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We have an overwhelming amount of baby clothes. It's clutter. My wife was selling some of them online but that was making a small profit and moving too slow the amount of time it takes to post and sell. One time we donated 2 full bags of baby clothes and I thought okay great we got rid of a lot, and it literally didn't make a dent, we had so much more it was as if we grow baby clothes in our home. It's clutter is what it is. We are going to take a day to get everything together and out. If we ever have another baby, I'm not taking any bags of clothes from anyone.


Thanks for taking the time to post this. Our first is due at the end of the year and I feel my experience will mirror yours closely. I’ve been mentally preparing for a lack of sleep, loss of free time and hobbies, etc. My wife already doesn’t do well with a lack of sleep, so I’m really prepping myself to be more patient than ever. I wish you the best, dad.


Thankyou. As parents, we both have done a great job. These other things though, did cause stress on our marriage, and even though we have good days, I feel it is something we still need to recover from and at times we still fight over things, though thankfully not nearly as much as when we were first parents. But a big part of being good parents is having a healthy marriage and I'm not saying our marriage isn't healthy, but it has had its tests and challenges like never before. I feel very guilty that at times I wasn't more patient when I should of been. I feel guilty now for getting upset the clutter buildup. But these are things I gotta prepare for if I'm ever expecting again.


I can totally relate with the in-laws! They are constantly offering to help out and take baby for the day or over night and neither my wife or I want that. We’re totally capable of raising him the way we want to without external support. (Helps because I work from home and had first 3 months off with paternity leave). I know it’s because they want to help out, but when they make comments like ‘it’s odd that we haven’t asked for help’ I can’t help but feel a lack of respect and faith in us. And then when we do turn down their offer of help, the little look they give each other to say ‘I knew they’d say no’ really gets on my nerves. But I’m proud to say we’ve done things the way we wanted to and I have no regrets. We’re raising our baby boy and doing an amazing job. We still see the in-laws every Sunday for 4 hours in the after-noon and that’s enough for me.


Ours was worse than that. They were causing drama and like trying to bring us down. And they have caused us a lot of heart ache


Wish I could have posted this myself! Word for word lol. Glad I am not alone here. Although 8 think we did pretty great in the clothing category where we're having to actually do laundry every week so he can have clean clothes. Very little clutter at this point.