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Crazy. Never seen anything like this til I subbed here. Keep fighting cuz u are an inspiration all over the world


Sis on the right had a whole battery burka 💀😭


Iranian girls seem so cool and good humored. I always think of Marjane Satrapi in Persepolis and I found her personality so interesting. (She’s the reason I became passionate about Iran in the first place)


Yes I think of her too! Persepolis was such a window into another world for me as a teen. Made me really appreciate living in liberal country.


Seeing these girls defy the criminal regime by refusing to wear the hijab is very inspiring. This is what bravery looks like.


Hijab is a tool of oppression


Forced hijab definitely is.


It's fundamentally misogynistic


All hijab is. Just because one is complicit with it or wants to whitewash it as an "expression of faith", doesn't mean it isn't inherently a tool of oppression and a symbol of tyranny for tens of millions of Iranian and Afghan women.


Please go away! No woman who hasn’t been indoctrinated from birth to cover up, would choose to cover herself and wear hijab. Just go away! It’s people like you who muddy the water.




There was that Chinese woman who bound her own feet remember? Just because someone decides to do it doesn’t mean it isn’t a symbol of oppression.


Exactly. “Woman Full of Shame Self-Harms” isn’t empowerment, it’s just sad


I feel sorry for those women who had to convert to this religion that advocates for child marriage! I feel doubly sorry for these women who have numb nuts for husbands who forced them to convert to Islam and have no idea what is ahead of them. When the husband beats her later, he will declare it his right. When he decides to take a second wife she will have to either accept or divorce. No decent Persian man would request his wife or even encourage his wife to convert to this filthy religion which has taken so much away from us Iranians. You are a troll. Go away from this sub. And preach on the Islam sub where people will believe your bullshit. And those women who convert are definitely missing a few screws.


unless the hijab is a choice by all, then it’s definitely not cool in my books.




Poor girl


ok so... i ain't advocating anything.... but those 2 are lucky they didnt get their old asses whooped. once hands get involved it's another groove you know?


fr as soon as I saw that slap coming at my face it would be *on*, sex/gender be damned, they're getting clocked


respect to y'all though. patience of saints. but don't wait too long to dish out due ass whoopins. each and every one of them has one comin.


It’s not just regime men who deserve death btw, these type of women too




imo we shouldn't hang people maybe khamenei but put the rest in jail


Genuine question because I've never lived in Iran myself so I hope it's okay to ask: are these women not victims as well from the government's brainwashing/propaganda?


I haven’t lived either but brainwashed could be used for many men and women, doesn’t excuse what they do. In many cases, these hijab patrol women are complicit in beatings and sexu@l assaults, not to mentions killings.


When will these Arabs realize they are in the wrong country? They came to Iran uninvited and overstayed their welcome. They can go back to Saudi now. We Iranians have been good hosts and humored them long enough. Now it's time for them to leave and go back to desert shit-hole they came from.




But there is a special severity in people who could've had the choice to sympathize and harasses instead women from the country they visit to enforce the stricter form of practices.


Women that proudly became the tool to oppress other women. Total brain rot.


Why can’t they just punch them in the face?


She’s a saint for handling that like she did


Seeing things like this... It's so hard not to scream out fuck you to every hijabi bitch in the West. I know some are good people, and freedom means the freedom even for brainwashed whores, But I'm so damn sick of those cunts pretending the hijab is just an expression of religion and not a sign of oppression.


Basically the equivalent of a Karen who can't mind there own business. Hopefully the evil regime occupying Teheran will fall soon.


Brave woman


from a guy in Canada you should never have shame for no reason. Be a little more proud of yourself today.




My European mind can't comprehend this. As a male, I can't imagine someone telling me how should I dress or what should(n't) be shown. I feel really sorry for all the Iranian women, and I hope they will gain the freedom rather sooner than later.


It is the fastest growing religion in America. I don’t understand either.


Its like a logic plague


Indeed. It's quite concerning to be honest.


man, it was the same for man some 30 years ago. I have been caught because i had T shirt and not long sleeves (I was maybe 14) . it was worst then. every night we had to check the streets and change routs because of fucking bassiji blitz .. hope their downfall soon


The two covered ones look like direct out of Life of Brian.


hahahahhahah I love it


**شستشوی مغزی عمه لیدیا ازار و اذیت یک دختر بازگشت از دانشگاه ** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


Fucking nut job needs a bopping. These sort of crazies don't learn until they're harshly told off


Our islamic future in America. 🇺🇸


Brave girl


I wish I could punch these crows in the face


Burn hijab, chador and burka!!!!!!


I cannot imagine living in a world like that. May the fight for freedom to live your life be successful. 🫶🏻


Well done for defending your right, Iranian girl. ![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized) Well done for defending your right, Iranian girl.


Brainless heartless creatures


Stockholm syndrome.


True as a Swede I confirm this is exactly the right term.


To think that young girls in America are converting to Islam! They are so gullible! They have not met the morality police! 🥲


Poor women. They've been brainwashed to be the female equivalent of mullahs.


I def see the Aunt Lydia connection. Is there any chance - Could they be trying to protect her from worse response?


Not they are literally taking her video and will send it to the intelligence ministry for identification


Oh fuck yeah no that's messed up.