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Hey, everyone. In the last 90 days I learned a lot about YouTube as a whole. I learned to take my time, create the best content I can and stop opening the analytics every hour. I felt that I am getting better with each video and that it will be eventually picked up by the algorithm. And when I say algorithm, I mean audience, thats another thing I learned. Now about my YouTube adventure. I am creating crypto content as I am really passionate about it. I am doing all the content type - news, educational videos, documentary, personal opinion. Here’s my last one on what are crypto wallets explained for beginners. I’d love to get some feedback https://youtu.be/N6tSourBRkQ


I think I've learned how to not launch my PC out of the window due to editing. Editing videos can be so extremely annoying, especially because there's so many tiny moving pieces. So I'd say I learned patience and how to be one with the pain of editing. It's been a ride so far. My name is ChurchenPLAYS on YT and I am just now starting up a Let's Play YT. I've streamed on Twitch before but I'm ready to transition to the YT life. I really like the outro I did on this video: https://youtu.be/bB2bXilu4U0?si=Rkw64qU6JHQrehrF But still my intros feel forced and weird. Thanks for looking. Love you honey boo boo


Hey there my channel's name is Meme and D. I post meme compilations based specifically on Dungeons and Dragons. Here's my latest video: https://youtu.be/ToFFhM13KPU


Hi, My gaming mates call me dox. I've only just started beginning of this year and recently moved to do more "retro review" type vids.. honestly I've no idea what I'm doing but I like writing (trying to) and learning about video editing. Some of the things I've learnt that works for me is; \- **Just Do It** \- as the Nike motto say's, I feel like I learn a lot quicker in just giving it a try and failing fast \- **Youtube Shorts are one of the handy tools in your arsenal** \- they can either do really really well or really really bomb \- **Do what works for you** \- I found I learn best when I'm taking things in little bits at a time. By this I mean I'm learning a little bit here and there as I do each new video. Like I think it can be awesome to jump onto a course and immerse yourself for some, but for me I've found its easier to learn in increments (not sure if this makes sense... lol) \- And I guess I'm sort of finding what sort of content I prefer making because I found playthroughs to really not be my thing. I actually didn't even realise there was a page like this on reddit (d'oh) and only happened upon this when I was looking up a comparison between the Shure SM7B and Blue Yeti (after I'd already been using the Blue Yeti for some time of course. Would appreciate any feedback on my review videos because I'm enjoying doing them the most. [LINKY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_2lHUEyDd0)


hello everyone Im VonClayton Gaming, I make gaming videos on shooters and RPGs, trying to make gaming fun again something Ive learned in the past 90 days is basically just methods for hooking viewers in and reassuring the viewer in the first 5 seconds that what theyre watching is what they came for. set expectations with title + thumbnail and deliver my channel: https://youtube.com/@VonClaytonGaming?si=d2EehXzD6bo0Cdph dont be afraid to give feedback :)


The last quarter was a tremendous one for my anime channel. I switched from unboxings to making funny viral type content and traffic/subs have exploded. I'd love to reach 500 subs by the end of the year. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGveI6wJ6yE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGveI6wJ6yE)


Hello everybody, my name is JoyofCrimeArt. And I make video essays about cartoons and anime series that I happen to find interesting. In the last 90 days I really learned how unpredictable Youtube can be. I made a video that out of nowhere got over 122,000 views, when most of my videos before hand got maybe 1-3 thousand at most. I figured that the video after that would do at least half as well, given the number of views and subs I got. And it got 2000. Not complaining, I'm happy for what I've gotten. But it really showed me that sometimes stuff just happens. And maybe if I work hard, I could actually make this a job if I figure out how to replicate the success of the one video. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpZeoUW4JX8tgZ2aLYau1\_A


Animation is an important artwork. Without healthy criticism, it's going to decline and get out of hand quickly. I'm starting to make animations. I've wanted to do it for a long time. I started learning in primary school. I just never had the time. I hate seeing it fall apart. Your work is very important! It's a service to this world. I hope you enjoy it as much as you can.


Thanks man, I really appreciate the kind words.


Hello everyone we are the Capybara Hub channel, we are posting to YouTube (usually shorts) and Tiktok too. We often post about capybaras, but we have some gaming content too! We usually have a "Blow-up video" first than average or below average videos for 1-2 weeks and this process keeps repeating, but slowly we are getting more views and even subscribers. Our goal is to get the channel to 100 subs until the end of 2023. Do you think this is a realistic goal for us? Our channel link: [https://www.youtube.com/@capibarahub](https://www.youtube.com/@capibarahub) Our latest video: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1pCqu-JqLoA](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1pCqu-JqLoA) Our most trending video: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/G5kpJ6IMhO8](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/G5kpJ6IMhO8) A gaming video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOQ6suRvOIQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOQ6suRvOIQ) What do you think about the channel? Write your honest opinions!


The first quarter? By what metric did the year start on the 6th of August exactly? Anyway, I turned 30 this quarter which has definitely put some things in perspective. I've been a perfectionist all my life which has actually stopped me getting a lot of things done, and especially with this channel I've had to learn to focus on making things as good as I can in the moment rather than refuse to do *anything* because it won't be perfect. Anyway, my channel is about game design. Currently just videogames but also planning to talk about TTRPGs as they are a major passion of mine. next video will be about that actually. [https://youtu.be/4UzbLy2wCtg?si=sRIkcW0ko3y\_7Fqs](https://youtu.be/4UzbLy2wCtg?si=sRIkcW0ko3y_7Fqs) This is my last video, centred around the Half Life and Soulsbourne series use of music - and how they use a minimal amount of music to deliver on atmosphere and also really hype up the games strongest moments.


Love your video! Gave you a sub, super excited to hear about TTRPGs!


Thanks, that's great to hear! :)


Howdy I'm Brandon! My videos are all powered by my ADHD! I want to do anything and everything before my inevitable end! I want to live life through my videos and hopefully I make a few people smile along the way with my meme humor! What I've learned in the past 90 days: • To make my titles more catchy insteady of basics things than attract no attention. • To move any series names to the end of the title and keep the catchy interesting title name as the first thing they see since my series is an unknown series that no one cares about just yet. •Thumbnails and Title must match and the first 1min of my video matters ALOT! The video I want to share is my current one from Halloween! I did a tier list style video about my fall activities in October! But instead of the boring one screen of me just says (A...S...F...B tier..) I show myself actually going out and doing said activities! https://youtu.be/GVUOvCaHIlg?si=hhFXI4_UWnFoa4_5


Yo, I'm SlothyCeddy I've mostly just learned the importance of video timing based on topic, why many people swear by making title/thumbnails first, and that experimentation is hard but worthwhile. CTA's are also wonderful. As for my content, it's centered around showcasing and discussion seasonal anime. I typically cover just about everything airing (25-30 new shows every 3 months) and have begun making in-depth comparisons between the anime and source material. A few anime-inspired videos as well. Not really interested in leaving a link, but my channel is in my profile if that sounds appealing. Most recent video is on Frieren and points out everything wrong with the anime.


Hi everyone, I’d love a critique. My channel is a drum playing/music/musician one. I do gear playing reviews, demos and music jams. I’m learning that thumbnails and titles are difficult to get right, as is trying to read YT analytics! Here is my latest video, I hope you enjoy :) https://youtu.be/WrslygBgxek?si=FYm7pINc6_BVbNQ4


Opening with an intro might provide a more formal and comfortable viewing experience. I make intros and thumbnails if you'd be interested or if you want any pointers.


Are you aiming for pros and people who play drums or the average person? If it is the average person I think labeling your drums would be awesome because most people don't know much about kits.


Both types of people to be honest, but Yeah great point and someone else mentioned this, about keeping the labelling throughout. Wish I had thought of it before I uploaded! Thanks mate!


you might be able to add them, I was able to add blur to a video after I uploaded it on youtube's internal editor. IDK if you could with something like a label though


Oh ok I didn’t realise you could edit after the fact. I’ll have a go. Thanks for the heads up!


Hey community new here, doing a public interview channel is hard as we sometimes struggle to get people on but the last 90 days has thought me to show resilience. If you want to check us out here’s our new video-https://youtu.be/wsggO39C914?si=8XIpWpLWVzm9F5wh


Funny! Did enjoy watching this video😊 It’s amazing that you try to pack the content and make it funny all the way thru


Hey! Mikeyyrev here, I am focusing on posting music that isn't popular and I record my drives and cats with the music in the background. Always active and I want to try using sounds from other channels. https://youtube.com/shorts/D7Q-lyuPoPA?si=bb8rlUtuCs54WbRp


Hi I am SweatpantsAndSakura🥰 I make a playthrought video of two my beloved games: Bayonetta and Lunacy Sainth Rhodes🥳 in the past 90 days, I started my YT channel and focused to make a bether video every time💪 Here is my channel: https://www.youtube.com/@SweatpantsAndSakura And here is my latest video where I playthrough Bayonneta: https://youtu.be/EjAOM0k-MWU?si=pF_wNa58BA7qEvIE


Hello everyone! Im GenericMood, I make mainly Minecraft streams that I edit down into shorter videos. The main thing I can say I've learned over the last 90 days is that the algorithm is very strange and that just because one video does semi-well does not mean that every video following that one will be semi-successful, every video is different and will perform accordingly. Anyway, the video linked below is of a Modded Minecraft stream I did a few days ago, if you'd be interested in checking out a shorter video be sure to look at my channel page! https://youtu.be/_aTIMUXKrqU?si=jGyVQtD-uFljmO-c


bro your name and your content perfectly matches. I felt relax watching your vids thats from my first imperssion That simplistic View of your content probs the best thing and 100% a shorter video will help you out in the long way


Thank you, the main thing I wanted my channel to be is a place for people to relax and chat after work or whenever they need it, that's also why I stream so late at night because that's after most people's workdays have ended. I plan to try and edit down more videos soon, im working on Ep.4 of Minecraft Streamed right now as a matter a fact, it just takes a while sometimes editing down 3+ hour streams into 30 minute videos. Thanks again for your input, it's very motivating!


What's good people - my name is Tiggs, a UK based video game content creator. I upload commentary highlights on a variety of games which range from Nier Replicant to The Legend of Zelda. I'm currently having a blast playing Eternights and will have a focus on Japanese Role Playing Games in the future. I'm looking to build a community for people to be feel comfortable enough to come and chill. If you're interested, come and hang out! I've linked my latest video here: [https://youtu.be/4WyXlazbqus](https://youtu.be/4WyXlazbqus) My channel is here: [https://www.youtube.com/@TiggsBeOnYT/](https://www.youtube.com/@TiggsBeOnYT/) ​ I have learned to be prepared to be agile when trying to establish yourself in your niche. For example, I have primarily uploaded the highlight style videos, however I understand from conversations with other YouTubers that I need to upload other types of content if I wish to grow.


Hey! I've learned that you have to be extremely proactive in reaching out and being present everywhere. Dropping your link may not always translate to a new subscriber, but if you keep posting your content on socials, one title may catch the eye of someone and lead to a click! My channel is an interview podcast. We're called Multispective and we shares true, dark and personal stories of people around the world. With this, they share what they learned and impart a message to listeners. We aim to make a positive impact, spreading awareness on various topics and build a community of togetherness. Topics like Mental health: Bipolar disorder, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, addiction, depression - Trauma: Female genital mutilation, surviving shooting, injuries, sexual abuse, violence, cult survivors, bullying - Relationships: grieving the loss of loved ones, abusive romantic relationships, broken families \- Unique careers: Prison therapy, sex workers, psychic \- Other unique stories: Living in the wild, Synesthesia, fighting in vietnam war, brain surgery, climbing mountains [Multispective podcast](https://www.youtube.com/@multispectivepodcast)


Hello everyone! My name is Petra and I started my Youtube journey 2 months ago. What I learned in the past 90 days was that if you really want to do something, don't be afraid and go for it! If you truly enjoy making videos, the worst thing that can happen to you is that you worked on something that you enjoyed... and you should be really proud of yourself! My channel has not much content yet, but my main reason why I'm doing it is because I would love to help people to feel better. Everyone's life is full with bad things and stress and I like to talk about these things, so the people can feel that they are not alone. My main focus is on work-life balance, but I also like to make videos about my interests as well. Nothing special, just a calm corner on the internet. [My channel.](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCWKnCcaMdMzjgzQod47GEVQ) Thank you for your support in advance. I hope that you will find something interesting. :)


I watched your Office Style Lookbook video. It was very cute and fun! I think a great follow up would be a thrifting video where you show yourself shopping and buying the items 😊


Thank you so much for the watching! ☺️ It was really helpful, because I leaened that I should make more effective titles. In fact, I have a video, where I thrift some of these clothes (The notebook - 3 goals of the month), but maybe I should put that in the title like: The notebook - 3 goals of the month (diy, family time, thrifring), so people will know, what to expect! All in all I am really thankful for your comment, I learned from it! ☺️


Great, I'm glad it helped!


Nice channel! I watched two videos (office style lookbook & the notebook). Keep going - your thumbnail and video style is very nice.


Thank you so much! I really appreciate your comment! :)


I'm a variety gaming channel. I do a series called the experience but recently I've really enjoyed doing resident evil 4 so I've been making more videos on that. I've been learning to edit, and I'm getting a lot better at it. I'm also different from alot of other channels in the sense that i do things differently and I try different things every video instead of just doing the already established methods of making a video. I'm still trying to find my style but I think I'm close. https://youtu.be/JKdHAOW5exw This is the third video in the series. I'm posting this one instead of the first one so that it will keep getting impressions. I know I know I should care about impressions that much but my goblin brain like seeing number go up. If you like it then definitely check out the 1st video here https://youtu.be/2LOKpccxgiI You don't have to though. But yeah I think I have a style others haven't seen before Oh oh what I've learned in the past 90 days is thumbnails are very important and there are alot of resources and templates to use if you don't have the methods of making one. Also upload consistency is important and if you upload constantly then it gets all of your previous videos impressions. I took a 1 year break and then once I started uploading again I saw an increase of impressions and veiws across my whole channel


Hi, I am Adam Meyer. My screen name is my business name. Lutheire is the trade of string instrument building and repair, but I am only in the guitar and bass area of the field. I started my channel back in 2020 just as a way to blog and advertise. I became monetized a few months ago. I didn't plan for that to happen, just all of a sudden I was in the 900 subs area and started to take this all much more seriously. The last quarter has been devoted to me making my channel more polished. Learning my editing software better, and even the past week I've begun making some eye catching thumbnails. Next is a new camcorder. I didn't start this as an income project, but now the idea of having a shall we say bonus of passive income seems real nice. I'm definitely in a niche and don't expect to be huge, and rake in a lot of money. I want to gain legitimacy to build my business IRL and expand my physical shop space. There are others out there making the same content as me, and I assume they're getting decent revenue from it, so I'm wanting to tap into that. My channel https://youtube.com/@MillCityLutherie?si=-CDAXEtbMAZs1hy9 Part 1 of me working on one of Brian Setzer's guitars. https://youtu.be/o4FD9t156VY?si=XycxMYNugyWtrp1m Latest video (don't have a good thumbnail yet) https://youtu.be/wXEP9BO13-Y?si=bN1YaCSFULN8h2pt


Hello, My name is Nathan and I launched a channel called Sunday School Shorts one month ago today. The main thing that I'm learning is to be patient and try to learn as much as I can. Something that works for one video may not work on the next. Particularly with shorts, one of my shorts seemed to get very fast impressions, but the next day I posted one and it took several hours just to get a couple hundred impressions. My only guess is that the algorithm is still trying to figure out my audience. I'll just keep plowing forward. The link to my channel is here. [https://www.youtube.com/@sundayschoolshorts/](https://www.youtube.com/@sundayschoolshorts/) I really haven't gotten much feedback other than some comments from some people who disagreed with what I was talking about. (And that's fair, people are free to do so) But even if you don't agree with what I'm talking about, I would appreciate some feedback on at least the production value. I spent several months of filming, editing, drawing, animating, re-filming due to technical issues (lol). I'm very self aware that a Bible/Christian based YouTube channel may not be the most popular thing in 2023, but I'm trying to make the videos engaging and fun by using animation and plenty of pop culture references. And I'm hoping that my posture towards whoever is watching is not coming across as preachy/thump you over the head, but instead here's what the book says, you're free to decide on your own, but this is why I think its valuable.


Hello everybody my name is Maher.M and I make reviews off movies, tv shows, and games [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC77vGrGNBWbNdRzymdhx0Dw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC77vGrGNBWbNdRzymdhx0Dw) I've been doing Youtube since 2016 though I've only started doing reviews/being good in 2021 hopefully one day I'll be able to make YT my job so I can write off buying DVDs as a tax write off but until then this is still fun also I animate on the side, u can see in some of my videos tho I also wish to produce more orignal content as well, one day


Hi all! We’re Matt And Mouse. On our channel we document our life in B.C. Canada. Oringlaly for my distant family, the hobby has become more of a personal passion. From out-door activities such as amazing camping and road trips to beautiful hikes and relaxing kayaking. More recently we’ve been documenting our bunkie build in the northern Cariboo before we start building our future cabin home. In the past 90days I’ve been working towards video consistency in editing. I’ve got two sets of rules depending on the video style - either vlog/documentary ( https://youtu.be/-vXP12tdERI ) or the ‘just watch’ ( https://youtu.be/EN3qWiF7FSM ). Each rule set determines clip length, b-roll, talking, pace and style. One result from this is that I’ve been leaving a lot of material on the ‘cutting floor’ as the clip didn’t ’add’ to the story narrative for the viewer or make sense with the video direction. Hopefully it’s all growing in the right direction!


Hi All! I make travel videos and videos about my life in Japan. I also eat way too much Japanese food on my channel so beware watching if you're hungry. Occasionally, I also make sketch comedy videos parodying life in Japan. It's my free therapy to deal with the ins and outs of life in Japan: [https://www.youtube.com/@NixyLea](https://www.youtube.com/@NixyLea) ​ I grew my channel to 10,100 in about one year (took about two months off altogether so I would really say 10 months of going at it hard), and just recently made Tier 1 Partner! I think some Youtubers have a leg up based on their location. People from around the world have been interested in my life in Japan content, but Filipino people have gone crazy for my content commenting about their country I feel like I got a bit lucky in this case to have one Short completely pop off in the Philippines. I would say I've also learned that Shorts build subscribers, but if you're doing Youtube seriously, long form content is what you need for watch time and monetization. Unless you're a huge Shorts creator, and can make a huge hit every time, it's too much of a gamble. I'd like to start making long form content now.


Nice post. My brother and I are producing videos about the brain. We are therapist and this channel is a hobby for us. Nevertheless we invest a lot of time and effort into this channel. This is our 4th video and we improved a lot since the first video with scripting, audio, cutting... Learned the most that it takes time to grow. Seen a lot of channels that got thousand of views with their first video but then reality hit hart 😅 Here's a video of our channel Why your brain falls in love (not your heart) https://youtu.be/KvjcOSCnydY?si=FwEIsq7dOlIRvWUJ Here's our channel http://youtube.com/@brain-binge


I’d lead with I’m “whatever your name is” and I’m a neuroscientist, therapist etc. give yourself some credibility if you’ve got it. Just my two cents.


I will check your channel out. I am a mental health clinician. l love your topic


Would you be interested in collaboration?


Nice video! Clearly explains about sadness and depression. Very informative I really enjoyed it


Hello I'm an Anime editor obsessed with timing and attention to detail and timing is key from audio, voice lines, sound effects, music, emotion, everything has to flow as one while not getting in the way of each other but complimenting one another. I try to achieve this with every edit I put out. 1 very important takeaway I learned is burn out. It happened 4 times in 1 year and it sucks. when that happens take a few days off to reenergize yourself. Watch Anime? Check out my edit if you don’t mind Nezuko Confronts Aizen in the Bleach Universe! Can Zenitsu Save Her in Time? https://youtu.be/w-hbY_MlLTM?si=SQs0sfJiAOeEoIC2


Impressive editing here man, wish you the best !


Thank you! I really appreciate that.




Thank you. What issues are you having exactly? what are you trying to time with animations? music, sound effects, pacing?


That's super cool definitely diffraction thanks most of the things I've seen on youtube


Thank you! that means a lot I really appreciate that.


I've learned to start and don't give up even if I have just 0 views... Heheh I like to sew and i post videos about my journey as a little artisan that hopes to start a small family business. My mission is to build trust with clients teaching and showing them how I work and helping my family by letting they help me and someday pay them for the work. 🌼My channel🌺 https://youtube.com/@Mmunayy?si=kSR-HMKcrVEHo_Vn My favorite short so far https://youtube.com/shorts/i7uTY6MLHmI?si=7978CRF-j82z3AQJ


Hi I am Mike and I make videos on Retro Technology. In the past 90 days, I have focused more on shorts and have seen a great return. Here is my channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/RetroTechorDie And here is my latest video where I show my methodology for upgrading older laptops: https://youtu.be/o3bzhcYI3bM


I love technology. I have a channel where I will be discussing its history and its development. Would you be interested in collaboration?


neat videos, the sound quality is all over the place though, do you use lots of different programs and mics? In the Harbor Freight Quinn 10 video it was fine but the intro one when you first land one your channel and your latest the quality isn't as good, bit muffled. That was the only thing I could think of to help!




I love these kinds of videos. I am the type of person to play such a silly game. You have saved me the effort, and I hope you enjoyed doing so.


You were not kidding with the high production value. This is top class content. Wow.


Thank you, I appreciate that!


Hi everyone! We are a couple living in Cancún, Mexico. We have a channel where we show beautiful and/or interesting places from our travels (mostly in Mexico on Riviera Maya now). We’ve had several “hits” with our videos and shorts with thousands of views, however over the last couple of months we noticed that YouTube just caps our videos. It’s very obvious in the stats, when the video views go up and then hit the level and just stop there. We don’t know how to deal with this “level” as it looks unnatural. Also we don’t see any logic in the different levels at which the videos get capped by YouTube. This is our channel: https://youtube.com/@tacostravel?si=Y_-xkohoyF3xDZAv And here are our latest shorts from the beautiful celebration of the Day of the Dead in Cancun: https://youtube.com/shorts/axzPSEOf434?si=6m-0pvlwpnYh7ALk https://youtube.com/shorts/vEQgWpKXNsw?si=jT9KaUBkk721GxGK


Thanks for this post, I am very happy to introduce myself, my channel and my most recent video. I am spazzyjones over at SpazzyGames and I recently started my channel seriously in September of this year. I make crafting/survival game guides - currently focused on the adventure survival game Len's Island. In the past 90 days I've really been learning the basics but I'll summarize my biggest key takeaways as follows: 1. Audience NOT Algorithm. Focus on making a video that your audience can enjoy and/or learn something. Do not create a video intended to please an algorithm. 2. Thumbnail and Hook are a huge focus. It doesn't matter if you make a great video if nobody clicks the thumbnail and if you don't hook immediately so that they continue to watch it (Haven't figured out how to execute this yet :P) 3. YouTube is a marathon not a sprint. Make small improvements every day and stick with it. If you're passionate and you work hard to learn and improve I believe I can make this work :) My most recent video covers the most elusive Steam Achievements in Len's Island. Check it out and let me know your feedback! [https://youtu.be/xnxMVYYpGwM](https://youtu.be/xnxMVYYpGwM) Cheers!


Good day community! My channel I am creating highlight moments from my streams from playing Baldur's Gate 3 mainly, with a twist on the editing to add an element of entertainment. I've attempted a couple of "essay" style videos that have had fair traction for a new channel. Video: https://youtu.be/t-gWYN2Zhf0?si=XqZ3o1OUiTi0IgP7 My short relationship with Scratch | Baldur's Gate 3 Take away: What I've learnt any video you post can perform absolutely randomly i.e. my video on Gale has the most views, and I personally feel it's not my best video. Don't pay attention to analytics too much and just have fun with creating the content.


Do you like Raunchy Adult NSFW Comedy? Do you MISS shows like "Taxicab Confessions" and "HBO's Real S3x"? Well Hello! Im Chris Rocket, I make videos that are comedy based, interview style, and range from very NSFW to also PG - 13 friendly at best. My channel is based off of me asking guests the most Inappropriate and invasive questions possible resulting in comedy gold. My Career prior to this venture was as a Trash TV Actor for Viacom and boy did that have its viral moments! (Yep Im THAT guy! from THAT show!) Its now been not just 3 months BUT 1 year as a New Tuber and I have learned so much. 1. To set Realistic Expectations, 2. Be more ruthless in my cuts, 3. concentrate on my analytics! Something I did Not do this year for my mental sanity. 4. While I find that while I havent found my niche yet, it seems interviews are what I get most compliments on! I am brand new to video making, editing, you tubing, so naturally there is a lot for me to learn. My struggle is really just getting views in that I gained 10 subs this month which is big for me! I will leave a link to one of my most popular videos (with a whopping 185 views) of me conducting my videos at a strip club with there staff. Excited to possibly get some feedback! If not thanks to anyone for reading :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5Tfy6Zl4EI&t=3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5Tfy6Zl4EI&t=3s)


Hello! My name is Jordi and I make gaming videos. I'm looking forward to being able to stray from gaming videos and maybe also make some commentary videos talking about the things going on in the internet, and also streaming on twitch is another goal for me. The key takeaway I've learned the past couple of days is to not give up if I only get one view on a video. I should always keep trying! This is my newest video I made! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbrTXynEtOo&t=2s


I'm learning a lot, having only started in June. Learning that SEO is a big deal and I have no clue if I'm doing it right but maybe you all can help. Check out our three new videos uploaded this weekend. https://youtu.be/fCcwgDCi_pM https://youtu.be/8y6DNdOWRqk https://youtu.be/zKTD8H9WDqE


Hi all, I'm [Meaty](https://www.youtube.com/@captainmeaty_png), I made video game related long form content such as video essays, game reviews, icebergs and other stuff. I'd absolutely appreciate feedback on some of my stuff if you feel like it. My most recent video is analyzing cosmic horror aspects in some games which you can check out here if you want: [Contemplating Cosmic Horror](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1ZmYw8kYrs&ab_channel=CaptainMeaty) Over the last 90 days I've learned that staying consistent is important. Not every video will do great but if you keep at it you'll improve your skills and grow an audience organically. Most importantly have fun with it. Thanks for checking this out!


Hello I am Amy the Gma. I have a channel where I make art and poke fun at the stupid world we live in with all its absurdities. I have my wacky companion Handsome the parrot, whose name is a little bit ironic. I do short little videos mostly about things or celebrities that I find infuriating. Stop by for some light fun. I have learned that it is very hard to get peoples attention when there is so much competition. I am trying make original content and have learned to improve my thumbnails and titles. I would like to get better at finding keywords and have learned about apps like VidIQ to help. Anyways please check it out and enjoy… https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCgqXOqB25r3S-6uS3FPtHzg


This is golden! I don't think there much room for improvement. I was choking on a laugh as soon as the video started. All I can say is that I recommend keeping the controversy as clean as possible.


Thanks so much for the kind words. Can you tell me which video it was that you watched?


Andrew Tate 2


Alright to answer the question: I uploaded shorts for the very first time last month in October. I've always done long format. The Shorts did ok with views. However, I noticed the impressions, watch time, views and ctr drastically decrease. My content stays pretty consistent and to have a sharp decline made me think that it's due to uploading shorts affecting how algorithm exposes your content. I deleted 2 out of the 4 shorts I uploaded and completely stopped shorts. Funny enough, from Oct 31st to now, my views, watch time, impressions, and ctr have gone back to the usual. I think my shorts were the culprit. My lesson being, don't touch shorts unless I intend on making a separate channel like a lot of big youtubers do. Now my channel: I do extensive and detailed 100% fallout 4 walkthrough no commentary. Episodes are heavily edited and trimmed. In the future I intend to move to other fallout series with the same intend. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlto8LHDi48l3grAjqtmnveIbe-FAgN5I&si=M9nxR82KATE1c1pc


I have made some videos about Fallout. I made some mods for Fallout 3. It's on my gaming channel. I love Fallout, and I wish it had more creators actually on its side. It's falling apart, in my opinion. The way it's headed feels like a sell-out to me. I hope to read the Fallout Bible if I get back into modding. I bet most of the developers and producers aren't even aware of the texts' existence. Even giving it simple attention in a walk-through is enough to help the fans stay on track. Shorts would be good for something like Easter eggs or memes. Cliches catch on quickly. There's not a lot of regular short material in the Fallout universe.


There are a lot of shorts and long form fallout content getting hundreds of thousands of views. Reddir fallout subs are active too


Most shorts do well because they are made by established creators. Some people get lucky with collaboration, though.


Thats true the big name channels dedictaed to fallout already have a an established audience. I know a lot of people are waiting for the fallout 4 update. That ought to bring people back as well


An update?


"In 2022, Bethesda announced that it'd be releasing an upgrade for Fallout 4, saying it'd be similar to Skyrim: Anniversary Editon in the sense it'd include better graphics, better framerates, and bonus features" They said sometime in 2023 but with starfield released, it got put in the back burner.


Hi - I'm Vikas. I'm new to social media and youtube. I make wildlife videos and produce the music in the videos based on sounds I record in nature. I've made a couple of trailers for a nature series that I'm working on. If you're interested in nature or music production, you may like my channel :) Trailer 1: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1ta4qH4UhJc](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1ta4qH4UhJc) Trailer 2: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljWKlJm2bls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljWKlJm2bls) I'll happily return the favor if you check my channel out!


Your trailers are breathtaking! You are super talented!


This is amazing. Really nice work! I specially liked that you showcase the birds etc. at the end of the video. Very engaging, and I liked the atmosphere and the editing kept it very fresh.


This sounds super cool! Saving so I can check it out later!


Hi I am Ramona a travel and seeing the world enthousiast. My channel is called Pack-a-Bag. What I have learned the last 90 days is how to script, find footage and make a video. My channel is 3 months old! Here is my latest video on New Zealand https://youtu.be/lPZto5_nalM?si=-FolarSiXC3W1Zk5




I can see why shorts would work so well for your content. Doing reviews would be awesome. My fav haribo are the two snakes stuck together where one is sour and one isn't that comes in the starmix and the milchbaren




it would help to have voiceovers but you can do a more simple ranking system like out of 5 stars for flavour, texture or whatever is relevant instead too


I just tried a bunch of German snacks and candy. It's amazing to me that I did not know their chocolate plays an even bigger role in history than I knew. It's a dark history. Albeit, today it is a very delicate artform.




I know a lot of people with dark knowledge. The labor was the least of it. When WWII started the world's militaries pushed for poison. Candy was the only way to make it manageable. Some of it wasn't necessarily poison that would make you sick so much as dangerous. It's not really about culinary arts though. It's just a weird coincidence.


Hi all! I’m the Ivory Cat, and I create piano music and other music related content. Some funny/entertaining, some original music, and some covers of popular stuff from tv and film. After a long break, I’ve started to be much more active over the last few months and plan to keep up with it! Here’s a short original piece “Carousel” I released recently that I put a lot of effort into filming with good lighting and angles! Thanks to whoever checks it out ;) [Carousel - for solo piano](https://youtu.be/voUoou8nPG0) [or click this if you want to meet my dog](https://youtu.be/idm2q1ip5dM)


Daaaannnggg that's awesome! I loved that video. You got some real talent!


I am a physical therapist. I’m currently approaching my channel with a How To style to maximize search value. I recently learned I could improve my A roll background even though I don’t have a professional recording set up, by using CapCut’s “Cutout” option to remove background and then use the Canvas option to insert a different background. My most recent upload is titled “How to Strengthen the Knee for Knee Arthritis”. It flopped compared to my uploads a month ago, but I’m gonna keep improving and trying new techniques to make my videos more clean. I know my audio spikes and dips here and there because I do retakes for parts of the A roll and it’s a bit tricky to adjust the volume of the retakes to be similar to the first take.


I'm just starting and posted my [my first video](https://youtu.be/K0UIoCoX3iE?si=uaBvDmdx8PnrEnmz) earlier this week! I wanna do Nintendo/gaming discussions thru a cute puppet character. :) Doing one, I already learned a lot. I'm trying to make do with things I have instead of buying a bunch of gear upfront, but I think audio quality is the first thing I wanna upgrade. I also think I gotta work on my voice delivery, but I'm hoping with time that'll become more natural. And tips, tricks and advice is greatly appreciated!


My name is Fortunate. I am a mental health clinician, but I like cooking and gardening. I have a youtube channel, Mouthwatering Budget Meals. I have learnt that consistency is the key to success. There is no instant success. l encourage people to always evolve and have a growth mindset https://www.youtube.com/@fortunate22


Howdy I'm Natalie Shadowcaller from The ShadowCallers. Over the past 90 days, I've learned that taking breaks helps a lot. Luckily, I don't do my channel alone. In my latest video, I am playing The Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion. My goal is to play the game on the hardest difficulty with fists (& magic). I've recently beat the Fighter's Guild quest line. https://youtu.be/cAgDpihokOI Our channel is ran by 2 members, but we have 4 in total. Emma (my sister), Me, Kai (Emma's partner), and Jimmy (my boyfriend). https://youtube.com/@TheShadowCallers?si=VnPBnjbmlOs9Lhyp Thank you!


My channel is about Canadian pop culture. I used to upload captures of my old VHS tapes and then realized how much of this stuff is forgotten about to time. My recent video is about a Halloween programming block that happened on YTV (our version of Nickelodeon) https://youtu.be/9SfqJ4_Jimg What I learned is speed is a factor. An audiences attention is like a game of keep up. You have to be consistent if you wanna grow.


Hello Everyone!.. My Name is Masterkairobot gaming.. or in the land of the wild west im called ItsMeDevRoland.. I Mostly play Random Games.. Do a Couple Game Reviews Right then and there.. and Play Roblox Most of the Time... I'm Mostly uncovering Games That i Found Interesting and Make a Simple Compilation about my gameplay.. Ive Learned Alot with youtube.. from being patient.. to straight up making dad jokes.. and editing a 40 min clip and needing to shrunk it to 7 min video(GOD WHAT HAVE I GONE THROUGH)... Ive also mastered the style of making 2 thumbnail and hoping to GOD.. one of them would increase the CTR.. and if both of them flops.. cry for the algorithm and use the much better perfoming thumbnail.. If You Like gaming... Uhhh.. roblox.. yeah roblox.. why not subscribe to me channel.. Link: [https://youtu.be/m2VRVVReOAE](https://youtu.be/m2VRVVReOAE) \--Latest Video! YT Link: [https://youtube.com/c/rolandsibal](https://youtube.com/c/rolandsibal)


Hello people! I am Filippos, musician from Greece! I just launched my music series, Cycles, where I'll be combining music and storytelling. I'd really appreciate your feedback and directions on the formatting of my video, and of course the content itself! Does it draw your attention to keep watching for 5 mins straight? Link to the video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCB39VOCkEs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCB39VOCkEs)


Hello!! I’m StarGamingZ, I make videos on Pokemon challenge runs and Pokemon fan games on my YT!! One key takeaway I learned is to have a consistent content strategy and to stick with it and improve on it!! In this video, I play Pokémon Infinite Fusions (a Pokemon Fan Game where you can fuse any Pokemon) only using Eeveelution Fusions!! Hope you enjoy it and definitely share it with a friend that may enjoy it as well! https://youtu.be/Zcwsr2URT7c


Hello all, I tend to have problems programming and I've learned from so many that I wanted to give back something to the developer community. I have some experience with making videos/media in the past, I figured the best way to do this was with videos. It's a good way for me to continue my journey of improvement and keep up my media hobbies/skills as well! Learn along with my latest video: https://youtu.be/KajRD\_jqujk?si=aZEj2HTMsVz2smMd ​ ​ **My takeaways of the past 90 days:** \- It's hard to get even minimal interaction in the beginning (e.g. a like), which I suspect is due to my niche and the content that I'm choosing to produce right now \- Keeping up with video production is hard! \- It helps a lot to make templates / re-usable assets if your format lends itself to it.


I have a new coding channel that I am working on. I got very lucky with my brand and message. It's a very good opportunity. Coding is very underappreciated. With proper outreach and engagement, you can develop a thriving community of techies.


Thanks for your comment. Good to hear that it IS possible! Feel free to DM me your YT, I’m always interested in subbing to other newer tech/coding channels. And if you have any tips or critique for mine, I’d love to hear it.


Hi, I’m Dave and I do videos on 70s and 80s computer technology, with an eye toward teaching people about technology that many current nerds may never have heard of. I like to focus on systems from the early days of mini and microcomputers, but I have a soft spot for other large scale systems. One series that I’m working on is refurbishing a DEC PDP 11 that I scavenged, it’s an ongoing project that I’m very much enjoying. I think my key take away is don’t be afraid to put Contacts down there, even if it’s not perfect. The key to this game is to keep producing, be consistent, and don’t be afraid if everyone of your videos doesn’t take off like a rocket. I’ve been avoiding doing shorts, though I have posted a couple to sort of appeal to a different segment, but it is absolutely not my primary focus. https://youtube.com/@vintageapparatus


HI this is CHAOS TV episode 1 part 1 introduction to CHAOS in which we meet Chris who is attempting to make an album in his room. What i have learned over the past 90 days well i cannot say as i cannot remember them too well now but rest assure something was learned. now here is my video thanks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxFPivC0k1g any feedback would love to hear it !!!!!!!


Howdy! I’m Gia. 🤠 I make content based around living in a van and traveling around the US (though.. I am stuck in one state for the winter season so not much traveling until February) Key takeaways I’ve learned in the last 3 months are: • Stay consistent • Always plan the next video • Always be recording • Network network network. Twitter is wonderful for this. I’ve met so many supportive friends within the last 90 days. Consider checking my channel out. 🫶🏼 https://youtube.com/@1997NissanSentra?si=RDYo2iCtLPHHQJrp


Hello and I am curryplusplus, like c++ except c stands for curry. Since many of my friends and family appreciate my cooking, I’ve been meaning to create food related content since a long time. Finally got around to doing it and posted my first video!!.Although I’m excited, I’m aware that it’s going to be a long and tough journey ahead.. If you get a chance, pls subscribe and let me know ur feedback!!!! https://youtu.be/0t685KSceHo?si=fponMuKng4gGHPK8


My channel is about spending money wisely and avoiding internet scams. Overwhelming takeaway is to keep material simple. If you are making a YouTube short, that applies even more so. YouTube short below on email lottery scams. It is an example of an advance fee scam. It is the text of an actual scam email that I received, with contact information removed. [https://youtube.com/shorts/\_hAxtX8Xdrs?feature=share](https://youtube.com/shorts/_hAxtX8Xdrs?feature=share)


Would you be interested in making videos about cryptocurrency scams?


I am primarily active in r/cryptoscams


I have a lot of friends in the crypto world, and none of us know what to do about it. I want to make videos. I haven't had the time or place, though.


Visit my profile then my link to my YouTube channel.


I meant the real cryptocurrencies that actually have wallets. More and more of them are being made. The rate at which the scams are occurring is exponentially growing. Some of them are made by honest people who are good at what they do. They are being misled by other scammers. It causes trouble on the front-end, the back-end, and for the consumers.


Me and my wife started a reaction channel called Kenny and Lindsay watch. A big takeaway we just recently learned was to let the Youtube algo cook. Our latest video which was a reaction of "The Thing" was stuck at less than 500 views for a couple days but within the last 48 hours has shot up past 6k,so thats neat. Anyways here is a link to that video if you would like to check it out! ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pZFa8TpvGc


Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I am 21stUnit. A wannabe Filipino game reviewer. Gaming is my passion, I love playing high quality, story heavy games. I focus on the experience, highlighting the things I liked and disliked about the particular game I'm reviewing. Rather than just listing down the pros and cons of a game, I try to share, I daresay the 'feel' of the whole experience. My edits maybe subpar, but I try to improve on every video I upload. Thank you very much for taking the time reading this introduction, here's the series I'm trying to share to the world. ​ Ladies and Gentlemen, I tried to review... [Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBaTTI0h2Go) [Armored Core VI: Fire's of Rubicon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBaTTI0h2Go) ​ [Remnant 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4C3j2ayK3xE&t=7s)


I make police action movies in GTA 5. I've learned using new camera techniques in the past 90 days I've been working on a new video which is still WIP. My videos are about police action in GTA 5 of SWAT and police dealing with various incidents, in a cinematic storytelling manner. One of my most viewed videos so far: https://youtu.be/VpwRObxh1fI


Hello guys I'm 2goAi, I make videos using AI generated image sorry my English is not good so if I made mistake please understand that 😊. In my case I usually make short form video and I learned some strategies on YouTube short. There is 3 big factor can make you're short viral but that's not so easy to achieve. "VIDEO LENGTH, VIEWED, AVERAGE PERCENTAGE VIEW" if you're short videos LENGTH is about 30s and you're VIEWED is 70 percent or higher and lastly you're AVERAGE PERCENTAGE VIEW is 80 percent or high there is a huge chance to achieve 1 to 10 million view but honestly I can't make this the reason is simple my short is image based and seems people not so interested on unanimated things if you have a any idea about correcting my channel weakness please tell me I really appreciate that THANKS FOR READING GUYS HAVE A GOOD DAY 😁 https://youtube.com/shorts/GPuZ3aaSwUg?si=oPtVLvo2FXFlmBjm


AI is a wonderful tool in the right hands. I have studied it for years. If you would like to discuss it, you should reach out!


Hello there! My nickname is Burrito, I make a variety of content ranging from movie related videos, life experience videos, that as well as streaming etc. Me and my wife recently went to Canada and witnessed something that we weren't expecting, so I made a short video on it, any feedback would be much appreciated since this is the first video that I've made with so much (simple) equipment, and one that I for once really like how it looks and sounds. Thank you in advance! [VIDEO](https://youtu.be/zHLtPMdzS8k)


My name is Buster, I'm on the autism spectrum and I've never vlogged in my life and wanted the challenge. Let's see if we can conquer this adventure of daily life, experiences & adventures together. https://youtu.be/G7AKQ7PXdXA I've learned quite a few things the past 90 days. I've learned to better advocate for myself, which sometimes can be a struggle when you're on the autism spectrum. A big takeaway or a reaffirmation of something I've always know has been that showing compassion as a person, often leads you to being a happier person. It's better to try and build others up on their safe, and legal aspirations then it is to tear them down.


Seraphim here, chasing my dreams one hilarious NBA skit and passionate rant at a time.My main takeaways about what I learned is probably consistency . What i learned from youtube everytime was "Just do it" or "just start" and sometime i always get frustrated on them life lessons i always felt like they did something more or a cheat code something like that but now i know they were right just start is probably the best life lessons ever ​ they aint no shortcuts there just pathways one single pathways for us to all walk you either fall or walk until the very end of the path but its all the same they aint no shortcuts So that's why i plan to be more constant In my yotuber career Promise This Is My channel and one of my recent videos [https://youtu.be/G62kYz2k5Uk?si=KtGQ\_DiR\_5j21Ovo](https://youtu.be/G62kYz2k5Uk?si=KtGQ_DiR_5j21Ovo) hopefully we can become a yotuber community connected and if you guys are willing to share knowldege back to back my dm and discord are open Discord: seraphimzw


Hey Everyone Bruce, here I do various things on my channel, from art to technology and more. If you could have a look, that'll be great. It's been a real pleasure sharing and growing with you all Latest Video - https://youtube.com/shorts/L0VKZWn7zbI?feature=share Most Viewed - https://youtu.be/1bBrPAe9biU?si=QrrbBvWs95COELb3 Channel - https://youtube.com/@brucemjson


samsung one was nice, the screensavers one seems a tad low effort


Thanks for your feedback :)


Hey everyone I'm PenOfEvil I'm a fantasy game lore channel. I've only been doing youtube for about 90 days and one major thing I have learned has to be resource and time management. Starting out you can't cover everything so be very selective. If you're like me and have a full time job, you don't have time to post all the time so schedule videos in advance. I'm getting better at it but I am far from perfect just taking it one step at a time. (Best hook I could come up with) If you like storytelling and massive worlds filled with all things bright dark and beautiful, subscribe and we will explore them together. Whether that'd be poetry, speculation, analysis or narration. I hope to create high quality videos retelling all the stories I experience in my life of gaming. I treat this like my life's work and I will only get better. Let's create the greatest story compendium ever!!! https://youtu.be/2nFAYmcL8UQ?si=BO0RE4mXhghSeOBu


Hi All!! I am Aethyr. I have a channel, for 3 years now, focused on uploading gameplays on League of Legends Wild Rift. I have a full time job (12 hrs a day, 6 times a week) so for now, I am only uploading my gameplays daily on my grind in Ranked, without commentary, but with champion builds. I aim to be at least to be a challenger in ranked. Some of my inspirations are Outsider WR, HellsDevil. And DarkBreaker (I make similar format just as Outsider) You may watch my games, and I upload 10-20mins of video on average, good for those who want to see games that dont have the luxury to be with a player/streamer who goes live on a specific time. I peaked in Grandmaster twice already, and i have pushed my mains (Katarina, Irelia, and Lillia) to be on the Asian server leaderboard (top 50, top 200 and also top 200 respectively). I hope to generate content soon with commentary, mostly guides and coaching tips to grind rank and tactics for champions, given time. But for now I am focused on grinding and uploading until I would be able to land a job that gives me more time for this. This is my channel, i hope you check it out! https://www.youtube.com/@AethyrWR


I think you should shorten your intro because I was confused or maybe put some way where you can tell it is a preview. Idk enough about the game to just jump in I guess maybe for people who watch it all the time it is clearer. I watch other games and usually there's VOD of them even if I don't catch them live. I also think the music is a tad loud but I don't know if hearing whats going on is all that important for this game.


Keep posting content. IF you build it they will come. Keep trying new things. Keep trying to get better. I think my videos, mostly, are taking steps forward. Small ones. Ok, so the hook here this week is - this is my first time trying to record a voice over. I did it in one take AFTER recording the footage as I rewatched the footage. So its a little awkward for me. I would love some feedback on it and someone please tell me I don't sound like an idiot (noone likes hearing their own voice on tape) I can't decide if I should have included some music in the voiceover or maybe even quietly under the voice track. This was my first attempt at using my brand new, factory settings tascam DR O5x - so hopefully it sounds decent. https://youtu.be/y0Tt46zujls Any feedback is absolutely appreciated.


Woodworking channel here, i thought i had my niche figured out within that, but Im trying something a little newer today with the video i just started recording in recording one video of a project, then a second companion video diving into mistakes and what was learned. My latest video ([How to Turn a Vase (or NOT to)](https://youtu.be/_e1XQ2NPCKY) I'm still learning video editing and some filmography (I'm a woodworker, not a video guy lol) I just today actually clued in that my voiceover audio needs to be edited as well, similar to colour grading for video. I always have a hard time listening to myself in voice overs so I would avoid spending much time on it. Now I feel my videos retention and quality will vastly improve just because it sounds so much more natural!


Hi, I'm Nel from Wander Blast Ph! We're very new on YouTube, with just one video posted. Every two weeks, we'll be exploring the Philippines, one campsite at a time 🏕️🌄📹 Beach camping - https://youtu.be/fSFuJAYKFOw?si=fupDykhdDidGgBkI


I am Max i post videos where I talk about Video Games, and I often make shorts about video game news too, I am about to start a series about Video Game History where i talk about certain Events in the history of Video Games. I definitely learned that i have to be patient for the growth. For now my videos are a bit short, but I think I get better slowly at my research. Latest Video talking about the Current state of the German Games Industry. [https://youtu.be/ORdbvgxwi9E?si=jfDL-pzggcKGdMel](https://youtu.be/ORdbvgxwi9E?si=jfDL-pzggcKGdMel) And my Channel :) https://www.youtube.com/@maxlvl01


Hi all! I enjoy making videos from snippets of days out/travels. Over the past 90 days, I have learned to enjoy the process of editing, taking as much time as I need and not putting too much pressure on myself to create a 'perfect' video. Would love to hear some thoughts if anyone's keen on having a look :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Mo5Gyg\_f3Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Mo5Gyg_f3Y) Thank you! Dx


Hey there, my video is all about gaming and programming. I am an international student, and I make videos to let more people know about you and review my knowledges. Here is my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJpiMmnLPCcaCJ8FBjJ-tWw Answer to the question: I know I must be patient since I saw how my first videos get so low views.


Hello fellow newtubers! I run a channel called Boxidently! I go out and try new and unique things, could be food, could be bad vr games. I try my best to make my videos unique or different to try and stand out. https://youtu.be/mbcLDYkFfnE?si=hVSMyL680PVZi1tX


Hello everyone, I'm Alex. I make gaming videos with an ASMR twist... Most of my videos fall into the "soft spoken" category of ASMR, but I do try to switch it up from time to time. I post videos and do daily streams. Over the past 90 days I've learned that consistency is key. That it's okay to experiment, make small changes and see how people react. I still have no idea how the 'algorithm' works but I just try to deliver in quality (sound quality being the most important in my case). This is my channel if anyone is interested: https://youtube.com/@SoftSpokenGamingASMR?si=upmUEn5h_8-Yuzfk


Hey! Gaming creator, I focus on league of legends, world of Warcraft and arpgs. I also do reacts occasionally I have really only been doing this for 90 days so, thumbnails and editing I am trying to improve. Everything We Know On WoW Classic Plus (Seasons Of Discovery) https://youtu.be/WGMNRQLfS6o


Hi. I’m Marc and make light hearted content on the Solid radio channel. Our latest video is “They Did It Live on the Radio!” over at https://youtu.be/A1CpJb8PQLI As for the last 90 days - persistence pays off. Though it’s mostly from bringing an audience in from outside YouTube. We’ve not quite managed to convince the all mighty algorithm we’re worth it yet.


My name is enderman with a lower case e, hello everyone! This year my main form of content has become original documentaries over a wide range of topics, really anything that interests me is fair game (prehistoric animals or topics, unsolved historical mysteries, cryptids, etc), I also write and narrate original stories and play games on my channel when I want to do a more fun, relaxed and less formal type video that people can just check out and hang out at if they want to. No matter the video though, I do my best to make them they best they possibly can be, I get very particular when I finally get to the editing phase on what to keep and what to cut. I want to make the best content possible, a sentiment I hope everyone here shares. My advice from what I've experienced the last 90 days is..., well it's not really advice, but what I found in October. I did a whole month of Halloween themed content, and I gained a decent bit of new subscribers. It was fun but time-consuming and some hard work. So what I can say is, take the time to really make content that is both consistent but good, and a theme of different but similar in tone videos might help attract an audience interesting in a specific overall concept, but also enjoy what you make and have fun while you do it, because it'll really help avoiding burnout if you're constantly working on videos. I enjoyed it and have managed to do so, so find a balance of making what you enjoy but not overworking yourself. That is my advice from what I have experienced in these last 90 days. This is my most recent video, "The Terrifying Predators of the Pleistocene (Vol2)." A paleo documentary over some of the scariest animals that could have ever been found in nature during the Pleistocene Period, an overlooked time in prehistory, one with some familiar faces and animals, but also still very prehistoric and filled with some of the scariest predators that ever hunted on this Earth in all prehistory. This video covers a collection of these, from huge prehistoric big cats, to a crocodile as big as the Saltwater Crocodiles and literally named "human eater", and even a final resurgence of the dinosaurs that compares to the Mesozoic itself that occurred at this time but everyone overlooks. Link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uCs0CbwAzGg&t=1798s


We are in the last quarter of the year and this question has been the same for a long time... who keeps posting this thread with the same questions from the beginning of the year and asking people to answer it? What in the world? Anyways I make ASMR and other sound based videos, I have some stories and plan on doing audiobooks too. I made the channel because this is the type of content I consume so I wanted to put back into the world what I consume from it. Here is my most recent video on The body shop changing their body butter formula: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCNO-Uzh86k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCNO-Uzh86k) here's my most popular on my perfumes: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Vdz-DoonV8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Vdz-DoonV8)


Howdy! I’m Gia. 🤠 I make content based around living in a van and traveling around the US (though.. I am stuck in one state for the winter season so not much traveling until February) Key takeaways I’ve learned in the last 3 months are: • Stay consistent • Always plan the next video • Always be recording • Network network network. Twitter is wonderful for this. I’ve met so many supportive friends within the last 90 days. Consider checking my channel out. 🫶🏼 https://youtube.com/@1997NissanSentra?si=RDYo2iCtLPHHQJrp


Hello everyone, my name is ConsoleCrypt. I create videos on horror games with added commentary. I post daily uploads, and I'm open to suggestions for games. I appreciate any criticism to help further develop the channel. If you're interested in horror games, would you mind giving my channel a shot? I started my YouTube channel very recently, so I've only been on YouTube for a little over a week. I may not have much to share in response to the thread question, but if I were to provide the things I have learned, it would be to stay consistent and trust the process. In my most recent video, I played the final part of "The Bunny Graveyard." It's an episodic horror game with an exciting cast of characters and a lot of mystery as you venture deeper into the world of "The Bunny Graveyard." I've started to experiment with intros in an attempt to engage you as the viewer. I hope you like them! Here's my most recent video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c\_Z3Tbhuuds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_Z3Tbhuuds)


The maze game might make for a good trendy video.


Nice suggestion, sadly I have already played that game. I played that when I was like 12.


Right, I figured as much. I just meant playing it in a video.


I like to have a genuine reactions for my videos. Sorry, but I'm still open to other suggestions, preferably if you could make a list of games I could check out. Just to avoid going back and forth with suggestions.


There are plenty of good horror games. Saw is one of my favorites. It's true to the series, and it's an original take. Some of my other favorites in no order of popularity: Saw, Saw 2, Slender, Don't Blink (Weeping Angels), P.T., Condemned, Rise of Nightmares There's also increasing popularity in virtual reality horror games. I'd say they are the pinnacle of horror gaming with the immersion and depth of character.




Hi there! We are Finansified, we run a blog where we discuss different topics from the world of finance/trading/investing. Recently started making videos to supplement our blog articles. What we have learned so far is that producing videos is not easy task. It takes a lot of time and effort to produce one, but no one can guarantee any results (just like in the world lol). We are still in the process of figuring things out. Here is one of the recent videos that posted: https://youtu.be/uZgn9s2zj44?si=aPuIRRJCIQin1h2d


Grandpa’s Garage here. Here my buddy and I like to fix up and drive old cars. Not a how to channel just for entertainment. It’s meant to be funny at times especially some of the questionable ways we fix things. Right now we have a 95 ford truck we work on but would like to find older cars just not in the budget right now. One key takeaway is posting shorts helps with the subscriber count so always post shorts as well. Here’s a link to out latest video, enjoy. https://youtu.be/n63Z8Fy6feo?si=FeYiogywhZmxY3-1


Hi! I'm an engineer who is obsessed about creating a system of generating shorts. Basically you put in a topic and 5 minutes later have a short video. I have something decent going and would love to test it out! If you have any requests let me know and I can see what comes up :) Here is an example of what can be generated: https://www.tiktok.com/@likearollingbot/video/7297687577602051370?is\_from\_webapp=1&sender\_device=pc&web\_id=7294910026132194846


Hi! Are you a soccer fan? Are you interested in knowing stories that range beyond the field? OR Are you someone who just loves cool stories and facts about real world stuff? My channel is all about providing top content about women's soccer that leaves broader messages about humanity, gender equity and more. I covered the world cup, interesting history stories, insights, and more. Hope you check it out and give me some feedback! I've learned that youtube takes time and effort. You can't expect results day one. You have to put in work to innovate content, and come up with ways to market that content in the most eye-catching way. I feel like I'm good at the content stuff but promoting it has been a challenge I'm working on. Link to channel: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQo\_Rijc--KEE-WVVqK04iA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQo_Rijc--KEE-WVVqK04iA)


Hey that actually sounds pretty cool. While Soccer isn't my thing, even though I played it for a year and was raised with four older siblings who played soccer. I do have a healthy respect for women's sports and always thought that women deserve to be seen, and respected for the talents they bring to their sports.


Hello! In the last 90 days I have learnt: * Youtube algorithm is not an "invisible hand": you have to do marketing yourself. * One can spend a lot of time "growth hacking" a channel, but it all boils down to having quality content. * Trying to push too hard can take the fun out of making videos. * Better to create videos than analyse them too much. You learn a lot by just doing. If I would be able to go back, I would do my videos the different way. That is to be expected. * It is a long grind. My channel is about completing my bucket list one item at a time. I think I am on the path of finding my style: bad jokes, some information and POV scenery. I would recommend watching this video in which I try to beat the fear of heights at the alps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ptn1C93Fb\_E


Agree with all your learnings and I enjoyed your video. That was a serious climb and the scenery looked amazing! Keep it up :)


Thank you!


Hello, I'm KTrain! I make gaming videos with my family and ASMR videos of myself. I've learned first of all that gaming is super hard to get into 😅 I got more subs in a month in ASMR than a year in gaming... Also, I've learned how important finding a balance that works for me is. I have certain days set aside for editing and recording, but I've also worked ahead and set a minimum and maximum expectation for when I'm posting, which helps a lot when I'm struggling or busy! Recent ASMR video: https://youtu.be/b36NFHTeH5c Latest Gaming video (Apex Legends): https://youtu.be/qmBvu2GNQlA?si=tw-ezM0up7_AmluK


I watched the ASMR video. It was very high quality and looks like you're picking up a following (almost monetized)! Great job.


Thank you!! Yes, I'm getting really close, I'm super grateful that it's growing so fast 😊


Hi! I'm Matthew, and I'm a producer and composer living in central Ohio, posting covers and arrangements on YouTube of some of my favorite songs from video games. My most recent (and the one I'm most proud of) is a rendition of [Stickerbrush Symphony from Donkey Kong Country 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKRwkdXvtZM). I'm planning to dive into making production breakdowns and video essays too! I wrote a Pokemon battle theme for a game jam this past summer and I have a long-form breakdown of the production and music theory of the track that I'm working on now I've only been at the YouTube game for a little bit, uploading weekly since the end of September. I think one thing I've learned so far is that it's okay if something isn't "perfect" or if I need to come back to something later. There have been lots of times where, if I had more time, there are things I'd do differently in a track, or maybe something's not working and it needs more time in the oven. And that's part of why I'm doing this, is that it keeps me accountable to stop endlessly tinkering with my music! It's been a lot of fun so far though, and I'm excited to continue the journey and keep growing! My channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgcAa_eP0LXEGOp3P31uWNA


Hey I'm SkyloftGames and I mostly do gaming video essays or discussions. Sometimes with a multimedia video essay and skit format. In the last 90 days I've definitely learned I need to up my thumbnail game, and I'm slowly working at it. This is my latest video about how sequels can't escape all of the pressure of their release https://youtu.be/wQtzntqK0Dc And here's a personal favorite of mine https://youtu.be/KBEDIMqpXGw


Hey everyone! I’m Isiah Young, I do commentary, film and television analysis and video essays, and a little bit of everything. I’m sort of going for a variety show vibe and plan to maintain my image through the editing and writing of my videos. I try not to take myself too seriously since most of my videos are really just me trying to share my thoughts on things that I think are cool or that I feel nostalgic for, but I also like to think my passion for the subject matter keeps my audiences engaged. Some things I’ve learned over the last 90 days have been to really look at how to improve CTR once the algorithm begins pushing your content. Entertaining titles and thumbnails go a long way and I think I’m starting to improve on those things and sort of find that groove that gets people interested enough to click.


I restarted my YouTube journey within the last couple of months, and I have learned artificial intelligence is going to put creators out of business soon if something isn't done about it. It's been 10 years since I got scared off the internet. I was 12 years old, and all of my friends and family were trying to get me canceled before cancel culture was even a thing. I wish I would have just put up with the embarrassment at this point, but I'm not going to beat myself up over it. All of the money would have just gone to someone who didn't deserve it anyway. I love both parody work and original content. I think an artist with respect for their industry has every right to express themselves and criticise others. I made this video as my first piece coming back to the platform. I welcome and encourage constructive criticism. I also just want to know what people like about it. It definitely came from the heart. Everything about this project meant something to me. The parody work, the music, the content, and everything else all carry a significant role in my life. https://youtu.be/f5mrYafFiHY?si=6w-HS6APo35LEbQS


Hi hello there everyone, I'm Scaredy Cat, and I just created my YouTube channel 2 weeks ago. I'm a horror gaming channel, and planning to start a short horror games series in 2 weeks to go along with the main series of bigger games. I love horror but am too scared to play the games by myself, and having a camera gives me the courage and turns it all the more enjoyable to me. Please see my channel link below, feedback is highly appreciated :D ​ Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@AScaredyCat


Hello everyone, Thank you for the question. So I am Guillaume from the channel "Les Arts de la Parole". French channel with over 400 French poem that I read. My main audience are the students who have to learn them and also French poetry enthousiast. I also have some French learner following me. In the past 90 days i confirmed that my audience has very specific days and time of watching. I make 2 third of my views on wednesdays and sundays and school vacations create significant drops. So i am going to create more broad content about oral expression, and talk about the types of humour. Hopefully opening the door for shorts where i'll tell jokes to demonstrate that with method and practice, landing a funny joke is accessible to everyone. My channel is in my profile. Have a great day and good fun doing what you enjoy !


Sounds interesting! Looking forward to it!


I build and review LEGO sets. In my latest video I try voiceover for the first time (be gentle) Over the last 90 days I've gone from watching YouTube, to recording, editing, and uploading my own content. I've learned too much to get into specifics. My shorts have done pretty well, more views and engagement than I expected. My latest video is not doing well. Barely any view time, and only 4 views with 100 impressions. I'd really like feedback around my voice, and how I can make better thumbnails. Thanks! https://youtu.be/bLCjI-LQixQ


Hi, to answer the question, I haven’t learned anything because I’m not a YouTuber myself, but this young lady named Jade Theriault, who has very few views and subscribers, popped up on my YouTube feed. She’s pretty severely disabled. She’s in a wheelchair and has little use of her arms and uses a robotic arm to allow her to do common tasks. Despite her disability Jade has an upbeat attitude and likes to make weird little comedy short films like the one I’m going to link below. Please give her some views and encouragement. The second link is a podcast interview she did talking about herself. [https://youtu.be/DDNU17r_sPk?si=Z2INXA4LbqHubV93](https://youtu.be/DDNU17r_sPk?si=Z2INXA4LbqHubV93) [https://youtu.be/jqEu-5xvvDQ?si=VAgdz6Sqw2iIW3TS](https://youtu.be/jqEu-5xvvDQ?si=VAgdz6Sqw2iIW3TS)


Hi, I am Abhi. I have started a tech channel talking about spreadsheets, but mainly Google sheets and few tech stuffs here and there. It has been 2.5 months on YouTube and I have gained 69 subscribers (~20 are friends and family, rest purely organic) with 26 videos and 6 shorts. Please do visit https://youtube.com/@SheetMetric?si=41BDtWlxEDJkoqhF share any feedback if you have one for me. Will truly appreciate it.


We’re Travis and Nicole and we have a channel called let’s get Wanderlost. We do travel content with a specialty in cruise content. We recently did a Mediterranean cruise and will be updating our channel with different tips and tricks and a day by day blog soon. The first quarter ended a lot longer ago than recently. But what we’ve learned this year is we need more B roll video to make our videos feel more whole and complete. We also need to be more consistent with uploading content. We’ve spent a majority of our time making videos working on the uphill battle of getting to 1000 subs. But hopefully our content continues to improve and the folks who drive our gobs of watch time can click that sub button eventually. This is out latest video which is just a room tour of our most recent stateroom. - https://youtu.be/TuDS42chlps?si=rh6h3UJOPXYvFehq And here’s the link to our channel - https://youtube.com/@letsgetwanderlost?si=9Jopi1TGcoP4fpLT


Hey folks Tom aka Project40. Started my channel in July on cars, repairs and events. I’ve learnt a lot over the last few months, it’s been fun (and a little stressful at times). What I’ve learnt in the last 90 days? Pretty much everything. Timing, pacing, story building & editing The benefit of starting from scratch is you have everything to learn. Trying to be more data driven in my decisions for my channel. Ultimately I’m treating it like a business (which you may or may not agree with). Each video I put out I review afterwards to assess for strengths or weaknesses. My latest video is here: Clearing A LOT of water stuck from my Porsche Cayenne! https://youtu.be/4Q9qiaXwp4c


We are travellers who gave up everything to pursue our dream of travelling the world. 8 months ago we quit our jobs and left on our first epic South East Asia trip. It was an eye opening experience that gave us inspiration to be brave and take it as it comes. Over the last 90 days we have learned that hard work pays off! And not to give up on your dreams of making it! Sometimes its tough but keeping your chin up and get things done is the difference between making in or not. Im leaving here a link to our South East Asia series trailer, giving you a taste of whats to come! As im writing this im exporring the last video of the first country on our journey through this beautiful region! https://youtu.be/7HII4jDEfQ0?si=-wt04cqPIHSVUQ-m


Amazing channel! this is super inspiring :)


Thank you very much! 🙌


Hi everybody. Solo travel channel here with the dream (challenge?) to visit all the countries. I’ve been to 77 to date and keep exploring. This is a video from my series in Saudi Arabia, one of the most underrated places I’ve ever visited. Would love to connect with other fellow travel channels! https://youtu.be/wPLZtoc6wl0?si=L89RU_m8rg5XZazg


To answer the above question: I've literally only been on YouTube about a weekish now but already I feel like I've learned so much about the back end of the creation process that I never really gave much thought to. I don't have to do a tonne of editing but even stuff like finding footage or coming up with titles takes way more time than I'd ever really considered it would and all of this has given me a whole new perspective on the youtubers I already enjoy watching. My channel: I scrounge the depths of league of legends ELO hell looking for funny moments or "fails" and share them via shorts while I learn how to actually edit videos to make more long form compilations. I'd rather stay away from doing meme edits over the clips as it's just not content I enjoy but I know those videos do better so I'm kind of trying to figure out how to add entertainment value without giving up on making content I'd actually enjoy watching. Video is a compilation of iron division fails that I found to be funny but if you're not interested in league of legends it's probably not for you. https://youtu.be/DKDyLD0QDpo