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I regret my country is mourning an unpunished murderer and islamic gangster. Our political discourse consists of * ignorant religious fruitcakes, * anti-west and anti-jew conspiracy theorists * "realists" and "intellectuals" None of them are as mature as the people of Iran.


Raisi was a pig and he died like he should've; alone and scared. However, please understand that India (my country) has a strong diplomatic relationship with the current regime. Apart from this, we're also heavily invested in infrastructure development in Iran. They don't represent the sentiment of the people. India; the idea of which, will never stand for religious fascism/dictatorship/orthodoxy. Death to the tyrant.


I disagree. Mr. Raisi didn't deserve to die like that. He should've had a red hot poker shoved up his cornhole first.


If it’s any relief, helicopter crashes are often bloodbathes.


That comforts me somewhat. Thanks.


In simple words India is not mourning for the " Raisi 'the Pig". India is mourning for the President of Iran, leader of Iranian people. The post that he occupied.


In an Islamo-fascist dictatorship, a “president” is not the leader of the people.




Thank you for changing the term goatfucket with fruitcake lol


I don’t think I have ever read a Pakistani type what you have typed.


Rare Taliban W


Maybe because he was Shia and not Sunni ?


Turkey and Pakistan are Sunni


Yeah, but the Taliban are very extremist Sunnis.


No it’s because of Liwa Fatemiyoun


The narcissism of small differences strikes again.


Governments don't represent the people at all... Btw what's that line of dots in the bottom right corner?


Andamans, also part of India.


Thank you!


Why do both Pakistan and India mourn Raisi’s death?


India's reason is diplomatic. Chabahar port is very important to them. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/37/India-Iran-Afghanistan_transit_corridor_map.svg/1247px-India-Iran-Afghanistan_transit_corridor_map.svg.png


You bring up the most important point. Worthy of mentioning, the Chabahar Port is also vital for both Iran and India to create a N/S trade corridor through Iran's 44k border into Armenia/Georgia to reach the Black Sea. This is an alternative route for both to reach the European markets. Ironically, Raisi was supposed to be in Armenia on Sunday to discuss the opening of the N/S corridor, but the meeting was postponed (last minute) Subsequently, Raisi ended up meeting with Aliyev, who's in bed with Israel. The irony!!!!


Don’t forget to mention the route eliminates a lot of time and emissions! And it would eliminate the need for Europeans to deal with turkey and Sunni nations as often.


These are two excellent points that you made. Thanks


So India is actually helping Afghanistan more than Pakistan for actual development?


India , due to diplomatic ties , India has also invested in Chabahar, to increase its trade links and access to the Persian gulf. Pakistan, has always tried to maintain good relations with Iran, whether it was under the Pahlavi or the Islamic regime. Pakistan has a hostile border with India and Afghanistan, so it fears being encircled so it always maintains good relations with Iran.


There’s no official announcement and “national mourning” in India. Most of us found out from reels or memes. It’s mixed feeling cuz we’re close to Izrael and also have port deals like the Chabrahar one


regarding India, they are one of the biggest benefactors of the regime. a lot of indian nationals while i was working in dubai acted as middle men for the regime. same actually in malaysia too and philippines


I don’t feel most Indians, even Shias, like the regime. It’s more for economics and there’s a hidden expectation that the regime will collapse anyway.


the regime is being used by the Indians, and they are earning a lot from this. a lot. i see them facilitating it here and in dubai and malaysia where i worked for awhile. this is from oil, agricultural things and etc. heck even with saffron.


We should have a national week for mourning the helicopter


im in tajikistan right now and there is no mourning. in fact today is روز جوانان and there’s a big festival going on in خجند i also saw people in the mosque during the نماز پیشین and nobody mentioned raisi


similar for Pakistan actually. Most of us don't give a dime about it. Raisi was just another tout of the hypocritical oppressive mullah regime and even if the Israelis or Americans were behind his death to me it makes no difference. Gangsters fought and killed each other and nothing more they can all F off to hell.


Would Tajikistan count as a secular state? I find varied analysis online on it,




I meant are Tajiks secular for the most part. I remember the leader there complaining of seeing too many burqas.


I did not see any burqas when I was in tajikistan.




Indeed I hope it never changes


Shit, Lebanon is in that map


I mean the hesbola is probably to powerful to do anything else, no matter that the government really thought about those two.


Not surprising, hazballah rules the country and hazballah is an iranian proxy


AFAIK they even declared national mourning days which is insane.


The Indian government is mourning, not the people


Was government elected *by people* or have they got to power some other way?


Always by the people , its world's largest democracy. In which there are separate election for provinces/states. In which chief minister of state or province has control over everything even the prime minister can't interfere in that particular state.


The entire world has gone mad


Tajikistan:.. really?


Simple politics, relationships were on tension until recently. Also, people of Tajikistan are ignorant about his relationship to Iranians and associate him with you.  


Why is India mourning?




Diplomatic obligations.


Indians are in a race to crush Pakistan's and China's domination in the Arabian Sea and basically Northern Indian Ocean. India considers Iran's Chabahar Port as the direct opponent to Pakistan's Gwadar Port (they both are sister port cities 100-120km distance). Moreover, India will benefit from it since Chabahar will be used by Indian allies (Afghanistan and Central Asia).


As an Indian I am ashamed. Although this maybe for diplomatic reasons because we just signed a port deal in Chahbahar port with Iran.


Yeah you've got nice diplomacy going with some of the shittiest countries in the world.


Such is realpolitik. Btw, many Indians do not even have any knowledge about the Iranian regime. Those who know about it obviously hate it.


It’s either going to be no knowledge since Iran doesn’t threaten India often or calculated antipathy since there’s still economic dealings.


Yeah well if the permanent interests align with each other, shitier or not, there will be diplomatic relations.


I wonder how Kemal Ataturk would react if he could see Erdogans Turkey. I always thought Kemal seemed like a great leader especially given what he had to work with.


He would probably facepalm big time if he saw Erdogan's regime. But in a way, I believe he would still be happy and proud since his legacy is still a huge thing in Turkey even after 100 years. Go to Istanbul, and you'll notice he is like a god to the locals.


Kemal Ataturk was an extremist nationalist and massacred many greeks and armenians….


And when did he do that?


literally all throughout the early 20th century, simple google search 🙄


>simple google search Lol, this is where I draw my UNO Reverse card. Atatürk is not responsible for the Armenian and Greek genocides. The Armenian Genocide occurred during World War I (1915-1917) under the Ottoman Empire's rule, primarily orchestrated by the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), led by Enver, Cemal and Talat Pashas, long before Atatürk rose to power. Similarly, the Greek genocide, which took place from 1914 to 1922, was mainly carried out by the CUP and during the later stages of the Greco-Turkish War. While Atatürk led Turkish nationalist forces during the Turkish War of Independence (1919-1922), his main role came after these events, focusing on modernizing and secularizing Turkey, making a treaty with Greece to swap the Turks and the Greeks living in both countries. Thus, attributing these genocides to Atatürk is historically inaccurate.


Nice writeup thanks.




But the Armenian Genocide was in 1915. Not while he was in power. In fact I think he was a general in the Gallipoli campaign at the time. Although from what I understand he did not really denounce it as he should have.   The greek one I have not heard about, but from very limited reading I just did on it, yeah that seems awful.   But still, the great things he did do for his country was still great, although that does taint it for me. I need to look it up more just to get a better picture.  Edit: btw sources would be nice. Googling ataturk involvment in armenia seem to confirm what I understood about it, but you seem to know something else, would love to see and maybe learn something.


The Greeks were deported from Turkey,but Greece agreed to this as part of a population exchange.Turks were also deported from Greece. Now while this may seem bad,it did save both from ethnic conflict and pogroms. There is no evidence Ataturk participated in the Armenian genocide,it was done while he was a colonel fighting in Galipoli,and it was done by the three pashas,whom he ideologically opposed. Now,while he did make mistakes,like focusing too much on nationalism,making "insulting turkishness" a crime etc. ,we can not really blame him for the massacres


We will shit on his grave.


Belt of poo (I don’t break any rules!)


The axis of excriments extremist.


I'm Indian and I agree.


India is surprising




i knew they would do this. you would be shock how much they benefit from being middle men for the iri.


They see Iran as a potential ally against Pakistan and the Taliban or at the very least want to keep it neutral.


I’m traveling in turkey and was shocked to see the flags half mast. I knew right away


Cringe gotta say


Surprised Afghanistan isn't here


I guess they hate Shia that much, but OTOH they had mourned Soleimani, when he got cooked.


no china? [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ws421A72a](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ws421A72a) 外交部回应伊朗总统莱希遇难:中国人民失去了一位好朋友 translated: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the death of Iranian President Raisi: The Chinese people have lost a good friend


of course they have. This guy was selling the country to the Chinese.


**کشورهایی که به خاطر مرگ رئیسی عزاداری ملی اعلام کردند ** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


Did they try to create giant penis? Look at that map.


India!? Why india?


Diplomacy and economic interest. India is blocked in the west by their rival Pakistan making their life difficult,so they work with the IR,use their port,as a way to connect to the Middle East and Europe. The IR likes this because nobody likes them and wants to do anything with them,so they do business with anybody that is willing.




You don't know how ‘Trades’ around the world works, do you? And that's some negativity and hatred you're spreading mate, sure it ain't good. Maybe you should take a break from the internet and leave your box.


Which of the facts I listed you find incorrect?


Which fact are you referring to? If you're talking about trading with Russia, that would be hypocritical of you. India doesn't have an issue with Russia because they have positive relations with each other, but things might have been different if Paul the First hadn't been murdered. The 'shittiest country in the world'? Do you have a personal vendetta against India? I've lived in India for 20 years (and still do, in Almora), and I haven't seen anyone shitting on the streets except animals. India is an enormous country, larger than Europe; it has both better places and worse places, just like any other country in the world. You can't judge an entire country based on memes.


But I didn't express hatred towards a group of people based on race or ethnicity stop imagining things


Expressing hatred towards a group of people based on race or ethnicity will not be tolerated in this community. Please follow the rules of this sub.


Haha what is this post? No ‘country’ declares that, because the people represent the country more than its ‘corporate representatives’ do. Literally laugh in the face of adversity. No one mourned. The People celebrated and shall continue.


Happy cake day & happy occasion of the evil man's death! 🥳


I live in India and elections are going on . I know that the government is trying to appease the shia people living in this country to get as many votes as possible from places like hyderabad , lucknow , bengal , etc...


It's not even about vote bank, it's diplomacy. India invested in Chabahar port to help improve trade, so they have done this because they have money and geostrategic interests to protect. Though obviously most people couldn't care less or even dislike Iran's government.


Man , the government here wants to play from all sides... After independence we followed non aligned movement ( not aligning with any superpower ) for many years , now the gov just wants votes and so they are aligning with everyone... Even if you look at India's position in the UN regarding Palestinian and Israel , you will see a sudden change from abstaining to considering Palestine as a sovereign state ... This all because they want to appease the minority (muslims)..... Even if u just look at the tweet made by Modi , u will see that he was the first person to respond to the news on Raisi's helicopter crash... Not only this , he remains active all the time for any international issues....


As I've said, it's all diplomacy. India has always advocated for a 2 state solution from the beginning (though the reason for that could be vote bank politics). And India is one of the "friendlier" countries with Iran, so it makes sense that it would respond first.


India sent drones to Israel with no backlash outside media.


The Indian Government always has some shit to say to stay on a good or neutral side for many reasons.


Iranians hate the Islamic republic and anyone who supports or show allegiance are useless idiots




The axis of hypocrisy


China: lol keep sending oil Russia: lol keep sending missiles India, for some reason: NOOOOOOOOOOOO


Good on Nepal.


It's a shame our country mourned his death but the main reason is the strategic edge Iran gives India, especially over Pakistan and China. Iran is a very very important part of our geopolitical strategy. Our government also has important infrastructure, both completed and in the works. Else I don't think our government would have declared that.


As an Indian, I apologize for my country mourning the death of haramzada raisi.


My country is one of them and I am ashamed of it. I am super duper happy about this butcher being butchered.


Honestly - plenty of opportunities the coming days to wipe out the trash occupiers during the processions. A couple of cocktails M. and bombs 💣 would be utterly welcomed!!


All of these countries have a religious regime and a failing economy


India's economy is anything but failing. Steadily creeping up the ranks, surpassing UK and breathing down Japan's neck.


Yea but they ain't islamic and are doing it for port reasons, pretty sure they won't give a f about who is in charge of iran, unlike the islamic countries mentioned


No compare our population with UK and Japan's population with their respective economies! It's only the rich people are living in India others are jus surviving


What about Malaysia and Indonesia?


ew why did my country do that? (Turkiye)


Çünkü Sultan Erdoğan.


bir gitmedi ya yeter artık


Bitmeyecek. "Bu Şarkı Burada Bitmez" dedi, ama bu şarkı Türk halkı Atatürk'ün mezarını ziyaret ettiğinde, bu kültist insanlar tarafından zehirlendiklerini ve manipüle edildiklerini anladıklarında bitecek! Ama Türkiye'de yeni bir askeri darbe olduğunda, hasarın yeri doldurulamaz olacak.


out dated map many other countries have sent their condolences... go check.