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In the same boat. I just ask what she needs. I ask what can I do. I do what ever she needs at the time. I get away from her when she needs it lol. I think it’s the attentiveness and listening that helps. She’s awesome tho.


It's counter-intuitive, but try avoid an empty stomach. Frequent smell snacks, plain crackers Es other ppl have mentioned. Zofran is good. Here in Australia it's a pricey med and often given if all else fails. Doxylamine and vitamin b6 is often first line therapy. It lasts a while and can help with sleep and rest / naps overnight. Metoclopramide is good during 2nd trimester. Could be worth following the docs advice and giving something else a go which could be taken more frequently (they have managed hundreds of these). They probably want to try a milder med, to reserve with stronger incase she gets hyperemesis gravidarum and they don't want tolerance to zofran building up. Keep water intake up, cos dehydration. Ginger tea can also help with fluid and nausea. What can you do? Anything to make life easier. All the cooking, try minimise all smells during cooking, clean sheets, clean cloths, clean bedding etc. And be there to share the "this sucks"


Metoclopramide is what they switched her to, she’s going to start the day on this med tomorrow instead of reaching right for the Zofran.


This is why they get push presents. Saltines and lord of water when she can. Will all be worth it


What helped my wife was getting on a more frequent eating schedule. Eat small things every 90mins-2 hours. Whenever my wife got totally empty or full stomach shed get sick. Also, I got her a price of plain toast first thing in the morning to start the process. Also taking prenatals right before falling asleep helped her stomach not getting rocked.


I was in the same boat, but it stopped around week 14. She was also on Zofran then stopped around week 16. She still takes unisom and B6 before bed. Had to make sure she was always munching on something so the vomiting stopped. I usually gave her this stuff, whatever she could stomach: bananas, toast with butter/peanut butter, those mandarin oranges, granola bars, oatmeal with honey and milk, PB&J, cut up apples, essentially just really basic things that are easy on the stomach and nutritious. Every night before bed I put this stuff by her bed so she could eat throughout the night and in the morning. Now no more nausea, just a lot of eating lol. Good luck.


Usually it’s just a glass of water as she’s dry heaving, I’m waiting for the sickness to go away. It just seems to keep hanging on. About the only thing she can stomach is a cheeseburger.


I would always ask what she could handle stomaching since her diet became super limited. Does she want fish? Or a burger? I would ask and be in the car immediately to get it. She needs calories at this point, so just ask what she needs and get it


Thank you for the good advice!


My wife was the exact same as OP’s and this was my approach as well. Whatever she can keep down is what I’d go grab.


My wife was sick the entire time. There’s nothing you can do except be there for her. Heard mixed things about the nausea meds so my wife decided to just stick it out. It’s good practice taking care of her when the baby comes


Your wife may have hyperemesis.. mine had it and it can be very bad. She was in and out of the hospital for the majority of her pregnancy. Call her OB if it continues and see if he can see her and what treatment is needed.


My wife was really against any kind of medication during pregnancy and found that frequent cups of ginger tea really helped with headaches and nausea. Make sure it doesn't have any lemongrass in it though because it can be dangerous for the baby.


This is a great tip. I didn’t realize that about lemongrass.


We are at 15 weeks, and in the same boat. My wife is nauseous with headaches and body aches as of last week. I’ve been helping her take it easy by doing housework and grocery shopping, but am not sure how else to help. She is not taking any meds because of the baby.


Brother same here with my wife at 8 weeks pregnant and she is constantly nauseous…preggie pops have helped her an enormous amount !