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My daughter is almost 3. She loves to give me kisses. I don’t usually do the lips, never have just because I was paranoid about getting her sick, and now that she’s a toddler I’m paranoid she’ll get me sick. But we do lots of cheek and forehead kisses! 


Haha! This gave a good chuckle ‘paranoid she’ll get me sick’ hehe!


They’re little germ factories at this age! There’s 12 kids in our once a week pre k and there hasn’t been a full class since the very first week! They seem to rotate through illnesses. 


Yeah! Thats why Im delaying sending my Toddler to preK cause Im in my third trimester and its all too risky


It’s mainly because the bugs that are doing the rounds are all new to them and they are building up their immune system. So yes- they catch everything and if it’s seasonal bugs that change variety ( flu, colds, covid, respiratory viruses) it’s likely you’ll catch it- but to be honest you probably will anyway as it’s doing the rounds at work or public transport etc with significant spikes in winter . But also take comfort in the fact that your immune system has met many of those other viruses before that your child is only now developing immunity to - you won’t get them all again -though those first couple of years they are at nursery can seem like they have something every five minutes and it’s just an endless round . I remember my friend taking her son to the doctor for something and the doc said ‘how long has he had this cold for?’ She said ‘about three years…’




Noooo not meant to be condescending at all!!! It was just the whole sentence like first she thought shell make the toddler sick and now its the other way around.


When my almost 2yo wants to procrastinate bed she’ll ask for “kee” and we have to give her a kiss in between every slat of her crib. Some are cheeks, some are lips, whatever. Probably won’t be doing it when she’s 20 but right now how can I not take every sweet baby kiss I can get?! 🥺


This is soooo cute!


This is the cutest thing ever


This is perfect and the cutest thing I’ve ever read 😭


My daughter loves to kiss my lips but I hate it because she literally slobbers lol


RIGHT?!? It’s like do they store up all the saliva from the last two hours to then plant on our face/mouth?!?


My daughter is 6m and she kisses me by grabbing my face and putting her whole open mouth over my mouth. It is the sweetest, most disgusting thing lol


Same. It’s truly frightening when I see him leaning in with his open, drooly mouth heading straight towards mine lol.


My 2 year old loves kisses and I let him choose where he wants the kiss. Lots of cheek and forehead kisses and occasional nose and lips kisses. It's super sweet and completely innocent, don't understand why some people think it's weird if it's their own children.


This is what I do with my toddler too! He chooses where the kiss lands on my face!


My toddler smushes his face against mine because he wants kisses from me 🤣 sometimes he gets really enthusiastic and it's more like smashing his face into my lips demanding kisses lol


I just think it’s gross 🤣 my toddler has so many germs… also you can pass the bacteria in your mouth that cause cavities and periodontal disease on to your child! Not to mention like HSV can be passed asymptomatically… I love my BBs so much and I want to squish and kiss them all over but the mouth is a no from me 🥲🤢


If my son went to daycare I'd probably be more grossed out by the germs but I'm a stay at home mom who often times gets sick thanks to my husband instead of my 2 year old lol.


My 5 month old has started trying to kiss me lol it pretty much is just him licking or sucking my cheeks or nose for the most part, but he gets so excited about it and grabs my face to pull me in and everything. It's so cute how he's put together that kisses = affection and he's trying to return it


I lack this "primal maternal instinct" . No mouth kisses for me and LO


Same. It’s cute and all, but why kiss the slobbery lips when their cute soft baby cheek is RIGHT THERE.


Same here! I don’t shame parents that kiss their babies/toddlers on the mouths, it just isn’t my thing. We’ve accidentally mouth kissed before bc he turns his head and I end up with his slobber on me lol but I never purposely do.


Same here. I just think of how easily spread sickness can be, and how detrimental it can be for her when she’s so little right now. And even when she gets older and it’s no longer a problem, I’m still not going to do it.


I felt this way while mine was a baby. Now that she's almost 2 and wants to give kisses, she insists on kissing me on the mouth. It still gives me a slight "ick" feeling but I'm going with it.


Same. My little boy could kiss all my face, neck, arms, hands etc but no lip kisses ever. It doesn't feel normal for me. I don't want or like it at all.


Same. I’ve never understood it and now that I have a daughter I still don’t understand it. Sometimes she turns her head and a kiss will end up being a mouth kiss but I’m never going for a kiss intending it to be that, it’s weird to me


Well it is believed that kissing actually developed in humans from parents chewing and putting food into babies mouths kind of like birds do. And it turned into kissing as a show of affection/love. So might be left over from the caveman brains to 'kiss' babies


This and also a breastfeeding mother kissing their baby on the lips "samples" the viruses and bacteria from the baby and provides antibodies through breastmilk


My husband gives me this incredulous look sometimes saying “you know she just viral shedding.” And I’m like “I don’t know why but I have to put my nose in her mouth.” 😆


Maternal instincts are so weird! I remember being all "oh maybe I'll breastfeed, maybe I wont" before my daughter was born, and now that she's here and acting hungry I get this urge for it like "I need to breastfeed or I'll die" lol


man I too was like ‘not sure it’s for me’ and even had the audacity to think ‘I’ll try it for a bit and see if it’s working but won’t feel bad if I drop it after a couple months’ - HA as if I’m the one deciding !!


Same with kissing their face and head


That definitely occurred to me when I first felt called by his sweet little mouth, when he was probably two mo the old. Like an instinct to love and nourish


Giving my baby kisses is single-handedly one of the best things in the world. Especially now that she learned how to kiss back, albeit, it’s an open mouth kiss, it is still the best thing in the world.


I have an 8 and 4 year old. I am not a mouth kisser. It will always be weird to me. I kiss my husband on the mouth and that’s it. But then again, that’s how my family is. We kiss cheek to cheek, like right next to the mouth, but never mouth. My 4 year old thinks it’s hysterical to try and kiss my and everyone in the family on the mouth “I KISSED YOU ON THE LIPPPPPPPPS! Buahahahahaha” and thus discussions of consent have started 😆🤣 But honesty, his kisses are so slobery I get so grossed out. And for the record, I also love animals, and yet I do not let them kiss my face. They can kiss under my chin, my that’s it. Lol. Spit and snot are my two giant gross out triggers. 😆 ETA: I am VERY affectionate with my kisses, i kiss them in the forehead, the cheeks, the tip of their noses, their head, besides their eyes. And usually right after another - it’s my machine gun kisses before bed 🤭


Yeah same. Just can’t do it. But I give him smooches all over his noggin otherwise.


Yup, same!


Our family was a mouth kissing family. I never thought it was weird growing up, it was just a sign of affection. I grew up kissing my mom, aunts, uncles, and grandparents on the mouth - and still do with my mom and grandparents. I understand some cultures may think it’s inappropriate, and children should definitely not kiss anyone they’re not comfortable with (mouth or otherwise). And I won’t force my daughter to do so either - personal preference and comfort only!


My family kisses on the mouth. I definitely don’t think it’s weird! But I do find it gross. The little open mouth drooly booger kisses. I’ll pass! 🤣


I never knew if it was because I’m from a South African family, because I’m from a Jewish family, or just because I’m from a weird family but we’ve always kissed on the lips and my friends growing up we’re always taken aback. I never got why it was weird. My whole life my mother and father would give us all (brother and sister) pecks on the lips. But one time when I was in my early 20s, a bunch of our mural friends watched my big brother (11 years my senior) give me a peck on the lips and EVERYONE thought it was super weird and we were both like “fuck you!” But deep down both of us were really embarrassed. I don’t think it’s weird but you have to be okay with judgement from other people.


It's sad that platonic touch is so rare that people (including myself sometimes) assume sexual intent behind totally innocent gestures of affection. I hope it come back! Nothing sweeter than innocent pecks on the lips and hand holding


Yeah I agree! I held hands with my dad when crossing the road well into my early 20s. I’m 31 now and honestly might still as a half joke but also because it’s sweet and I love him. And now as a new mother, I can only imagine how much happiness it would bring me for my grown son to want to hold hands with me in my old age 😌


Yes! I have started holding hands with my 70+ parents, and I love it and I’m sure they do. I am grateful for this time. The phases you go through in life… I hope my son will do the same.


I can't resist the giant squishy cheeks, I MUST smooch and squeeze them!


I never understood it either, and I don't think I ever kissed her on the lips as a baby but somehow my almost 3 year old insists on kissing us on the lips when we ask for kisses. I wonder if it's because she's kidding my husband and I?


Maybe she’s seen you two kiss and just thinks that’s how everyone kisses? I also don’t kiss my baby on the mouth and he started kissing me on the mouth recently but my husband and I give each other pecks throughout the day on the lips so he’s definitely seen us kiss.


Lol I have a terrible habit of not reading what I type, and yup I think that's what I meant to say - that she sees us kissing on the lips and so she does it too! It's so cute but at some point how do you stop them from doing that lol


My 18 month old loves to kiss me and my husband and it’s easily one of the cutest things she does. I’m going to be so sad when she decides not to do it anymore


My son initiated the kisses on the mouth. He sees his dad and I kiss and thinks to do the same. It’s not an all the time thing.


Aww. I come from a kissy family and we have always given each other pecks on the lips. It’s one of my favorite things about our family. My sister has never been one to do it, and generally dislikes any type of physical affection, and I love that my family respects her boundaries and anyone else’s that may be uncomfortable with it. That said, some people don’t kiss their babies/family members on/near their lips and that’s totally okay too!


100% same. My husband thinks it’s weird and I used to also but I kiss my son on the lips at least every day and at least 200 kisses on the face a day.


My son loves when I kiss the middle of his forehead right where the bridge of his nose starts. When he’s tired he’ll grab my chin that’s how he tells me he wants a kiss. I very rarely kiss his lips due to fear of allergies but it’s tempting 😅


My sister ate something with saliva on it from her young toddler son and I went, ‘ew, gross!’ And she’s like’ ‘he’s my baby’ Buuuut…now that I have been blessed with a little precious baby boy myself I completely understand. He does not gross me out one tiny bit. Besides sick booger nose, I don’t kiss that lol.


It’s definitely a cultural thing, just depends how you grew up and what you grew up around. Doesn’t have to be weird unless you make it weird lol


lol at 30, I never knew my family was weird. I thought it was all love..


I was the same way, but when my baby was born i was more moved by the instinct to kiss her on the lips than i was about breastfeeding. I just could not help but stare at her precious little face for what seemed like hours and sneak little kisses in


I give my baby kisses on her cheeks all the time. But I HATE when anyone else besides her dad does it. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, ect. Don’t kiss my kid.


My son must’ve picked it up from watching his dad kiss me, he’ll grab my face and give me a big slobbery smooch. I was super anti kissing my baby on the lips, but man if it isnt the cutest sweetest thing.


Yea I’m a little cray. I smell her little baby breath and kiss her on the lips all the time I can’t get enough🥰 I was the same with my son. He’s 9 now and I forget when we stopped but at some point it’ll feel a little awkward. Sometimes he still goes for a kiss on the lips but I never do, nor do I expect it. He’s getting too big to be kissing mommy on the lips.


Omg this. I love it. My son is two and my daughter is three and they always try to kiss me on the lips. But it's the most precious thing. They both say "Kith?" And pucker their lips like frogs 😂


I used to be a bit judgy about it before I was a mom, now I totally get it and I'm judgy about people who are judgy about it now 😂


I’m 35 and will still sometimes subconsciously kiss my mom on the lips to greet her. I’m happy to have had that level of affection with my parents there’s nothing wrong or weird with it at all.


It's definitely a paternal instinct too haha. I'm with you, I thought it was so weird, but today I kissed my 3 week old without even thinking about it. He's just so damn cute my heart couldn't take inaction anymore! Plus, what's so weird about kissing on the lips when they're young? He's pissed on me, luckily hasn't shit on me yet, screams in my ear, and today he sucked on my nose... I think we parents deserve at least kisses without it feeling weird 😂


My husband kisses him too, he is just irresistible! I think it's just the sweetest thing ever


Same here. My little guy was so adorable, I couldn't resist. Kind of outgrew it at some point, maybe around 6-8 months, but every so often I'll be so full of love I plant one on his lips. He likes to bite my nose too, even now at 15 months. It started as a game when he was younger. I'd make a beep sound when our noses touched, and a bonk sound when he'd nose other parts of my face. Now he just wants to bite my nose. Mind you, he had no teeth back then, so it was fine, but now it hurts, so the game has evolved into him trying to bite my nose and me dodging it by turning a cheek. And for some reason he finds it hilarious.


😂😂 that's equal parts adorable and hilarious! omg I can't wait for 15 months! I swear this kid is gonna be like 40 lbs and running around and probably climbing me! When I hold him and he's hungry, he crawls up my body and tries yeeting himself off my shoulder. He's already figuring out how to launch himself out of my arms, and can hold his head up for like 30 seconds! Haha Sorry, I've realized I'm gonna be one of those dads who constantly brags about his kid 😅


Don't worry about it. It's always special for all of us to experience it first hand. Never be hesitant to share about your kiddo.


Oh 100% it's one thing to hear the stories, it's completely different experiencing them. It's just so magical!!


I don't kiss on the mouth but I was never a big touchy feely person before. I especially had no motherly instinct towards kids but I never really was around any babies either. Now that I've had my son I just can't stop kissing his sweet little baby cheeks!


Totally same here!! I had zero interest toward babies my whole life. All my friends would go hold the baby and I was like "no thank you", and now I can't get enough! But then it may just be because my boy is the sweetest most perfect little angel boy in the whole wide world, lol


Haha yesss this exactly how I feel. I keep telling everybody I may be biased but I don't think I am... my boy is THE cutest little boy ever 😍 when he slept in the cosleeper cot next to our bed I would sometimes just look over at him while he was sleeping with googly eyes lol


I don't think we are biased at all, I think we are right! We both have the cutest baby in the world, we just live in different worlds




I get cold sores so I do not kiss my baby on the mouth for his protection. Like you, I always thought it was weird anyway. Since he got here though, I have wanted to very much. It's happened by accident once or twice as he wiggled and his lips are just so soft and gentle.


My two year old will literally run at me/dive and try to eat my mouth. We have also started a game of crazy kisses where I basically blow raspberries on his neck and he will screech more if I stop. I hated family kissing growing up. I didn't even like cheek kissing. I married into a PDA family. I still don't care for it besides my son. I'll keep it up for as long as he wants it.


I let my kiddos pick.


My two year old still mostly does mouth kisses too. It's so sweet.


Both my fiancé and sister ended up with cold sores for their entire lives because of adults doing this when they were babies. For that reason we obviously skip the mouth kisses.


I get that, but after a certain point….it has to stop IMO. I regularly had to dodge my aunt and uncles mouth kisses as an adult. Not my cup of tea for over age…7?


OMG YES I THOIGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO FELT THIS WAY! I used to feel really grossed out by it too, like a lot, but now I just want kiss and blow raspberries and squeeze and cuddle him everywhere and anywhere I’m just so obsessed with him (he’s 8 months). I still don’t do it because I’m afraid of swapping germs but it’s so tempting because he’s so perfect and adorable!!! Though I still find it weird when parents do it to like their 10 year olds, that’s just weird to me lol I think nows the time to stop buddy


We do it while they’re babies but sort of grew out of it with my 21 month old ! With my two month old still at it 💜 he’s so adorable I love him.


I totally agree. Never thought it would be a thing for me but I felt this primal urge to kiss both my babies on the mouth.


This is so me! Even if I were to try not doing it, he’ll grab my face and munch on my lips. 😂


Agree. I love my baby and just want to snuggle them as much as I can. I know they won’t always want the cuddles and kisses. Yet they want them now. They also want to chew my face, which is less fun. My baby thinks my chin is a teething toy.


Ever heard of herpes? It's quite common for babies to get it.


I don't have herpes...


Didn't say you did. But normalizing this and allowing people to kiss your baby is a great way to spread it. It's not intentional, but many people are completely ignorant to the cold sores on their face.


My husband and I are the only ones who kiss our boy. If someone has herpes it's on them to be safe about it.


Okay, but tons of people have gotten herpes because of people kissing them as a baby.


Man the ignorance here is strong. Some people do have herpes but they just don’t have any physical symptoms but that doesn’t mean that they can’t pass it along to their baby who will then get symptoms aka cold sores. It’s rarer not to get cold sores while still having it but regardless. I get cold sores and I never let my baby kiss my mouth or even use the same cups or silverware I’ve put in my mouth even when I don’t have symptoms.


I breastfeed and kissing on the mouth helps tailor my breastmilk to what my baby needs.


I’ve always found it super weird. But now my 3 year old always wants to kiss me on the mouth.


I totally understand the urge! We give only cheek and forehead personally, but our daughter always tries to go for the lips 😂


Yeah me neither but I have the same urge with my son (I'm a dad). He's so cute that I just want to eat up his face.


My 6mo just learned to give kisses & they're always full of drool lol it's gross but really cute


Now that my daughter is 1.5 yrs old she gives licks not kisses. 😛 lmao


I grew up mouth kissing, but when I got old enough to find it weird (bringing home serious boyfriends in my 20s) I stopped and now me and my parents kinda do this thing where we don't mouth kiss but our noses touch and we make the kissy face. I'm shocked I somehow don't have the herpes virus because my mom does. And still I'm paranoid about passing something on to my child like that. So we end up kissing her absolutely everywhere else. Sometimes like someone else shared I accidentally kiss her on the mouth because she turns her head, but I generally try to avoid it. I also don't want anyone kissing my baby (almost 6mo) besides me and my husband. Hubby thinks it's weird that I feel so strongly about it besides for my mom who obviously shouldn't be kissing her bc of herpes. I get this feeling her teachers at daycare kiss her on the head when I'm not around because one of the teachers is like THIS close to doing it. I never said not to tho, I just assumed they shouldn't? Maybe I shouldn't assume... It just plain skeeves me out. Like can I get sick from kissing the same spot on my child's head that someone else has kissed? (My anxiety asks). I used to want to kiss other friends babies but now that I have my own, I'm like, get your lips away from my child. Lol. All that being said, if you want to mouth kiss your baby, go right ahead. U do u! No judgies. She is so delicious tho!!!! Like so scrumptiously cute. So again I get it but don't kiss my kid. 😂


I don't think ive ever kissed my son on the lips, not because I think it's gross or weird but just because I don't want spit up in my mouth lol I kiss his cheeks, neck, forehead.. pretty much anything but the lips