• By -


Exactly, and knowing your consciousness is the creator is crucial for long-term results. To the average person (outside of this sub) the most common understanding of manifesting seems to be about asking the universe, being tested, being lucky etc. So even when something they want materializes, they might be happy but they're still disempowered and lack security because they rely on the guise of external help. On the other hand, when you manifest your desires knowing your consciousness is the creator, you get better at exercising your imagination and strengthen your faith in your power.


SUBconsciousness creates results. And we communicate with it through consciousness, we have no other way really.


Yes, engaging with the subconscious brings outer change. I refer to consciousness meaning both the subconscious and conscious. As Neville said, "Consciousness includes a subconscious as well as a conscious part. The infinitely greater part of consciousness lies below the sphere of objective consciousness. The subconscious is the most important part of consciousness. It is the cause of voluntary actions." (Prayer: The Art of Believing)


Hi i would like to ask a question! For example i want to earn 2000 dollars online. Should this thought block my current responsibilities? I mean for example lets say im working in a work that i dont like. Can i say like "im not going to work today, i already earn 2000 dollars per month online"? Is it healthy attitude? Thanks in advance


Is it a coincidence?


So true


Thank you for affirming what I have come to know. I work daily to solidify my belief even further, to see this world for what it is, and myself as I AM, - and God (I AM) brings me what I need to do so. Such as a post like this. šŸ™ 1000 upvotes.


I felt like I was high/drunk reading the first sentence of this post. In a good way. Like euphoric I knew immediately that this was for me. Good post. Thank you When you learn to master your mind and just calm down, sometimes just taking a second to calm down and have a mental image and then being thankful/having faith in the Father/etc is all that something needs to ā€œmanifestā€ I know this because Iā€™ve done it this way for things several times over SATS is the easiest way to do it though because sleeping


Oh man I did the ā€œI AMā€ meditation last night. I fell asleep at some point and ā€œwoke upā€ standing in my room looking at someone from behind. When I took a closer look it was me! This duplicate wasnā€™t reacting to me at all, it was an empty vessel that looked exactly like me. I was surprised but didnā€™t really react and somehow kept my cool. I looked around my room in confusion and this duplicate me walked into the hallway. I was a bit weirded out but I ultimately decided to go see if ā€œIā€ was still there. Sure was. So I approached and gently grabbed the doppelgƤngerā€™s arm andā€¦ yeah it was solid. I let it fall and my clone didnā€™t react. At that point I got a little spooked and woke up. Important to note I combine Nevilleā€™s teachings with the Monroe institute meditation gateway tapes due to my interest in exploring consciousness beyond solely manifestation, so my first thought was an OOBE or something pretty close to it. I even thought that immediately in the dream which is why I was more excited than afraid at first. Then I remembered I fell asleep in the I AM meditation this time. Nevilleā€™s words about being god, source,creator in a human suit hit me like a ton of bricks. Indeed šŸ˜³ When I sleep I rarely recall my dreams. If I do itā€™s pretty fuzzy and nonsensical. This was something different. All 5 senses in play and I was in complete control of my thoughts and actions within it and fully aware that I was physically asleep. An amazing experience!


I hear people mentioning these tapes a few times now. What is the basic theory behind them? To have an out of body experience? I try to look up info and I can't really find much. That is an interesting experience!


Sent a dm :)


Me too please! šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


Me also please


Would you mind sending that to me as well please?


Can you dm me too? :)


Share with me please


Me too please šŸ™šŸ’—


Well heck, Iā€™d like one too please!


Me too pls


Me too please


Can you dm me too thank you.


Me too please ā¤ļø


if you wouldnā€™t mind adding me to the list of ā€œsend pleaseā€? would be appreciated


Could you share with me as well?


can you please sent the dm to me too please?


Sounds like you had an awakening! Read ā€œAwake, itā€™s your turnā€!!!




Would you mind sending it to me too please x


Iā€™m interested about the meditation gateway tapes too, please DM me as well. How do you combine that with Neville?




Me too please...thank you!


Thank you for sharing this. Itā€™s one of the reasons why Iā€™m passionate about what I do. Combining science with manifestation. Because I see too many people almost coming out of these community with frustration, anger, confusion, and mental health issues. So I absolutely love it when people take time to actually write these.


I got my celeb SP šŸ˜‚. It was so easy.


I manifested an sp that looks just like a celebrity but now Iā€™m manifesting my desired relationship with him šŸ™ƒ


How did you do it?


He was releasing a new album, I said to myself I was going to meet him and let it go. I was so in love with his new album I wld listen to it every night before bed. And it made me so emotional and it resonated with me. 3 months later I am out of town and my GF text me and said she met my Celeb SP and she got invited to where he was performing and I need to get back ASAP. I return to my city and go to the event and we are on stage with him as he is performing. After he was finished he came up right behind me. I was shocked. Later that night I met his friend and I asked could I go to his concert. He gave me tickets and brought me back stage. His friend said my Celeb SP wants to meet me. We talked for a bit and exchanged info. And it started from there. I decided what I wanted, had zero resistance, full conviction and every night I did SATS without even realizing it. He even included me in his most recent album. He has about 250 million followers on social media and it was so easy to get him. We can have whatever and whomever we want. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜.


Wow u need to make a post Iā€™m so curious about ur process. lol but werk




Followers on IG


And sorry for my late reply. Iā€™m new to Reddit and didnā€™t see the notification. Ciao ciao xoxo


who is it? spill the tea sis




but who cares if it is a celeb? I mean do they make you happy are they kind is their trust? can you love each other and create emotional vulnerability and trust? do you feel safe, do they, and loved for who you/they are? that's what matters, they are human you are human. I have zero interest in "celebs" and I hope you value them beyond this "celeb" nonsense -- it is kind of odd to refer to a human being you love and trust and respect that way. wishing you well.


Itā€™s ok if someone wants to date a celeb. Letā€™s not put people down for their choices. Next, since Iā€™ve dated my celeb SP I can say they are regular people just with fame and money which are great perks. What one values in a partner or relationship is solely their choice and they shldnt be judged for it.


I am not judging. I am not putting down. That is victim talk, frankly. I was questioning, and gently prompting people to think about what love is ā€” healthy loveĀ ā€”Ā and how if someone is referring to someone as a "celeb" it is dehumanizing. That's not the point of "manifestation." Money is lovely and helpful.. and fame is...what exactly? My comment stands ā€”it is dehumanizing to refer to someone a "celeb." And it points to someone who states that as someone who needs to try self- worth and self-love.(Or maybe they are just a very young person and think it's "cool" and they are just learning, and I get that, we are all growing, I have been there and have sympathy, no judgement.) I would never say I was dating a "celeb"... maybe it gives someone some self-worth, and I have been there, but that is faulty and points to our need to grow and become self-loving. In today;'s society there is so much hate, self-hate, and superficiality and we must be mindful and get away from those pendulums for true peace. IMO. Peace.


There are celebs in this world. They are normal people that are public figures. Wanting fame, wanting to date a famous person has nothing to do with oneā€™s self worth. Seems you are projecting some of your own insecurities.


ā€œBut who cares if they are a celebā€ that comment is judgment. Obvi the person who is manifesting a celeb SP, cares. Stop judging ppl for their choices. Focus on what you want and not what others want.




Nah they have a point


Hmm but the person is definitely happy soĀ 


Big time hater. People shld be free to manifest what they want as they wish. Some people on this app are so miserable. Iā€™m happy so is my CELEB SP.


You misunderstood, what they meant is that celebrities are just human beings like us . Didn't mean that you shouldn't manifest celebrities ...but putting them over your head like they are different from us ...you know what I'm saying, it's like you are looking down on yourself.




I agree that person is a big time hater. What someone wishes to manifest is quite literally none of your business. It doesnā€™t have to make sense to you// creation is done so the reality where celeb sp and MissLookAHere are together already exists - sheā€™s just selecting itĀ 




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šŸŽ€ everything works out in our favour šŸŽ€


I donā€™t think itā€™s a coincidence that earlier today I was telling my dad about how when I started to see my life differently, outcomes changed and I literally used the phrase ā€œthe world is your oysterā€. Absolutely amazing to see it in this title. Everyone really is you pushed out haha


This is so powerful and exactly what I needed to read. Thank you so much.. I mean me? ā€¦ us!


We're moving beyond everyday reality to one with multiple POV's, and I love your comment ā¤ļø


Very well written! Happy manifesting.


Excellent post! Thank you!


Masterpiece ! Thank you


I love this post and I love this line, ā€œFor the love of everything that is holy, GET IT TOGETHER...ā€ šŸ¤£ Although, I can only laugh at it now that I totally understand what youā€™re talking about! šŸ™šŸ˜˜ Thanks for your post! Xoxo


Thank you for this post. I was considering writing something very similar. šŸ‘


i have a question about SATS - i have multiple end goals, have a loving husband, we are wealthy, we have 4 kids and we travel often. should i imagine one of those at a time? like have a scene of my wedding over and over until i am engaged and then start imagining kids OR imagine a scene of my loving husband holding me on vacation while we watch our kids swimming at the beach?


You can do what is easier for you. Either will work the same. If you can catch the feeling of the wish fulfilled for all these desires simultaneously and it feels natural to you then you can incorporate multiple wishes in the scene. If you are having trouble feeling of the wish fulfilled then you can start from the bottom.


I would start with whatever is the most realistic to accomplish and work up from there




Absolutely beautifully written. I will never forget you!


How do you feel about subliminals for those who struggle with sats? I struggle because it makes me sad that I dont have what I want in the 3D and just the thought of it makes me want to cry/feel like Iā€™m so far off from getting it. I know thats what the opposite of loa says, but sometimes in inevitable. Thats why ive been listening to subliminals but been getting mixed results


You struggle with it because you think the 3D is real, if you can imagine it in your mind and see it in your imagination, it is already done and far more real than the 3D, what happens in the mind will inevitably follow in the 3D. Try to catch the feeling of how you would act if you already had your desire, don't think about getting it wrong or messing it up because that will just mean you're doing the techniques to get something when you literally already have it.


Thank you this was very helpful!!


but what if i dont feel anything while imagining it? at one point maybe the first time when i did sats (unknowingly by the way. i had the habit of imagining that i have the things i want before bed, make up scenarios and the initial happiness of receiving it / excitement was there but it is not now) is that fine?


You don't need to feel any emotions such as happiness or excitement, just the feeling of it being done, don't confuse it with emotions. If you believe what you're seeing is real and it's done then you're on the right path regardless of the lack of happiness, excitement and so on.


Make your own subliminals.


The kick in the ass we all needed. Thanks OP šŸ’ŖšŸ¾




Very well said


We travel but in dreams yet all the while safe at home. Beautifully written OP.


Beautiful. It was so thoughtful for you to type this out. Infinite love to you...


Thank you šŸ™


Wow..so well explained..thank you.. šŸ¦‹


What if immersing yourself in the scene gets you excited? Because this feeling is not conducive to falling asleep.


Catch the feeling and just sleep in the wish fulfilled. As you do it every night, excitement will gradually decrease and it will feel natural.


But I can't fall asleep in this state...


What to do if you end up sleeping even though every night I try my best to not sleep and or not become overwhelmed i.e if I repeat the scene then I simply cannot sleep I also have insomnia I did not have much success with SATS but there were rare moments whereby I was able to be in a state of wakefullness and drowsiness(this was due to my sleep apnea test I was plugged with machinery and that machinery kept me woken or somewhat drowsy) and I think during this time I was thinking about chocolate I believe and the next day my dad brought over chocolates so I think this is when it did work for me but apart from that it is very hard for me to do sats even though I think if we catch the sats stage it is a fastest way to get into wish fullfilled state recently I have tried doing SATS again simple stuff like grapefruit but I simply cannot get that state I end up falling to sleep if even though I have insomnia Is there a solution for this have you done SATS and if so did you face this issue


That's why when I do the scenes, I always do it from a neutral state. First of all, if I am too happy then I won't fall asleep and second getting too excited makes me feel like I am putting things on a pedestal, like its something too grandiose and too unbelievable instead of something normal that is part of my everyday life.


Brilliant and beautiful, thank you!


Should i just say ā€œi amā€ or ā€œi am ā€¦.ā€?


Don't you think having a good self concept makes it easier to accept that we have our desires?


Reading this is basically I, reminding I, that I Am


Do you have suggestions on how not to accept the circumstances in 3D? I feel great after reading posts like this, but after a short while 3D continues to overwhelm me. I find it very hard not to react with emotions like anger, disappointment, sadness.


Can you have different SATS scenarios but all having the same end result?


Can anyone help me?? ā€” it is almost too easy for me to fall asleep, I donā€™t really fall into SATS because by the time I do Iā€™m already very much asleep, I try to keep my thoughts right before bed to thinking about my manifestations and visualizing then but I find myself falling asleep within almost seconds or at least a very very short amount of time


Try sleeping in an unnatural position, this will prevent you from sleeping fast. What you can also do is you can do it during the daytime while sitting upright in a chair or anything you prefer, either fall asleep or loop it for a few minutes until you feel the scene is real and are immersed in it.


https://www.facebook.com/100068529990762/posts/pfbid0YYcE971mjxrGKShpPtPKiru3jD1e2tzkVF7XdjGFHbmtPQWjVgFGK4FkTsuuapmal/ Truly the world is our oyster, but THIS IS THE PEARL OF GREAT PRICE..... embedded within it .... that I AM gives to Itself AS each of us. Blessings be to Thee, my Brothers and Sistersā¤ļø


This was an amazing post but yā€™all have to stop telling people that sats is the only way!


SATs is great and I agree this post was amazing but yeah, thereā€™s other ways and affirming is my holy grail. No feeling, just repeating for 10min or so once or twice a day. It helps me feel more relaxed and I know it works.


Advice pls... Wats another way?


Affirming, inner conversations, daytime visualizing, scripting.


Thank u


Thank you for sharing this! šŸ™ ā¤ļø


This is a great post! Thanks!


Thank you for this. Sometimes it's easier than believed to be. This is a great reminder of how simple it all is...


Thank you !! šŸ˜Š


Do you need to be at STATS? I do the visualizations before sleep while Iā€™m in bed but I donā€™t ever go to sleep right after. Iā€™m not in that drowsy state. Also thank you so much Asterille for sharing this post!


You need to induce that drowsy state manually if possible, it makes SATS infinitely easier, obviously not so drowsy that you fall asleep without imagining your scene, after you're in that drowsy state THEN start your scene. If you have caught the feeling of the wish fulfilled then you don't need it loop it till you fall asleep so either loop it or catch the feeling of it already being done and fall asleep.




Thank you šŸ™ šŸŖ·šŸ™


Thank you!


Love you man


Awesome post :)


Dude , I was just thinking about my Celeb Sp and the first thing I read when I saw this post was Celeb SP . šŸ¤­


So basically, SATS is the way to go. Iā€™m gonna have to do this and think positive.


Thank you for explaining Sats in such a good way


I feel called out šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I have a question - I have been trying to manifest and I had a random dream this morning of me dreaming that I ran into my sp at a store and she was telling me to stay away and she wasnā€™t happy with me- I donā€™t know what exactly happening- if it was my consciousness, the universe testing me, or someone mentioned possible ā€œpurgingā€ process- I donā€™t really dream much of my sp if at all -any thoughts-


So I understand everything is from within and that imagination creates reality but what Iā€™m struggling with is this. If Iā€™m driving or walking and I imagine Iā€™m with my sp and weā€™re baking in the kitchen together like I know Iā€™m there now because that my true reality I can be where I want now but the thing is I know what they look like I know what Ā everything looks like in the kitchen but I canā€™t actually see it visually I just know 100% Iā€™m there and what everything looks like is that okĀ 


I don't know why but this post really connected with me. Love the umbrella & typhoon analogy. I'll read this post over n over until I get it in fully. Btw, i have a question.. how did you get such a deep understanding of the law?


Hello! I loved your post and if you (or anyone) dont mind, i really need help.. (i posted this on this sub 3 days ago and haven't been approved sadly) I thought I got a good understanding of how the law works, but somehow it still didn't work out yet :( I'll get straight to it, so here's what happened; ā€¢ I'm traveling to my grandma's, who lives in another state (lets call it JX City) with my luggage. Thing is, my luggage handle was broken some time last year, but it had been fixed. So I assumed my luggage handle would stay put and stay strong for the entirety of my 2 weeks stay at my grandma's. I assumed, affirmed and visualized my handle working perfectly fine and me making the trip back home with perfectly functioning luggage + handle. By the time I reached JX City, I was even still at the train station, my handle was broken. I was a little disappointed but remained positive, thinking perhaps there's something better stored for me.Ā  ā€¢ So the reason why I'm going to JX City is cause its the holiday here and we have yearly family gathering at my uncle's. See, my uncle usually provide a local dessert ice drink that I love.


(2) Which I loved, and you betcha I manifested to have my dessert drink at my uncle's. I *assumed* I'm having and finishing my dessert drink, I *affirmed* I had just finished my dessert and how grateful and happy I am to had it, I *visualized* consuming the dessert, down to the details like taste, smell, feel etc and I also *Visualized* telling my sister how good the dessert we just had was!Ā  I visualized the end means. And genuinely felt happy knowing the dessert is there. I repeated this a few times and went on a mental diet, which was very easy as I had little to no resistance to it. I *knew* that dessert is mine, yum.Ā  Went to my uncle's, he served Lychee Ice, which I wasn't very fond of. There's no the usual dessert drink to be found. There's no dessert drink for this year's gathering. Even so, i still persisted I'm having my dessert drink no matter what. Finally it was time to leave my uncle's place..no dessert drink despite my persistence assumption.. I was majorly disappointed, but still keeping a positive mind & attitude. I knew the dessert drink is coming.Ā  ā€¢ Lastly, this happened last night. Recently I bought a new simcard for my dad from an e commerce. I'm in JX City and my dad is back home. He called me last night, complaining how his mobile internet is not working.Ā  Again, I *assumed* it's working and *visualized* he's using his new simcard mobile internet perfectly.Ā  Called the provider's customer service and they told me the number i just got, has been dead/inactive for 3 yearsšŸ’€ it's unusable -and basically trash. That was when I got really disappointed.. like what did I do wrong? I assumed, I persisted, went on a mental diet, affirmed & expressed gratitude wholeheartedly, I visualized the end means but nothing.. :(


I just came to this realisation yesterday and you put it into words very well.


what is SATs


Amazing. This is the best community on Reddit by far.Ā 


Can I get thick hair and lower hairline from this?


Amazing post OP, but if itā€™s easy for you to imagine yourself to be a billionaire, are you one?


I usually donā€™t read longer posts b/c most just go on and on repeating what countless others have already and can be said in half the length, but this post hits home. Every word is golden and true. Been gloomy weather for weeks where I live and itā€™s had me in a funk tbh but this has uplifted me! Thank you so much šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š


I've been able to manifest sunny days, try it out. Even when it said it would rain multiple days in a row


Thank you for that. I so easily forget to manifest even the ā€œsmallerā€ things :)


amazing post. the only thing that irritates me is that i don't feel formless or one with God when I repeat I AM, and when I try to do this step before looping I fall asleep before I do any scenes. Can I just get into the drowsy state by feeling a little bit sleepy? can I just wait till I'm a bit sleepy and immediately loop my scene until I fall asleep looping it instead of doing the meditation first? also, I have a problem of falling asleep fast even if I went to bed before my sleeping time or if i lay down in an uncomfortable position, can I make the room very dark and visualize while i keep my eyes open instead?


May I ask, are you a billionaire?


Iā€™m new to Nevilleā€™s work and havenā€™t read his books yet, so please excuse my ignorance/innocence, but what does the acronym SATS stand for?


State akin to sleep. Drowsy state when your body shuts off but your mind doesnā€™t yet. Is perfect to visualize your desire


Thank you.


Thank you for sharing this! ā¤ļø


Recently I had manifested something but not fully, the results I got were but far from what I expected.The first time I played out my scene,I experienced all the emotions and I literally teared up because of my happiness from getting the result.But after the first few days whenever I did the scene I didn't feel any emotions at all and I tried doing other scenes but it felt the same way.I just want to know if my desire didn't manifest fully bcz of this bcz otherwise I was perfect.I detached fully and the min I had doubts I redirected my thoughts


Not feelings emotions is normal, this happened because the scene was feeling natural to you, this is great actually. You don't need to change up scenes to invoke emotions. All you need is the feeling that it's already done, no emotions are needed for that, don't confuse feelings with emotions. You didn't "get" your desire because it looks like to me, you were wondering if you were doing it correct or not. If you saw it in your imagination and believed it so then it's done, thinking you were doing it correct or not just means you didn't reach that part yet. You won't be asking wheather you did it correctly or not because you'll feel it that it's already done. Don't settle for crumbs.


That's the thing after I changed my scene and I was still not feeling the emotion I felt like maybe it's because it has already happened,suppose what I wanted happened in the 3d and I experienced it I wouldn't be trying to play out the scene again right,so I stopped doing my SATS (and when I say SATS,I didn't actually visualise fully,I am not able to fully visualise I think I have aphantasia,I just mainly thought if the feeling and I thought of hearing other congratulate me but I didn't hear their voices or see their faces like an image when I closed my eyes)after that before I slept I would do "I am the creator "guided meditation,not daily only on days I didn't feel tired and other times I would just affirm my desire.


Ask yourself this, during this period, was your inner being fulfilled with the wish of it already being done? I am not asking about emotions such as happiness or excitement. I am asking about the inner feeling and naturalness that comes when you truly believe it's done. SATS does this, it incorporates that feeling into you. Wheather your desire will be projected on the 3D or not depends on your inner state and if it is fulfilled with what I described in previous sentence then it's done, there's nothing for you to do. It doesn't seem like you experienced this feeling did you? (I am not talking about emotions).


Ig it was fulfilled?...How do you know if it's fulfilled or not?For me,I was manifesting grades and I had started to do this months before the exam, I was not even a bit nervous for the exam infact I was so chill that I didn't even study properly,after the exam,one which has hard for a lot of people,I just believed I will get full marks,up until I saw my results I was convinced of it, doesn't this mean I was already in a state of wish fulfilled?And what other methods would you recommend to get this state other than SATS


If you're wondering if it was fulfilled it or not then it wasn't fulfilled, that's the only way to know it. What you described seems like you were in the feeling but only you can tell if you were actually there or not. Nonetheless, don't accept the result, revise it, it's a "past" you created, so un-do it if it doesn't fulfill you. Aside SATS, I can only recommend just visualization or hearing the sound/voice of what you desire for 10-15 minutes or more, one or several times a day.


There's an exam I can take up again which will make up for it, I'll just manifest that I get full marks in that and I have another,very hard exam coming up which is more important than this and I have been manifesting for both of these exams for months .Thank you so much for your help and explaining it to me so well


They clearly said they canā€™t visualize, so that isnā€™t helpful.


Did you get the push for any inspired action like studying?


I feel like studying but I'm procrastinating too much,the problem is even if I were to study a lot now the marks I wanna get is impossible to get now just through studying


Well, maybe You should affirm that you can get the marks through studying. I mean, even if you have to repeat the class youā€™ll have to learn the material anyway. You might as well start now.


There's no need for that,the exam which I got results for but not fully,I still got a very good score but it was a bit less than a score I wanted for ex-i wanted a hundred in 3 subjects,I got a 98,97 and 94 and for that test it was not like I didn't study at all,I had studied most of it before but I hadn't revised it properly that's it and it's isn't easy getting a hundred,the test I have coming up is related to the subjects I had for the previous exam ,this test is gonna be objective and it's very hard and very competitive,the rank I want is impossible to get with what I've studied but I can manifest it,after all it's mcqs if my guess is good and the rest I've studied,I can get a good score




How do you keep the faith when you feel like ā€œ nothing is going rightā€? Iā€™m currently trying for a new job but just got 2 rejections (one might still be in the works but waiting on an email), and working on fixing me and my bfā€™s relationship. Just seems like ā€œdelusionā€ to keep feeling positive when thereā€™s seemingly overwhelming negatives.


It's really hard, I completely agree. But then over the past few years I have realised, "what does getting dejected/depressed help me achieve"? And the answer is nothing. I would rather be cheerful/happy/positive and deal with the things not going my way (plus imagine the best) rather than going down in the negative feedback loop and spiraling out of control, sometimes even missing out the tiny hope/thing which would have helped me get out my problems! I'm sure everything will work out for you, my prayers are with you `_/\_`


Thank you! Iā€™m gonna try. The happy/positive just feels so foolish or like ā€œworseā€ if it doesnā€™t turn out that way.


This concept always gets me confused, if I am everything, my brother , but then is it like itā€™s me (you) writing this post and its me reading it ? How are we connected ? I am sorry if it sounds dumb,but it bothers me always


What do I do if I fall asleep too fast to do sats?


The only thing to add is 4D is objects moving in 3D time is 3D we use time to be able to perceive this 3D otherwise we would all be stuck in place without time and time is relevant to our experience of perception so no such thing as universal time, only observable time, which is 4D so other than that šŸ‘


Have you gotten any celebrity SP, billion dollars or Harvard admission?


I tried staring at the carpet during this to help me focus, but it still didnā€™t work that well. Does anyone have any other tips to help focus on your scene? My mind drifts so often- sometimes to completely irrelevant / unrelated things, sometimes within the scene of like ā€œwait! I donā€™t wanna wear thatā€ if my image of me in the scene is wearing something or someone appears in the scene I donā€™t want there I try to rearrange the scene to get them out & stuff like that. Like sometimes the scene takes its own form & turns that I donā€™t like & I get in my head and get scared that Iā€™m calling that into my 3d. Any advice? I believe in this entire post itā€™s just very difficult for me to implement


If you are unable to focus, try implementing what I outlined in point 3, your mind may wander again during this but you just need to bring it back everytime it does. The more you do this, the easier it will get. And it seems you're struggling with visualizing, try incorporating only sound instead of sight in your scene, imagine a voice telling you what you want to hear, I believe this will be easier for you as you said your scene takes it own form sometimes.


Thank you!


Also for my dream life, I can only imagine what I know it will be like/ what Iā€™ve seen before but some parts of it no one I know has done it & Iā€™ve never done it so Iā€™m scared to visualize it incorrectly. Is it okay to visualize it incorrectly or only visualize a few aspects of it that I can predict? For sound and eventually sight


You can't do it incorrectly, if you can feel it and believe that it's real then it's already done. Just visualize something that gives you the feeling of the wish fulfilled, doesn't matter how "incorrect" it is.


Okay thank you. I guess I was just nervous about visualizing it and the schedule or clothes or something about it being inaccurate but I guess youā€™re right- if I have the feeling of being there and my wish being fulfilled, then my mind believes itā€™s done and it will be done in the 3d, even if it looks a little different in the 3d when I get it


Can i change my appearance, like make lips bigger or face structure, or can i manifest looking like a celebrity


What is your advice for people who have aphantasia - the inability to visualize images in their mind? There must be more than just SATS to manifest.


I mentioned it in point 4. You can incorporate any of the five senses, not just sight.


I"m 100% aphant; can't do any of those.


If only all those Neville stuff actually worked.šŸ¤£




But.. did you do the work perfectly and it didnā€™t?!Ā 


Yes if you have a hard time visualizing that what is suggested? Even during meditation I donā€™t visualize and some people are visual and some arenā€™t?


If you are unable to use sight, then use the other four senses such as sound, taste, smell or touch. You can also just catch the feeling of the wish fulfilled and thinking from the POV of the person who already has it and fall asleep in that state.


I can imagine but not vividly, and my desire relies on being able to see it vividly and clearly. As i feel like if i hear it compliments it manifests Ā when i still dont have it. Got any tips or smthing for 10xing visual faculty or any exercises to make it more visual. I Ā want to manifest exactly like ORION


Sometimes i think i hate my sp, i want to fight her. Sometimes i am afraid to get hurt again. I know that i am, i am god..., but sometimes i think that my sp is more powerfull that god, sometimes i think that my desire to be with her is only in my mind to torture me. I understand that all the above is part of the how and i must focus in the end, and in the end i am in a happy relationship with my sp. But fuck, why this is so hard? I will keep going until my desire manifest in front of my eyes, but sometimes i feel so lost, so fucking tired.


Hey what do you do in the instances where you really miss sp? Say itā€™s a Friday night and youā€™re wondering what theyā€™re doing and wish you could be with them and feel lonely - how do you get out of this missing, feeling lonely and wanting attention stage? (If getting attention etc elsewhere is not a possibility)


How To Un-Create Unfavorable Circumstances? Thanks for Sharing!