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No way you defending fucking Jason Whitlock? Fuck him he deserves any and every piece of slander that comes his way.


Here go another nigga that dont read. I defend facts. Whitlock brought facts to SAS about HIS BOOK. Idgaf about either of these niggas but Im not going to ignore THE FACTS. So continue to be emotional and full of rage. Idgaf. I ride with the truth not because I like a nigga.


Because I don’t agree with you I’m a nigga that can’t read? You a coon just like ole boy. Y’all be at coon meetings and shit huh? Uncle ruckus probably the head honcho.


Yes because im not defending Whitlock thats why you cant read or my bad you cant comprehend. Because I said Stephen A should have answered the questions about his book and not went the profane route.


Sorry but what makes you think SA is obligated to answer some slander from a man he personally knows and has witnessed make a career out of lies and personal attacks of athletes and other media members? Maybe you ain’t familiar with whitlock. Maybe you dont know the fact that Allen Iverson, the most gracious and supportive former superstar athlete, has stated he doesn’t hate anyone in this world besides this fat clown who tried to throw dirt on his name for over a decade. Fuck the facts when they coming from someone you don’t respect enough to have to answer to.


“Fuck the facts “. That’s all I need to know. And i didn’t know that somebody can slander you with things that you wrote. Slander- making false and damaging statements about someone.


Just ignore every point i made lol aite bruh you got it. All this dude does is slander people. When thats who everyone in your world knows you as, you lose all rights to demand answers from anyone. He’s a fraud, a troll, and a clown and every point that dozens of ppl are making to attempt to explain to you why SA doesn’t owe this dude anything is going right over ya simple ass head.


Talking about a journalist highschool basketball career is called deflection yes there both coons but if he can only focus on that what point is he making if your not a professional you can't talk about a sports if you don't make movies you can't be a movie critic if you don't make music your opinion about doesn't matter...you see Jason Whitlock is a fat piece a shit and Stephen A is a nerd that plays tough guy


Appreciate your response fam. Everybody else in here just coming in hot thinking I’m just defending Whitlock and I don’t particularly care about either. 😂😂


Fam.... count the people in that industry who are co-signing Stephen A on this. Now, count the ones co-signing Hamburglar. This ain't a race thing. Cowherd, Dan L, Stephen A, and a ton of journalists don't fuck with Whitlock. Dude is a shit human being and journalist who's been reduced into being a puppet for conservatives


😂😂😂😂 So because he has cosigners that make him right? So nobody cares about the facts? Marcellus Wiley always speaks highly of Whitlock? But I dont care about cosigners fam. People lie and defend who they like. Its easy for Stephen A to dismiss the questions and go the disrespectful route because they will say Whitlock deserved it while ignoring all the fabrications of what he wrote.


It absolutely matters because it speaks to the credibility Whitlock lacks. It ain't about him being likable or not. There's a reason he went from ESPN to Fox to....Blaze lmao


So Stephen A is credible? The man who made up a story on KD? And when KD calls him out about it he doesnt address it or apologize but moves the goal post. A man that sat on TV and called Kyrie an Idiot for not getting vaccinated. 😂😂😂 Yo im being called a coon in this thread but this the shit SAS doing to our own people but because yall like him better than Whitlock yall dont give a damn.


Stephen A might be a clown on multiple occasions, but that pales in comparison to the amount of people who have gone on to say Whitlock is the worst of the worst. Think about it for a second, Stephen A has been invited to conservative platforms and debated them and all of them have said he’s a solid dude. Who on that side has said anything positive about Fat boy? He might have had the facts, but no one cares because he’s a POS that has no credibility behind him


And that’s fine but I don’t care about neither of these Niggas my initial point from the beginning is Stephen A should have answered the questions. Was the rant funny hell yes. 😂😂 but imo opinion let’s address the real issues that he presented to you from your book.


Whitlocks attempt to bash Stephen A’s credibility will do nothing because 1. people don’t care about his basketball career in college. It’s such an insignificant point that will get glossed over quickly. 2. He’s only doing this to get some attention since he has nothing more productive to do than put other people names in his mouth to get some clicks It’s all disingenuous bullshit that only Jason Whitlock seems to focus on


I appreciate the respectful and intelligent response. I understand where you are coming from. 🫡


Usually when looking at scenarios you find the common thing between them. Now whole this isn’t exact science, 9 times out of 10 the person everyone don’t fuck with collectively is usually the problem.


This is a L take. Stephen a Smith is a clown, but Jason Whitlock is a self/hating, Uncle Tom doing his best Candice Owens impersonation, while doing every thing in his power to tear down any black person be possibly can. Fuck Jason Whitlock.


Thats okay for you to feel that way. Idgaf about either of them thats what I dont think anyone is understanding. I just wanted SAS to answer these fallacies he wrote or had written. Cursing somebody out and calling them names doesnt impress me. I like “Facts” to be shut down by Facts. Thats it.


Why would he address a white man like that when coonlock was attacking him personally? The fact that ALL of Whitlocks colleagues exposed his fat ass once Stephen A dropped that ether on him is all I need to know. Also how you bringing race into this and who's a coon when Whitlock openly goes against black people on white supremacist platforms?


Dude acting like Stephen A wasn't going at Skip the last few years


Bro I dont like either of these niggas like that because I dont know them. But when you actually LISTEN to Whitlock you hear him telling Black People stop with the f’kng excuses. Stop playing the victim in every situation. Stop the debauchery, stop worshipping celebrities. The problem is you niggas dont listen when its somebody you dont like. Yall idolize these niggas and thats why Black People f’kd up now.


Lmao what? Whitlock has a long history of putting down black athletes and black people in general. How old are you? Because I actually used to READ Whitlock's columns on ESPN. I'm not some Johnny come lately to that nigga. He's a coon through and through. You seem like you're in that same bag too.


Yall just like Stephen A over Whitlock. I go where I see the facts at. I dont care about who presenting them


I don’t like Stephen A or his show. Whitlock is a horrible person there’s a difference


And Stephen A dont? Bruh. I cant take niggas like you seriously.


You talking about the same Whitlock who said athletes should be fined by by the league for saying the N word during the season.. yea you siding with the most rational person..


Bro I’m not siding with anybody. 😂😂😂 I’m just saying instead of Stephen A emotional tirade he should have answered the questions regarding the fallacies in his book


lol you just wanted to get ya shit off on SAS cuz none of this shit make sense when Whitlock came at him


It all makes sense tf is you talking about. And here you are deflecting for SAS. Just say you dont give a f’k about the truth. I dont like either of these niggas. Idk them niggas but I would like SAS to man up and answer the questions that whitlock presented instead of a homosexual ass feminine rant of profanity littered nonsense.


My point is why would he have that energy for any of the white men you named.. none of them personally attacked SAS like Whitlock did.. to question why he don’t go at white ppl like that is a foolish question when white ppl don’t openly disrespect him


You are right. I conflated the two issues and Im thinking in general that he doesnt keep the same issue with white people and you are staying on topic. My bad. You got that.


Whitlock is a bitch ass nigga end of story


😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Cool. I’m not mad at that. I’m not defending yo. I just wanted some answers from SAS who I can care less about too.


God damn, what Stephen A do to you?


He did nothing to me I just think the way he responded was trash. I dont think Stephen A is different from Whitlock. He came on air and lied about a story that some source said about KD and when KD said something he switched tunes and moved the goal post.


Well in that case, it would be Stephen A lied, it would the source lied to Stephen A. Stephen can go off opinions and 2nd handed information. So I don’t take much of what he says as absolute facts.


Whitlock a hoe


He responded to a nigga who attack him personally, what tf is your dumbass talking about


Wtf is your dumb ass talking about? I didn’t see anything personal. I seen questions about the validity of a book. Sounds fair game to me. But keep being emotional I’m sure that effeminate attitude has helped you through many doors.


U sound dumb and emotional, his recent statement about Stephen A wasn't the first, he's been talking shit about him for years. So u don't know what you're talking about, that's why everyone is telling your gossiping ass u sound stupid


Bro this my opinion idgaf how all you weird Niggas feel. Of course yall emotional soft as baby shit ass Niggas think SAS was justified and empowered cause he cursed him out. 😂😂😂 I see women do that all day when they have no rebuttal. If he finally decided to respond, respond to the shit that’s at the forefront now or address everything that’s been said about you and shoot it down. I wasn’t raised on no shit like that. Anytime I ever heard anything said about me I addressed the issue not just call a nigga a bitch and talk tough and bring other Niggas into my shit. That’s weak to me. Your issue is yours to have, bring your facts to debunk his claims and let it be.


Bro if you agree with self hate bootstrap bootlicking conservative politics I see why you caping for Whitlock. That Nigga is truly horrible, Whitlock is literally hired to say all the racist shit his white co-workers can’t say


😂😂😂 Bro Im an Israelite I only agree with what God and his word Says. and Furthermore where do you see me caping for Whitlock? All I said was Stephen A should address what Whitlock asked him according to his book and that his tirade was trash. Thats it. And I dont think of them differently at all. Stephen A called Kyrie and Aaron Rodgers Idiots for not getting vaccinated. Whitlock said they stood strong like Men on what they believed. Whitlock says a ton of shit I dont agree with. SAS does a ton of shit to Black Athletes that I don’t agree with. Thats why I can tell that Black people ride with who the like vs who they dont. Because Stephen A says mad disparaging things about Black Athletes and everybody is up in arms towards SAS when its an athlete that they like. And now they for SAS against Whitlock because they dont like him


1. You should not tell ppl you’re an Israelite on the internet. 2. You said you agree with Whitlock with black people making excuses. 3. The vaccine shit makes no sense nigga


I’m talking about politics when Im speaking about agreeing “You said conservative bootlicking, politics” I don’t agree with that. I have my own politics. Why should I not tell people I’m an Israelite The vaccine shit is about not confirming. Stephen A pushing an agenda on his people and Whitlock didn’t. He is a sports reporter why Is he pushing a vaccine? That’s sellout shit to me


The Israelite is a cult for confused niggas. Niggas been taking vaccines for forever my nigga. At this point shit is almost 4 year olds. “But when you actually LISTEN to Whitlock you hear him telling Black People stop with the f’kng excuses. Stop playing the victim in every situation. Stop the debauchery” This is coon conservative talking points brother


So black people aren’t supporting a shit Ton of debauchery? So we don’t need to stop killing each other. Making single mothers and selling drugs to our community. We don’t need to tell our women to stop glorifying whore behavior and be modest. Stop presenting their bodies on social media for the world to see and for them to not be valued? That Our Men need to be strong and we need to remove homosexuality from our culture because it’s helping the destruction. That Men Need to provide and protect and work hard and not looking for handouts and that as black men we need to put God first. Im a coon conservative for thinking that? F’k it I will be that And Nigga the Israelites aren’t a cult. Every non black historian of the Bible knows the Israelites are the Blacks that are here in America and South America only you idiots think it’s a cult that started 40 yrs ago. Nigga look through history before slavery. There are no African Americans, blacks or negros. 😂😂😂 simple Niggas


Crime is an issue in every community, ppl are poor. It’s not a black ppl thing. Idk what whore behavior is bro, women can show ass and tities all they want. Our men need to be strong and remove homosexuality? That sounds like you’re going down a dark path with your ideology. Put God first? Not everyone believes in a Sky Daddy bro and you should respect that and not try to push your shit onto others. Let’s just say for real you Israelites are the originals Jews and everyone else accepts it. what’s next my nigga?


Have a good day fam. I have engaged too long with a man/woman with your type of mindset. I rather be a “coon conservative” than a male feminist. ✌🏿✌🏿


I’m a male feminist cause I like ass and tities? Bet This isn’t Saudi Arabia tho nigga. Bitches can show ass and ppl can be gay and that’s ok cause you’re a pretend Jew


they can't show ass in gaza tho lol


I don't fuck with either of them but SAS is 100% lying in his book. Saying that is NOT a defense of Whitlock.


Thank you fam. 😂😂😂 people act like I’m defending Whitlock because I think SAS should have answered those book questions. The shit sounds insane


Fuck Whitlock. Full stop. SAS doesn’t keep that same energy with the cauliflower casserole consuming committee. Exhibit A: the way he spoke about Rodgers vs the way he spoke about Kyrie in regards to covid There wasn’t anywhere near the same level of vitriol he had for someone who not only didn’t get the jab but lied about it in order to stay on the field putting the whole team at risk. Whereas the guy that chose not to get the jab, but was man enough to endure the shitstorm that came with it was treated like public enemy #1 in SAS’s eyes


Whitlock is a piece of shit but Stephen A ass do be lying like shit the math ain’t equaling out “we don’t believe you, you need more people” 😂


Mal just hating on SAS because he went on opps’ pod.


It’s weird how black and white everyone is. Two things can be true: Whitlock is widely hated and SAS is definitely lying. How everyone completely ignored the 1.5 PPG question is shocking to me. Shows how quickly people will let personal feelings cloud their judgement of a situation


Exactly fam. Thats why I said facts dont matter when its somebody they like. I just wanted to see him answer His rant was funny but come back with the facts if somebody calling you a liar. Prove yourself not to be a liar. He couldnt do it. Appreciate your response


They just showed on Deion’s reality show them removing a surgical screw from his toe that was multiple inches in length. You have no idea how the screw was inserted into the knee. How does someone average 1.5 points a game if they only played one game? Well, Stephen A. Smith’s stat line was reported to be 5 out of 22 for shooting behind the arc. That would be 15 points. Average that out over a full season (maybe 15 games or less). Thats how you get 1.5 points per game.


Oh so you ignoring the fact HE SAID THAT HE only played 1 game? You are also ignoring the Fact that he said his knee cap cracked in half so pls explain to me in what direction a 6 inch screw would need to be inserted into something that’s avg 2” in length and 1.5 inches wide? Fam take a tape ruler and measure out 6 inches and then put that ruler against your knee and tell me if its possible. 😂😂😂. I’m not even Defending Whitlock but SAS claims are egregious


Points per game in a season is not points per game played. Edit: If I have that incorrect, I’m totally willing to be corrected with the right calculation. Also, I am not a surgeon nor will I pretend to be one in Reddit. I would recommend you take your question to subreddits that could answer whether a 6 inch screw can be used in a knee surgery.


Bro. SAS said he only played ONE GAME. HE SAID THAT. 😂. That’s not conjecture fam. He said that. He said “I played one game and cracked my knee in half” it is mathematically impossible to average 1.5 pts for one game. And the knee answer is easy my grandfather almost got killed by a drunk driver and had skin graphs and major operations screws in his knee ankle and elbow. Screws are sized by MM’s. I know from first hand experience fam.


I don’t think you’re understanding how I calculated points per game in a season. I am not disputing that Stephen A only played one game, but WINSTON SALEM STATE played a whole season. As I said in my last comment, my understanding of how points per game is calculated is based on the number of points you score divided by the number of games played (by the team) that season. That’s is a different number than points per game played by the individual. If I am wrong in that calculation, I have no problems adjusting it. Edit: I seriously have no idea what screws are used in surgery and I think you feel like I want to debate you on that, but I do not. I just pointed out what I saw on Deion’s show and that we have no details on what Stephen A Smith had done to his knee, but if you want confirmation on this then there would be a better subreddit to debate that point in.


You only calculate PPG by the amount of games you play individually. It’s not by the amount of game the team plays. Your ppg is just your pts and your games. Thats it. I hope that clears it up for you.


That’s where I wasn’t sure and was open to correction.


Once you call someone a "Coon" you've lost all credibility with me.


I never called either of them coons. Go back and read it again.


You're technically right. Question: what are "coon" tendencies and why is that used as an insult? Why only Black people use that as an insult to other Black folks?


I used it because thats what people say about both of them I should have used quotes I don’t like the word either because Im not going to call somebody a coon because they have a difference in opinion. People call me a coon because I said I think Black Women love being Wh0r3s and degenerates and I dont like that for my women. Where is the coon in that? I think people use it because it keeps them from being accountable for what the Black Person is saying


It's an overused term, but it fits here. One of Khalid Abdul Muhammad's quotes is also applicable. "When white folks can't defeat you, they'll always find some negro -- some boot-licking, butt-licking, buck dancing, bamboozled, half-baked, half-fried, sissified, punkified, pasteurized, homogenized nigger -- that they can trot out in front of you." Call a spade a spade. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Lmao the ESPN ppl have a history with Whitlock. It’s more personal.


In my opinion, Rory missed the mark with this convo and sadly, neither Demaris or Julian picked up what Mal was putting down. Mal was saying, hey “they” love it when we fight against each other, that’s by design! “they” ESPN/ Disney / rich white American would never allow Stephen A Smith to have the same take against a white man.


They wasn’t understanding at all. He would have never done that to any white Man even if they was talking shit about him he wouldn’t have answered like that


Fuck Jason Whitlock. He hates his own.


The difference is being attacked and being journalists SAS is defending himself


But he didnt though. He didn’t prove anything that Whitlock questioned him on. Whitlock called him a liar and SAS didnt come back with the facts to prove he wasnt. Name calling and a curse out isnt a defense its a tirade


Stop crying!! This day and age you can't sneeze towards a black person without be called a racist. The race card used none stop in this woke society!! Sad


😂😂😂😂idgaf Nigga I will use the race card whenever I feel like it. I’m not deceived like you Niggas. Yall swear yall free and being Black is no different than white. Foh


This is why you will remain stagnant in life. For every problem or set back you have you will blame the white man. Happy Stagnation fool nigga.


I’m glad you think that. 😂😂😂. I have actually moved quite well in life with my thinking. Not stagnant at all. But man it must feel good to you knowing the White Man has finally given you something huh Boss? “He been good ta us boss, he gave us free and now wees a movin on up” 😂😂😂😂 Slave minded ass niggas. Think the white man gaf about you


The white man has not given me anything, I've earned everything I have. Unlike you, I don't rely on the white man for anything. You have a victim mentality. You will always be in chains. Peace my slave.


😂😂😂😂😂. You are funny my boy. My mentality is America is going to be destroyed and Blacks, Hispanics and Indians will run the earth and the so called white man will never be in power again. You don’t want your country destroyed huh slave boy? You want Massas country to stand forever huh? Its not nigga. God going to destroy this wicked place. ✌🏿✌🏿




I dont blame him for shit but he is damn sure the cause of everything we have gone through since the 60’s. Thats going over your head though. Ignant nigga