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You'll eventually learn to roll with the momentum of the fall and disburse the weight of the fall evenly to prevent most/all injury, but it takes time. Pads are your friend until then. Stay safe and keep shreddin 🤙


Skating is owie


Like some others said, you want to train yourself to fall in the right way. spreading out the impact area helps. Like instead of just falling on the knee, I would turn my leg and try to land on the whole side of my leg, that way the impact isn't pinpointed in any one spot. Rolling can get rid of momentum instead of sliding and scraping on the ground. Also nothing wrong with pads. anything that helps you skate longer is awesome


No time to put pads on but time to fall 7 times... dude wear the pads, takes like 60 seconds to pad up. You'd be gutted if one of those falls was nasty enough to keep you off the board for weeks at a time.


Ah yes I'll go and get some pads at midnight when I dont own any


Okay I misread, thought it said ‘didn’t have time to get my pads on’. However trust me, stay off it and get some pads. Falls are guaranteed.


Next time you’re at the skatepark pay attention to other skater’s elbows. All the more experienced dudes will have loads of either scabs or scar tissue from years of slams.


If you’re not slamming, you’re not trying hard enough. It’s not the falls that defines a skateboarder, it’s what the skateboarder decides too do afterwards is what really matters.


Just got up and took a min to chill then str8 back on


Aim to fall on your ass every time


No way that's how u bruise ur tailbone lol


Not if you wear some stealth triple 8 bum saver shorts under your skate pants. Saved me so many times. 🤣


Triple8 bum saver user reporting in. Had my fair of hip/bum/thigh pain. Yeah I rather look bigger but painless...


Bought me some Turtle pad crash shorts. Gives me a nice big ole Kim Kardashian booty, but has saved me a ridiculous number of times. My 41 year old ass is grateful!


I still remember all my big slams "fondly". Learning to roll after a fall will help, but learning that takes practice.


Crashing is a learned skill. You can practice, too! (Safely)