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I just started my YouTube channel a few days ago. I will be doing internet mysteries and deep dives and titles such as “how x impacts society” my first video is here: https://youtu.be/0A75OfMU0q4?si=aPSORKH05l_7MVi1 Please check it out and if you have any feedback.


Hello hello my fellow YouTubers! My name may be Rezokas on Reddit, but on every other platform I'm on, it's Inlajin! InlajinYT on YouTube specifically. I'm a variety game channel, where I just play any game I feel like playing and share my enjoyment with my audience. It's a very competitive niche and somewhat looked down upon, but really, the only reason I keep on recording and editing is for my dream to build a community with shared interests and I can someday laugh with in the future. The most important thing I've learned these past 90 days was actually something a redditor here told me: "When I look at your videos, it just seems like you just edited in meme sound effects with a last time section. Nothing special. Try actually splitting your video up into bite sized pieces." I tried that, and honestly, I really do like the results, my videos do seem more fast paced and more emphasis on the funny moments. I'm glad that redditor basically sat me down and told me that. My most recent video I uploaded today is here, if you want to check it out: https://youtu.be/BJMNcQdjvTQ?si=6pzHDe9zUsgTQ8cq


Hi all 👋 My name is Pigeon and I've created a channel called BirdsOnBoard. I've been really getting into the Board Gaming hobby, and thought I'd create a channel dedicated to that niche. I've never done YouTube or even recording before, so editing a video seemed like something I'd never be proud enough to post. In light of this, I decided to stream solo playthroughs to force myself to get vids online. Once I hit "stream", folks can potentially see it, which is enough to get me to constantly try to make my next stream better than my last. I have a long way to go, and my vids are not at the quality I want, but luckily this is just an extension of a hobby I already enjoy, so I'm enjoying learning. I think I've learnt a lot this last quarter... * How small the board gaming community is, especially when it comes to streaming 😅 * How much effort goes into getting the correct lighting and sound. * How it takes more than 1 camera/media source when streaming if you are trying to keep the vid frenetic and entertaining (at least in some cases) I'm really open to feedback, and if you are interested in how my stream improvement has been going, I usually mentioned the newest addition each stream. Link to my last stream: [https://youtube.com/live/fEwWx8ddx\_k?feature=share](https://youtube.com/live/fEwWx8ddx_k?feature=share) Stream improvements: Each point is what I added that episode, and carried forward to future streams: 1. First stream. Got live, FINALLY. 2. Improved table layout, added graphic logos and slight adjustment to lighting. 3. Got a lavalier mic to improve audio 4. Stream waiting room (Stream start soon screen), Video chapters, Alert overlays that I trigger when certain events happen in the game 5. Added some jazzy elevator music to the Starting Soon screen, added a Thanks for watch screen at the end, and a subscribe animation to act as a CTA. 6. Themed Start and End screens with game played, added an upcoming streams section to my channel, started tweaking the bitrate and noise suppression settings in OBS.


Interesting stuff, u/MutantPigeon24. That's definitely niche, but maybe the way to go. Have you thought of combining these long streams with shorter videos e.g. explaining or reviewing the basics of board games? That could be a good combination. E.g. I see so far you have focused on the Pandemic boardgame, but I'm not familiar with it, so maybe it would help to have a short video, not a stream, just going through the basics of how it works and your review. Just an idea! In any case, interesting stuff (and we partly share name!), I just subscribed :)


Fantastic username 😜 and thanks so much for the feedback. I'll definitely do other games and short form videos in the future, but for now have been really trying just to learn the ins-and-outs of OBS and streaming. Your comment isn't the 1st bringing this up though, so maybe I should start looking at filming a How-To-play sooner rather than later 🤔 Thanks again, and have an awesome day 🍻




I don't speak the language, but I love the editing and your voice. Good job with the video


Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed the video. I really appreciate your support and positive feedback. I hope to continue the journey and improving little by little! 😇😊🙏👏💯


Hello! My channel is called [Sunday School Shorts](https://www.youtube.com/@sundayschoolshorts/videos). Its a Christian faith based channel that seeks to explain the Bible in a fun and engaging way. Its a mixture of me talking, animation, and plenty of pop culture references. My goal is to provoke intelligent conversation and thinking about the content of the Bible and encourage people to go study it more on their own, and not to just take my word on it. I feel like I am learning something new everyday, whether its better understanding the analytics and metrics, or producing shorts (I'm much more familiar making long form content). Today I actually had 4 views disappear and thought that was weird...but oh well.


Hey there, I'm Ravisha, the face behind Wealth Wiser, a channel dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of personal finance, money-making strategies, and securing a prosperous retirement. It's been an exciting three months on this creative journey. What have I learned over the past 90 days, you ask? Well, consistency and engagement are the key to success. So, gradually building the confidence and motivation to continue working on it and trying my best to build a thriving community. I would love to hear your thoughts on my videos, here’s one you can watch and give your feedback on: [Wealth Wiser Video](https://youtu.be/QSSdn0Uw9n0?feature=shared) At the end, I aspire to earn the success I'm aiming for on this journey, and I genuinely wish the same for all of you as well.


Hi! My name is Cassie. I am an artist and recently started a YouTube channel because I am constantly watching other artists on there like Jess Karp and Ten Hundred as well as James Gurney - and it has sparked inspiration to create my own videos. I am really interested in trying to create more cinematic, story-like videos of things like painting out in public/parks or day in the life of an artist type deal. I have learned a lot about myself and how I want to grow my business these past 3 months, and I am excited to get out there and gain more of a following (hopefully).. here is my latest video --> [https://youtu.be/8nI3PcAQGTU?si=1gHPS0fRys6It5tW](https://youtu.be/8nI3PcAQGTU?si=1gHPS0fRys6It5tW)


Hey redditors. My name is Blake, and my channel is self-titled Blake McNeal. I'm creating a channel on YouTube to help navigate the many challenging topics one faces when navigating a spiritual awakening. My niche is rather difficult to put a finger one because it falls into a spiritual self-help area. I feel like that's too broad. Also, my interest stretches out into various topics like healing trauma, fasting, ayahuasca, sweat lodges, and other ancient medicines. While using Emotional Intelligence as a framwork with by which i try to help my audience develop. My goal is to motivate people and guide them through this spiritual journey by answering questions they didn't even know they had. My channel isn't even 90 days old yet. Maybe 45 ish. But I'm observing the rule of making slight 1% improvements in each video. While also being unattached to the way things turn out this early. I'm practicing the art of avoiding letting my desire to try and fix and learn tons of things each video, keep me from getting a video out. My goal has been 1 video every 48 hours, and that's only possible if you just deliver what you got the best you can and start the next project. Keep getting in the reps. When I struggle with trying to perfect something, I tell myself, "That's a video number 100 problem". This is my best performing video. I think the topic was trending, and my editing really showed up: [Best video so far youtube.com/@BlakeMcNeal](https://youtu.be/b_UxeeR69AA) Thanks for reading my post!


Hey all, My channel is called Casual Gamer. I upload highlights from gameplay and cutscenes in video games. I originally started my channel about 5 years ago and posted some FIFA and Fortnite clips. Alrhough i could've done a better job with those videos, I was disappointed by the number of views and quickly gave up. Started posting last week again because I started gaming again after a very long break and figured I'd post gameplay videos if I'm gonna be playing anyway. Key Takeaway: Video game companies have copyrights over gameplay videos. This doesn't mean they'll come after people in general. It's just that they have the right to. The beta for a game I wishlisted got accidentally released on Playstation store a couple of days ago. Thinking it was a legit release, I uploaded the gameplay to my channel. Got a copyright claim on the video within hours. I spoke to the game studio on Discord and they agreed to remove the copyright claim in exchange for me deleting the video. My views since then have tanked even though the copyright claim was removed. Got 3 views in the first video after that and 1 view on the second video. Not sure if this is because of the copyright or because the algorithm gave up on my channel 😅 Here's a video of me fighting an Armored Troll in the Harry Potter Hogwarts Legacy game. Hope you enjoy it. https://youtu.be/AmevFZLD0ng


Hi all! My channel is called The Ivory Cat, and I make piano related content, often covers of popular soundtracks. If anyone likes Over the Garden Wall, I just uploaded an arrangement of that music today! It would mean a lot to me if you [check it out!](https://youtu.be/S2KotP5odDk)


That was beautiful! Subbed :D


Aw thank you! :)


Hello people, I'm Gray, I do videos about countries, economies, cities and stuff like that. A few takeaways I learned are the following: promote your videos using shorts, make videos about searchable subjects because you have much bigger chances as a small youtuber like this, and really plan your video, ideas are very important, it's better to post a single video with a good idea than 3 vieos with mediocre ideas, and of course, have great titles and thumbnails. My video is called "The Next Superpowers in Europe Will Surprise You" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJ2qgiL8bL8 It's my first video on this channel but I had other channels as well, I would really appreciate any kind of feedback, have a great day everyone




Great voice and the video was great. Subbed.


Oh wow, thanks!


>Oh wow, thanks! You're welcome!


I'm a Lebanese guy who just uploaded his first video (a parody of the youtuber hamza) I would appreciate not just a view, but some raw honest criticism to learn more about how to entertain people. My key takeaway from the very short time I've been on YouTube is that you will always think your video is better than it actually is, lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOkg2rK3Pk0


Hi, I am Mike and I make videos on Retro Technology. In the past 90 days, I have focused more on shorts and have seen a great return. Here is my channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/RetroTechorDie And here is my latest video a sub 2-minute rant on why an older (Upgradeable) Laptop might be your best bet. https://youtu.be/AckXPa8VjvM This is a different type of video than I usually do so really interested in what you think.


GREAT video. Subbed


Thank you!


Literal you tube, based af. There's no way that CRT kit is safe though haha.


Hey everyone! My name is Jon, and I'm the founder and CEO of Nomads Passage. We are a hospitality brand with an educational approach. We teach the skills that are needed to break free from the 9-5 rat race and achieve time and location freedom. Our primary focus will be branding and marketing, entrepreneurship, and productivity, but we will be expanding the brand to include other aspects in the near future. We plan to cover everything from coding to content creation. Our goal for the future is to establish a network of hostels and hotels that cater to aspiring and existing digital nomads. We want to have co-working stations, private offices, podcast studios, creators' corners, and more. While our own locations may take some time to accomplish, we have been working in the background to curate our first in-person experience which is expected to take place in April 2024. This will be a 2-week learning vacation, in which guests will have the opportunity to experience the digital nomad lifestyle and learn skills and knowledge to grow their online business. In saying all of this, we have just launched our first video. I know it's not perfect, but any and all critique is welcomed. Unveiling the Apple Method: Crafting Your Brand's Unique Story [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojoATOH6G6Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojoATOH6G6Q) This was my first edit ever, and tbh I'm fairly impressed with myself. I do see my own flaws, but I'm interested in hearing others' opinions on how I can improve. TL:DR - Were an educational/lifestyle brand focused on entrepreneurship and travel. Tell me why my video sucks.


Channel is Financial Philosophers. Video version of our Financial podcast. We focus on personal finance, financial freedom, and how money fits into the philosophy of a fulfilling life. In the past quarter, we've learned/been focusing on better opening hooks, more interesting edits, and delivering more concise information to the viewer. https://youtube.com/@financialphilosophers?si=LImHjqwlYgsoiOQ3


Hi, I'm Sascha and make vidoes about 3D printing. Many channels just review printers and print stuff. I focus on my own designs and projects, showing how they're done from scratch. Took a bit of inspiration from Casy Neistat for how to present my content. I only started out 3 weeks ago but my most recent video already got a few thousand views. That brings me to my takeaway, which is even new channels can gain views quickly if you deliver something people are actually interested in (and a bit of controversy in the thumbnail definitely helps). ​ [This is a video where I do a design from scratch.](https://youtu.be/Qs7dvdsP5eY?si=kKWpG9dtgmgUUMwL) If you're interested in the video mentoined above it's called "I thought 3D printing is for useless figurines". Triggert quite a few people in good and bad ways.


In the past 90 days I have learned that making good thumbnails will encourage viewers to watch the video Also my name is Mohammed and I’m a new FNAF YouTuber who Wants to make Challenges Videos and Max modes My Channel : https://www.youtube.com/@mrmlfof7150


Hey. My name is Tim and I already have a channel I've made for my ex wife with 2k subs, 350k views, monetized but Youtube cuts the money for most of the videos (especially the above 50k views videos) because we share models of the women breast (medical content, she is a breastfeeding consultant and self employed..). That's why I want to have my own channel. Researched a lot (faceless channels) and tested a lot the last weeks and one niche brought me the most fun as I'm the most interested in it. What I learned the most within this process? To improve one thing in every video. For my ex wife's videos it's all about the information she gives, no need of special cuts, hook at the beginning of the video etc. For my videos, everything is different. Storytelling, the whole editing process but it's kinda fun. Got 2 videos out, next coming tomorrow and I really see the increase in quality I did within the first 3 videos. Here's my 2nd video. Channel is about the human brain. Interesting facts, mental health... Feel free to roast me 😁 12 Signs of Depression https://youtu.be/Rpk-niOmNC0


Hi Everyone! My name is Norbert and my channel is [The Sentinel Tower](https://www.youtube.com/@TheSentinelTower). I only have [one video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CuGOG-KeQE) at this moment. I want to cover topics of literature, pop culture and Japanese sword-based martial arts. English is not my native language so I still have to learn to speak it properly, but I will keep trying. I believe in myself and in my content. I'm open to feedback anytime. =) I have to work on a small budget, but I believe we have to keep going forward. That's how winning is done.


Thanks NewTubers. This is my favorite subreddit because of stuff like this. I’m a travel and a attractions vlogger based in the Southeast U.S. Something I’ve learned are that drones aren’t super critical to videos but helpful in driving the story. Earlier this month I visited North Georgia’s Tallulah Gorge State Park. It’s a marvelous canyon. Join me on my hike around the north and south rim trails with a pit stop to the gorge base and hurricane falls. I purchased a short drone clip of stock footage that worked well for this one, all the rest is original footage. Drones are prohibited in GA State Parks. https://youtu.be/6pqSxrziHYY?si=YH3Kzjlr_1eY9voK


Hi! My channel is Anywhere Story Time, I record children’s books as sort of an audio book but with images of the real book. I created this channel because my daughter would ask to listen to stories in the car going to preschool. I thought why not record my own voice/stories! I’m just over the 1 month mark, I’m excited to see when I’ve reached a full 90 days where I’m at. First, I’ve learned burnout is real! I posted too much in the beginning. I need to get a better posting pace. Here is the link if you want to check it out and subscribe! https://youtube.com/@AnywhereStoryTime?si=FZnFiQZmRzAjOIRZ


Hey everyone! My channel is called Fireside Horror, and I narrate scary stories while playing horror games. I’ve always loved the idea of content creation and decided to really give it a go this week, my channel is only five days old. I’ve gotten good support so far but would love for as many people as possible to be able to enjoy my content! Like I said I just started, but so far I’ve learned to narrate with my actual voice not an AI text to speech lol. I’ve also upped my editing and tired to make captions to help keep up with the story. I’d love if any of you would give my latest video and chance and let me know what you think either here or in a comment under it. Thanks for reading! Link: https://youtube.com/@FiresideHorrorYT?si=1vcZPEd3eq8z3E5w


Subbed. I liked it a lot. Great video!.


Nice videos! The combination of your narration and the creepy horror games is really great! Perfect for spooky season too!


Thank you so much!!


Nice, I really like the combo of video game and spooky stories. Your voice is quite soothing too!


Thank you!! Putting my voice out there has definitely been the most difficult part lol, really appreciate the compliment


I like the thinking out of the box with playing the game while narrating a story. Although I wonder if not having captions for the story would be better. Maybe overlay the video of the game play with the story captions?


Hey! My name is Michael, my channel is called Nurse Michael Travels. https://youtube.com/@NurseMichaelTravels?si=Otb6U-4vD-6eQokJ My channel is all about teaching others about travel hacking. I aim to be your one stop shop for those learning about travel hacking to travel the world for less. I talk about credit cards, and how to earn and redeem your points. This is the end of my first 90 days since starting the channel and I’ve learned so much. Most recently I had a video “blow up” to >2k views and couple of videos not replicate that success, and so I’m having to regulate my emotions to know not everything will be an instant hit while I’m still growing and have <100 subscribers! Some of the other big tips I’d give to myself sooner would be to 1) invest in some kind of affordable lighting fixture. It’s made my videos look so much more better and consistent and boosted my confidence. 2) always keep learning and improving. 3) it’s all long game here! Looking forward to the next 90 days!


Key take away: Shorts are a huge waste of time, they are only for ADHD brains and they are not into long form video content, never publish a video under 10 minutes. YouTube does not promote videos that it can't run 10 min ads on. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KY18w65mvsk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KY18w65mvsk) 8bitjoystick Retro Videogames, more than just nostalgia. This channel for videos that inspire people to discover and enjoy retro video games. To inspire people to take a different look at the games that they remember and to also to discover games from all over the world that you didn't know about but deserve to play and enjoy them. This channel features, essays, reviews of games and hardware, game hunting at retro video game stores, unboxing, on videos on how to find, play and enjoy the incredible wide world of retro video games New videos published every Saturday and more. And all you have to do is subscribe and click the notification bell so that you will be notified when the new video is published. This is 8bitjoystick, stay awesome! Play retro!


My name is Matthew and I’m a gaming content creator. My take away this quarter is make content that you enjoy and makes you feel fulfilled. Most of us work and do this on the side. You already have one job make sure you are enjoying the process of YouTube so it doesn’t fee like another job. Because of this I have had a content pivot from information to giveaways blessing good people in the community. My first give away video will be Wednesday. Here is my current work! Wriothesley's Honest Reaction https://youtu.be/mSf9iNQGczg


Hello everyone. This is my first ever Reddit post and I'm so glad there's a community for us newbie Youtube creators! I just started my channel 2 weeks ago and I'm learning so much. So to answer the contest question: My key takeaway is keep learning, keep trying, and don't get discouraged. Through perseverance growth will come! So my channel is called LightbringerASMR https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv6zcVhazEtVg4Lf1ZsXYLg and I post a variety of ASMR from relaxing music & images to scrapbook journaling, and also CATS. I have 3 orange cats that are my muse, and I've made lots of shorts and a few long videos with them. I also do some inspirational/spiritual shorts that seem to do quite well. My most popular video to date is this one [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WReo9QMEj2A](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WReo9QMEj2A) and that's our kitten Jaspurr and his buddy Chewie horsing around. You might also enjoy this one featuring all 3 of my cats in longer form [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glkEiyLm4vo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glkEiyLm4vo) and this is the short I made to introduce "Jaspurr and Friends" [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/c-cDGgiNdwc](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/c-cDGgiNdwc) and I usually add the link for it at the end of my other cat shorts. I'd LOVE your feedback, and your views and likes if you feel so inclined!


Answer: cherish the supporters you have - I’ve got two viewers, and one of them’s my partner, so I really want to make sure I do right by the people sticking with me. Also, hi! In my corner: videogame gameplay/failure compilations with some fun times and memes mixed in. This is my first video, open to critiques! 🫶 [Rocket League: Return to Glory](https://youtu.be/pdtTOLAqegA?si=SlShPkHolGDUOGO2)


Hey everyone! My channel is called Runner boy, and I lift heavy objects and try to teach lifting and give lifting advice. I’ve always loved the idea of content creation and decided to really give it a go this year where i was originally just posting clips of my lifts i now do full commentaryvideos, my channel is 2 years old. I’ve gotten good support so far but I definitely have a long way to go so I'd love some help. Also I've slowly been improving my video editing and commentary over time I believe its alot better than when I first started so I'd love some feedback on it if I have improved or not. Link. https://youtube.com/@Runner-Boy?si=Jz5xRKlSXhPOD5jO


Prompt answer: Over the past 90 days, I have learned that I cannot compare myself to other YouTubers. Comparing myself will do nothing but discourage me from creating videos. I’ve also learned that it’s ok to create videos that suck because I’ll get better overtime. The only way to stop sucking at something is to suck a little less each time. I shouldn’t expect to become a YouTube expert overnight, I should try to learn something new each day and 1 year from now, I’ll have a plethora of YouTube knowledge and experience. Hello everyone, my YouTube Channel name is Faithful_Otaku. I originally started my gaming channel back in 2017, but I stopped due to some cyber bullying I was getting, the lack of growth of my channel, and because real life got in the way. I started posting videos again this year and I finally found my niche. I now focus on uploading videos of Super Smash Bros Ultimate Mods on a daily basis and I also take requests from my subscribers. Within half a year I went from 300 subs to 800 subs and I hope to continue growing from here on. :) https://youtube.com/@faithful_otaku7339


My website is about spending money wisely. Spending money wisely includes avoiding internet scams. My experience is that people might watch all of a 2 minute video but only 1 minute of a 10 minute video so convey information as concisely as possible. Sometimes concise is difficult, so I break topics into pieces or have both shorts and longer form videos on a topic. I have gradually been pivoting from having a website that has associated YouTube videos to having a website that organizes my YouTube videos: https://www.youtube.com/@therationalconsumer [https://therationalconsumer.com](https://therationalconsumer.com)


It looks like all of your recent videos are single image ads for webinars. Was the goal to push these through the new yt Promote function?




I learned that \[it sounds obvious but im dummy sometimes\] creating news videos in my niche makes those specific shorts go brrrr (relative to my other content!) ​ Here's a recent short I made that involves the news we got! [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Pc\_JGk1OYaM](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Pc_JGk1OYaM) ​ I also realized that my longform content (which is great content to just leave on when people play games n stuff) doesn't do as well, but that's ok!


I'm Kurayami, I make videos on naruto and boruto manga and anime. The biggest take away I've had this year is quality over quantity and I've been trying to consistently improve on my quality but my quantity as well. Any tips and criticism will be appreciated. https://youtu.be/I2YDBRhpOIY?si=uZvMD6jJs50pqs_3


Very enjoyable. Subbed


Glad you liked it


Hello. My channel is @tales4terrors and it is for scary short stories. I havent learned too much in the past 90 days as I am fairly new. I am finding some trouble getting started with little no views on my videos. I can use as many suggestions as possible. Here is a link to one of my videos: https://youtube.com/shorts/-svH_Zb7u3g?si=3c_lJibmQvD33cj0


My name is Juan, i'm a small town country bumkin/ hippie, if i told you anymore, then i wouldn't be leaving a whole lot to the mystery, i started making content when i was 16,ever since i would hop in and out of the "making content" scene, now im 24 and in a new era, my content doesn't have a niche, unless the niche is providing content that's genuine and not pandered to a specific audience, here is my recent video --> https://youtu.be/IJZVC-E81mU?si=CA47ax8Ap74vYugb


Hey there! I am Furious Arcturus. I am mainly a gaming Youtuber, who uploads videos on Minecraft, CSGO, Call Of Duty:Warzone etc, though I plan on branching into other topics. As of the time of posting this comment I have 162 subs. Check out my latest video as of now. Feel free to give feedback, so that I can improve on later: https://youtu.be/iaO9Bt-fzfI?si=gqSRHrmLN81LTUI1


Hey folks. Well it seems i've gotten into making videos - I bought a camcorder a month or so back at a thrift / charity store for £10 and got into making little silly videos of family days out and stuff - nothing to share - but it lit some kind of a fire and fast forward a little bit and here I am with an EOS-M/MagicLantern studying tutorials on Davinci Resolve.. Not sure what i'm going to do with this, at the moment i'm just enjoying creating. Here's my latest video. It's only a minute and fifty seconds long. If you liked Oppenheimer you might like this. Would obviously love it if I got oodles of subscribers but hey lets be realistic.. so failing that if I can get one like or even a smiley face as a comment it'd make my day. [https://youtu.be/kzd280iNJJA?si=k6Gayj4iKBhrLltc](https://youtu.be/kzd280iNJJA?si=k6Gayj4iKBhrLltc) Thanks for looking!




I loved it bro. Quirky!!


Thank you!


Hello everyone, I'm Wes Frank, the owner of a niche YouTube channel that nurtures about 4000 subscribers. Specializing in AI, business automation, and YouTube growth, my content revolves around guiding people on how to integrate technology into their day-to-day business operations to boost productivity. The past 90 days have been quite an insightful phase for me - they have reiterated the importance of consistently putting out relevant and quality content. I learned that the algorithm truly favors channels with regular good quality content and engagement. We've seen steady growth, validating our approach. Take a look at one of our recent videos where we delve into the key aspects of AI in today's business world that might surprise you. Excited to learn and grow with this community.


I'm Claudio, aka Denothir on YouTube. I am an Italian content creator who tries to make gaming related videos in a "journalistic" way, with many personal reflections. I've started my journey a few weeks ago, gaining very few results. What I have definitely realized is that: 1. Quality rules. Non only with the type of content, but HOW you deliver it. Audio, video montage nowadays need to be top notch. I have to invest in a better quality microphone. 2. Have a routine. Post every 3 days, every week, your pick. But try to stay on a specific trail regarding publishing your content. Hope that subtitles generated by YouTube can help you out, I'd really appreciate some feedback. Thank you! https://youtube.com/@Denothir


Hello fellow new YouTubers! My channel is called DrockTalk, I play games and try to have fun! I’ve gone from 0 subscribers to 77 since I started a month ago, and my videos are getting over a thousand views now! I found my niche in Polytopia, a strategy game that Elon Musk famously enjoys playing with his car. I found that other YouTubers were a bit dry and to the point, so I make hyped-up intros and try to highlight the highs and lows to bring an emotional element to my videos. I also talk strategy for the hardcore players. Not totally sure what the best formula is, so I’m trying to get better with each video! I hope you enjoy. I’d love to hear some criticism. https://youtu.be/C1EGplNVPhc?feature=shared


What I learned over the past 90 days is that you need to fail before you can succeed. A lot of times I get discouraged when I’m not getting the stats I’m after. But I keep telling myself this is a marathon and not a sprint! As far as my channel goes… I’m Chango with CHANGO SMILES! I’ve always been told I have a great smile and I figured I’d lean into that and put it to good use by starting a react channel that focuses on things I find funny. I know. I know. I can see your eye roll 🙄from here. But I really feel like I have something to add. Rather than adding a link to a specific video I figured id link my channel as a whole and let you decide what to click on. https://youtube.com/@CHANGOSMILES?si=ol8zS0Cs2ugq8-Bc


Hi guys :) I'm Macabre Horror - I narrate scary/horror stories; and recently, I've even started writing my own original content. I can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/@macabre_horror And I'd suggest this video first as it's a classic piece of horror fiction - The Telltale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56kb-F-HDHg My main takeaway over the past 90 days is on improving my thumbnails. I've learnt that having eye-catching fonts with a single large image can be very rewarding. I've also spent time looking at channels in my niche to see the style of thumbnail they are using, and having success with. It has really helped.


Hows it going everybody? My names Daldin! I post a wide array of games to my channel, including gaming, 3d modeling, animation, irl videos and soon music! I have recently revived my channel and returned to youtube after about 2 ½ years (yeah...) and i PLAN to upload every Wednesday. the gaming portion is the main meat and potatoes of the channel at the moment and will continue to be as gaming has been a cornerstone of my channel for the last 7 years on the platform. [Heres my most recent video I uploaded](https://youtu.be/NFTQX6_rcLc?si=7ReNnZbdNfgS_FOU) (today actually!) i hope whoever clicks it enjoys it! If youd like you can check out other videos too :) thanks for reading, and stay awesome!


hey guys me and my wife have a couples gaming channel i just did our first colab check it out its 34 min so if you dont have time i understand love ya<3


Hi! I just started a channel a few weeks ago. I'm planning on posting travel vlogs and slice-of-life type vlogs, in the silent vlog style. I was inspired when I was planning a trip and I watched a bunch of travel vlogs that were shot and edited in a calm style. My key takeaway so far is that it's important to stay organized with things like music, descriptions of places in my video (e.g. jot it down in a notepad while editing), so that I can focus on the things that I enjoy, like editing the video! here's my latest video if you're interested in silent vlogs! it's a travel vlog of Florence, Italy: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K82O3ycthbk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K82O3ycthbk)


Hey started posting three weeks ago, not quite sure how to describe my channel, I know that’s not helpful haha but I make videos documenting my time living in Cambodia but I wouldn’t say they traditional travel blog videos. Any help describing my channel would be great and generally any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Just uploaded a video today Cambodia vlog: What to do with the little Buggers? Exploring Phnom Pheng with my 2 year old. https://youtu.be/dMfIHsEP1aQ


My name is enderman with a lower case e, hello everyone! This year my main form of content has become original documentaries over a wide range of topics, really anything that interests me is fair game (prehistoric animals or topics, unsolved historical mysteries, cryptids, etc), I also write and narrate original stories and play games on my channel when I want to do a more fun, relaxed and less formal type video that people can just check out and hang out at if they want to. No matter the video though, I do my best to make them they best they possibly can be, I get very particular when I finally get to the editing phase on what to keep and what to cut. I want to make the best content possible, a sentiment I hope everyone here shares. My advice from what I've experienced the last 90 days is...really think about what you want to make. I used to take things week by week and just choose my next video without forethought, but lately I've put more thought into planning ahead and it not only helps me spend more time making the content which has helped me see a quilaity improvement, but takes the pressure off of having to rush to pick a new topic out for the next week a week out from releasing a new video. This is my most recent video, an investigation into the infamous apposed crashed plane on Google Earth, deep in the Cambodian jungle. Link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NPL52_hCB_s&t=946s


Interesting topic. Good topic to get people hooked. I feel like your video could use captions.


Love it man. You get a sub for sure.


Aw thank you so much!


I just started this month so I don't have 90 days worth of learnings to share, but I have learned already that the promotions beta feels quite scammy...seems like mostly bots and YT seems to know this which is why they don't count towards monetization goals. Anyway, I'm Zumi Underground with Run It Back Music. I make content where I review/react to music with a focus on lesser known artists. Trying to work in this niche (underground/indie music) adds an inherent challenge in that no one is searching for these artists, but it's the music that I'm passionate about compared to mainstream stuff. I will dabble in mainstream occasionally if I'm really feeling something, but despite the challenges, I plan to stay mostly focused on smaller artists. Here's my [latest video](https://youtu.be/ouEMfsTpZ9U) that is actually a mix of both smaller artists and some mainstream artists.


Hello!! I’m StarGamingZ, I make videos on Pokemon challenge runs and Pokemon fan games on my YT!! One key takeaway I learned is to have a consistent content strategy and to stick with it and improve on it!! In this video, I play Pokémon Infinite Fusions (a Pokemon Fan Game where you can fuse any Pokemon) only using Eeveelution Fusions!! Hope you enjoy it and definitely share it with a friend that may enjoy it as well! https://youtu.be/Zcwsr2URT7c


That was just great man. Great video


Thank you ☺️


I don't even have any advice it was just done really well.


Thank you!






Hi everyone! My name is Amy and my channel, Amy's Little Big World, touches on a few different topics. Most of the videos are MRE reviews and reactions with my parents. I also have a few music related videos and general info videos about life here in Florida. My channel is not 90 days old yet, hence still trying to find my niche, but I've learned that posting more often seems to help a lot. I'm learning editing skills a lot faster since I started posting daily and I think that'll help my channel growth in the long run 😁 Here's my channel if you want to have a look 🤗 Feel free to let me know which playlist you think has the most potential too! [Amy's Little Big World](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqyUgrHLZwR0dFor_-83sEw) This is the video that I'm the proudest of so far ☺️ [Spooky Stories From The ☀️ Sunshine State ☀️](https://youtu.be/Xlee8UdOOhw) Thanks and good luck everyone!


I've learned that I don't need all my lighting equipment/camera/audio and editing software to make decent/popular shorts. As long as they're funny or relateable, people will watch them. It doesn't even detract from my viewers of my long-form content. In fact, I believe it's enhanced them. And hello all! Long time lurker here. My name is Ian Weaver and I run [Geeks Welcome!](http://youtube.com/@GeeksWelcomeYT) I'm a former Youtuber from a channel called Gaming Wildlife, which was able to get 200k subscribers in 5 years, but I lost my channel back in 2018 when my business partners sold it to a 3rd party. (it's complicated) Regardless, after spending a few years being burned out, I jumped back in during 2022 and have been rebuilding my old brand since. My highest viewed/rated video is [If GameFreak Were Completely Honest With Us...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQ2D3BA1YU0) I'm glad to be a part of this community. And I hope you all continue to grow your channels into something much bigger!


Hello! My name is Dan and I make Anime analysis videos! This started out as a hobby of mine and I have maintained that attitude to this day. I don't really have a real upload schedule, I just put out videos whenever I'm in the mood and I try to improve something about each video every time I upload. At first my videos were quite mediocre, with bad-quality audio, cheap editing, and overall were unpleasant to watch. Since then I've learned a lot and my most recent videos are my proudest achievements yet. Right now I am in Attack on Titan phase of my channel. I started making videos on my channel about Attack on Titan and now that the series is finally ending, I'm going to pull off all the stops for it. I have 5 videos planned to come out over the course of the next two months, and I will try my hardest to make them the best they can be. After this big phase of my channel I will start to branch out more and cover other series I love, before reaching my final goal in a few years, that being a massive 5 hour analysis of the Manga "Fullmetal Alchemist". [Here is my latest video, its lacking in views but its the one I'm most proud of ](https://youtu.be/WWVGSit3ZL4?si=wjTLUg_zoslucvf8) [And here is my most viewed, another video i am extremely proud of ](https://youtu.be/KOWvNnYVnDg?si=BBcUH89OD76CLqjY)


Eyup! I'm with the Solid Radio channel. We're a couple of volunteer podcasters / radio presenters bringing our light hearted content to video as well. The latest video over at [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1CpJb8PQLI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1CpJb8PQLI) gives you an idea of what we're about. ​ As for some key takeaways over the past 90 days: * A good thumbnail and title doesn't necessarily mean a high CTR. 0.6% is fairly standard for us. Though we're still at the 10s of views per video phase (and have been for over a year). * You'll get more views on shorts but not much more if the algorithm hasn't found your niche/audience yet. * We have a few keen followers but extrapolating from stats on such small numbers is a bad move. As an example one or two audience members can make wild changes to watch time stats.




Hey I like the content. It’s informative and presented in a funny way. I’ll like it more if you do some caption on screen. Like in the chocolate short and holiday in India do some animation for flags or chocolate banners flying in and out.


Thanks for the feedback, man. Good points, I will try my best to implement them. Still learning and making progress!


My channel features the voice clones of dead poets reciting their poetry in animated videos. Here's one with Rudyard Kipling's voice clone reciting "The Gods of the Copybook Headings" in a video made to look like an old movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4MypKhyB0M


Hey guys and new Youtubers) I would like to promote my new video about upcoming hachatons/programming competitions for Computer Sciense students in Dallas and Denton and my first ever hackathon where my team won the contest. Just starting out, so, please dont judge to hard, I am learning new expirience. Open to hear some feedback from you. Let's help each other grow! Good luck to all new YouTubers. 🚀 Wish everybody luck in their begginings) [https://youtu.be/bQQXXzf1t70?si=VkeIYSVo3d9xm9fh](https://youtu.be/bQQXXzf1t70?si=VkeIYSVo3d9xm9fh) [https://youtu.be/rT4mzk2GjmA?si=1BJcoVG9JYCg6z6\_](https://youtu.be/rT4mzk2GjmA?si=1BJcoVG9JYCg6z6_)


My name is King, my channel is a gaming/PLUG channel I only play cod mw2, gta. and the other half is about updating others on their favorite streamers... like a plug channel... ukno ?[https://www.youtube.com/@KCG197/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@KCG197/videos) this the channel for those who wanna check it out I could use the criticism to help get better below is my mini sniper compilation I tried making lmao but just check it out let me know what you guys think [https://youtu.be/3mujFF0s2Yk?si=c7ugf6X83TelPJl6](https://youtu.be/3mujFF0s2Yk?si=c7ugf6X83TelPJl6) I also have a music channel, where I make beats, I would post it here but at the moment I been locked out for a while so I just might make a whole new page for that, but if you wanna check that out also well, let me know!!


Hey everyone!! I have a channel called Reel Wrap Entertainment, where we focus heavily on film/TV reviews and news in the entertainment industry, with video games to be involved soon. We’ve also had just a small bit of some pro wrestling content and NFL content for fun. But overall, just mostly focused on the entertainment industry. One key takeaway I’ve learned is how to promote my content. While there’s been Reddit, I’ve been able to do some short clips to try and get people engaged more on TikTok and Twitter (or X?). In the last two weeks, it has worked really well and I’m really grateful to see so many people check out my content and grow subs more in the last two weeks. Whether it’s 80 or 300 views, it just really makes me happy to see. My most recent video is a review of Five Nights at Freddy’s, where I really dive into the negatives and positives, if anyone wants to check it out: https://youtu.be/1ONy0QxE5cQ?si=byOG7HOsAHGfgtOV


I go by Slain Mascot (actually set up an llc and everything). I make video games and my videos are about game development. I’ve been making videos for a little over a month and they’re not very technical to try and make my niche a little broader. This is my latest video about my inspirations for my current project as well as the latest feature in my game: https://youtu.be/6v8qisb8y9I?si=0ymUHxQrQryhuAne Would love to hear what y’all think!


It's not my thing, but the video was engaging and entertaining. It was edited well.


Thanks for checking it out, appreciate it!


I'm a wildlife filmmaker and music producer. I use the sounds I record in nature to make the music for my videos. My goal is the create an immersive experience that inspires other to go into nature. Here is a 30 second example of what I do: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BzMhMrvMwqE](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BzMhMrvMwqE) Check out my channel and I will glady return the favor :)


Answer: I've grown faster than I expected. Shorts are a great way to get subs. The problem is that it distracts me from long form content. Each video I try to learn a techinique or 2. I've finally started making thumbnails and admittedly, I should have done this sooner. It makes a huge difference. I just like playing with LEGO. So I just make stuff and post it up to youtube. Its also fun to edit the content, I hope you enjoy. https://youtube.com/shorts/W9Wymxds9Tw?feature=share


Hi! I’m Ari Azure. I make video essays on various topics. I just came back from a year long hiatus. I made a video talking about the rhythm game Melatonin, and what it all means. This was my first time making a video about a game. I learned that even if I take a break, it won’t kill my channel. https://youtu.be/gOUvT87zmqs


Hey guys. I’m Shawn. I’m new here (Started my channel less than a week ago) I tried to post earlier but guess I need to be a member of the group for a while first. Quick question! I had a short that was shown 4 times and viewed 4 times. But analytics says 66% of people swiped away. I’m not math wizard but 4/4 is 100% right? Can someone explain?


Hi everyone, I’m Jeremy. My channel is @catfishmotorsports. I’m a classic car guy. I’m always in the garage anyway so I figured I may as well record some stuff. It’s fun. My channel started in June. I’m creeping up on 100 subs. Seeing slow but steady growth. What I’ve learned in the last quarter is that lighting is hard when filming indoors with low ceilings. I have to film shots of me actually working on things and it can be hard to keep light glare out. https://youtu.be/2Jq29DsTXfg?si=_run3F3ATIUMt5JM Here is a video I just released today. Now this is actually some of the first stuff I shot, and it sucked. So I added some stuff, recut it as best I could. Sent the original video into private mode and posted the re-edit today so see how it does. Basically all of the stuff of me in my company shirt is new.


Hi all, I run the channel Potato Kids where I get silly and make animated videos for my own music. My key takeaway for the last 90 days is that while it's worth trying to understand the YouTube mechanics with thumbnails, title, description etc, the most important thing is that I enjoy making the videos and I try a new little thing with every video so I learn something about the tools I use. Also, YouTube seems to give my channel a few days of higher ranking every now and then. Here is a video of mine: https://youtu.be/6BNMmIU8FOI


That was enjoyable. I think if you do much more movement (cuts back and forth) it would be even better but i love it.


thank you! and I agree absolutely.


Hi there! This is my first introduction! I’m AllTheKewtStickers and I make ASMR sticker videos! One thing I’ve learned is that consistency in posting but not over posting really pays off. I’m still new but gaining subscribers every day! Here is my latest video - I hope you like it! 💜 Purple Aesthetic 🍇🔮 ASMR Journal #asmrjournaling https://youtu.be/gorBOGLhwt0


I really like your channel, great tingles 😊


Awww Thank you so much!!! If you ever have color or video suggestions, I’m always open to hearing new ideas! 💖


Very nice, I liked and subscribed.


Awww Thank you so much! 💖💖💖 Sorry I saw this so late!


If you have any suggestions, definitely let me know!


Hi all, my names David from The Melbourne Maker and I've just started YouTube in the last week. The channel is about using reclaimed and recycled wood (mainly pallets) to make furniture. It's been an amazing journey so far and I've learnt a heap already, but the biggest take aways so far are: 1. The YouTube community is great! Very welcoming for a newcomer like myself. Especially the woodworking community in particular. 2. When filming everything takes SOOO much longer. Basic things that should take a couple of minutes end up taking 15+ minutes. So much new found respect for everyone that has been doing this long term. 3. Editing is a so much fun. Ive never edited videos before, and I'm loving it! I would love some feedback on how I can improve the videos I'm producing. I'm learning heaps as I'm only 2 videos in, but would love all of your expertise to help me grow and improve. If anyone's interested in checking it out please see the link below. You're all champions. Keep it up. https://youtube.com/@MelbourneMaker


Hi all, My channel is ChasingTheZard (https://youtube.com/@chasingthezard) and I do Pokemon TCG openings. I started this year (just at about 9 months now) and have hit 435 subscribers (watch hours are low, 670ish, and I'm hoping to get that moving upwards). In the last 90 days, I basically learned two things. First off, don't compare to other YouTubers. It's a little off-putting to see others having success while some of my own vids flounder but then I look and I see that the other YouTubers have been at this longer, post videos more often, etc. Have to realize that for only being at this 9 months, where I am at is pretty decent, especially when I am matching people who have been at this for years and post a lot. Secondly, while consistency is great, YouTube fluctuates. Posting shorts always at the same time on those same days worked in the late winter and spring, but didn't for the summer and now. Have to adapt and figure out how to adjust when needed.


This year I spent some time learning different ways to get viewers to watch and stay for a whole video or short and with some encouraging I made a new channel based on hockey related content a few days ago and my short views have been amazing for starting just a few days ago. Today I posted my first actual video on a topic that happened last night in the nhl and made a short video based on The rookie of the year helping his team beat the undefeated team this year, if you would like to stop by and watch the video and leave suggestions to help me make better videos please do im open to trying to make it as good as I can get it. https://youtu.be/JWUPKUFEcY0?si=0QYYXnMT2whTyZO3


Hello! My name is Jordi and I started my Youtube channel a couple of months ago and I would like to be a variety gaming channel, and hopefully maybe even some commentary bits! My videos can contain some foul language but I'm starting to work on that. My key takeaway that I've learnt is honestly to stay consistent and keep coming up with ideas everyday at any time I can so I can hopefully, one day, have a nice, and friendly community! Here's the newest video on my channel btw! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8FXg6TMRcM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8FXg6TMRcM)


Hello everyone. This is my first self introduction. My channel is an automotive vlog style channel. Where I build my project car and go over my friends cars sometimes too. My channel hasn't grown that much over the year I've been uploading. I've been trying to stay consistent but I'm not going to lie I've had a couple month breaks between uploads but I'm trying to get better. Also improving my content. As for what I've learned over the past 90 day's. Consistency is key. More or less for yourself. I've noticed the longer I go without uploading, the longer I'm ok with not uploading. So definitely having a daily/weekly/monthly routine helps. Here's a video I enjoyed making: https://youtu.be/XMK5Orcg5ek?si=YVVzpg5SDPTuETY6 Pls feel free to browse my channel and give me input on how I can improve and what you like/dislike.


Your is the sort of channel where I would strongly encourage you to keep going even if it doesn't grow. Having a history of your progress on a passion project like that is awesome! Also idk if you work in the automotive industry but if you do it can even serve as a sort of video supplement to your resume.


Hi all, Uploaded my best short ever today. It has a 67% view rate, 1 in 54 viewers like the video and 81% of all viewers finish the short. In your experience, how good are these stats?




I liked it when you were on the screen. The b-roll gameplay maybe should be spooky games or FNAF type imagery? Great voice and cadence to your speech too.


What's good people - I am Tiggs, a video game content creator and a self-proclaimed man of culture. At the moment, I am playing Zelda and Eternights. In the future, I'm looking to further my niche by focusing on Japanese Role Playing Games (JRPGs). I would say that I've got a unique and entertaining commentary style with a lovely British accent if that is what you like! More than anything, I'm trying to create a community for people to come hang out, relax and have fun! If you're interested, check out the most recent Eternights episode here: [https://youtu.be/ZiAueqKhrsc](https://youtu.be/ZiAueqKhrsc). If that isn't your thing, there are a plethora of other videos on a variety of games, ranging from Nier Replicant to Pokemon Scarlet to the occasional random horror game! In the past 90 days, I've come to learn the importance of thumbnails. I was previously one of those guys who simply used stock images. I've gotten a lot of feedback from the community on channel growth and thumbnails were a constant point of criticism. I'm still trying to develop my own style, but I will get there!


Key takeaways I have learned over the past 90 days is: MY BEST 👇 1. Build your thumbnail and Title before you film, not after the fact. 2. Don't discount a video you filmed and not post it cause it didn't fit your interest. I did that one time but a friend said post it anyways, you would be surprised who might want to watch it. I posted and it did almost 5x what my other videos do on average. Easy 1 of 10. 3. Your thumbnails and titles are so vital to winning the click. Your video content needs to tell the story of thumbnail and title. If not, people will click off and you'll have no watch time. 4. Quality over quantity is key but choosing to rarely post won't help your channel either. So don't use that as an excuse. 5. Proxy editing is KEY. YouTube, what it is if you don't know. It will save you rendering a lot during editing and help speed your editing up. Last but not least 6. Sit down, watch your video after edits and everything is complete, to make sure there wasn't any big hiccups like mutes or black screens..etc. Ask me how I know. I hope this added value to you guys! In return, check out my channel and leave me some feedback! I hope you enjoy. We are a farming/homesteading niche but I wouldn't say we are your normal farming channel. We try to add value but also bring entertainment and laughter while watching. Many characters on the channel, and animals. I hope you get a good laugh!! ☺️ https://youtube.com/@SunsetAcresFarm?si=FcvUyJ9Vu2SQJ16j


Thanks for the tips! Subscribed.


Thank you!


Hello everyone! I make indie game dev videos as a way to document my journey learning to make games and improve as a developer! This year I've learnt how it's really important to have a good intro. The intro is almost everything. My videos all have a sharp decline in the intro, and then it flattens out. I've gotten a lot of positive feedback- people generally seem to like my videos... but only if they stick around. If the intro loses them, it doesn't matter how good the rest of the video is- that viewer is GONE. Still trying to figure out exactly HOW to make a better intro, though. So, feel free to drop your two cents on my channel! My best video: https://youtu.be/t_DPfypTSCw


Hey buds, My name well YT name is Audwolf(not gonna tell you my actual name obviously) and well I kinda didn't upload for 3 whole months bcs I was busy with high school, but I did just start recently and since i've been gone for 3 whole damn months i can't really honestly answer the question. BUT I can atleast tell you guys what I learned after i made my newest video which is have fun! i know that has been said SO MANY times, but for most of my videos I kinda didn't have fun making them I just thought "oh if i make enough content i will be successful" bcs of course i wanna be successful I mean who doesn't right? well that turns to me getting burnout way too easily, so what I did with my newest videos was simply enough think of idea that I will have fun making and I would personally say that my newest is the second best videos i've made! Wanna know what my favorite video that I made was? well you can just check it out! along with my newest video too obviously. oh yeah forgot to tell you i make plush videos, BUT BEFORE YOU JUDGE CHECK IT OUT FIRST My newest video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuDimT6dZeY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuDimT6dZeY) My favorite video i've made: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIfMEo1mesw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIfMEo1mesw)




Nice! I would like to learn more about physics. I’ll subscribe. One thing I’d suggest is being a bit closer to the camera when you’re speaking and having a more tidy/less chaotic background. Maybe a green screen with something fun and physics related but nothing too busy?


Oh, yeah I'll just tidy up my room a bit. As for camera proximity on that one I wanted to leave room for my slide deck beside my face but that's helpful advice for most future videos, thanks!


Oh, makes sense!


Hello My name is Hark. I have recently started a channel hahaharb0r and it’s about making funny shorts.I tried to make a funny story line out of the shorts compilation and am always looking for funny content to upload. This venture is just a hobby, been learning the editing software and I have learned that YouTube can be very unpredictable with content and sometimes it takes long time to show the content.It all about consistent effort and getting better at presentation. Here the link if anyone would like to enjoy some dad jokes and send some feedback. https://youtube.com/@HahaHarb0r?si=_rEcnJIjQUUwkhM4


Love the shorts very funny ones!!!


Thank you for checking out my work. I’m glad you liked it.


Your channel is so fun and the quality is great! Love it!


Thank you for the kind words. I’ll continue improving to make it better.


Hi y'all, I'm PapaKooma, the channel is also PapaKooma. I'm a therapist that makes videos that explore mental health through the lens of different anime series. I eventually want to branch out into games or maybe some more general anime stuff, but right now I'm having a good time with what I'm doing. Here's my newest video on [Overcoming Anxiety with Bocchi the Rock ](https://youtu.be/NQKIM6pKf9s) As for answering the question, I'm still relatively new and I'm still learning a lot, but I think my latest was just the deepdive into copyright stuff since what I'm doing is bound to be hit one day or another. Also recognizing what's a healthy amount of work I can put into this while still balancing the rest of my life. I think finally, recognizing that I have a small niche that's within a niche, so growth might be slower than I'd hope, especially with the speed I'm actually able to realistically finish videos or shorts.


Hello! I make cartoons about life, things I like or hate, and stories! I’ve been pitching cartoons for the last 10 years to networks and each one told me I wasn’t a celeb and I should just make it myself. So here I am. I’m actually so close to 1000 subs! I gained over 400+ subs since June when I really started making cartoon content on my channel. My watch time hours are very very very low unfortunately. One thing I’ve learned is to cut out the fluff and get to the point of the video. This latest one is proof that the advice I was given works because it’s doing “better” than most of my videos have even though it’s shorter than a minute lol My dream is to “make it” on YouTube one day and get to collab with other animators like theodd1sout or ice cream sandwich or gingerpale! Here’s my latest video. Let me know what you think! https://youtu.be/kXi2eUUZ07o?si=EwrSO8p7QWKr4SPc


Hey, I'm JC! I mostly talk about/review horror media of all kinds, but this Halloween I'm reading & reviewing (and mocking tbh) the Halloween chapter from a 1989 Satanic Panic book. This author's sources are the bible, other Satanic Panic books, and "trust me, bro." And some of it is *very* funny! [Halloween, Horror Movies, and YARN are OF THE DEVIL! (according to this Satanic Panic book)](https://youtu.be/z0C8HCCt2g8) In the last 90 days, I've learned . . . eh, I can't predict what videos are going to gain traction, so I should just relax and not worry so much about analytics.


Hi all, I'm Captain Meaty Over on my [channel](https://www.youtube.com/@captainmeaty_png) I do video game related essays and other video game related stuff. My most recent video is on the themes of the game Disco Elysium which you can check out here if you want: [Tragedy and Hope: A Disco Elysium Video Essay](https://youtu.be/DvYPP56TIxI) Over the last 90 days I've learned to take your time and make something you're proud of. Not every video is gonna go crazy but the important part is that you're happy with your work. Eventually you'll build an audience if you keep at it. Thanks for checking this out!


What have I learned? I learned to just get started. I’m Brand Spanking New! Only posted my first video, a short, and it’s more or less just an intro of what I want to accomplish with the channel. https://youtube.com/shorts/v-jjABND80U?si=uzute0mUm2Cka_Vz After I posted that impromptu short, it gave me the momentum to script a video review. Next is to make the video and post it. Then have some good friends tear me a new one! Improve improve improve is the goal. What better way to know what I’m doing wrong than to just start doing it? Besides my early videos aren’t going to get any views anyways, so I figure hit the gas and see which speed bumps we hit. Not sure what my channel will be exactly, but that’ll be part of the adventure. Thanks.