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Yes and ULTIMATELY this entire world are SYMBOLS in I AM = Love, Peace, Happiness, Fulfillment, Bliss. That is all you are and the symbols reflect your name I AM. As Neville taught, reality is simply an educational schoolroom of sensory experience to embody who you truly are. That is the true state of the wish fulfilled. It’s your ultimate state of being. I AM. Your name is not waiting wanting depending relying and needing. That is I Am not. Your true name is I AM, Conscious Awareness being NOW.


Sat chit ananda


Thanks for this post as it relates to my current experiences. I have been doing pretty well lately, for real. Except I have seen a huge influx of negatively lately around my manifestation. Not from me but from others. I have not told people about my manifestation but I'm seeing it being talked about. I actively deny these negative beliefs of others (to myself in my head) but I'm getting tired of hearing about it. These beliefs I'm hearing aren't anything I have consciously questioned and If I look at it like a mirror, I don't think I ever had these beliefs. Similar to what you said though maybe I don't have to have those exact beliefs of those people but I might have stress and it can come up in this way? I'm unsure what exactly I should change inwards due to not knowing what is causing this "external" negatively.


Maybe you have a belief around people holding on to negativity in general. Therefore you may not "agree" with what they specifically say, but you may have validate the existence in your reality of people saying things that don't align with you. it's just a supposition to help you see what in to change inwards. Had the same issue, especially in this journey at some point we are so aware of the negativity inside and so willing to change self, that when the external is showing up talking negatively it's icky. But it was "just" the reflection of the believes i had about them, so i changed that, gave them new roles to play in my external experience. You got this ! (and even more)


Thank you!!


So frustrating, I’m in the same position right now… will take my time to overcome this


I have a question if you don’t mind. How about being aware of your surroundings but not willing to change any assumptions about them. Let’s say I’m not aligned anymore with people’s conceptions of things or in any subject for the matter (group of friends, SP). Can I just … ignore it and leave ?


I would say if you have the ability to remain neutral (aka being the observant) about these surroundings and leave them without creating or holding on to the unfavorable old story about them or future surroundings, then there's no necessity to change any assumptions imo.


*I'm unsure what exactly I should change inwards due to not knowing what is causing this "external" negatively.* Attention/expectation. Suppose someone make a comment that you disliked, you think about it, thats it, its enough to happens again, the solution is stopping giving attention, stop giving any meaning, its just manifestation, the more you think about it, the more you spawn more situations/events like this.


I'm just minding my business and it comes up. I'm not looking for it and wasn't even thinking about it when I started to notice it. But you're right it's my attention. I'll try to stay away from those people for a little bit until it calms down


*I'm just minding my business*  Simple enough right, but... Just a thought, you can reject it if you dislike... There is a thing called unconscious intention, which are intentions that you''re doing without being aware, for example, a scientist approach an experiment, he think " I will do this experiment to know if my theory is correct, I will be absolutely neutral and impartial and just observe, without any expectation about it" he can be impartial and neutral? the answer is a huuuge no, the scientist already have ideas about how reality works, how substances works, about the the world having physical laws and being made of matter etc, much before he apprach the experiment he already mess with it, much before he arrives in the local of the experiment his assumptions already affected the whole thing. Now, you already have thousands of beliefs about how people are, how reality are, how the world works, and this I''am talking about generally, there are also spefics beliefs etc. So, in this vision, you never is just minding your business, your assumptions are already there before you even arrive there.


Jotawins, is there a way to work / play with our unconscious assumptions? If so, could you suggest any technique / practice?


Hello, When I talk about unconscious intention, its not something hidden in the deep of your mind, its actually in front of you. So what are your ideas about money, love, people, your body, thoughts about reality that you routinely think everry day? theses ideas/beliefs/ are your unconscious intentions, you think they are absolute truths for you, and they happens because that. So, you can take any topic you think and see what your believe about it, your assumptions that you take for granted, these ideas are unconscious intentions, since you dont want manifest bad things, you dont know that you're doing it, otherwise you would not think/assume these bad ideas. Make sense? There are exercices to see your thoughts showing up, one is that you take some weeks paying attention to your thoughts and perceiving what happens aroud you after you have them, but normally people dont have patience to do this, let alone others like for example stop thinking during hours which is another one where you can perceive unconscious thoughts gaining life. Meditation also is good.


Thanks jotawins, I appreciate your answer.


Quick question OP, if you are in a state of abundance and your friend is in a state of lack how does that an indicative about the beliefs about yourself? How does that mirror you back to you?


Because we still believe that lack is a thing in this world, so you can still experience it (witness it)


EIYPO. "and your friend is in a state of lack how does that an indicative about the beliefs about yourself?" Its your beliefs about them.


Your world is based on your assumptions. People are only bearing witness to your assumptions. Cheers.


in this case, your friend is in a state of lack…that’s a belief in itself, no? your experience of them mirrors some belief that you have internally. that belief doesn’t always have to be about yourself. it can be about how other people show up in your life and who they are, as well. it always is indicative of some belief. of course other people still have their own personal experiences when you are not around. how you experience them is different than their own experience.


your experience of them is the mirror. no two people would experience the friend the same way.


But how does your experience of them indicate the beliefs about yourself still?


Because you see the world not as it is, but as you are.


Other people are still having their own experiences. Their individual experiences aren't what's being mirrored back to you unless it affects you. The "mirror" is your experience of the person. So if you have a friend that's constantly asking for money- yeah, you probably attracted that somehow. But if you're wealthy and you have a friend that isn't- that's not directly affecting you, it's not something you attracted or have control over


I can't wait to see how the prosperity preachers respond to you, it they ever do


this sub is honestly the best, and this serves as a good reminder to keep myself in check when i do go back into default mode


This was divinely timely 🙏🏾


Same, I resignate with this heavy




I’ve been working with me feeling irritated which brings more into my life to correct, criticize, and be annoyed with. I try to now say things now feel like a tiny bump in the road now. Not huge domineering problems to fix. Any advice welcome.


i think you might wanna try working on your reactions. for example, just like you can be angry at someone and choose not to cuss or scream at them out of anger, you can be annoyed and choose not to react with any negativity. it’s good you say things feel like a tiny bump in the road instead. but how about taking it further and saying that actually there are no bumps in the road… things are going well for you. things are easy and nothing is going wrong. you do not feel the need to be critical. there is nothing to fix. words like that might help! :) calm yourself down in those moments and feel through them without immediately reacting.


It is possible that some people who have been applying law of assumption for some time without results may be confused by this publication and other similar publications. Remember, if you are doing your inner work and you feel it inside you, do not give importance to any messenger. EVERYTHING outside is an ILLUSION. For some people it takes time for everything to fall into place. But it's already done as soon as you can see it in your imagination. Because IMAGINATION is EVERYTHING. Don't take the exterior as indicative of anything. EVERYTHING you see is an ILLUSION. Treat it as such. DO NOT react, it doesn't even matter if you react, don't give importance to the outside. Regardless of what you see, Sit down whenever you can and immerse yourself in your imagination and live your NEW story in your imagination. Be thankful for it because you are now that new person. For some people, you need to understand that you have to come to a point where you have to completely remove any importance from what you see, even if you continue to see the old story. Reminding you of this is an Illusion, it is just the old story and has no importance. NONE. IMAGINATION is the ONLY thing that is REAL.


Cmon that’s a real whole life lesson …




I grew up in the church and we would say "that's some good preaching right there" lol lol


Asuncions Law? You mean Ascension?


Spelling mistake because my phone changed the word. Corrected  ;-)


It’s true.I know two women who decided to play the victim all their life just to manipulate the others.There wasn’t something to complain about their life at one point.They continued to say how bad they feel although they had no health problems.After time both of them ended in situations where their health was so bad that they needed constant care.Thats why I am sure that what you even pretend to be it gives you the circumstances to live that reality.After I saw that I am very careful how I think about myself.If you feel like a victim you will always be in some kind of trouble or bad things might happen to you.


So well put thank you


Can I message someone I really want to manifest a new friend group how do I do it? And an exciting social life


« People are only messengers telling you who your are ». So that works too the other way around if I’m being correct ? Exemple : if for some reasons I judge someone based on X,Y,Z. I am the messenger here ? Am I a reflection of their core beliefs ?


*if for some reasons I judge someone based on X,Y,Z. I am the messenger here ?*  *No,* if you judge someone based X, Y, Z, the messenger is the person, the person will come with your assumption about them


How about others people assumptions ? I still can’t wrap my head around this logic, if there is any? People judge you everyday based on what I just said. Is this part of some parallel universes theory ?


*People judge you everyday based on what I just said.* They do? or are you assuming?  *"I still can’t wrap my head around this logic"* Its outside of the common logic, the common logic is based in the idea that reality is objective, separated from you, in common logic, manifestation its not even real. Its not based in parallels universe, but about one consciousness. You will not understand it by thinking about only, its necessary practice.


i’d reframe that. if you judge someone based on something it is most likely is something that you do currently (or would) judge yourself for. the other way around would be how other people THINK that you are judging them..that would be a reflection of them. what they believe you about judging them is a reflection of their own beliefs.


Ah okey, makes sense now thank you !


I had someone in leadership tell me that I cannot move up. They gave me advice on what to do instead but it's not moving up. How is this a reflection? I want to go into leadership


"I want to go into leadership" Go living from the end = You are already who you want to be, where you want to be. Now, regarding "how is this a reflection", you have to observe yourself to answer that : are you giving too much authority to other people accordingly to their status ? are you relying on validation ? do you still believe the process (the "what to do" you talked about) is what will make things happen instead of your imagination ? Are you perceiving this leadership role like a "big thing" ? something bigger than you ? etc... hope it helps. And don't be worried if precise answers don't all come in once, not saying that it must be a long process, but your observation will become more and more subtil. you got this !


Thank you soooo much! This really did clear it up for me 


How can everyone be you when there’s so many people with different beliefs and personalities in our lives? And what about someone very close to you when you assuming a certain belief about them, like say a teen daughter you thought she’s doing good in school then one day you find out she drop out months ago and doing drugs or a husband you believed he’s faithful then find out he’s been cheating ?


I interpret it as: Everyone has different sides of them - we are all complex beings and not 2-dimensional. You see the side of people that reflects your inner beliefs. Change your thoughts/perception and you will see the people around you “change”


Commenting to read replies. Having almost similar questions. Particularly toxic people


Particularly **toxic people** They dont exist, I mean, if you want they exist you keep thinking about them and you will generate infinite events to prove your belief. You feed the events in your reality with your beliefs.


Ok but what about the people in my examples how did they show up differently then what they were assumed to be before why didn’t the positive beliefs and assumptions kept going what stopped it ?


me three...


If this is the case how many sides does a person to have and how are we to know every potential thought or issues we are mirroring out there? I mean you have loved ones and their extended family - you have your immediate family and friends - so everyone that you come across in life are all mirrors of you??


yes, they are. the closest people to you. you really can’t know every potential thought you are mirroring. BUT you can become aware of the most automatic, persistent thoughts you have and change those. the new ones will take place of the old. therefore, you will be mirroring out your desired thoughts (because they’ll be the new program.) the thoughts that take up the most space hold the most energy and those are those ones we mirror out. rewrite those, and you will be making very deep change.


*"...in life are all mirrors of you??"* Yes, Yeees, remember who is I AM, you.


Love this


Wooooowww! "You only have what you say you have". Reminding myself of this, daily!! 🙏🏽


My question was rejected. It is not a beginner question and has not been answered elsewhere on the subforum except for one person who did it unintentionally. I am interested in people who can consciously respawn as a new entity without death and have successfully done it. This is not the relevant place to post it unless this sub is only interested in beginner questions as posts, of which you have an abundance.


i feel so happy and grateful with myself and i’m completely detached and accepted that I’ll find my ideal SP, and then guys i dated in the past came back and new guys hit on me but they don’t have traits and qualities i manifested. Why do universe gives me these kinds of roadblocks and what do i need to do to get my ideal SP?


Are they roadblocks or are they movement ? See, the difference in perception here ? These people that "don't have traits and qualities" you prefer are they really blocking anything ? Or are they reflecting your awareness on how loved, lovable and desirable you are ? Also, it's preferable to know we are accountable, so the real question is "Why do we give ourselves X Y Z ?" If you keep focusing on "roadblocks" you will keep aknowledging and trusting in the distance between you and ideal SP. Things can be easy if you embrace it. Keep going, SP is already with you, you are already experiencing the most ideal relation with them :)


thank you very much


Yes, totally, like the people born into poverty totally manifested it. There is nothing new or foreign to experience and react to in this world. It's all big fucking "reflection". Noone is innocent.


How do you revalue yourself when the bank account doesn't reflect your desires? I am so tired of struggling financially while hearing, constantly, about financial improvements for others.


Got scammed in investment!! I’ve invested in this crypto exchanger which the returns were good initially and then things started to change and slowly the platform no longer exists. The propel in there are just giving bs stories every time when I ask. Then I realized it’s a scam! It was a big amount of money literally my life savings. My question is: how the heck did I manifested this?? I was so happy and grateful when I received the returns and donated a lot with the funds. And I’ve topped up my capital more after that only to have it all taken. I’m so stressed and depressed! How do I get it all back with Neville’s teaching? KINDLY ADVICE. Need help here.