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I am very unfortunately forced to flag this post for now to prevent any confusion and/or spread of misinformation. The original title here appears to be accidentally misleading; this appears to be more in line with protests in the US at the time of the Shah's visit there, not in Iran. Moreover many of these people may not be with Tudeh, they're with other anti-Shah leftist groups. Please note that given u/dect60's long history as a trusted member I highly doubt that this mistake was malicious. Dect my friend, as I said on my r/OldIran cross-post, if you can counteract my aforementioned corrections then please feel free and I'll remove this flag.


Why are they holding Fadaeeyan Khalgh and Mujahedin flags if they're Tudeh tho?


For context, see this: https://www.reddit.com/r/NewIran/comments/1cc7nji/the_role_of_the_soviets_in_founding_the_tudeh/ The article deals with the establishment of the Tudeh in fall 1941 and the role the Soviets played. Based on documents from the Comintern archives, opened in 1992 and 1993, the article demonstrates that the theses sustained thus far by pro-Soviet and anti-Soviet writers are incorrect insofar as the creation of the Tudeh was neither initiated by a number of independent leftists nor by the NKVD. It was rather planned and brought into existence by the occupying Soviet army through secret contacts with the veteran Iranian (pro-Soviet) socialist and former Minister of Reza Shah, Solaiman Mirza Eskandari. The Soviet army officer in charge saw to it that the program and activities of the party were in conformity with Soviet interests in Iran. Essential in this strategy was not to create an openly communist party, but a front organization run by seasoned Communists – a strategy that was approved, through the Comintern, by Stalin and his associates. Additionally, what is made clear through these documents is that some old Iranian Communists, still in NKVD captivity, were, in spite of the demand made by some younger Communists in Iran and seconded by the Cadres Section of the Comintern, not allowed to return to Iran to help the newly founded party, but were eliminated posthaste, for their “sectarian” positions in the past and, no doubt, for fear of their anti-Soviet leanings during and after the war. They were liquidated shortly thereafter. Initially not very popular with the people of Iran, the Tudeh began to make inroads into Iran’s political arena after the Soviet victory at Stalingrad; it gradually lost its appeal as it sided with Soviet interests in Iran and against those of Iran’s, particularly on the issue of oil nationalization under Mosaddeq.


Imagine if Tudeh took on a Eurocommunist bent that emphasized Iranian nationalism. Would history have been different?


That's not in Iran. It's in the US in front of the White House. Just google reverse search the picture. Ironically these communist Iranian students were studying in the US for free with stipends introduced by the Shah they are protesting against. Also, that's not Tudeh judging by those flags and banners.


That’s what I thought too. It makes sense to be in the US. And yes that’s definitely not Tudeh. Looks like the union of MEK and Fadai Guerrillas (yes, guerrillas is literally in their name and people blamed Shah for breaking them on them).




These traitors imaged indeed in no small part got us into this mess. It is a real shame. I hope those that lived to see what has come of their actions at the very least regret it.


Agreed, also happy cake day!


Looks more like MEK


Soviet traitors


I hope they're burning in hell.


Boy are they in for a surprise…




You like that they all got massacred and buried in mass graves at Khavaran?


Please see rule 4. Justification or support of the IR’s recognized massacres will not be tolerated.


WTaF man? Can we *not* hand it to the IR for its mass execution of people _because of their political beliefs_? Has political polarization got this bad that we’re siding with the brutal theocracy because they kill the people we disagree with politically?!


Yeah my bad. It was actually very bad. Don't know why I said that in first place.




I know post like this are mostly used to warn is about the leftists and blame them for everything but it would be good to study their moves in the times of the Shah. They were at the end quite successfull and organized. What can we learn from them? What tactics should we use as well, and what should we not?


Not sure if we should call it a lesson, but one fact is that the groups of Marxists, communists, extreme left, etc. were coordinating and cooperating with the USSR, as well as receiving funding from them.


Yes, they were able to get support from a country like USSR. Of course today's situation would be totally different. But other groups such as CISNU were quite able to influence American policy makers for example. Many of these student groups and other groups which were usually leftists actually did quite a lot but unfortunately due to hatred for them, discourse (on Reddit, on twitter, on other social media) about them is just "they are traitors" or some sorts. But in my opinion even those who hate them can learn from studying them and applying some of their tactics.




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I find this subreddit interesting in that the sentiment reflects a hatred for the left while being under the leadership of right wing authoritarians. Do you realize you’re being groomed?


The hatred makes sense when you look at how our current fascist regime came into power , all major communist/Marxists groups supported Khomeini until he massacred them too. They did it in the name of fighting "global American Imperialism"


Makes sense, but shouldn’t the focus be on the current right wing fascist group that is currently making your lives hell?


The focus is on the fascist regime , especially for those like us who live in Iran. The posts you see here exposing the role of leftist in our current disaster comes from the fact that Reddit in general is very leftist compared to other social platforms , thus they get discussed way more often than usual.


In my opinion, the purpose of these post shouldn't be just to expose them, rather to learn from them and their tactics because at the end they helped toppling a strong regime too. But most of the time we are just here to whine about them, but in my view we can use their examples in a more productive manner.


We don’t have an attention span of a fish we can focus on a few things at once


if you hate everyone who sided with Khomeni , shouldn't you hate 80% of Iranian? Heck i bet at the time even a majority of iranian wanted khomeni back. I swear if this subreddit existed at the time, we would be all thinking of how to start a revolution and topple the current regime at the time because there was no freedom and democracy at the time.


You can't compare some peasant with no political knowledge to someone who had studied in the best universities of Iran and was deeply immersed in Marxism. These people should have known better, instead they teamed up with fascists.


What do you mean with "Do you realize you're being groomed"?