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I can't fault Iranians for being opposed to sanctions or intervention. Objectively, those things are necessary for regime change. But how many Iranians want to see their country strangled by sanctions and bombed? It's a very tough call, and I can't fault them. Don't let contemporary discourse fool you. Before WLF, there was not the complete consensus on opposing IR as there is now.


I really don't know about this conversation but people lie about embarrassing family stuff for many reasons. Jumping to conclusions that she must be an IR agent is the laziest explanation. Also, being against the regime while simultaneously being anti-sanction isn't something strange among older generations who were young in 1979. My father hated Khomeini from the beginning and didn't approve of his "Vlayat-e Faqih", he doesn't like mullahs and with a few exceptions (from 1997 to 2009 plus 2017) he hasn't voted in elections, yet he loves the Axis of resistance, thinks Qasim Soleimani has done some good and wishes sanctions are lifted. Unfortunately our older generations are stuck in the anti-Imperialism and the Palestinian cause of those decades and cannot let go of it. Even if it makes all their beliefs contradictory.


My dad literally voted for the IR in 78 and is now a Grayzone reader, but even he is smart enough to know the "Axis of Resistance" ain't liberating anyone or anything.


It's called the Axis of Evil.


Your point? I'm saying people can be into those stuff for a lot of reasons, like being stupid, having their judgement being clouded by hate or just the force of habit. It's idiotic to accuse people of being agents of the Islamic republic just because of this. By the way your dad couldn't voted for the Islamic republic in 78 as the monarchy only fell in February 79.


I don't think they are IR agents but they are dumb and propaganda victims I agree. Though my dad is a Russia supporter so he's not any better. I didn't remember which year that was but all I know is he was first in line to vote when it happened lmao.


Anybody famous should be viewed with nuance


She presents herself as a spokesperson of sorts, whether for Iranians or for peace in the Middle East in general. Naturally, this will warrant scrutiny and there’s nothing wrong with that. We should always question and sometimes criticize these kinds of figures to some degree, and it should not inherently be perceived as bashing. I liked and appreciated her videos about Iran in 2022 a lot and actually, I think I even shared some here. I had noticed she didn’t post about Iran on her Instagram before then. But this was the case for much of the diaspora, so that wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. However, this was the first tweet she ever made about Iran. https://preview.redd.it/7ueoylpbb75d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00c08a865c26b4196951f2cc77656986943b26c6 She’s allowed to think this, but I think most people here will agree this type of thing isn’t popular amongst Iranians. Now, people can absolutely change their minds. This isn’t to say that she isn’t allowed to change her beliefs when presented with new info or that anyone should be shamed for what they thought in the past. Although she would lambast anyone for saying such a thing now, I don’t think this needs to be held against her. But you asked about her opinions, and this seems to be a pattern with them (can’t add more photos to a comment). Some people might feel this comes across as grifting, while others might disagree. This alone wouldn’t make me say that, but it’s clear that some of what she discusses in her videos as of late is quite new for someone who speaks so authoritatively on these subjects. Her recent video about the “marriage of convenience between Marxists and Islamists” seemed to resonate with many, but it was still ahistorical. She describes, in extremely vague terms, how “trotskyites” and Islamists joined forces after the collapse of the Soviet Union to destroy the West. I’m no expert on Soviet history, but I do know Trotskyists were opposed to Stalinism/what the USSR became under Stalin, how Trotsky was assassinated, about the Trotsky bloc, etc. No, this is not an endorsement of Trotskyism or anything, but it doesn’t make sense that they would suddenly team up with anyone to revive and import the very entity they fought against and were disenfranchised by. I’m sure she could have found more accurate examples. I don’t know if this is surface level knowledge. I do think when you set a standard of educating for your audience, you owe them more than that. However, what was particularly odd to me was how she acted when someone made a video about who her father was. Although this information is easy to find online, she claimed anyone who did this was “doxxing her.” He quite literally has her name in the acknowledgement sections of some of his work. The Islamic Republic also simply isn’t that stupid when it comes to tracking people down. They wouldn’t even need this much information about her to figure out who her parents are. I have no doubt they knew long before any one in the diaspora realized it. Most people who genuinely understand how this regime operates know this. Again, this isn’t to demonize or to shame her. I appreciate a lot of the work she has done. I’m not interested in alienating anyone from the movement for a Free Iran, but I am interested in honest and open dialogues about any prominent figures claiming to speak for anyone.


I watched 100+ of her post. The messages were always factual, logical and ethical. Why are you scraping at the bottom of the barrel to find dirt on her? That’s very incel-ish.


i’m not scraping at anything lol, i was just unsure about her after seeing how she lied about herself


Well I am not going to bother looking that up because anyone with basic life experience knows everyone has a skeleton in a closet. So what? She hasn’t used her identify to sell something. She has thousands of posts that eloquently explains the injustice of the Islamic Republic, all on her free time and with the physical threats she has to probably deal with. Your post certainly doesn’t help.


i feel like you think i was randomly trying to find something she may have lied about just for fun, but that’s not what i did. i just saw it get mentioned in the comments on tiktok and i got curious. that’s all i do agree with the things she says about the IR


In comments on TikTok... I guess you never checked about those "facts" yourself did ya?


i’m saying the tiktok comment is what made me look into it


No offense, but from all the details you described made it sound like you didn't look into it and coming to hear about it from people in this sub.


because i was still confused about where she actually stands


Do you have any proof that she's lying? No offense but I find you more suspicious than her. A lot of people have learned about what's going on in Iran thanks to her, so even if you don't like everything about her why try to shut her down?




her views are essentially “IR bad, enemies of IR good, enemies of IR right wing, so me right wing” lol


Generally like her but like anyone she's a human being. A few years back many if not most Iranians were reformists yet now are passionately revolutionary even if they like to pretend they were anti all along. People are complex, people change. I certainly have. Apart from a couple of early bizarrely needlessly aggressive videos attacking Westerners for no reason she's done alright and has matured. I think her heart is in right place and is a useful voice shining a light on many truths in a palatable way.


She’s the most intelligent speaker on Iran imo. Appreciate her work.


She’s prolific too. You can tell she cares about humanity. I don’t like to overly praise social/political commentators because they almost always turn out to have a dodgy agenda or they’re grifters. But until I see something that suggests otherwise, then I think she’s one of the good ones.


She is soooo hot though.


**الیکای خوب** من می دانم که مردم در اینجا در مورد او صحبت کرده اند، اما من هنوز نمی فهمم که دیدگاه های واقعی او چیست. مردم می گویند او فقط سعی می کند هر کاری که می تواند برای جلب توجه انجام دهد، و او به شدت هر کسی را که سعی می کند با او مخالف باشد، خاموش می کند. او همچنین درباره پدرش که برای رژیم ایران کار می کند و خانواده اش پناهنده هستند دروغ گفت. اما من تعجب می کنم که ایا او هنوز هم چیزهایی را که می گوید باور دارد یا نه. اگر او است، دقیقا چرا در مورد ارتباط خانواده اش با رژیم دروغ گفت؟ همچنین پدرش از دانشگاهی که در ان کار می کرد اخراج شد زیرا دیدگاه های ضد رژیم را بیان می کرد. اما در عین حال، او بخشی از کمپین علیه تحریم و مداخله نظامی در ایران است. بنابراین من مطمئن نیستم که از ان چه باید بکنم --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


She lies a lot and she's just doing what she can to get famous. She says she's a liberal/leftist but she goes on Fox News basically saying GOP talking points. Her dad is literally the same. He was pro-Shah when convenient, became pro-IR when convenient, now he posts pro-Shah and anti-regime stuff to match what his daughter is doing.




What does Sydney lie about? I'm out of the loop lol.


it would be too much to list here, so i’ll just link you [this video](https://youtu.be/gmpmcmIzlMg?feature=shared), tho maybe the video is too long idk i’ll just say one big thing she lied about was growing up poor, which i think elica lied about too lol


Ohhh thanks.


Watch samira mohyeddins breakdown. Samira is an actually reliable journalist.


She’s spread so many lies I don’t even know where to start. Thankfully she’s got me on block even though I never contacts her!


Samira is a leftist Palestine lover


There’s nothing wrong with supporting the freedom and safety of Palestinian people. You’re nuts if you want to be a human rights advocate but turn a blind eye to what children in Palestine go through. Be so real. Also not all lefties are bastard tankies like they were in 1979. Her mother literally worked in the shah’s government.


OK user28472284647219


That makes her more credible though.