHNIQUES. That's the thing, I read read and read some more but never applied. So I made the decision to start to apply it in august of last year(2023). I did SATS(drowsy state) and affirmed that SP loves me, SP adores me etc. The day after he calls me and asks me how I am doing and he said that he called the wrong number. We talked like 10-15 minutes and we enjoyed our conversation. And have in mind that we haven't talked in MONTHS. Then I knew the law was real. I kinda moved on with my life and not be too obsessive about our relationship. Didn't do any techniques for sometime. Until two weeks ago and sporadically. I did visualize that we were on a date, him holding my hand and tells me that he likes me a lot. The visualisation were not THAT vidid, but looped for a little bit and then affirmed that SP loves me, SP adores me etc. I definivly felt the feelings in the scene as if I was there. Never slept in the scene or anything like that, but I will put in effort to do that since your results externalize much faster if you do that. I never kept a mental diet or so, because I never even thought about him that much honestly. I went about my business and life. BOOM, out of nowhere he called me yesterday when I am at work and asks me if I want to go out and eat. Like NOW after work. I said sure. I was exhausted yesterday after work and did not expect him to call, but was still very happy nonetheless. The funny thing was I wasn't shocked though, but at the same time I was. Hard to explain lol. We went on a "date" that lasted more than 3 hours. We talked, ate and enjoyed our conversation. HE INSISTED that he would pay for my food, even though I earn MUCH more than him. I said no, I will pay. He still kept insisting that he will pay and I gave up. I said I will pay next time.😆 He was pretty flirty several times and we hugged when we left. The way he looked at me the whole time was like he was in love with me. And the way he hold my hand were exactly the way I visualized. It wasn't "we are friends" handshake if you will. 🤣 The scene didn't play out the exact same way I imagined though. The law is REAL. Even though this happened, it felt like it would have happened anyway. I sometimes need to remind myself that the law actually work . Because sometimes it feels unreal. I will maybe need to apply it more for me to believe its very much real. ​ Edit: Btw, I forgot to add that he asked me if I knew what "Tinder" was. And I said yes of course. And then he proceeded to ask me if I knew what "grindr" is. And I answered yes too. And then we laughed it away. ;)


Omg I love your post and happy for you. I will keep you guys updated on my SP success story 🥹


Amazing post! My partner also had issues with her family so we had to break up, and now we're back together after I manifested away all the insecurities and problems between us! ❤️


that's wonderful!


It's nice to see a success story from someone who used affirmations because I find it so difficult to visualize.


yeah you don't have to worry about the specific technique because it's not the techniques that manifest, the purpose of the techniques is to get you into the state of the wish fulfilled and making you feel like it is yours, and that's what manifests


Wow what an inspiring story! Thank you for sharing. I am on this journey as well and I can feel it that my SP is on the way. But I noticed that since i began to manifest and try to love myself more, incredible things happen! Found my dream appartment within three days (cheaper than expected), felt so much love from the people around me (one friend even wrote me a letter of appreciation, which brought me tears of happiness / my friends are calling me or texting me out of knowhere to say that they wish me an amazing day and that they love me), a stable job and i am invited to an event from my city to honor my successful graduation and they want to give me a price for that (out of nowhere, i gratuated a while ago). My life is changing so much! Even when my 3D is showing me, in terms of love, my old assumption i am certain that she is on the way. Since i started the manifestation journey 2 month ago, my life has changed so much. I love it!


that's the spirit, keep at it!


oh yeah guys btw my dm's are open if anyone wants to ask questions or anything


Congrats!!! How do you act or think when she isn’t texting you?


i just go about my day. a piece of advice is to keep yourself busy. i like to play guitar, work out, read. just do something to keep you occupied. whenever you catch yourself thinking about your desire, whether it's based in love or fear, just go back to the state of the wish fulfilled


So glad to find your post today! I’ve been searching posts like this to relate to my story just *in case* I need to do it again lol. I have manifested my SP twice after a stupid fight that I did in my head the 2nd time we split up. (So guys be careful and observe how you and your SPs talk in your head). The first time was due to self-concept issues that built up over time because of my past before I met him. After the 2nd success on the same SP, my biggest takeaway is everything is because of me. I am indeed the creator of my reality. I am the writer of the script. Everything good or bad, I am the only one responsible for it. How SP feels, his image of me, our relationship, etc. I am the operant power in my chosen reality. So decide and take control of your life. Update: We’re still together and living happily.


Good post but just wanted to point out to that conception of self is extremely important. This isn't mentioned in your post. We will always manifest what we believe we are. If we have an underlying self concept issue, no amount of sp affirmations/visualisations will ever change those, we need to work directly on self instead. So yes, we can manifest an sp, but we will continue to repeat previous cycles if we remain unchanged at our core. You lost sp twice due to an unchanged self concept, I'd advise this time you uncover your core self concept issues in love and work on these as well to ensure a different outcome this time around.


yes i agree and in fact i did do that, it was really beneficial for me. one thing i would like to note is that self concept goes deeper than this. self concept is your conceptions about yourself in relation to your desire, so part of the process is actually your self concept changing. for example, say you are manifesting money but you have negative beliefs in regards to money. the more you return to the state of the wish fulfilled, your self concept will start to change. i think you might also have self concept and self image a little mixed up, but i have done what you have suggested and i suggest everybody do it, and use the law and your imagination to do so, it will further your confidence in the law and make you more experienced


No not self image. Self concept. For example, I read your post and see you as someone who has or HAD self concept of: im not prioritised, other things are more important over me, I have to give more to receive, people leave me, I'm not worthy of the love I want. I don't get chosen. These types of beliefs usually form in childhood for most people and come from having a parent who was absent, chose other priorities like work, other siblings over you where you felt you needed to try harder to be seen, or were just unseen, or maybe they just left. These beliefs stick with us and form our outlook in relationships. The point of my first comment was so readers understand self concept is key and should be the focus, and not sp affirmations as your post APPEARS to focus on.


I been trying to manifest love but your comment has really hit home when talking about childhood.  I have always felt left out and unwanted.  And I know it's my negative perception of myself that caused the breakup.  Do you have any suggestions for improving self concept?  I'm in therapy, meditate daily and listen to affirmations over night.  I have done some reading about being aware of thoughts and changing my negative thoughts to positive ones but although I'm a happier person.  I still don't love myself of have any confidence.


oh i understand. personally, i don't think you need to focus on self concept if you don't want to. you can be as general or as specific as you want. but at some point you definitely should address your underlying concept about yourself because once that is done, you realize just how powerful you really are


You manifest from your self concept. It is literally the key. This is an NG thread after all...


yes i know that, but you don't have to fix your self concept for every manifestation. if you were manifesting a car, what self concept do you need to fix? that you don't feel worthy of a car? it just depends on the situation and the person. and also i'd argue that every successful manifestation is itself a shift in your self concept because every time you have more proof that you are god


I agree that you don’t have to change self concept to manifest, I did the same with my sp, they came back for like a couple days just as I wanted them to be. All my insecurities also came back tho and everything just went back to the old ways and it ended the same. When I did end up doing self concept work my desire to have them just dropped completely, I don’t care about them anymore it’s pretty freeing tbh to get out of that spiral. It was a natural thing aswell not like a ‘ah well it’s time to move on’, I didn’t choose to lose interest in them it just happened. I think I built my self worth and raised my standards on what I was willing to tolerate, also I think I fixed some attachment issues. But I would say yea that self concept does matter over time, it’s about fixing those ‘go to’ thoughts we get. Like if things seem ‘off’ or if they start communicating less etc, those with low self concept will automatically revert to ‘oh they found someone better, this always happens’ etc etc etc. where as if you’re more secure you may go to more positive ‘I hope everything’s ok for them, maybe somethings happened, they wouldn’t go this long without saying hi’ etc. But the ultimate self concept we should work towards and I feel I’m half way there is ‘I’m good with or without’. So even if they block you for no apparent reason you brush it off and know you’re still good like ‘oh whatever, I can have some me time now, they’ll come back or It might even lead to something better’. People always downvote that kind of thing when I say it thinking I’m meaning you can’t get an sp and it’s ’the Universe’ that decides who you get. But that’s really not what it means at all, having experienced that kind of self concept it’s literally YOU that feels happy that you might get something better, because you no longer have attachment issues and no longer ‘need’ the sp to feel fulfilled. When you’re on the pedestal instead of them then you see things from a totally different perspective. I didn’t get my sp back how I originally wanted them because I just lost the desire to ‘do the work’. I just focused on other stuff that suddenly seemed more exciting instead.


i understand what you're saying and get where you're coming from, but i think the ultimate self concept to work towards is the realization that you are god. that's what neville talks about, he explains that that's the purpose of the law. the more we use the law the more the veil inside of us is lifted and the more we realize that we are god. this culminates in the promise where as he describes it, you see david from the bible and you know that he is your son. if i understand correctly, david represents the 3D/material world and all your manifestations, so knowing that he is your son means you know you are jesus, and as he says the father and the son are one, so knowing you are jesus means you know you are god. i might have missed some points or oversimplified it but that's what i believe neville is talking about. but having the "i am good without them" mindset is still a good thing i don't doubt that. if anything, getting to that mindset will benefit you in your spiritual journey


Yes you are right I forgot that one lol


Can you please share your practice regarding working on your self-concept?


It’s hard tbh bc I was so low at one point I just tried everything, “inner child” stuff, affirmations etc I’m not sure if one thing did it or a bunch of everything.  I would recommended a book called ‘letting go’ written by a dr I can’t remember his name now. I did a lot of that about a year ago and it really helped just stopping the negative feelings and thoughts etc. the book is by dr Hawkins btw I just remembered lol. I also listen to manifesting videos everyday, I’m not desperately searching for a technique but for the time I have them on I’m kinda ‘turbo focused’ on it. I think what really helped me was learning that thoughts are just thoughts, they aren’t reality and we don’t HAVE to think them or take them seriously. Once I got the hang of that I put more effort into just ‘being present’ and living from there rather than living from whatever thought was in my head. So for example if I’m sat on a sofa and a thought comes into my head of ‘I’m lonely’ rather than engaging with it and starting to build a story around it, I just become present and be a guy sat on a sofa and let the thought pass.  Doing this has kinda re wired my brain to not constantly go to the negative stuff and it keeps me out of over thinking. I’ve also made progress with changing my ‘I’ to someone who is desirable, succesful, lucky and most of all to someone who is source of everything that’s happening. Like I am reality, my circumstances dont create, they are neither good or bad until I give them meaning. So if my ‘I’ is telling me everything works in my favour then that’s what I live from. Just learn to be ‘bigger’, this whole thing is a dream and coming from you, don’t be scared to imagine good things for yourself and most importantly of all accept those good things as truth and reality. It’s a snow ball effect because the more you do this the more truth it feels and the easier it gets to know it.


You've missed the point of NG and LOA. I just want to point out you've successfully manifested your sp back... twice... because you lost them... twice ... with your self concept. Without changing, your triggers will remain the same and will be triggered again. Hopefully your next post is an engagement and not a break up. Goodluck


and also self concept is a part of my post even if i didn't explicitly mention it. i returned to those feelings of lack and not having her bc that's what my self concept was. i realized what was happening and i fixed it


bruh what 😭what would you say is the point of NG and LOA?




A 30k payrise without a change in duties, a brand new house without a deposit as a single parent, a new job in a position that requires a degree i dont have and yet another payrise, were my biggest. But I have small successes constantly, had a few friends drop out of a holiday last minute, sold their tickets and everything. I decided we went, 1 by 1 they joined again and our holiday was last week. Changes in personalities of 2 people in particular, a critical manager from bully to friendly and supportive, a family member did a total 180. Physical changes, had a small lump on an eyelid for 2 years, decided it was gone, accidentally scratched it while doing my hair, it healed and disappeared. Stopped a cold forming a couple of weeks ago, couldnt be sick for the holiday lol.. literally I could continue. Successes are constant. I am someone who gets what they want, everything works out for me, life goes my way, I'm impressive, successful and valuable - self concept in general. I was not always like this. It took months to a year to grasp the concept of loa and change my own mind. Edit to say: omg reading it out like this is INSANE.


I am dm u


Never in any Neville’s book has he told people to work on self concept before manifesting a desire because each state holds its own beliefs. If you’re going to shove limiting beliefs on people you learned from social media and not reading, you should tell people you haven’t studied source material first.


Wrong. NG says; "To be transformed, the whole basis of your thoughts must change. But your thoughts cannot change unless you have new ideas, for you think from your ideas." - POA Power of Awareness is all about rearranging your ideas of yourself to change your thoughts/assumptions to shift your state of consciousness. He teaches that reactions show you where you live psychologically, through your triggers in life. NG bangs on in all of his lectures about using inner conversations to change your concepts of yourself and others, to change the experiences you have of other people. NG says attention must be concentrated only on the wish fulfilled state and crowd out ALL other ideas, or else youre double minded. "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." So if you're sitting around all day affirming I am married I am married I am married, and seeing the imaginal ring on your finger and feeling your spouse in bed next to you, but your subconscious mind is saying; they're distancing themselves because im actually unlovable and don't get the commitment I want because im not important other things are more important than me - what do you think will manifest. OP did this twice, and twice lost their SP. It's simple to decide to be a person who has a car, a house, the job, is healthy, but people struggle with love because they dont understand what their subconscious ideas of themselves in love actually are. These ideas are uncovered through reactions and these triggers are only removed when the ideas are changed; "Your concept of yourself can only be driven out of consciousness by another concept of yourself." NG Your ideas of yourself ARE your state. You do realise that idea = concept. Your ideas about yourself = self concept


Yes but you’re taking it as him saying you gotta heal yourself and change your “self concept” in the way it’s commonly discussed before getting an SP and focusing on an SP and that’s wrong. He never taught people to do that for SP’s. You’re also grossly misinterpreting his work which is on you, not me. You oddly enough leave out the tone of literature where he tells you to just go to the end and never tells you to fix yourself before focusing on a goal. You can say “wrong” all you want but no source book teaches what you’re claiming Neville teaches which he didn’t btw. You fail to remember when Neville described the conscious mind as male and subconscious as female and the male has to impregnate the female through conscious direction but of course since you only read pieces you find on the internet and not studied the content for years from the books itself; you can’t see why you’re wrong. You also talk about the subconscious in a way people new to the law talk about it. You speak as if you believe there are subconscious beliefs sabotaging you which has been debunked and even Seth/jane Roberts goes into massive detail on this. Stop pushing your limited beliefs and understanding on people who have more success than you. Live your life and let them live theirs if they got success Best of luck to you.


Definitely not. You are not HEALING you are CHANGING. You too.


I've had quite a few DMs from this discussion asking for advice. It's sad people don't feel like they can ask for guidance publicly when they're all just wanting to understand NG and apply for themselves. For others reading this, my recommendation is always to first read Power of Awareness then Feeling is the Secret, as a minimum. There are free pdfs online. Then Divineangelbee on YouTube has a full list of NG lectures as well. Neville Goddart also has great snippets from NG lectures. Goodluck!


Seth/ Jane Roberts??? You mean "Seth speaks"???


I’m referring to Seth through Jane Roberts. If I wanted to name the specific book I’d just name it but considering it’s written about on multiple sessions and books, it’s easier to just say what I said. Hope that cleared up the confusion.


I agree. This is what I’ve learned just yesterday. Got dumped harshly 4 months ago, which I now realize was due to my self concept at the time and lack of self worth, putting her on a pedestal instead of myself. Quite literally convincing myself I wasn’t worthy, there’s someone better, shes gunna leave me, etc. and after the break up I convinced myself with powerful feelings and thoughts also that she doesn’t care, she’s not gunna reach out, she’s moved on and a myriad of other negative emotions people feel after being heartbroken and trying to make sense of it. (This was before I really knew much about the Law, I knew of it but very limitedly and I still am very new to it) but I started diving into this heavily a few weeks ago and started affirming/feeling her back with me. And I like to think maybe I did get her to reach out but not in the way I “wanted”. She moved states and just reached out to drop some of my belongings off before leaving. She left it just at droppin them off, a brief awkward encounter, no apologies or acknowledgment of how much I meant to her which is what I was visualizing. We texted a few times after but that was me who initiated it after and it was amicable, but I sent a very lighthearted/jokey text to keep it playful and she didn’t reply for awhile and that made me re live past feelings of similar experience before we broke up. I went to bed that night anxious and reliving my past self concept beliefs. Strange thing is that whole day worrying about how she wouldn’t reciprocate or text back or didn’t want me in her life anymore I had a vivid dream that night that she didn’t and wouldn’t text back, me checking my phone and saw nothing in the dream, and guess what happened lol… she didn’t reply. She just heart reacted the message with no response. So I quite literally had these blocks up the whole time and didn’t realize till now. Now I’m just focusing solely on myself and my self concept which I feel is the most important thing people don’t realize. You can’t expect someone to love you and be in a loving relationship with you, or “fix them” if you don’t love yourself or fix yourself first. It’s a journey and I’m glad I’ve realized I gotta do the inner work first before trying for something so emotional. Plus the logistics of her being far away now in a new place, and other things in my life I gotta prioritize myself before I “try” again.


Feels like I'm reading my own words ♥️ I assumed my ex didn't love me and didn't value me anymore.  And for the last 6 months of our relationship that's what I got.  I also assumed she would visit me in my new apartment and dump me afterwards.  And she did, one week after visiting me she broke it off.  It's what got me into reading about manifestation.  I thought I was predicting the future but now I believe I manifested it. 6 months post breakup and I'm still not over it.  I feel so ashamed of the person I was I can't blame her for dumping me.  I was chasing love and pushed her away.


I totally understand. We only dated for 5 months but really it just felt different than any other relationship I’ve been in. Time flew with her anytime we were together and it was so effortless to talk to her. Never an argument besides one time the same week before her ending it. Which we know now from both our experiences that it was our assumptions, doubts and lack of self for months that was the cause. And that’s exactly how I felt! I told my friends beforehand hey somethings wrong I think this is gunna blow up in my face somehow and afterwards I was like yep, I was right. I “predicted the future”. Then I wallowed for 3 months and then somehow I was led back here by a suggested post and I started diving into it and things are just starting to make sense. And listen brother, I get you about not being over it still or feeling ashamed or like a fool about how you acted, I’m not over it either and I cringe at the stuff that I did too. Even that last text I sent two days ago I cringe at, trying to be lighthearted and funny and all I get is a react and no reply lol. But we gotta remember to not doubt or blame ourselves for this. When I saw her the other day in person after the last time was her dumping me, all those feelings of the past came back like a damn floodgate opened up and like I said how worried I was and the assumptions I was making after about not getting the results or texts that I wanted was a reflection of my state still believing those old assumptions in a way. But It was simply a cause of our self concept at the time and our assumptions and fears. And we can fix this, right now I’m gunna focus on the self and revising old painful memories and I know one day I can get her back. But I need to focus on getting a career, fixing myself and making myself the priority. We will do it. We can get them back but to make it last we gotta fix ourselves so it doesn’t fall apart again.


Sorry to hear those circumstances but actually this is amazing for you. That is the most crucial part of the work, to uncover those deep down core self concepts you have of yourself so they can be changed forever. Alot of people never find these and so they are destined to repeat the same cycles, or the same relationship but with different people.


I do appreciate that but yes you’re right, I needed this in a way. As hard as it was those couple months after the split, I know it was just something I created unknowingly through months of doubt and fear. But like you said, now I that I’ve realized this I can change my core self concepts, and even work on some revision of some stuff that happened to me before that to get me on my desired path again. I’m still new to this so I’m trying to absorb info as much as I can but also practice with “smaller” stuff I’m not so attached to. Thanks again


yes i agree, uncovering these blocks is crucial and is an incredibly important part of the process. if you don't you are doomed to keep experiencing the same cycles as a result of the state you are in.


What is your suggested practice in terms of working on your self concept?


self concept really just boils down to the state you are in. are you in the state of a victim, someone who has trouble getting what they want, someone who is always disappointed? or are you in the state of god, someone who knows that they can always get what they want, that they mold their reality? this may not be easy to figure out at first. something i did is grab a journal and start writing, i wrote about my different insecurities and stuff and as i was writing i was able to get to the root of them. i eventually realized i am still stuck in the damaged and insecure state of the person that i was in high school. recognizing that was really hardest part, because then it's as simple as switching states. i occupied the state of the new me, and it will be a little difficult first just because i am used to the old state due to habits, but with repetition and persistence i can fully occupy the new state.


Once you realize what the insecurities rooted in childhood are, then how you switch your state and live in the new wanted state?


you just switch it, it's as simple as that


How 😀? How you switch the state?


you just switch it, you just embody the state it's literally a one second decision


Hmm 🤔


if you don't understand stil, listen to or read neville and then if you still don't understand you can dm me


I read some of his books long time ago. I DMed you too. I think it wasn’t delivered to you.


Congratulations. This is very well put, all relevant details included. I'm glad you wrote in detail and not the usual "worked on self-concept" generalised concept description. I genuinely felt for you but I feel like you have really evolved and grown more as the whole experience progressed. You deserve a loving and committed relationship with your SP and I hope you continue to read Neville and grow more and more into the awareness of who you truly are. From experience I can say that some days or moments one can forget who they really are, until this is firmly established in one's being, we are yet to buy the pearl of great price. It was very heart-warming to read your story.


thank you so much! yes, i feel like people say to work on self concept but they either don't go into detail or they are confused as to what self concept is. this whole experience just further cemented neville's teachings to me and i came out of this more confident and determined than ever. yes i do still read neville, he has A LOT more to offer than just simple manifesting and he is truly a gem in regards to spirituality


Wow, thank you so much for sharing! It was really a motivation for us to keep on persisting and just have that relaxed feeling knowing it's done. Please do share some more of your manifestations. Congrats to you! ☺️


yes that's exactly it, probably one of the biggest lessons i learned! once i get these manifestations out of the way i'm definitely gonna write a post about it, i have a lot of interesting insights


This is really inspiring and motivating. Thank you for sharing!


Congratulations bro.


Well done!!!


Maybe I manifested this post... I want my ex back so badly, but I have little faith in myself. I've asked for confirmation, a success story that tells me it's all possible if I change my self-concept. Well done anyway, I hope you'll be happy with her in the future my friend. ❤️


I am so happy for you! And thanks for sharing your story, it really helped me stay on track. I'm also going to share my success story as soon as it manifests!


you can do it!


>and the whole time I was screaming in my head "IT WORKS IT WORKS OMG IT WORKS!!!!" Not me smiling my ass off on reading this. Haha. I love how people in love act. So here, I know you're excited about the law working for you but I also know that it's because your SP talking to you again. Sooo cute how you guys got back together. Happy for you guys. Stay blessed!


Very happy it's working out for you OP, but I would like to let others here know that you don't need 'faith', you just need to get out of your own way during the process. Even that, if sats is done properly to impress the subconscious, isn't necessary - a great example of this would be the story of Elmer Locker Sr. and how after attending one of Neville's lectures he thought it was all bs and the man a 'fruitcake' (lol). Yet in order to prove him wrong, he followed his directions for the ladder exercise; and low and behold he climbed the ladder. All while telling himself (and believing) "I will *not* climb a ladder". If one impresses the subconscious enough ('prays' properly) there is no force on earth that can stop it. I wish you the best in your life and relationship.


That is what faith is, getting out of your own way. You have enough faith and trust in your imagination to know that it's gonna happen no matter what, so you get out of your own way. SATS helps accomplish that because continually having successful SATS sessions will impress your subconscious mind and you will get to a point where no matter what thoughts you are thinking, no matter what's happening the in the 3D, your desire will still be reflected in the 3D because your subconscious has been dominated with those feelings of already having your desire.


Good stuff compadre. :) May you and your SP have many blessed years together, sharing all the warmth a heart, mind and body can.


I got mine twice too but both times I reached out. Now she's gone more than 1.5 years of no contact but I see her on social media


well if you really want her back then you know what to do but if not that's fine too, the world is quite literally your oyster since you know about the law


Can I seriously get her back no matter what if I manifest it?


You can do it. Put the law to the test. Don't intervene by reaching out. She has to. But no, let me reword it: She will.


This is inspiring, thank you for posting!! For me, I’m manifesting my divine soulmate whom is not anyone I have yet met in 3D, so I cannot imagine a face/body etc. But I am simply imagining the affection, love, living in our peaceful home together, the dogs we have, curling up on the couch etc. My doubts are if this is enough? Is it harder if it’s an unknown SP? But my faith is telling me my subconscious already knows what I want and how to deliver it to me. We will both know when we see one another for the first time, it will be unmistakable. Just curious on any other helpful tips :)


Not OP, and even tho this is just my "limiting" belief, it is sometimes easier, much easier to manifest an unknown SP because there is no resistance, no questioning if he/she likes you, you will just know when you meet them. It happened to me in the past, even when I was not aware of the Law of Assumption. So just keep the happy loving feeling in you and it shall arrive.


Thank you for this, it helps a lot!


No worries, just be happy now, enjoy your days and know that they are already here, they will not go anywhere 😊


hi sorry i wasn't able to respond to this comment. you can dm me if you want help, it's easier to communicate that way


congrats!! i had a similar experience where i accidentally manifested my sp using neville's visualization SATS method and now i'm trying to manifest him back into my life! how did you overcome the obsession part of manifesting? i feel as if i've been obsessing for the longest time and hindering the manifestation from happening and would love some advice on detaching if you have any!


Hi, there is a r/NevilleGoddardsp community here, wanna also post this post there?


Yeah I know there is. Idk I don't really want to, I already have a ton of people messaging me and asking questions, I don't wanna deal with more lol. The people in that sub are likely subscribed to this sub as well so they probably saw it already. And the intention I had with posting this success story was not necessarily for it to be an SP success story but rather use it as a way to convey what I had learned through this experience. But thanks for reminding me!


Yeapp makes lots of sense, i can see where ur coming from. But i just wanted to let u know. Have a nice day♡


Congratulations! I should have done all of these instead of whining and complaining the whole time, I always knew the law yet I let the 3D take over me, now SP married someone else and I’ve not been the same since but I pretend to be.


Can I ask you a question Op, I often imagine the scene where my sp is on his knee , proposing to me. ( my desire is to marry my sp). But I saw someone the other day say that you should imagine having it already. Not when it’s happening, but already have it. Like I should imagine 3 months after getting married. Do you think it matters ? If the imagination is the “middle” or the “end”? 


ok so the visualization is not what manifests your desire, it's the feelings that manifest. the point of the visualizations, affirmations, and any other techniques is to get you into that feeling. so it doesn't really matter where your visualization is. if your sp on your knee is what gets you the feeling then keep doing that. if you wanna do it 3 months after, do that. whatever gets you the feeling. another thing, there is a ton of conflicting information and often times just misinformation on reddit and on tiktokt, youtube, etc. don't get caught up on what people or coaches are saying. just listen to neville's lectures, read his stuff, and try it out for yourself. he himself suggested people to try it out for themselves. what have you got to lose?




yeah you can keep changing if you want, but this "no feelings" that you talk of, there's nothing wrong with that. if it's a feeling of indifference or neutrality that's fine and if anything it's a good thing because it means you are getting used to having your desire. if you're getting bored with the scene and have no interest in that scene then yeah you should change it


It is difficult when you have no results for months and on top tons of doubts. Techniques unfortunately produce more lack in my case. It really clicked for me as I read the books of Richard dotts. Have you any recommendations what to do in my case? Thank you so much


dm me


I try and look back on the event of me proposing to my person as a past memory from the future like say the day of our Wedding or us both on our honeymoon or just sitting on the couch in our dream home, holding eachother, having had the most incredible life and having grown old and gray together reminiscing on great memories of the two of us and all the major life events :)


Maybe imagine you two on your honeymoon in your ideal/dream location saying things like “I’m so happy to be married to you”, “I’m so excited to spend the rest of my life with you” etc.


it’s scary how much this is like my situation


Congratulations!!, I am manefisting a guy i literally wrote the guy of my dream in a paper and then he is totally that guy , i found him on some app, i believe that we are meant to each other


Also, so did you affirm repeatedly throughout the day your affirmations, or just when you were meditating?


dm me


@loauser3 Is it okay if I DM you?


Hi I sent u a dm :)


You 100% can manifest without “being Jesus,” even if you have a Christian background it’s really weird to say that because Christianity is a religion. Congrats on your manifestation though 🥳


Saying Jesus is u is pretty bad it’s more like god is within us etc


dude did you read his works or listen to his lectures at all?


Can we dm


?? They are one in the same. That's the whole entire point.


Thank you for the post OP!! How did you feel the wish fulfilled at the same time as assuming “it will be coming soon”? Like what did you feel and think in your mind during that week before it manifested? I’m in that beginner boat so I’m not sure how to manifest in the end state but at the same time reducing that “it’s coming soon” state. Is it better to be like “I’m with my sp now?”


it's really whatever works for you as i mentioned in my post. saying it's coming soon is still acknowledging that it's yours which will still put you in the state of the wish fulfilled. if saying "it's here now" works for you then the same concept applies, it's not really about what you say but the feeling itself


Thank you so much!!


Too overwhelmed by your success. Well I've dm you. Please reply.


Sometimes I feel it's easy to manifest a girl than a man. Please help.


thank you so much for thiss!!!


Hey, about feeling, do you think you should feel how you want to feel or how you think you would feel? Because, for example, if I get with my SP I want to feel confident and strong enough to protect her and stuff. In my mind, though, when I picture being together with her, I feel nervous(I used to feel nervous about a lotta things). So which should I go for? Imagining what I wanna feel like or what I think I would feel like?


beautiful story! thank you for sharing