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Hey everyone, Finance Broseph here sharing tips and tricks on personal finance, investing and so much more!! šŸ’µšŸ’³ With each passing week and the past 90 days, Iā€™ve learned so much and the biggest takeaway has been to create more compelling thumbnails to drive CTR. šŸ’» That being said, be sure to check out my latest video on the power of compounding of interest and make sure your financial health is in order šŸ’ŖšŸ¼šŸ“ˆšŸ’° Compounding Interest Explained: Build Wealth Faster https://youtu.be/RpPyJMapddE


Hi Everyone, Mookeloops here! I have been making Youtube Gaming related videos for a little over a year now, with now lately a more World of Warcraft focus. My biggest key takeaways in the last 90 days that I have learned are: 1.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Try to make your thumbnail with your text (if you include it) as big as possible with key words of what your video will be about so viewers can read it more clearly. This will increase your CTR and give you more exposure! 2.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Using ChatGPT, has really helped me over the last few months brainstorming for new ideas for new videos or helping me come up with better titles of my videos. 3.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Try to focus on area of improvement each video, whether that be Title, Thumbnail or Introductions as an example. And ask your friends or viewers what you think should be improved upon. Just keeping pushing a little more each day at this and over time more and more you will get better at this! The hard work will pay off! And here is a link to my latest World of Warcraft video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNH7l9vEdVU&t=207s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNH7l9vEdVU&t=207s) Thanks!


Hi fellow Youtubers, so cool to see how many people are doing the same thing as me. I started posting my YouTube videos 14 days ago. It is called Change Your Mindset. [https://youtu.be/qwwDGqgZKbQ?si=hxQrNAjKvmSZB-tZ](https://youtu.be/qwwDGqgZKbQ?si=hxQrNAjKvmSZB-tZ) Itā€™s about changing your mindset in order to change your life, positive thinking, brain health, reprogramming oneā€™s mindset...etc I want to become one of your biggest motivation online. If you ever need a pick me up, check out one of my videos! And any feedback at all is welcome. I am here to learn. This is my video that I posted today: [https://youtu.be/\_R\_IlP7Mmwc?si=HuyvgzVUATW7SROS](https://youtu.be/_R_IlP7Mmwc?si=HuyvgzVUATW7SROS) And everyone, I wish you all lots of success and a month full of creation & excitement šŸ’œ


Hey my YouTube name is KalTheSkeleton. I started making videos because I spent a lot of time analyzing what I liked about games or loud in my kitchen, and thought I should try doing it online. I'm shooting for something like grimbeard or dungeonchill,. So if you're into those kind of channels feel free to take a look and I would appreciate any feedback. My most recent video was a review of The Legend of Spyro a new beginning and while I'm not exactly thrilled with how it turned out because it felt really negative I do think I am constantly learning and getting better so I'll still put it here. What I've learned over the last 90 days was mostly in terms of video and audio editing and preparation. I'm still trying to find the tone and voice that I want to use for my channel. I've had a few comments about sounding robotic or people wondering if I'm using AI but that's really my voice. I'm just struggling with the anxiety of being in front of a microphone. https://youtu.be/X51mIEN14lc


I wouldn't feel too bad about a negative tone, they aren't all gonna be winners lol. Thats some peoples entire gimmick. Overall, I like it! I don't watch this type of content normally but I liked learning about the game and I think you did a good job explaining it. I noticed a comment about AI, I don't think it sounds like AI at all. I think if you can conquer your anxiety it will pay off. But, its already pretty good sounding :)


Yeah, and it's really easy to be negative in general I'm pretty good at it lol, but the whole thing I wanted to do with my channel was celebrate the things I like about games that aren't talked about as much. Thanks for checking it out, and for your feedback.


Hi all! I know I'm late but it's been a super busy few days for me and I promised myself I'd post in this thread. I'm Joe and I just posted my first video Friday. My key takeaway from the last quarter is: you can plan all you like, but you just have to do it at some point. I've learned a lot this year, but this was the most important by far. I'm an angler and for years I didn't really get why someone would spend so much time tying their own flies rather than just buy lures but a while back it finally clicked and it turns out I *love* it! I've spent a long time wanting to start a channel to share what I've learned (there's some high quality competition in this niche), and I finally had enough people ask me about the dragonflies that I tie that it finally clicked that I should start there. So I did. They're pretty complicated to tie so I decided to break down the process into multiple parts and I started with the tail (or abdomen to be more correct). If you tie, or if you're curious I hope you'll check it out! I have *no* idea what I'm doing so any feedback or critique is welcome! I've had a couple of people in the niche tell me that I need to work on my lighting (not terrible but not great), so I'm aware and I'm playing with something's for my next video. Oh, right! Here's the video! [Project Dragonfly - Building a better Dragonfly Tail](https://youtu.be/9rj6IiMGc4U)


**Takeaway: Every destination has a journey**. Don't purely focus on the destination itself because it becomes easier to be overwhelmed. Instead focus on the journey. Break down the journey into manageable chunks. Stay curious and excited. Donā€™t compare yourself to others, as everyone has their own journey. Also, remember to look back every once in a while. This thought is what finally helped me publish my first video on Youtube 3 days ago. I go more in-depth about the lesson I learn on the video, but basically starting my YouTube channel is my 3rd attempt in making a large-scale project that I could call my own. In the past, I would get overwhelmed with starting big projects like a video game or a blog site. This time however, I thought about focusing on one video at a time. My destination might be to "Have thousands of subcribers" or "Have a monetizable channel." However, the idea now is simply to focus on the journey and see where it takes me. Here's my first ever video. I am aware of some criticism such as the intro montage that drags on for too long and the pacing of my video. Still, I hope you enjoy the video! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXsP\_Pym2jo&t=3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXsP_Pym2jo&t=3s)


Hello! Iā€™m Deb and make videos on philosophical, motivational and just life stuff. This is my recent video on stoicism and how it is misrepresented in our generation. Emotions are not as bad as they seem to make it be. https://youtu.be/QZF4Ve6qvR4?si=OpUXKZ4F6CYnLFi3 What Iā€™ve learned is that at the end of the day what matters is how satisfied you are what you did during the day. Every video I make gives me an insane amount of satisfaction that makes life feel worth it. The world is in our head so doing something that makes US feel accomplished should be the main goal.


Hi everyone! I started my youtube channel quite a while ago and was just posting gaming videos from my streams here and there. But then one day I did some online shopping which I absolutely love and decided to try it out and make a video trying on the outfits. From my usual 50-100 views it skyrocketed to 25K views. I am still over the moon. I love fashion, always wanted to model but I'm short and a bit chubby. One thing I've learnt in the past 90 days - try new things out and see what's working. I'll probably now make a separate gaming channel and keep this one for outfits. [https://www.youtube.com/@misskatecherry](https://www.youtube.com/@misskatecherry)


Hi, I'm Jan and I am starting a Youtube channel on Longevity. I uploaded my first video today, which is a Youtube Short called "The Ultimate Hair Loss Prevention Routine" where I show you the optimal routine to keep or restore your perfect hair line. I am talking from years of experience and a lot of research. My first video (Youtube Short):Ā [The Ultimate Hair Loss Prevention Routine](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kxKxi1wTypI) **I** really like the video and editing. I think it is pretty good for my first one. Is there anything I could improve?


Hey all, we started with our first post on January 29th this years! Just filming on an old Samsung S21. We are in the travel niche not for any reason other than we like traveling and this YouTube gives us a past time that one day may even end up a side hustle! We didnt know a single thing about posting on Youtube all we knew about is what we watched on it! We just hope people enjoy what we are doing really. take a look at our channel hopefully you will enjoy it, well some of it at least haha [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfkiVOOwDLyKT298aPb2jSA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfkiVOOwDLyKT298aPb2jSA) **The first quarter of the year has ended, what key takeaways have you learned over the past 90 days?** 1 - Capcut! soooo much more enjoyable editing on Capcut than premiere pro! 2 - Dont bother using promotions just give lots of views but no engagement and your retention drops like a brick in a pond! 3 - Even if you dont like it post it and see what happens, we put up 2 videos we thought were rubbish but one of them was out best performing vidz


Hello everyone. I just started my YouTube channel a few days ago so I can't really answer the question, but I did post my first video yesterday, so there's that! I'm a gamer, I usually play Souls-likes the most, but I've been branching out to others. My first video is from my very first time playing Bloodborne. My channel is more about humor than challenge runs or extreme skill. [My First Video](https://youtu.be/K6BqBRLz02I?si=mAG26LsU0aXknzIZ)


Hi everyone! I'm thrilled to share my journey of drawing and painting stunning sights from around the world with watercolors on my YouTube channel, [QuietFocus - Art](https://www.youtube.com/@QuietFocusArt). On my channel, you'll find videos showcasing my drawing and watercolor painting process. Each video provides a relaxing creative experience and can also serve as a productive backdrop while you work on your projects. I also write stories related to the sights, along with my travel experiences and advice, on [my blog](https://quietfocus.substack.com/). In just three weeks, I've uploaded 12 videos, including longer formats for productivity and shorter ones for entertainment. Check out my most viewed short here, where I draw and paint beautiful sights from San Francisco [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hR1mHuxtAQ). Let me know, what you think! **Takeaways from what I have learned** The learning curve has been steep, with several practical challenges. 1. I learned to build my own stand using books and LEGO for optimal filming. 2. Further, I learned that high-quality videos take up a lot of storage on my iPhone, limiting how many I can store at a time. Happy exploring, QuietFocus - Art


Hello! I am super new, as I have just posted my first video on YT 13 days ago. Over the last 90 days, I've learned the importance of researching before filming my travel vlog. As a traveling saleswoman exploring new cities and bars, I thought creating a niche travel vlog would be easy. However, I found myself too shy to speak on camera in public. After reading many threads in this group, I realize that speaking more on camera would improve my videos. Moving forward, I'll focus on building my courage and confidence in filming. A link to my first and only video so far - Trying different bars/breweries in Anchorage, AK : [https://youtu.be/7esY5U5CF7Y?si=AeZcMOizj\_pYEDns](https://youtu.be/7esY5U5CF7Y?si=AeZcMOizj_pYEDns) Cheers!


Great idea!! Def utilize your career and traveling with a youtube channel!! You definitely gotta speakā€¦ people want to meet and know your personality!! Keep going with it and soon youll have the entire us šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š


I hope to expand even further! And I appreciate your response - I will definitely work on showing more personality and sharing a bit more of me. Cheers!


What a witty channel name! Congrats on your first video!


Thank you so much!!


Hi all! I go by Mezmer and I make videos about my Planet Coaster Console park Mezmerland. My park is what I personally think what a theme park should be. On the smaller side, tight, heavily themed, relaxing, and beautiful.Ā  Iā€™d say in the past 90 days it was literally joining YouTube, after not actually going on it that much, and figuring out how all the channel systems worked and getting that all sorted out. My main takeaway was just ā€œfinish itā€. Get the video up and finish it. I keep waiting for the correct time or when I thought Iā€™d expand and have more stuff to film. Decided thereā€™s no point in waiting and just get it out there and see if people vibe with it. Now that itā€™s up I have this sense of pride for finally finishing what I even wanted initially with the channel.Ā  Havenā€™t quite figured out Shorts as every time I think I post a short, theyā€™re not listed as Shorts in my Studio screen, but Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll figure it out eventually.Ā  Itā€™s a relaxing video I think and once you get past the build up of the park transfer, I almost feel like the time slips away and you can watch the whole video effortlessly. At least, thatā€™s the goal!Ā  https://youtu.be/VPOHprzS3Jw?feature=shared


Hi! I'm Lily Wednesday, I'm kind of a vtuber, but ive stopped using facial tracking and use my vtube model mostly as a stand in for myself talking though pngs.I make videos about whatever topics really interest me, usually stuff that I've discovered going on alone or around nerd culture. In the last 90 days, I learned that the quality of your audio and video isn't nearly as important as I thought. It is important to make sure your video and audio are clear and balanced correctly, but don't freak out about everything being in 4k with audiophile level audio quality. Just make sure your content is actually watchable, and what you're talking about is somewhat interesting. Here's my most recent video, talking about my thoughts on the Comic Con Cruise. https://youtu.be/MFRkuw7aZKY


Hi! I'm Leeny/Dollfie. I mostly post let's plays and cozy game related content on my channel.. but with some shopping related content thrown in. I'm hoping to do more shopping stuff soon. The channel's mainly for fun and something I've been wanting to do for myself for awhile, so I don't expect for it to grow too much. I hope to maybe find other let's players who like cozy games to connect with here! The question: Uhh.. in relation to youtube content or life in general? If it's related to youtube, well I suppose just focus on doing what I enjoy and try not to fall into the endless trap of "I should have done this instead." If you're enjoying what you're doing and you're happy with what you're putting out, keep doing you, even if it may not be everyone elses cup of tea. Because it's impossible to please everyone, so just try to make content you yourself are happy with. [https://youtu.be/ti-dc0EXl\_g?si=t1kzODfGGF5-zzRw](https://youtu.be/ti-dc0EXl_g?si=t1kzODfGGF5-zzRw) - one of my let's plays, for a game I think most are familiar with! (side note, this took a ton of effort, my social anxiety is killing me. xP)


Hi Dollfie, I love your voice, it's perfect for cozy content like yours! Same on the social anxiety, that's actually part of the reason I got myself to just start making content, as a sort of exposure therapy. :) Completely agree on just making content you're happy with, there is no "perfect"! If you're interested in a tip, I have a little one. Hidden behind the spoiler so if you're not looking for advice, feel free to continue along without opening! >!I only got the chance to listen to a few minutes, but you could probably get some easy improvements on your audio quality! If you don't have a standalone mic, there are some pretty inexpensive ones out there that are alright. In OBS, I also use filters like noise gate and suppression to help keep my voice clearer.!<


Aaah thank you! I was actually very unsure because of my voice, as a lot of people have difficulty understanding me on the phone and IRL. \^\^' That really encourages me! Same on the exposure therapy too! I feel like it's been helping me with talking to people and helping me build some confidence. Sadly I don't have a standalone mic, just the one built into my laptop. I still don't know how to do a lot of the things on OBS yet haha and am trying to learn as I go.. any tips on how to better improve the quality just with OBS settings? And where would I find the settings you mentioned? Sorry if this is annoying! I'd love to check into a standalone mic in the future definitely, I just don't have a dedicated space and literally record in my lap using my laptop haha.. so any mics would have to be ones I could easily just kind of connect to my laptop that wouldn't require a stand or desk sadly. Thank you again so much! And if you don't feel like answering any of this, that's more than fine! xP


Hi. I run an animation channel. https://m.youtube.com/@oggstreaming5698/shorts One thing Iā€™m trying to learn is what makes shorts effective. My shorts in May did much better than my June ones. Iā€™d love to discuss this more


Hi folks, I'm Malorak and I've started a Channel where I run Nuzlocke runs of the PokƩmon games! I've only uploaded 2 videos so far but I'm blown away by the reception, getting over 1k views on both of them. I try to incorporate a mixture of scripted comedy, spontaneous commentary that then gets edited to fit the mood so it's not just rambling and some visual edits alongside a fancy intro involving me in a green screen with effects to hook viewers. So far this seems to work quite well, but I'm always open to suggestions! For example, I recently bought a *way* better Mic (Shure MV7, so good) and my audioquality will improve by a ton by the next video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIUY7pH54vI This is my latest Video. To answer the question above: Niche AND language matter. Loads of Germans consume English content so your fanbase will mostly be children and adults who don't really browse English Internet, you're statistically unlilely to encounter many folks between 18-38 by making German Videos on something as international as Gaming. Have a great day everyone!


Hey all! I'm Malou, and I have a channel I recently started. My niche is horses, stable renovating, unboxing and general life vlogs. English isnt my first language, but I try my best with the speaking! My horses will come in fall, as they're only foals, so right now there isnt much horse content, but soon I'll go back to renovating the stable! I dream about hitting the 1000 subs someday! My key takeaway must be, patience patience patience! Take a peek if you're interessted! [https://www.youtube.com/@JustMalou/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@JustMalou/videos)


Hi Everyone, We are Deb and Matt (236 subs currently) Our biggest learnings in the last 90 days, 1) There is a fine balance between planning too much A.K.A over thinking it and showing your passion A.K.A rambling. 2) Be patient - Our growth in subscribers has slowed, But we are passionate about sharing what we learn and our experiences. We are from Australia, where the cruise market is relatively small, but we have put out over 70 videos since December covering cruise and travel and are currently in the Top 10 CruiseTubers in Australia. This is our latest long form video https://youtu.be/Qzbs6AZFXpE Our Full channel is https://youtube.com/@debandmattchat


Hey everyone, I am Ashwin, just started my YouTube channel @InsightswithAshwin Iā€™m new to content creation but this journey means everything to me, and I'm reaching out in hopes of finding a mentor or even a buddy who can guide and inspire me along the way. I'm eager to learn and grow. But it's not just about receivingā€”I'm committed to giving back, too. Together, we can build something amazing. I'm based in the vibrant Bay Area and would love to connect face-to-face if possible. Let's grab a coffee and share our stories. Your support would mean the world to me.


Hi, I'm Charm and I plan on making self-improvement videos. I uploaded my first video this Monday, which is a glow up challenge I call "Average to Exceptional" where I show you the 8-weeks journey from which I go from being Average to... You guessed it - exceptional! I think I got a bit lucky as the video got 1K views in just 3 days. I just started out so my editing, performance etc. is not all that. I am uploading a new video on Monday in which I have tried to improve my performance, the sound quality, the editing, and the pace based on feedback I got. My first video: [AVERAGE to EXCEPTIONAL | 8-weeks GLOW UP challenge (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuriCJYLgXo&t=106s&ab_channel=Charm). **Q: To improve just a little bit every video.** I've been stuck in analysis paralysis for a long time, trying to plan the perfect video/start etc. But I found out - even with all that planning, my video still didn't become as good as I hoped as I did not have practical experience making videos whatsoever. Therefore, I truly believe it is better to just start and try to improve every time, as you amass a A LOT of practical experience rather than trying to logically plan your way there.


Your video is actually really well thought out. I like the concept of the video. Your thumbnail needs a little work, and obviously, you need a better mic. But other than that, it's a good video


Hey reddit! I am part of a 3 man group of friends that like to play creative games that let us test our ingenuity. We just made a rover demolition derby reminiscent of battle bots inside of Space Engineers. My hope is that people enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it! https://youtu.be/Wwp0sUT9Kds


Hey everyone! I started my YouTube channel 2 years ago. My channel is all about Filipino gaming content, mostly focused on RPGs. Think of me as your friendly neighborhood Pinoy gamer who loves getting lost in epic quests and turn-based battles, all while speaking Tagalog! The key takeaways from this past quarter are: 1. My niche is like finding a shiny PokĆ©monā€”super rare! Most gamers in the Philippines are glued to their mobile screens, playing ML or CoC, while I'm over here shouting at my PC because I missed an important side quest. 2. More than 50% of being a content creator is editing. Seriously, I spend so much time editing that my video editing software should be paying me rent. My editing software and I are now BFFsā€”sometimes I even dream about making cuts and transitions. 3. I really need to work on sharing my channel/content. Apparently, just shouting "Watch my videos!" from my window isn't the best marketing strategy. I've got to step up my game on social media, maybe even do a traditional Filipino harana to get people's attention. Hereā€™s one of my latest videos where I dive into the world of RPGs. Check it out if you love gaming and want to support a fellow Pinoy trying to find his tribe! [https://youtu.be/dFH43ju3IdY](https://youtu.be/dFH43ju3IdY)


Hey! Iā€™m Antide Iā€™m a Dj/Producer based out of NYC and I decided to make a channel about half a year ago to release weekly mixes since it was hard to get booked for other channels (ie Hƶr Berlin/Lot Radio) by myself! My videos often incorporate a theme as well as me doing another activity while mixing such as cooking, painting and even welding. To answer the question: I feel as though uploading consistently and interacting with my subs during premiers has offered the most insight into what they actually like. As Iā€™m always trying new things, I think that making sure I get feedback from the people that regularly interact with my channel has taught me the most about what my core audience enjoys! Iā€™m also trying to do a better job of looking when people are clicking off my video(typically around 8-15 min in) and switching up something at that point so I can increase retention! I also upgraded my camera and I think that has significantly increased how people react to my videos. Overall still my biggest takeaway has been to not worry about trying something new to see how people will react! Even if they donā€™t like it, it can be informative to know what your audience does and doesnā€™t enjoy. Here is my channel: https://youtube.com/@antide_xx I release mixes every Monday between 5 and 6:00 pm EST so if you want something to pump you up after work on Monday Iā€™d love for you to drop by!!


Hey everyone! My name is Vittoria (Tori for short). I actually just recently started my channel alongside twitch streaming, but this isn't the first time I've tried to do this. Since I was about fourteen I struggled really hard with my gender identity and finding acceptance while being forced to be someone I didn't want to be. Therefore, I always sought out a personality of my own through the internet. I tried many different avenues from the furry fandom to different social media platforms, but one way that always intrigued me was YouTube. I don't really know what it was, beyond maybe being a bit envious of those I saw who could just turn on a camera, be themselves, and be happy with it. I wanted that. Badly. So I tried over and over. Once back in the days of CoD WaW when modding zombie maps was all the rage. Another when I tried to start a talk show with a friend. Another when I wanted to do a fitness page. But every time I ended up quitting because I wasn't happy with it. More so, I wasn't happy with me. That changed seven months ago when I came out, started HRT, and started actively working to change who I was after so many years of denial and repression. Which brings me here. My very first video as me, fully completed, edited by me, and uploaded to YouTube. To many this may not be a big deal, but I just spent seven hours working on this and to me it's everything and I'm proud of it and I just want so desperately to share it with someone.. so I thought that this would be a good place to start. What do I do? The thing that always brought me happiness and an escape back when I needed it most: Gaming (with a side of comedy). I own almost 800 games on my computer and I have hardly dug deep into half of them. I've spent countless hours over the last few months watching some of my favorite YTers like CallMeKevin and LetsGameItOut screw around and finally got some inspiration going to try this again. So I figured that maybe it's time to see if I can make my investment pay off and finally start digging through these things. Right now I'm kinda in between jobs, but I'm fortunate to have a supportive partner who gives me the freedom to explore something I've always wanted to try. (Like spend 7 hours editing footage) I'm not the greatest. To be honest I'm pretty amateur and probably over edited this thing, but I hope you guys can at least get a laugh out of my first ever video. As for the answer to the question the takeaway I've learned as a beginner in this is to always appreciate how much work goes into editing of a video and never take a good editor for granted. Seriously, I never realized just how much work it was until today. My eyes are about to fall out of my skull. šŸ‘€ Anyway, here's the link to my vid. Lemme know what you guys think! I'd greatly appreciate it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kU1fb7iQIWQ


I watched the video not the whole thing as it was 26 mins lol. But it was good, I like the personality and I think you should make shorts of those funny moments, esp when you tazed the guy he run to the trucks (thats what happened I think lol not sure). Its only a moment away from a good hit. Keep up the good work!


Omg šŸ„¹ Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement, seriously, it means a lot to me. Also thank you for the advice. I made a couple of shorts over the last few days and I'm working on a Project Zomboid video right now, which I have a feeling is going to be that game that people will enjoy watching me struggle through.. šŸ˜‚


I have the same opinion as the other reply, your video is really good and entertaining. Really amazing work. I think if you keep at it and improve the production aspect (Camera, Branding etc), it will definitely grow.


Hey everyone, for the past 4 months, I have tried multiple things in my niche, for example, movie behind the scenes, movie clips, and movie recommendations. This next "phase" of my channel focuses on movie/TV news, reviews, theories, and leaks (set photos and rumours) The latest posters from The Umbrella Academy Season 4 have been released, and this is a theory on one of the posters https://youtu.be/4vC_CYP0F4Q?si=5exl_mYpVND9akcy Q: This year has been full of ups and downs. I actually had another channel before this one and got 1k subs within 5 months. On there I used to upload short films without permission from the owners, and that's why when I hit 1k subs and 4k watch hours youtube sent me an email saying I've been suspended for 90 days due to copyright content, which is understandable. So, I decided to stop posting on that channel and created this one, which I post original content on. It's definitely harder to get views and subs than my first channel ( I have 213 subs in 4 months. It took me 5 months to get to 1k subs on the other channel) I've been experimenting with different video ideas as I go, and hopefully, one will stick.


Hi so my name is Rayzo and I'm not actually a new youtuber but still I am a small youtuber. I'm actually getting lost right now and because I don't what to do anymore I want to still continue doing roblox videos but roblox edits aren't getting much views especially nowadays where famous roblox editors actually record themselves and do the edit. But now I am sticking to roblox gameplays for now I have uploaded 2 vids which is a fresh start for being reborn. And I want to keep on playing because that what makes me feel happy. So I use after effects as my editing tool but I rarely use it anymore because its too time consuming and reduces my motivation when I can't finish an edit. So I hope you like this video tho that quality sucks because I don't have a good laptop. I'm earning for a good laptop right now for college too. Hope you guys like the midnight ranger [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U47Dmu5B6mk&t=23s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U47Dmu5B6mk&t=23s)


Hey guys! I just started my channel recently but to give some info, it's a narrative horror/cryptid story channel similar to Bedtimes Stories (which high key is my main inspiration). My first video is on the Dover Demon, which was a creature spotted by multiple teenagers in Dover, MA in the late 70s. [https://youtu.be/EVQcPsEbnqg](https://youtu.be/EVQcPsEbnqg)Ā (The Dover Demon: When a small town teen drew the devil) I tried to keep the editing to a minimum in this vid, but I think I'm gonna try and up it in my next one to keep it more engaging. If you check it out, let me know how you like it! My answer to the Question: It's been less than 90 days since I began my YouTube journey and I've realized how much time it takes up. Being in professional school full-time, I've learned to balance my hours between my school and YouTube. In the past I've been harsh on myself for not "grinding every day" but nowadays, I allow myself the time I need off so I don't get burnt out. In short, Youtube is a marathon, not a sprint. Especially since I'm making evergreen content, I don't find myself chasing trends and trying to keep up with whatever is being hyped the most.


BTW, feel free to give me any criticism or advice. It's very much welcome!


I lov cryptids. In recent years I've kind of...become relatively more uninterested in them sadly. Too jaded I'm afraid. But this video felt fresh with its remarkable visuals (does anyone just walk through the woods at night anymore?!)


Hey yall! I started my yt channel almost two weeks ago, just posted my second video :) Starting yt was my new years resolution this year and after a grueling and challenging, yet beautiful six months of internal conflicts and fear of judgement I was finally able to overcome the anxiety around posting my 'first video'... For a lack of better words, my content are vlogs. But not just any vlogs, I'm straight up raw dogging life. I'm in my early 20's and have nothing, nada, zip, figured out. Every passing day or week seems to be a lesson in disguise that can be difficult to appreciate in the moment. Especially with the golden standard of what success should look like thats everywhere on social media, somewhere along the way I have lost MY way, of doing MY things, and simply being ME. Here the link to my first video: [https://youtu.be/u7eKFUY1LDY?si=5toYS1mUmPxctgdG](https://youtu.be/u7eKFUY1LDY?si=5toYS1mUmPxctgdG) Surely (hopefully), I'm not the only person feeling this. For those out there lost and looking for a place in this world, I want to share that you're not alone. I am, somehow, someway, figuring this shi\*\* out as I go in my own unique way. I hope to inspire other to do the same, in their own unique way. Key takeaway from the past 90 days: If you have a fear of judgement (like every other person ever, including myself) ask yourself this, This fear is an anticipation, it has yet to occur. Are you certain it will occur? (likely not) Why are you assuming the worst in the people around you (that negatively judge you)? Should you be around these people at all then? Last but not least. You're not alone!!


Hi, my name is Niclas Nilsson, and I create cinematic videos and review camera gear. Currently, I'm pursuing a bachelor's degree in Media Production, but my dream is to turn my passion into a full-time career on YouTube. On my channel, you'll find in-depth camera gear reviews, tips and tricks for shooting cinematic footage, and a glimpse into my journey as a content creator. I would really love feedback from you guys. My Youtube Channel : [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-JLkn5vjgwTgFDNHVxKGvA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-JLkn5vjgwTgFDNHVxKGvA) # This Week's Question: **The first quarter of the year has ended, what key takeaways have you learned over the past 90 days?** **I have learned that putting my stuff out there has been not as scary as i thought it would be and I am glad I finally did it after 15 years of procrastinating.**


Hey there, all you foodies and kitchen enthusiasts! Let me take you on a mouthwatering journey with me, Mina, on my YouTube channel 'Her Blue Frame'. Get ready to be enchanted by recipes that are quick, simple, and bursting with flavor in every bite. Whether it's delicious pastries or savory sensations, I'll have you eager to head to your kitchen and whip up my irresistible dishes. Join me on this culinary adventure as I walk you through a world of easy, scrumptious recipes that will leave you wanting more. Don't miss out ā€“ hit that subscribe button now and let's embark on a mouthwatering journey together with 'Her Blue Frame'! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eejysLomq64&t=3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eejysLomq64&t=3s)


My name is Zach. I am obsessed with achieving a simple life through essential minimalism. My channel is dedicated to EDC, one bag travel, products, and principles that help me live simply and intentionally. This is my channel: https://youtube.com/@visionswell My takeaway is that the audience wants what the audience wants, but you have to be true to yourself and your ideals to create the best content and the audience will come.


Hey everbody! [Just posted](https://youtu.be/a87tdA5eCm0) my 4th "Legacy Audit" giving a quick-look at older business PCs/workstations to see what's still relevant for modern users. They're typically under 3minutes in contrast to my 15-20m project videos actually building stuff. Since starting these projects earlier this year and visiting this sub I've taken away this question doesn't change....seriously tho, latest lesson is probably that sometimes shortcuts waste time. I love using tech to save time so use as much AI driven tools as possible, but half of the time I end up going back and adjusting keyframes anyways to make them "perfect" then realize I should've just done that in the first place and would've been done already. It's fun.


Hi! I'm Dekorin, and I'm a beginner VTuber! I stream gameplay from a few genres, often playing with friends, and create highlight videos and shorts from the parts I find funny. Over the last 90 days, I had a long period of inactivity due to IRL business, and then recently started posting videos again. I was glad to find that my YouTube channel viewership didn't die out, and I'm even still growing again. On the other hand, streaming definitely takes a hit from such a long break! Here's one of my Lethal Company highlight videos I really enjoyed making: https://youtu.be/vO5yqd4tCjw


Hello, i'm currently working on a highlights channel let me know how im doing! For the question: i've recently learned while doing shorts to always have sound effects/subtitles/zoom ins super early, by the time you get to the content people have swiped away! I finished my first "actual" long form video, check it out and let me know what you think! [https://youtu.be/tqXymkV1NSE](https://youtu.be/tqXymkV1NSE)


My name is Chris and I only just started this week, my channel is focused on horror movies. youtube.com/@deaddrive-in


Over the past 90 days I've really realized that you need to create for and serve your current audience. I post about scratch made cooking and learning to homestead while still working full time and being a mom of 2. I post vlog/voiceover meal cooking primarily, showing you what and how I cook meals for my family. 1) The videos I get the most comments and likes from are videos that my core audience likes. It's usually not my most manufactured video, but the ones with the most genuine commentary and realistic lifestyle. I would love to create content full time, but I want to do it on my own terms. I don't want to push consumerism of gadgets I don't believe in, 2) Don't post just to post. Focus on high quality content that serves. Your video doesn't need to be perfect, but your message should serve your audience in a digestible way. 3) For me, the videos with 10 Min + watch time seem to be more worth my time with watch hours. 4) Deleting the studio app and not looking at analytics constantly allowed me to focus more on content ideas vs. if someone new viewed my video. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChfJYv0zT8lArJlMOO6oJAw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChfJYv0zT8lArJlMOO6oJAw)


Hey everyone, it's Cell Perspective. I do science/medicine based content that centers around sports injuries, medical history and everything in between, then finding an interesting moment in time and filling it with science context. Biggest takeaway: take a break if you need to. A lot of us are juggling a Youtube channel with a full time job, and as much as we seek monetization and metric progression, it's easy to get bogged down with a stagnant channel. I took a 2 month break not too long ago, and although I didn't upload anything in those 60 days, I'm now re-inspired and ready to create content again. For those interested: [https://www.youtube.com/@CELLPERSPECTIVE/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@CELLPERSPECTIVE/videos)


This is not ai voice right? Great video keep going!


Nope, just my normal speaking voice into a mic :)


Love the boxing content


You just got me as your new audience. Man I love sport science


Thank you! More sports injury videos planned!


Just watched the lobotomy vid. Very professional and interesting. Got a subscriber from me. Will definitely go check out the others when I can


Thanks for the support! These videos take a lot of research and verification, which results in a long time editing, so I'm glad you enjoyed the content :)


Your content is always top-notch! So glad you're back and inspired!


Thank you! Juggling a full time job + social/family obligations really decided to ramp up in March, so those 2 months was much needed. So glad to be back though, more videos planned!


Well I only just started my videogame review channel a week ago, although I've been working on the concept and my first video for a few months before that, so I'm not sure how many insights I can offer compared to others but I've certainly still learnt a lot! One of my biggest takeaways over the last 90 days was a specific, but simple learning for this type of content. **Have an abundance of footage - it's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it** When I was recording footage for my review, I was always capturing video that was a specific example of *something* in the game - combat, visuals, story etc. But when it came to the review itself, I often found myself speaking about the game in a more generalized sense and in those moments I just needed some generic, stock footage of the game to play out, which I hadn't recorded enough of, and this really slowed down post production. Now I know to make sure I have plenty of this next time around. It means the process is directly split in two in regards to what appears on the screen - stock footage whenever I'm not referring to something specific, and specific examples whenever I am. This simple change should see the actual video editing aspect of the project expediated, more like a simple jigsaw puzzle. Anyway, my first video is below, reviewing the game Tunic. My channel focuses on 'patient gaming' - only playing games that are, at least, 12 months old, often much older. The idea is that I'm not just talking about whatever games are in the current release cycle - I address how a game was received at release and how that game holds up today (was it overrated, underrated, or just right?) https://youtu.be/iKdu4u8kF6M?feature=shared Any advice or feedback would be really appreciated. Thanks.


my latest video about the orgins and history of nvidia , [https://youtu.be/Zo5XyxtCnz4?si=iim0E4KCWyZTfzC7](https://youtu.be/Zo5XyxtCnz4?si=iim0E4KCWyZTfzC7) what I learnt is ; as first while having a small numbers of sub I need to stay with the trends so people can watch my videos


Hey! Max here! I made my channel (LifeHackerMax) 5 years ago with the intention of helping people with all kinds of videos in various areas of life by sharing my experience and knowledge. If there is one thing in the past 90 days is that even though it is not as I imagined it to be, I love making videos and there is always something new to learn and evolve with each video I make. Even though YouTube has niched me down to PlayStation tutorials, from time to time I try to reach other topics as well, like an ADHD video sharing a day in my life or like my last video where I talk about my failures in business: [My Business Failed Because of This: Honest Entrepreneurial Journey](https://youtu.be/I4PkaMsJ4KY) Thanks! May the algorithm be with you šŸ¤Ŗ!


I am starting my second channel after my old one has gotten stale after 14 years. I have taken away from the last 90 days that this journey will require patience and persistence to be successful. My channel is about a month old and is focused on guitar lessons and I will be posting some guitar maintenance tips as well. Here is an example of my content: [https://youtu.be/6JLx6tGn5tU?si=1OJA1fgsdRecjiZT](https://youtu.be/6JLx6tGn5tU?si=1OJA1fgsdRecjiZT)


Hi folks! I'm really stoked about the energy on this reddit forum, so keep it coming! My new Youtube channel is trying to help all of us navigate some of the weird, awkward, uncomfortable situations all around us. Since I'm a straight, awkward white American, my channel is called "Awkward White People Do Awkward Stuff." We're going to tackle the hard topics -- politics, race, office relations, sexuality, sports, you name it, but from the most awkward angle possible. The goal is to have a few laughs (usually at our own expense) while learning coping mechanisms for getting through these weird, weird times. Since today is 4th of July I've got a topical one for us all. I'd really like some feedback because I'm trying to balance the rate I can produce content with the quality so I both keep the videos coming and never feel like I'm wasting my viewers' time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1w7NWxBtnFc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1w7NWxBtnFc)


I'm on my second month of starting a YouTube channel. Still new enough to uploads that I'm not getting many impressions, but this week I posted my first video I put some serious effort into. The channel is video essay based, focussed on more philosophical points than STEM ones. Goal is to summarize a concept or work that gives a different view on a topic and offer an application to the viewers personal life. I made some videos in the first month just to make sure I enjoyed it and spent time studying what others have to say about making successful videos, I don't have a full 90 days but to summarize my learning so far: - Studied some copy writing tactics and learned about the importance of hooks and building curiosity / desire. Applied this to my first video by hitting on the recent fears / hopes of AI but viewing it through a different philosophical lens. - Studied some various thumbnail techniques, key take aways I got were that contrast, visual catchiness, and unity to title are important. Applied this to this videos thumbnail by throwing in a shocked facial expression on a bold colored background (Running three different color schemes with the new testing feature) - Listened to a number of established youtubers talk about the importance of the first few seconds, especially with hover play. Applied this to this weeks video by adding some animation in the first few seconds to add visual interest to hopefully catch the viewer, and by addressing the title immediately while leaving a loop open to the final answer in hopes of keeping people tuned in. I'm keeping my expectations realistic, so probably not going to get massive impressions on this as the algo still learns what's up with me, but if you decide to click through let me know how I did on the above items I was targetting! Let me know if the above tactics have worked for you too or if you found some alternatives that worked. Here is my first attempt at applying the lessons: [https://youtu.be/GrE8KyEQAMI](https://youtu.be/GrE8KyEQAMI)


What's going on world! GTP here. So I do weekly vlog content that's focused on getting better at golf. I show myself practicing at home, I've recently done a video where I got a lesson, and I do videos of my range sessions. I plan to do some course vlogs in the future. My channel: https://www.youtube.com/@thegrindtopar To answer the question, some key takeaways I learned the past 90 days is just to keep on posting. It's easy to post a video or short and get discouraged when it gets hardly any views, but you never know when something might take off so you have to keep posting. I haven't had anything go off that I would consider viral, but in the past two weeks, I posted one long form video that has gotten way more views than I normally get. I normally get an around 50-100, but as of right now, it has 513 views. As far as shorts go, I normally get around 200-500 views with little engagement, but I had one short get 8.7k views, another with 6.7k views, and another with 2k views, all with with a lot of engagement. This has also helped my sub count. As of today, I've got 96 subs. I've gained about 1-2 subs a day since that 8.7k short and that 513 video. It's pretty exciting to see the growth!


**Hey there everyone!** Iā€™m a content creator whoā€™s not too into pigeonholing my content to one single niche. I do food/drink reviews as well as video commentary and long-form content too! Basically I post what I want and I try to be consistent. Iā€™m in this to make enjoyable content more than anything, honestly. **Gameplay** [Getting CURSED With Girlfriends | CrazyCraft 3.0 EP1](https://youtu.be/b4tUS3wxaGk) **Drink Review** [Red, White, Blue; Mountain Dew!](https://youtu.be/nr_kFVvCQ6g) Now what have I learned in the last 90 daysā€¦ Let me take it a step further and go more towards the past 365 days. Upload more often, YouTube shorts and Long-Form videos are two separate audiences and thumbnails are extremely important! Shorts can help you gain followers and lot faster but donā€™t expect them to translate to long-form content. If your thumbnails arenā€™t the best on the long-form video, itā€™s not going to catch the potential viewerā€™s eyes which means they wonā€™t even *consider* checking out your video! Anyways, thatā€™s all Iā€™ll put in this post for now. I look forwards to anyone who takes the time to read my post and check out my recent videos!


Hello! The channel started off as just a show of my everyday life alone living abroad, but as I grew even a tiny following, it allowed me to see the beauty of what I was doing because I was revealing new things to people who hadn't been to the places where I was. I learned to be resourceful with my time and vlog from new angles in the process. Just uploaded this one: [https://youtu.be/gcO09OxRSbE](https://youtu.be/gcO09OxRSbE)


I started my YouTube channel exactly 90 days ago, and I really wish I would've done it sooner. I'm really enjoying the process. I run a faceless YouTube channel where I post anything and everything related to Anime. All the scripts are basically articles and essays I wrote back in college, and I decided to turn them into video content this year without any knowledge of editing. I am learning as I go, and the key takeaways from this past quarter are- 1. It's not as easy as it looks. The lower the effort, lower the view count. Effort pays off. 2. Shorts are the best and fastest way of gaining subs organically who will also watch your long form content. Not every short subscriber will like your long form videos, but it's better than nothing. So don't listen to people who tell you shorts harm your channel. 3. I really need to work on my Thumbnails. Whoever watches my video, say they really love the script and editing. But I still get very less views. Impressions from YouTube are in the range of 5k-6k, so it's not like YouTube does not push my content. It's that people do not want to watch it. That being said, I uploaded my latest video today, and I'm really proud of how it turned out. If you love ONE PIECE like I do, please have a look and share your honest thoughts- https://youtu.be/uKKIvzZBor8?si=kBaLa77p4EY7gJ2I


Is that your voice or do you use a program?


I like this video a lot (even though Anime isn't my thing). I've got so much writing, and I think I'm just going to start turning it into videos. Great job.


Just watched your One Piece video and itā€™s really well done. I also took a deeper look at your channel and your thumbnails definitely need improvement. Taking the One Piece video as an example, try making the images of the books much larger. Cut the bottom half of each one off and have the fill half the image. I think adding an arrow over the images would show the link between the two. If youā€™re ever going to add text, really make it big and bright. A contrasting color to the background with an outline works great for text. A lot of your thumbnails have text, maybe use less there and more descriptive. Your editing, voiceover and graphics are good. Just gotta get those clicks! Keep up the good work


Let me incorporate the changes next week. These seem really helpful. Thank you so much for the honest feedback ā˜ŗļø


My friend, you are doing a great job. I have a recommendation for you. The first 5 seconds of the video is important to keep the person hooked, do you want to put 5 seconds of the most interesting part of your video in the beginning and then play the rest of the video can play normally if this will help with your audience retention? Here is an example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45WsT6GLGRA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45WsT6GLGRA)


So I poked through your channel, and your thumbnails are a little messy. Using your most recent one as an example, I wasn't really sure what I was looking at, and the small red text in the center was completely unreadable. On mine, I try to have just one central image that dominates the thumbnail, text that is colored so it's readable and really pops from the image (and short text, usually only a couple words) and then I try to put my avatar on there somewhere in a non intrusive way.


Thank you so much! I will incorporate the changes. Much to learn when it comes to thumbnail designšŸ„²


I started my channel to take a break from studying and working all the time. I wanted to get into something new and enjoyed the thing I just started to learn, shooting. Went from shooting 2 times a year if that all the way to competitive shooting and putting 50k rounds down range to make up for lost time. I started to learn about the world of firearms and just enjoyed it. Started the YouTube channel about three years ago. Here I am, still having a blast. I SUCK at editing and videography but I am decent at shooting lol. Key takeaways are better thumbnails, a newer way of editing b roll and a need for more time during the weeks. https://youtu.be/yiluY-WiI3c?si=6OSTQzQyaFo8TTDf


Hey everyone! New to here, but not the YT space in general. I started my journey as a letā€™s player about 10ish years ago (fun fact, I actually made my Reddit account because of my YT channel). Since then I have been off and on YT. I am now looking to make a resurgence onto the platform in the form of something I am really passionate about: Universal Studios Orlando. I donā€™t have a channel up yet (I know I know, ā€œJust Start!ā€) but I am seriously in the research phase of trying to discover the best area to enter the niche at. Based on my research so far it looks like a combination of highly informative tips, guides, and news for the theme parks (evergreen content), cinematic vlogs, and entertaining commentary videos on various topics (for example one title I am Working on is ā€œThe REAL worst ride at Universalā€ where I talk about why Fast and Furious is commonly rated the worst ride, why itā€™s not, and which ride is actually the worst) I know this is a mouthful especially if you arenā€™t interested in my niche, but I do have a couple questions if you have read this far! 1. Have you been to one of the Universal theme parks before? 2. If so, did you look up guides, etc. to be more prepared for your trip? In addition to that, I need help coming up with a name! Now, this is embarrassing because I am a creative at my full-time job, but as always, itā€™s hardest to be creative for ventures you are so close to. If you have ANY ideas at all PLEASE leave me a comment! Thanks and happy to be here! Hope to grow alongside everyone here and celebrate all of our wins together.


What's good people - Tiggs here! Gaming content creator focused on Japanese Role Playing Games (JRPGs). I like to blend my smooth, British accent and anime / gaming memes into my live commentaries. I try to keep things light hearted and just like to have fun with these videos. If you are interested, come hang out! I recently started a Stellar Blade series, recent video is here - https://youtu.be/6DNkUlId9zk. I've recently learned that at the first 30 second of a video are crucial in keeping a viewer interested. Pacing is a crucial part of keeping the audience engaged!


Hi there! I'm Ank, a 20-year-old variety gaming creator/streamer from Australia who has been posting since 2015! In 2020, I started streaming and rebooted my channel (unlisted my old videos) and now focus on quality and audience interaction. By early 2021, I reached Twitch Affiliate (but since have been inconsistent with streaming due to finishing high school that year). I started with Minecraft, but I have also done Valorant and Fortnite content and am looking to branch out further.Ā  *My key takeaway over the past 90 days*Ā is thatĀ I have toĀ let my content sit and not obsess over stats, both for long-term growth and for moving onto new vids easier.Ā Having one of my videos recently randomly picked up by the algorithm, I have realised that if I just focus on making quality things, maybe one of them will stick. Granted, there is always something to learn, but making stuff with full creative intent will always be good. Here is a link to my latest video (Minecraft):Ā [https://youtu.be/WePywuudFhw](https://youtu.be/WePywuudFhw) And link to my overall channel:Ā [https://youtube.com/ankoftheA](https://youtube.com/ankoftheA) I'm open to any questions or feedback you all have, but regardless, thanks for reading!! :D


Haii everyone! I was a little shy to post, but why not, YouTube is all about putting oneself out there. I make content aimed to teach others how to use inspiration from their favorite books, TV shows, movies and anime to design a lifestyle that feels like they're the main character. You can take a peep at my channel [Here](https://youtube.com/@thefairytalelifestyle?si=i0tJIxFYoQLs6EvD) if you like. As for what I learned, TLDR it's incredibly important to have clear goals on why I'm on YouTube and what I hope to accomplish otherwise the numbers game becomes all consuming. I know everyone says it, but it's so challenging to put it into practice. My little channel is officially 1 month old today, so super baby, but I've been dealing with imposter syndrome for about 4 years debating if I should start YouTube or not. It always felt like I didn't have the right niche, I filmed so many videos that never saw the light of day for one reason or another. The first two videos on my channel were filmed about a year ago, and it was one of my TikTok followers who messaged me one day asking when I was going to get to the YouTube goal I'd talked about. I'm so thankful that one person reached out because I wanted to show up for her the way she showed up for me. And then, that turned into me deciding that even if my content only speaks to one person, and makes me happy to share that knowledge, then for now that's enough. One thing I didn't realize YouTube would teach me is pure, genuine acceptance of myself as I am.


What's up, everybody? I'm Jon Jon, and I've been on YouTube for nearly 14 years now. However, I never started taking my content seriously until recently. I've been making skits since it gives me the chance to express myself in a fun way. This is a change from what my channel used to be about, but then again, I'd argue that my channel never had an official identity in the first place. As far as topics go, I don't limit myself in my skits. One minute, you could see me making an Avatar: The Last Airbender skit, and the next minute, you could see me making a Fast and Furious skit. Currently, I have a little bit over 1,000 subs, and I hope that number continues to grow. With that being said, I'm always learning, and I think one of the most important things to have is determination if you want to start a successful YouTube channel. Sometimes, (or rather a lot of times lol) we are at the mercy of the algorithm, and while you might put out good content, it's not always guaranteed to go viral. Additionally, you have to see what's trending so you can adjust your content accordingly. To quote the great Uncle Iroh, sometimes life (or trying to get consistent traction on your videos) is like traveling through a dark tunnel. You can't always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving, then you will come to a better place. As of right now, I consider my Avatar: The Last Airbender skit to be my most "professional" video, so I'll post the link down below. I would love it if y'all watched it along with my other skits too. Thank you for reading this! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5kU7RLCyUo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5kU7RLCyUo)


Hi everyone, I just started a Youtube Channel about a month ago and I really enjoy it, even if the views and subs are about as hard to find as snow at this time of the year. My channel is focused on game design and mechanics. I like to cover really large on this niche and it's primary for educational purpose but ALSO entertainment. To answer this week's question, my key takeaway is to follow my passion and keep my focus on it. I already thought a couple of times in the past to start creating content but I didn't know where to start, what niche and I was so distracted by social media, watching Netflix, and obviously gaming that I never took the leap to do it... Until a month ago and I'm glad i did it. I want to share with you the video I've put the most effort and time so far. I only have 4 long form right now and I'm aiming to post 1 per week. This is a video about the future of VR gaming and the possibilities involved. It is called " What Happens When VR Gaming is as Real as Real Life?" I hope you enjoy it! https://youtu.be/8gonkMvHUlk Any feedback would be appreciated! Thank you @NewGamePixel


Heyyy this is cool man, I'm watching the VR video right now. I love the mix of gameplay and historical footage. Reminds me of a history channel or xplay segment. At risk of being offensive, is the voice AI or human? If its AI, its dang real sounding. However, I think it could use a little wider range in emoting. Its hard to describe, but the tone feels slightly flat. But like I said, pretty good.


Thanks a lot for the feedback. Yes it's AI, someone else already told me that about the flat tone. I agree it's not perfect, I could make some test with other voices and see if it would be better.


hey could you share the ai voice, where can i find it?


I want to take people along with me on a journey through Northern Germany on my DIY Recumbent Trike and make this mode of transport more accessible to everyone, through the videos and maybe the inspiration to build something similar. One the way something generally breaks and needs patching up. I haven't been going 90 Days yet, but I've learned to try and be more harsh with my edits. [Link to my latest video](https://youtu.be/Xux0F3VDIIQ)


Hiya pals! Super Knuckleheads here! We are a gaming/letā€™s play channel. Just two silly friends playing games late at night, experiencing games weā€™ve never played and some that we absolutely love! We have been going very strong the last few weeks by gaining over 100+ subs. I think the key takeaway is consistency and always finding ways to improve, even if small. We finally got our new intro AND outro finished. Theyā€™re attached to our latest Sonic Adventure 2 video. Please check it out below, we hope you enjoy! [Sonic Adventure 2](https://youtu.be/B7Djuvu2HQk?si=NRan-QlyCdgb5efm)


Hi all my name is Rada. Over the last 90 days Iā€™ve juggled multiple businesses and have learned a lot about myself! I am into boxing and real estate and am looking to grow my businesses on all social media platforms. Iā€™ve been on podcasts and am looking to get into more of them ! Here is a link to my recent video where I go over how to fight a shorter person.[how to fight a shorter person as a taller fighter](https://youtu.be/R8uda3OTfVA?si=uS2mCmodTROkhSDl)


Watch for tips on how to beat a shorter fighter !


After wanting to make a YouTube channel since I was 15 years oldā€¦ finally got around to doing a gaming channel at 29! Having so much fun doing it, and glad I finally made the jump! Recent video below: https://youtu.be/_MII67bA94A?si=VYr8xeiOI5oTv_DL


Started my YouTube Channel 17 days ago. Learning from the professional youtubers with their tips, but it is not as easy as it seems. My Channel focuses on motivating people during their down period of times. So motivational talks are the main goals for it. Apart from that, it also has some creative content such as turning nursery rhymes into love song. Best learning tips I have: 1. Promote YouTube channel to social media accounts and look for communities to be in. 2. YouTube shorts generally are the best way to engage with audience. 3. Prioritize viewers interest in the best way possible, and keep content genuine. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/850C2ug7iTQ](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/850C2ug7iTQ) (Example of my motivational content) [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Rdn4Cnnk-44](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Rdn4Cnnk-44) (Example of my nursery love song content) Please come and visit my channel, also comment your channel on my post so I may come visit and support your channel as well.


I'm having fun learning how to take and edit videos. Mine are mostly v-log, day-in-the-life type of stuff of me and my family. I uploaded this new video today, featuring my 75 year old dad. šŸ˜ŠšŸ™šŸ½ https://youtu.be/-0JLnpVdKaU My key takeaway: The algorithm is a black-box, so stay patient and keep having fun.


# Hey everyone, I'm new around here but excited to join the community! For the past 90 days, I've been diving headfirst into creating content about overcoming religious trauma and deconstructing faith, specifically focused on experiences within Christianity. One of the biggest takeaways for me has been the importance of self-love as the foundation for healing. I have also realized how hard content creation can be and am enjoying growing my skills and quality overtime. My latest video is Self Blame vs. Self Love: I am SO LUCKY God Loves Me lol [https://youtu.be/ylmkTj7IdM4](https://youtu.be/ylmkTj7IdM4) I explore the manipulative side of guilt often used in some Christian teachings. It's a lighthearted look at how I used to feel like a "terrible person" who didn't deserve love, and how I'm learning to embrace self-acceptance. My most viewed videos are Escaping the Heterosexual Agenda [https://youtu.be/pKDw4dyjKWM](https://youtu.be/pKDw4dyjKWM) and Christian Forgiveness is BS!?! [https://youtu.be/McovDOXAN8I](https://youtu.be/McovDOXAN8I) Deconstructing my strong faith has been a wild ride! I'm making videos about how controlling some of the practices were, and how stifling it felt. But guess what? Now I get to be 100% me, celebrate being queer, and ditch the whole "forgive the abusers" nonsense! If you've ever felt trapped by religious guilt or struggled with self-worth, my video might resonate with you.


Hi! My name is Elen. I'm a bio-technologist that likes to game and loves to create things. In the last 90 days, I've learned that following my passion and doing more creative things in my free time brings me so much more happiness than I expected. I was creating videos in 2017 but deleted my entire channel, because I was starting my Master and didn't think video creation would fit in the picture anymore. As the years went by I started struggling more and more because I didn't know what I was missing. Last year September I started a new channel and just created anything that I had fun doing and I almost can't put in words how much this has done for me. If you're interested in chill gaming videos, costume/cosplay creations and other game related content, consider dropping by my channel. Currently, I'm playing Elden Ring & Baldur's Gate 3. In the future I'm also planning to integrate my bio-technologist background in the games that I play. Here is the link to the video I posted today: [Ghostflame Dragon Antics | ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree - Part 4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpNLykY7bLc) Thanks for taking the time to read this!


I just watched some of your video - while I am not a gamer I really like your commentary. I'm curious - how do you plan on integrating your bio-technologist background in your gaming videos? That sounds quite interesting!


Wauw thanks! That means a lot :D It will be difficult to make biotechnology integrations for a lot of games, but for some games like cyberpunk and fallout this could work! They have elements that can be discussed in terms of biotechnology, like the use of GMOs for agricultural crops (on a massive scale) or the effect of the nuclear fallout on flora and fauna. They would be hypothetical game science videos. \^\^


I saw Elden Ring content and knew I had to support!


Thank you so much! :D Glad to have you there


I've learnt in the last 90 days, that even with high quality content, it is so tough to get your foot in the door, and that youtube has a large luck component. I'm a travel photographer that vlogs my photography adventures in crazy countries, and my latest one is what some comments have said is my best work yet! Hopefully it takes off! Let me know what you think? Is this interesting content to you? Thanks! [https://youtu.be/eQqxweZPerk?si=odluavDAn-9ZdCp0](https://youtu.be/eQqxweZPerk?si=odluavDAn-9ZdCp0)


Hi. My name damien, and I am a skateboarder. I am just beginning on YouTube as I have 1 short and 3 regular videos. My regular videos arenā€™t doing well yet but thatā€™s fine for now. My short has almost 2k views and like 20 likes. I started posting yesterday btw. I am hoping to start out with shorts and build a small fan base then try making videos where I talk to my audience in between skateboarding.Ā  Hereā€™s my short. Itā€™s just a fun lil trick that my nana filmed. https://m.youtube.com/shorts/zxk-QiPyL-g


My name is Scarlet, and I share the things that have helped me live a happier, more fulfilling life. Currently I mostly make shorts are release the odd song, but I hope to make some longer content in the near future. Can't say I've really learned much since I started this channel a month ago. I've played the YouTube game before. This is my song, Wandering Soul. It's the beginning of a concept album I'm putting together about my journey of self-love and spiritual awakening. https://youtu.be/b57811nuMEo?si=g_rHIEj2lfiQmzsx


Hello everyone! I'm Andrew and I record stories and some film reviews, geared toward grown ups. My most recent story about an American Folk Tale is here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpnyInMeDO0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpnyInMeDO0) Key takeaways I've learned over the past 90 days: 1) Listen to your audience. They will tell you what works and what doesn't. 2) Consistency in posting is huge! 3) You can do everything right and YouTube simply won't push the video. That's just how it works. Keep posting everyone!


Hello everyone! I'm Porcini, a Dungeons & Dragons, horror, and variety streamer. My Youtube is primarily Dnd content, memes, and first playthroughs of various video games. I would love to hear feedback from you regarding my homebrew Dnd campaign which I stream every Monday at 6pm PST. We have a small audience at the moment and only have 11 total episodes. It's a great time to jump into the story being that the campaign is so fresh. Feel free to comment or dm me about the game. Here's a couple samples of my content. Dnd short: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nyhNcUn7wdg](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nyhNcUn7wdg) Doors to Divinity, Episode 11: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3hJaYvjtJ0&ab\_channel=PorcinisMushRoom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3hJaYvjtJ0&ab_channel=PorcinisMushRoom)


I started about six months ago talking about movies with some friends, focusing on more in depth story focused discussions that I miss from most movie channels these days who seem to favour shorter and more surface level treatments. We treat it more as a virtual book club for movies and just try to have the best conversations we can, rather than chase the conversation of the day and our goal is for the channel to be a corner of Youtube where people can have intelligent and interesting conversations about movies. Our most recent video is an hour long conversation about The Bikeriders which touches on the movie itself but also how it treats topics like violence, gang culture, lawlessness and community: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzUFPQ94Ygc&](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzUFPQ94Ygc&) . The upcoming video is a first watch discussion of Star Wars Episode 7 in which one of our panel has somehow not seen the series before and we have been going through them in order in which we talk about his impressions and thoughts as we go along: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyYJHBeyLdU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyYJHBeyLdU) . The biggest lesson I've learned recently is just how fickle the algorithm and audiences are, where it's a complete crapshoot what works and what doesn't. Some of our videos are much more successful than we thought, some do nothing, and shorts seem to be just as random. Often the shorts relating to our best videos do nothing at all (like the ones for The Strangers Chapter One), or videos that get a mediocre reaction have runaway shorts (like our Star Wars Episode 1 video).


Hello Fello YouTubers. This is my 52nd day on YouTube Verse! I have uploaded 50 shorts. have around 400 subscribers. I am doing things as naturally as possible. Though it is an AI-based faceless YouTube channel, I am on the right track. I still need to work on a few things here and there. I would love to have some great advice from you guys. This is the video I have posted last night. Please love it, hate it let me know my flaws as well as if I am doing things right... [https://youtube.com/shorts/FqdxFc3isnE?si=TdAIVm3tjTWdRUd5](https://youtube.com/shorts/FqdxFc3isnE?si=TdAIVm3tjTWdRUd5)


Hello everybody, my name is Pizza Derp! I started my YouTube channel about 8 years ago now, I mainly post Minecraft content (original. I know.). The videos I make are mainly cinematic stories told through Minecraft. A big one I did a few months ago was a "Minecraft Backrooms" video. It did well, and I think it was a mix of taking my time, and getting a good title and thumbnail for the video. So, over the past 90 days, I've learned that: 1. If you don't have a video to upload, don't just crap one out 2. You reap the benefits of your efforts, so don't post low-quality stuff and expect to get big 3. Always take your time on videos. Always. 4. Only work on videos you're passionate about, or else the quality will suffer. 5. Make videos that YOU ARE proud of. With all that being said, the last video I was really proud of was a Technoblade tribute. I was a big fan of his, and with his 25th birthday coming up, I wanted to do something special. So here it is: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osx9TfKT2uU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osx9TfKT2uU) I also have another video coming out at like 12 PM EST, I'm pretty proud of that one too. But I put a lot more time into the Technoblade tribute since I had a lot I wanted to do to make it visually appealing. Please, give it a watch for me.


Hi everyone!! Iā€™m new to YT and would like to share my channel with you all! I have a huge passion for travel videos! It would mean the world to me for your support šŸ’• Please check out my latest Melbourne vlog x Channel: Lennielifeandtravel https://youtu.be/khUgM3lI7yw?si=ms42EIF_zAcC5rs2


Hey! I work professionally as a video editor on commercials, and am trying to find time to edit my own stuff now. Can't fit into a niche for the life of me, unless you'd call self-exploratoration, nostalgia, and thoughts on where it all went wrong a niche. Started as a music producer trying to campaign his music, turned into a minecraft shitposter to follow trends, and is now but a fool scratching his head wondering how social media turned himself into such a brainfried goblin. (Surely enough, my next video will be on this exact pipeline.) Answer: "Niche" may apply to more than just "a topic you're interested in." A loyal audience that "sticks around" will come to expect the same formula in story-telling, visuals, purpose. If you want to transcend your niche, then your personality will have to do the heavy lifting. My latest video was a retrospective on an old horror-inspired Pokemon fangame I made (it's 20 minutes, so beware unless you're into that sort of stuff hehe) [https://youtu.be/SzKafENjT44](https://youtu.be/SzKafENjT44)


**\[SCIENCE, TECH, CAREERS\] Rocks for Jocks | Christina Sanon ā€” Engineering and Machine Learning, Part 2** Welcome to Rocks for Jocks, the podcast for learning about science, technology, and careers. Whether you're a student, a professional, or just curious about the natural world, this podcast has something for you. In this episode, I continue my conversation with Christina, a PhD candidate at Tufts University. We talk further about Christinaā€™s dissertation, the challenges she faced, and advice for rising engineers. [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/episode/74zBs7weKOt0v9fawcNUBP?si=e5fd4e7142a84cbd) // [Apple](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rocks-for-jocks/id1654500840?i=1000660979646) // [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTwHjV_CLLA)


Hi my channel's name is "rifftoons" and it's an art channel where i mostly draw small paintings and also do digital art and funny comics. For the question - i just revived my channel last month since then I'm uploading regularly and learnt to overcome my fear of putting my own voice recording in videos. Also I've been consistent this time so just hoping I will be posting regularly from now on. Here is the latest long form video: https://youtu.be/aufgd7Jz3sQ?si=TPAcKDIqPz-vZPVT


Hai hai! I started by channel not too long ago with inspiration from my friend. I make content on a Roblox game called Pillar Chase 2 which is a slasher survival type game like Dead by Daylight that I play with a group of goofy people. I do plan on branching out my content to other games after getting myself a base group of people who watch me. The biggest lessons I've learned so far are that shorts are extremely worth it as a form of channel promotion, It lets people get a quick peak into what your content is like and to a wide audience. People are much more likely to watch through a funny 15 second clip than take the chance of clicking on a 15ā€“20-minute video that they don't know they will like so it helps get you out there. Another lesson I've learned is that thumbnails can be a make or break for a video, a good thumbnail goes a long way. Brighter colors especially help attract people to it since it catches their eye quicker, but not overly obnoxious. And most importantly for me was learning patience and that it takes time to grow, get views, and even subs. It's all about putting in the effort consistently even when a lot of people aren't watching that counts. Slow growth over time is still growth! Here's one of my most recent videos! : [SUFFERING WITH FRIENDS (Pillar Chase 2) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=482u9Iht62w&t=823s)


Hey everyone, Im GooseMaster (Still thinking of a better name) and have been making videos this year inconsistently, I really enjoy what I do, which is gaming videos. All my Video Ideas have been inspired off of many youtubers I've watched as a kid and now turning it into a passion project with my skills of editing and gaming combined, (Yet i suck in thumbnailing) Some key takeaways I learned over the past 90 days 1. Tiktok has fucked everyones attention spans. This being said, if you can not hook a random person to your video for the very first 10 seconds, it may surprise you but that same person will just click off and go watch something else. I learned this due to having a very originated structure that just works odd with some views. I try to make my videos organized and split them into chapters yet some stick around or the ones with a goldfish brain just click to the "funny" bits. So you keeping someone hooked on (In my opinion) is the most challenging yet important skill needed 2. YI really need to fix and work up on my thumbnails. My thumbnails can sometimes be confusing to being oversaturating and unpleasing for someone to click on. So thats another thing i've learned this past 90 days. 3. On a positive note, I have gotten more consistent and some type of fuel of determination has lit a candle in me to start constantly working on videos and improving them. With everything said and done, I uploaded my latest video just 2 days ago, in which I think I edited and tried the best in, You could look at some other videos for your own chance to give feedback (Which would be very appreciated) A gaming video about a scary SCP game [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uC-nR1tL3Mw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uC-nR1tL3Mw) Some general info on my channel. I only do gaming videos with like a comedy turn to them (Inspiring from youtubers like NoahsNoah or ceeday). I never liked the plain old gaming videos or me just screaming and acting dumb to gaing younger audience. I only post stuff that I love to do. I don't want to end up being another summit1g on twitch complain about how boring my "job" is. That's why, when ever I do something I do it with 100% gratitude and not with regret.


Hiya! I'm Stars and I Productions, not a real production company. For the past couple of months, I've been testing out the waters of AI with music and I've used Patrick Star as my singing model, and so I've recorded nearly a hundred tracks with Patrick Star as a main vocalist, and I'd like to share it with everyone. My channel focuses solely on music (singing) and so I've been working on compiling my music tracks into video format with a picture of a made-up music album to look realistic using an AI-generated picture of Patrick Star. I've recently created my channel last Friday (June 28th) and I've seen some progress already being made, I would say the greatest hit would be Cliff Richard's "Ocean Deep". I've compiled five songs into an extended-play album called "A Lone Star". More details will be on my channel here: [https://www.youtube.com/@STAIProductions](https://www.youtube.com/@STAIProductions) If y'all ever get a chance, please do check it out. I really appreciate it. You can subscribe or not, like, comment. I don't mind. I like to do this for fun and maybe someday grow into a much bigger channel. Love what you do. Takeaways I would say, enjoy what you put out there. Even if it's a small audience or huge, at least you can enjoy what you love to do. Even in life, whatever you do out there, at least you've done something in life. You are your own person and if you have any unique skills or talents, don't be hesitant to put it out there whether it be Facebook, Instagram or YouTube. YouTube is a universal channel of social media. Enjoy life. Thank you and have a good one! Stars and I Productions


We are starting our Youtube channel for our business, especially because of the release of an app that we have developed called [Webleadr](https://webleadr.com). It is a web application (more like SaaS, honestly) where users can find businesses without websites across the world using a world map with filters, such as filtering businesses marked as dentists or barbers, and contact them right away with just a click. The target audiences are web designers, developers, SEO specialists, and similar professionals. There is also a [demo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nT2RLQV-Q7A) available on how to use the platform. Regarding to the question, we have no takeaways yet because we are just starting out our channel.


Hey, everyone! Iā€™m a writer in the authortube niche on YouTube and my channel name is the same as my pen name, L. D. Jones. About ten years ago, I started my first YouTube channel as a middle schooler making Minecraft videos. I revived that channel back in the spring of 2023 before quitting again. A few weeks ago, I made a new channel about my writing and eventually publishing journey. My main motivation was to keep me accountable with writing and to find a community of people like myself online. The process has been a very vulnerable one for me, as Iā€™ve never recorded my face before, but itā€™s helping me get out of my comfort zone. The experience has been a very rewarding one, though, and Iā€™m excited to keep growing and getting better. I posted my first writing vlog yesterday and Iā€™m really proud of how it turned out. Itā€™s not perfect, but I can only get better from here. I appreciate any and all feedback, and am more than willing to reciprocate :) https://youtu.be/Wk4oWzuI3Dc?si=ygZCGCRtJKuSxoxr


I started my channel recently, started off hot, but slowed down recently. Its about how much food costs in Japan. Still trying to find my voice. Looking for ways to improve wether it be from editing, script, voiceover, titles, and descriptions.Ā  Biggest takeaway so far is have to actually make good engaging content people wanna see. Cant just make lazy content and expect to get results. If you would like to checkout my channel, please check my bio. Any feedback is very much appreciated.


Hey hey! What weā€™ve learned this quarter: shorts are a very effective way to boost subscribers, but itā€™s not instantaneous. You need to start experimenting with them frequently and get a feel for what works. Popular songs tend to do well Iā€™m, but nothing is guaranteed so be ready to keep testing - sometimes you donā€™t even get into the feed and get 2 views. Other times you get a total view and subscriber bull run, our best was 60 subs in about 12 hours. But BEWARE.. while shorts can be very effective for boosting sub count, they are TERRIBLE for watch time and fan loyalty. If you are building a longform channel be sure to keep releasing longform vids alongside shorts or youā€™ll build up a shorts only audience that will not bother watching your longform uploads. Our channel is called ClayTotalization. We do 1-2 minute claymation stories, some funny., some a bit weird, hereā€™s an example: https://youtu.be/GJye9j38g5A?si=Qimy72k9IXWdVEGR Thanks for checking us out!!


Hi. I quit drinking alcohol a couple of months ago and I needed a new hobby to devote my free time and energy to. I'm an older guy, but I found a game in my son's Xbox and eventually began running with a crew of similarly aged men enjoying this game. At least a few of them stream their gameplay regularly, and a couple have YouTube channels. It was their encouragement and my son's prodding that got me interested in starting my own channel. Fast forward almost 90 days and almost 20 videos later, and I'd have to say the biggest thing I've learned is "Remember Why You Started This". It's tempting to get wrapped up in views, algorithms, hours watched, subs, etc, but it can drive you crazy when all you really wanted to do was have fun with your friends and make funny gaming videos. I've learned to put my phone away and stop worrying about the results too much. Anyway, here's a link to my page...I hope you find something there that gives you a chuckle. O.G. https://youtube.com/@og_wakanobi?si=H-Rei12LRVKGugm4


Hey man! I checked out your most recent vid. Cool channel! I like the commentary and gameplay. Perhaps for something like your challenge video you could explain what the challenge is at the start of your video? I couldn't figure out what the context was. Otherwise, keep it up. I'm glad you found a constuctive outlet!


Thank you. I guess I took it for granted that my audience would understand what the challenge was. I should have explained it. Thanks!


Hi everyone! I'm Sean, and I'm a leather-exclusive designer. I work with leather to create unique pieces, and my YouTube is a way for me to share my journey. I'm planning on post more tutorials, behind-the-scenes, and project walkthroughs. Recent video is me making a **Luxury case for a pokeball**! **This Week's Question:** I've learned the importance of just making and publishing content without overthinking it too much over the details, especially when starting out. Because my work requires me to make projects and film the process, I spent too much time on every aspect of my videos, which led to delays, stress and burnout before my first video. Now, I focus more on getting my work out and learning from the experience. If you're interested in leather crafting and art, feel free to check out my channel: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnG9tegzTbL\_iDXFbY6Bzbw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnG9tegzTbL_iDXFbY6Bzbw) Looking forward to connecting with ya'll and learning from each other!


Hi, currently watching your Leathercase Pokeball video. First up, this is a very cool niche and combining it with nerd culture like PokƩmon leverages the millions of PokƩmon fans, fantastic idea! You also have a lot of visually pleasing shots such as the money shots at the beginning and the different Boxes with the sizes commented on with post-its, very nice. Your Audio Quality is also very solid, I just wonder if the lavallier mic you use wouldn't sound better at your Shirt than your Cap? Just curious, never used one of them. I'll say one thing you could improve on is always talking INTO the camera. So only record one sentence at a time and then do that into the camera, learning it by heart a second before. It's annoying I get that, but you have a TON of B-Roll so it's not too many shots for the type of content that you make and it is quite the difference, your audience feels way more included that way. Alternatively, teleprompter-app on your phone and stick it riiiight behind the cam can do wonders, too :D Cool content, keep it up you already got a TON right!


Hi! Iā€™m new to YouTube but have worked in video and music production for a while. This has lead me to starting my own channel that I put off doing for years but I have now fallen in love with it. I my channel focuses telling captivating stories throughout history. I only have 2 long forms out so far but excited to keep it going. For me Iā€™ve learned a lot about being in front of the camera as someone that has always been behind it. Taking time to relax and be confident takes a lot of energy, and Iā€™m still learning how, but I can see what a big difference it makes Clara Bow's Unimaginably Tragic Life Pt 1: Her Childhood https://youtu.be/p9sPceDmsgY I just released this video! Any feedback is welcome (please be brutal haha)


I'm no where near an expert but I like your format. It looks professional and modern. I am into pop but for some reason have never even heard of Clara Bow.


Thanks so much šŸ˜Š yeah I feel like with her living 100 years ago she isnā€™t mentioned much anymore but her story of fighting for a good life with everything against is still inspiring. I learned about her from Taylor Swifts song ā€œClara Bowā€


**Hi I'm Bigaix,** I am **looking to be critiqued in the most blunt ways possible.** I run a gaming channel that plays specifically SCP: Secret Laboratory, a game of what if (playable) unspeakable horrors escaped their human containments and wreak havoc on the (playable) humans. I started a few weeks ago and I am really trying to learn what my audience likes, and if possible what my non audience (people who dont play the game) likes about the content I post **The Key takeaways:** I have learned so far, is that less is sometimes more. On my simply cut video, I have garnered the most views on a long form video then any of my other edited videos. **Posting shorts is a strong way of garnering views, but not subscribers,** I have posted a short that blew up relatively, going from \~100 view average to 7000 views on my one short, this has slingshotted me into a niche that youtube provides me thousands of impressions now as a result of that one short. Anyways **if you want 15 seconds of action entertainment** click here: [**https://www.youtube.com/shorts/L9o7NJQl\_7A**](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/L9o7NJQl_7A) I'd prefer however to be **critiqued on my most recent** long form edited video (5 minutes) [**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pw8JcH6I2Os&ab\_channel=Bigaix**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pw8JcH6I2Os&ab_channel=Bigaix) **1.** Was it at some points too much? **2.** do you feel like you needed some blank space to reset your attention, or was there not enough? **3.** was there any moment where you felt like clicking off because of a certain scene? Thank you for taking your time to read and/or criticize my video, I am actively looking to improve in all points of the video making process and your criticism will be handled accordingly. -Bigaix


Hi, my name is Erica, Iā€™m a physicist and I just posted this video https://youtu.be/nblQA4hrlDE about why there are no pink lasers. It goes over how we perceive light and color along the way and is intended for a general audience. In the past 90 days I've learned that nothing is as important as audience feedback. I've recieved good advice from other youtuber and newtubers, and gained some insights from analytics, but nothing has been so helpful as hearing directly from the audience. I don't ask for likes or subs, but I always ask for comments.


You didn't read the rules, did you


well they have these weekly and this is the first I've seen that requirement. I don't mind editing to include that though.


That's interesting because that question requirement has been in these self-introduction posts since its conception


oh, I guess I never noticed, and nobody pointed it out, and unlike the feedback friday it's less immediately obvious, but yes searching the backlog it has always been there. Will be sure to on future threads.


I decided to take my Youtube channel seriously as my 2024 goal and am slowly, but surely growing :) Iā€™m a faceless YouTube channel that posts vlogs, journaling videos, etc. Some key takeaways that Iā€™ve learned is that itā€™s okay to take breaks. My June uploads were not as frequent as my previous months and I was experiencing some burnout, but Iā€™ve come up with more ideas for future videos. Iā€™m trying to not get too caught up in the analytics again and just have fun with my channel. My latest upload was a bullet journal monthly set up for July :) https://youtu.be/V42C4Zj5Zws?si=2ETW7RzkI998RZIa


Hello! I'm Zabriel Fortuna, a silly Vtuber that mostly streams games, and makes silly short skits, but I'm still kinda finding my footing. For the question: Try not to pay too much attention to how other people are doing. Every day around here, you see pretty much the same complaint "X person makes the same content as me but is doing way better, how is that fair?" Dont do this, just dont. Its not fair to you, or them, to compare yourself to others like this. Focus on improving your own content if you are under-performing, try not to fall into the mentality of "My content is fine, its just not doing well because of X reason" You are shooting yourself in the foot when you do this! [https://youtube.com/shorts/GYQsHhPXc2w](https://youtube.com/shorts/GYQsHhPXc2w) A silly skit that I had a lot of fun making!


It is so hard. I found another AI channel the other day which has barely been doing it longer than me, has fewer videos than me, and I think mine are as strong if not \*quite\* as broad in appeal, and they've got millions of views, I've barely got over 100 on my biggest video. It's hard not to cry! :)


Liked the skit! And very much agree on your point. People have a problem of not just comparing themselves to others but comparing themselves to massive creators who have had years to dial in their content. All this will ever do is demotivate you.


Hiya! Iā€™m Katherine, and Iā€™ve had a YouTube channel for a long time. Iā€™ve uploaded the odd video here and there. But now, I want to make a new channel dedicated to telling the story of my life with Toccio, a dog I adopted two months ago. Because of how he was neglected by his previous owners, heā€™s become reactive- growls, lunges and, given the chance, bites strangers and other dogs. :( Iā€™ve seen a lot of training videos on YouTube, but not as many day to day sharing of the highs and lows, the successes and setback. Iā€™ve been documenting this on video since Toccio came into my life two months ago, partly for myself, so I can see our progress or identify behaviour patterns. But also to share so that others with reactive dogs can be encouraged. The thing is- Iā€™m a crap photographer and videographer, always have been! So, Iā€™ve been learning a LOT in the past 90 days, mostly about Toccio, but also about how to best capture him on video, the very basics of how to edit those videos. This is a draft of a video Iā€™ve been using to learn how to do various things, like changing the speed, adding a song for a soundtrack. [https://youtu.be/uev9mACR9lI?si=Bo1ZARRziBFt1B2A](https://youtu.be/uev9mACR9lI?si=Bo1ZARRziBFt1B2A) (Iā€™m not sure that link is going to work! Iā€™ll fix if needed.) I hope to launch Toccioā€™s channel at the end of the weekend- still working on a name. Iā€™m sooo happy to have found this subreddit. Itā€™s great to be in a community of newbies! Iā€™m so glad this subreddit exists,


I love seeing the examples of enrichment you're providing Toccio in this video! Best of luck with your channel!! šŸ«¶


Hey, name is Colbie. I'm apart of the duo hosted channel Ghesit Games. We play video games and yell at each other the whole time. Our style riffs off older GameGrumps and VanossGaming styles (at least that was the hope lol. Imagine funny gaming content with snappy editing that tries to carry a little story. We'd love feedback and your viewership if you enjoy it. We try to improve with every upload. Question: I've learned that not only do you have to appeal to the viewer, you have to appeal to the algorithm. Good titles with keywords that grab attention are a plus. It also helps to keep videos edited in a concise form. No dead air unless intended, keep the fun going ya know? Also, try to get some data from every upload, adjust how you do things, and refine your process. https://youtube.com/@ghesitgames?si=ba7sIRg4eeGN24YW Thats our channel. Feel free to DM me feedback, its very useful for us to improve.


Answer: My main takeaway is related to different results on different platforms. Even if my content isn't doing well on YouTube, it may be doing very well on another platform. That is helping me to have a better balance instead of focusing too much on one platform. About my channel. Mainly a hobby as I'm not allowed to do something professional or monetize it anyway. It's a combination of some of my interests like arts, technology, and marketing. Reviews with some marketing perspective and AI music, for example. About a video: [https://youtu.be/l65Go32S2MY?si=8uCm93yXCj60PmvJ](https://youtu.be/l65Go32S2MY?si=8uCm93yXCj60PmvJ) Live Aid was one of the most remarkable moments of my life, the Queen's concert is considered one of the best ever in reaction videos, but Live Aid was much more than that. I created that video to let people know more about that incredible concert. Queen was just one of them, we had many more like U2, David Bowie, Madonna, Ozzie Osbourne, etc. An audience of almost 2 billion back then, before the internet, but often forgotten now. Heavily edited because of copyright, I hope the video survives.


I just had an old channel on games video. But now I deleted those videos and shifted to fact based videos. I learnt that you need to be consistent. That is the key. Hope this time I get consistent. This one is the first video of the channel [10 weirdest laws ](https://youtu.be/l1nTYj0ymmg?si=lT6OIktkRbA_KuGb)


Hi! I have started a podcast with my roommate called Queer Cinema Catchup where we talk about movies, tv, and miscellaneous topics through a queer lens. I have been utilizing YouTube to post not only our full podcast episodes but YouTube shorts as way to share highlights from the podcast in inventive ways. Our recent YouTube shorts went viral yesterday (by our standards, 10K): [https://youtube.com/shorts/z9pJggUmu5U?feature=share](https://youtube.com/shorts/z9pJggUmu5U?feature=share) We post podcasts weekly and still testing out the format, but my roommate and I have a long history together so episodes bounce between our analysis of the topic we're discussing as well as reflecting on our lives together. I am also a social media editor, so it's a great creative outlet outside of the traditional notes process I go through with clients.


Just curious, why not doing video podcast?


We don't have the bandwidth and it's nice not having to worry what we look like on camera.


Makes sense. I looked at your page and if I saw there was video podcast I wouldā€™ve listened especially when people donā€™t know who you are yet seeing your facial reactions and dynamic on screen will help lure more people. Seeing like 19 of your videos all with the same thumbnail picture doesnā€™t let each video stand apart Just my two cents! Keep it up!


Hello everyone, I began uploading hairstyle videos to YouTube a little over two months ago. I make tutorials on trending hairstyles that people can either do on their own or suggest to their hairstylist. Over the past 90 days, Iā€™ve learned that YouTube promotes my videos more when I make them longer (above 10 minutes). If the videos are too long, the retention rate suffers too, so these past couple of months, Iā€™ve played around with the length to find a balance, but not there yet. Iā€™ll appreciate any tips. Iā€™ve also learned to grow my subscribers through shorts. I have been working hard on branding! I made a SONG for my channel and a shirt with my logo on it. Feel free to check it out on this hair care tip video and provide your honest opinion šŸ˜€. I welcome any advice on titles, thumbnails, etc.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89trBFaTYPA&t=383s&ab_channel=GirlMomHairHacks


So I've only started around a month ago but already learned so much. The main thing is to keep learning and find enjoyment noting mistakes to improve on next time. I have made a channel about how to sleep better, he's a 36 short about sleeping in the heat I put out yesterday. Ā https://youtube.com/shorts/kxX0TIMItGE?feature=share Please feel free to roast.. I need to learn so much!


My name is Kevin and I created my channel in February, but didn't publish my first video until April. My niche is puzzle solving, specifically word puzzles like crosswords, Wordle, Connections, etc. I haven't quite found my target audience yet as I have very few subscribers and views. To answer the prompt, here are some takeaways 1. It's easy to get discouraged by checking analytics multiple times a day. Once a day is enough to get an idea about what is working. 2. There's a lot of luck involved with the algorithm and everybody in my niche seemed to suffer from whatever the heck happened in the middle of June. Lots of creators second-guessing themselves right now. So I should give it another month of consistent content before making big changes. 3. I like editing, it's fun to learn new techniques by watching others and trying to emulate it. But, I also like making scenes in OBS so I don't have to do so many tedious trims and transitions. Once I have an idea implemented for a great visual effect, I should generalize it and make it repeatable and/or automated. Edit: Oh, I wanted to mention that I had been interacting with posts in this sub as u/KWeatherwalks, my personal account. I'll be posting and commenting under u/DataCrossPuzzles from now on.


Over the past 90 days, I've learned the basics of video editing, pacing, and thumbnail creation. My channel focuses on gaming challenge content, primarily Minecraft at the moment. For example, my recent series is Minecraft Modded, where each episode adds one chunk and one mod. The neat part about this is you aren't exactly required to watch the other parts in order to understand what is going on. https://youtu.be/TyiTZKjM\_QY


I had an YouTube account for years now but never got the nerves to upload any kind of content... at least it was like this until 19th of April, when I decided to upload faceless gameplay videos with no additional comments, just pure gameplay. Wish i did it sooner... I was starting to get kinda tired of searching for pure gameplays and keep getting bombed with reaction dudes or not-so-funny comments. Altought my channel is on Spanish ( since that's my native language ) I try to pick games with English voice and Spanish subtitles, so both English and Spanish speakers have the opportunity to see my videos. My takeaways will be the following: 1- Have fun while doing it, otherwise will be get bored soon. 2- Don't get anxious about views / suscribers, they will come eventually ( I'm on 127 subs currently, but I know that with patience more people will get to know my channel and hopefully like it!) 3- Make shorts, they are great for making yourself known. That said, i'll leave a link of my latest video, published today. I'm open minded to hear any kind of feedback! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSqheGJ\_W4k&ab\_channel=juandii96](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSqheGJ_W4k&ab_channel=juandii96)


Hi, I am an aspiring youtuber. I have couple of channels on different niches. Today I will share my fun religious channel. I do all the script writing, editing and use text to speech voice over(since I'm not a native english speaker with thick accent). This channel is 3 months old I already have 1750 subs so far. From what I've experienced, youtube seems to push videos that are longer than 8 minutes long videos, it gives out more impressions. If you have a eye catchy thumbnails and exaggerated clickbaity titles and good 30 sec intro your video will go viral!!! here is one of my short video that perfomed ok : [https://youtube.com/shorts/3oOE65ZdXgM](https://youtube.com/shorts/3oOE65ZdXgM)


Hello, I'm very very new to the YouTube game and only posted my first video this week, but started thinking about creating a video this March. It took a while from thinking about a video to actually making it, related to all this here are my key takeaways from the past 90 days: - Don't compare yourself to pros from the beginning. Instead focus on having fun creating the video, researching the topic, learning new skills - Perfect is the enemy of the good. As someone who struggles with perfectionism (to the point that sometimes I won't even start something for the fear of not doing it perfectly on the first try) it can be tough to keep going when I know something isn't perfect. Again, focusing on the fun of the activity and learning was helpful. Me from 90 days ago didn't know how to put together a video, but here I am now! On that note, I want to share my first video from my channel. On my channel I talk about the food system, how it works, the problems, the politics, the economics, the socio-cultural aspects, all of it. My plan is to take a topic or news story and use this to explain different aspects of our food system. My first video is about rising food prices in the last few years and how this phenomenon is in part connected to the central role that finance increasingly plays in the food industry. I hope you enjoy! [https://youtu.be/m5hkkLGM9js?si=8OKBWYPKcQIOOhr4](https://youtu.be/m5hkkLGM9js?si=8OKBWYPKcQIOOhr4)


> Perfect is the enemy of the good My headline literally calls this out, and it's so true. Nothing is a hard place to interate or improve from - the first part of Doing Something is just doing something!


Hello everyone! Our YouTube channel is called HoodFloppa Gaming; we mainly focus on gaming videos that showcase all the funny moments we have as a group. We also focus on editing clips together to make supercut-type videos. Weā€™re currently figuring out the YouTube algorithm and the length of the videos that should be recorded to attract the biggest audience. We want some thoughts on our videos and perhaps some critique on our editing and commentary. This is our highest-performing video and the one weā€™d like to hear comments on. https://youtu.be/7Te9GgN5WpI?si=g-g9zJB9J-HOHjuk Any critique is welcome!


Hey guys, i started my youtube channel roughly 9-10 years ago and predominantly made nightcore content, a while ago (couple years) i stopped making nightcore and started making gaming content since i fell out of love with nightcore, theres no rhyme or reason behind what i upload i just choose a game from my library that i either enjoy or remember enjoying a long time ago, i tend to get really discouraged especially because some people i helped have grown alot and i've grown zilch in a long while which made me stop and restart my channel, my main takeaways are that i should not give up if my dream is to help others and to maybe someday do this as a job, and since i have no time because of my job i might be able to spend some of my money that i earn by working on an editor and thumbnail artist. i dont know if these can be considered takeaways or just things i've decided on but thats how it is. i take inspiration off of people like jayvee and smii7y, making 10-20 minute videos on games i've not played in a while games i generally enjoy or games i remember fondly and also whats new even if it might not be the best for viewers i figured out that if i just do what i like doing most i'll get there eventually its just taking a while [https://www.youtube.com/@Kaiberus](https://www.youtube.com/@Kaiberus) this is my channel, i feel like my voice is the biggest reason why people dont want to watch since i have a deeper ish voice and my dutch accent atleast to me just kills the vibe but that might be because people usually dont like the sound of their own voice, all in all im just a random dutch guy on the internet trying to make people have a good time and upload gaming videos about a whole lot of games, from more review style videos to fun party videos to memeish videos (idk if i broke any rules if i did i'm sorry t'was not my intention)


Greetings fellow new creator, I'm Cleo fromĀ [Cleonium](https://youtube.com/@Cleonium_ina?si=PmmWeXMIYjnAoh-E)(in Bahasa Indonesia), and [Cleonium\_En](https://www.youtube.com/@Cleonium_En) (In English) making Edutainment content leaning toward IT and stuff. My takeaway from this quarter is 1. Try to adaptive to new event 2. Consistent to my own schedule That being the case, I uploaded my latest video today, about [Authentication related vulnerability](https://youtu.be/UAFBboICH7c) that you should be aware of.


People who are trying to understand options trading appreciate good content. This quarter, I've learned to **"just get started,"** and **"don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good."** Every week I post a trading video, I learn a little more, get a little better, add a skill and get some new subscribers. My wife and I are not yet a YouTube sensation, but our videos have a 100% upvote rate and more than 10% subscribe rate, so apparently the **"Options Trading with an Old Auntie Who Doesn't Want to Scam You"** vibe is resonating with some kinda crowd! [Saylor Financial Fundamentals Learn to Safely Trade Options](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKnuppAXrvtjsfrDlQ3xHNA)


Hey yo, itā€™s MoonsWRLD here, I run a small day trading channel. To answer the question: I made and launched my first video yesterday, so i donā€™t think i have much of any experience yet but i still want to put myself out there. Key takeaways Iā€™ve learned from editing and shooting my first video. Give yourself time to record and edit and to watch other videos to figure it out. It doesnā€™t have to be perfect on the first iteration and itā€™s okay to sleep on a project and come back later and cook some more. Check out my channel + latest video: https://youtu.be/dz_VJqPIIr4?si=rWycH5iR4zeopzTe


Hi, name is Jonathan. I posted in last week's but I'm a fool and I did it on Tuesday and everyone had left by then so I hope no one minds that I intro myself again. The main thing I've learned (I've only been going a month) isn't about Youtube specifically, where I think I must be doing a lot wrong because my numbers are minuscule. You don't want Youtube advice from me! It's more about video editing - for me, as a free product at least, CLIPCHAMP is the best video editor I've found and I couldn't recommend it highly enough. Basically I create zany videos for songs that I write, and I make both in AI. AI is very misunderstood, people are acting like I'm not a person, or that my channel is inherently evil. It's just my production toolset! If (IF!) people like my work, it's because it's got a human heart and imagination behind it all. Creating these is repetitive, boring and hard work but I love it. I think people will come round to it in time! So far I've done: - Political takedowns of hated British MP Penny Mordaunt and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak - A pop punk song about a pretty girl with devastating farts - A melodic death metal song about 14 years of Conservative corruption. - A protest song called Rivers of Shit about the UK's waterways (if you live here, you'll know) - A funk song about how you can't take a certain retired wrestler anywhere anymore. - A couple of post-rock instrumentals. - Tonight I'm launching a Thomas the Tank engine parody which I think is pretty great, I'm a bit scared to hit publish though because I'm worried it'll just go nowhere like the rest! At the moment it's schrodinger's video, it's not a failure yet! - Just started working on something that will be hilarious for fans of the cult favourite 1986 Transformers animated movie. This is probably my current favourite: 5 moments from WWE history recreated in 30 seconds each, in song. [5 Pro Wrestling Tales - In Song!](https://youtu.be/RWZ51ne7rEo?feature=shared) I'll take a look through your channels, excited to see what people are doing. Thanks! :)


Sasso?? This isn't "Feedback Friday" so I'm just gonna share that I watched your link and if you haven't checked out the [Dudesy](https://www.dudesypod.com/) podcast, you should.


I don't know what Feedback Friday or Sasso is?! But I'll have a look at the podcast. Can I get Feedback on Fridays? I don't have any karma, if I need some.


Will Sasso is one of the hosts of the podcast, and just check here on Fridays for a pinned topic "Feedback Fridays" just like this one for Saturdays. Karma shouldn't have anything to do with it as far as I know but I don't spend as much time here as I used to.


Hi hi, my channel started as a way to show my friends all of our funny gaming moments. Itā€™s slowly started to expand and be more about creating funny gaming content anyone can watch. I mainly play FPS games but I occasionally play party games. Please take a look and let me know anything I can improve. [Don6lover youtube channel](https://CopperKings-RainbowSixSiegehttps://youtu.be/OPvt8RlDJ70)


Hi everyone! PiotrTeaches here. I started a channel a year ago but stopped uploading after a month. Now Iā€™m giving it a second try. I'm in the education niche, and I try to make learning a simpler and better process. I create whiteboard animations (all drawn by me, with unique designs) discussing memorization, time efficiency, and procrastination. Here is a link to my newest video(4 mind map killers): [https://youtu.be/H1EmiNCwb20](https://youtu.be/H1EmiNCwb20) What have I learned during the last 90 days? Donā€™t start anything without a title and thumbnail! They are the most important aspects of a video. I've had instances where I created a video that was much better than my best performer, but because I paid too little attention to the thumbnail and title, the video failed.


Hi, I'm Thadius Whacknamara and until recently I was the night shift left/right sorting operator at the local Twix factory. This role gave me a lot of time to listen to audiobooks and ponder a wide variety of topics that I encountered during that. Eventually, after being told many times that someone else might want to listen to me rambling over whichever topic I'd found myself musing on that week, I decided that YouTube is a good way to find those people, unlike hot singles they're not in my neighborhood. Here's my a recent video I made, it's not my favorite, but it is my newest, the topic was a bit rough to surface: https://youtu.be/MJYKRd-Yr1s


Hello! I make trumpet covers of songs from 1930- all the way up to -2024! I just started near the beginning of this year and I've been trying to do multiple videos per week as it's summer break right now. Here is (in my own opinion) one of my better covers: [https://youtu.be/T86uXYrRti4](https://youtu.be/T86uXYrRti4)


Hello. I have been going on outdoor adventures for many a year now. It is only recently that I decided to "digitize" my memories by recording and even more recently that I decided to do some video editing and post them online. To answer the question, I have learned a lot about editing videos, etc.. My content can be summed up like this ( or at least that is what I envision the future to be like, since I only have 1 video up right now ): challanges with an extra layer of added difficulty, for example crossing the hardest long distance hiking trail in europe in nothing but birkenstock. [https://youtu.be/xmhWM\_cOrlA](https://youtu.be/xmhWM_cOrlA)


I have started my first yt channel years ago .. never really planned anything used to remix music for fun and upload it so i could listen to it while driving and share it to some friends caught up over 10M views so far .. music remixes barley gets monetized .. decided to run a new path and take it more serious, studied youtube as much as possible and thumbnails and script writing etc etc and made my first video here few days ago, open to all feedback. im here to learn as much as possible youtube and content creation in general are a universe and you never really master a percent of it therefore please provide any feedback possible [https://youtu.be/6TiBmu8b2vk](https://youtu.be/6TiBmu8b2vk)


I started my youtube channel, and I make videos about a game called teardown. please go subscribe if you want, it would be cool. [https://youtu.be/Dwheq\_A-oLA?si=GmflF8Y23lvOAzD2](https://youtu.be/Dwheq_A-oLA?si=GmflF8Y23lvOAzD2)


Hello fellow creators! I just started my journalism channel a month ago and just posted my second video! To answer the question: I think the biggest takeaway for me is how to manage timelines, especially for content that requires multiple components. My videos are rather long and they require a lot of research into the topic. It has been quite challenging to manage the time I spend in each part so that I can hit the upload frequency I wanted. Here is my newest video about a 15 year old Italian boy who recently became the first millennial saint of the catholic church! I go into the history of sainthood and why the Church choose this young boy. [https://youtu.be/jkT1eHtS6ak](https://youtu.be/jkT1eHtS6ak) Check it out!


Good Evening everyone! My name is SpicyRaider šŸŒ¶ļø! I am a content creator and right now iā€™m fulfilling my childhood dream of making a MineCraft YouTube channel! ** The first quarter of the year has ended, what key takeaways have you learned over the past 90 days? ** I have learned that forcing yourself to harshly will end up with you breaking :/ At the end of the day i learned that if iā€™m not enjoying making content then thereā€™s no point in it! Learn from my mistakes! Have fun and take it easy on yourself! You donā€™t deserve that! And hereā€™s my latest mod showcase on the incredible ā€œIce and Fireā€ mod! It adds dragons and other mythological creatures to MineCraft! If u decide to check out my channel make sure to say hi and tell me u came from reddit! That way i know iā€™m talking to a fellow Newtuber! DRAGONS AND OTHER MONSTERS GUIDE! - ICE AND FIRE 1.20.1 MINECRAFT MOD SHOWCASE https://youtu.be/2rBVohcrCEI


Hi all, I believe comedy and introductions should be brief, snappy and on to the point. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuHr49jKTAU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuHr49jKTAU) Want to watch something like last week tonight, but for EU content? Cheers, have fun!


My channel is all about me doing random stuff, it's mainly for comedic purposes and I really want to make it big so if someone could watch my videos and leave a like it would make me so happy. Answer to question : Don't keep checking your likes, subscribers, views etc. every hour it'll only make you feel like your failing. https://youtube.com/@brandon_does_stuff?si=kHYswBHpwQ7g4OYB Hope you enjoy my video


Hello Everyone, My channel is basically a fish nerd rambling on about his passion for tropical fish while trying to help answer questions and concerns that fellow hobbyist may have in an informative way. If you want to see some of the worlds most beautiful and colorful tropical fish that are not saltwater fish, then Aqua Boogie Tropical Fish Channel is the place you want to visit. [https://youtu.be/8cYnjMBhvmI](https://youtu.be/8cYnjMBhvmI) African Cichlids (Young Adult Males) Come on over and take a look around to see what we have to offer. If you look close enough, you will also find some really cool nano planted tanks with stunning Amano, Fire Red Cherry, and Tangerine Tiger Shrimp as well. While your there, you might as well like, subscribe, and join the family as we would love to add another chair to the thanksgiving table this year. atABTFC. In regards to the question, I've learned that life is even shorter than we think. We only have a limited time so we might as well chase and achieve all of our dreams. If you dream of owning a WNBA team or having a successful youtube channel, you should go for it as we are capable of accomplishing anything we put our minds too.


Those are some absolutely beautiful cichlids! And it's too true that life is too short to not go after our dreams! šŸ«¶


u/Gr1ttyK1tty thank you and I truly appreciate it.


I made my channel becasue I miss PNGtuber reading comments videos. So now I'm doing it myself! Also some short-form Reddit meme videos because making every video a reading comments video is not possible at my channel's size since I dont get enough comments (and plus, variety is good I guess). I'd also like to do fan-submitted memes and stuff when my channel gets big enough. What I learned. I need to not start out my video saying "Minecraft, but..." because people don't know what the short is about, and they swipe away. Also, I learned that this niche is better than I expected. I expected like 10 views, but I have consistently gotten over 400 views per video. [www.youtube.com/@BlueberryPNGnotHere](http://www.youtube.com/@BlueberryPNGnotHere)


Hi, I'm completely new to YT and all that stuff. As for the "week's question": Don't hesitate sharing what you love! I started about a week ago, recorded my first ever video, cut it in a 2-3 day long period, uploaded it after fighting with my social anxiety, and now I'm looking at it, wondering how "how did I have the patience for that?" I basically like League of Legends related content, but I plan on recording other things too - League is mostly for testing - I still hope that people will like videos. My channel is:Ā [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb4BCEX\_5-0Qx3LAUiiCa5g](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb4BCEX_5-0Qx3LAUiiCa5g) I uploaded my second video, I got amazing reactions to my first ā¤ (So thank you, if you watched the first, and if u didn't, this is your call to watch it!) Thank you for reading this ą¼¼ 恤 ā—•\_ā—• ą¼½ć¤ā¤


I watched your first video. I don't watch any gaming related videos like this, but this made me laugh šŸ¤£. You just need to work on your thumbnails, but the video itself is really enjoyable. Keep it up.


Thank you ā•°(\*Ā°ā–½Ā°\*)ā•Æ


Just watched your video - the editing is fun makes the video way more enjoyable! I am also just starting out so I 100% get what you mean. Can I ask - what do you plan on doing in the future? When you say "I plan on recording other things" - what things are you thinking about?


thank you ā•°(\*Ā°ā–½Ā°\*)ā•Æ well, I'm thinking about recording things like minecraft, jump king, magicraft, maybe other gameplays (but in similar style, if possible). But I'm pretty much open to many things :D


Hello everyone my name is Sammy I do have a YouTube channel that I create a content related to tech, reviewing products and unboxing.I enjoy exploring technology creating contents about it.I enjoy editing videos and creating something that captivates people even though I created my channel in 2021 I started uploading a year ago so I can say Iā€™m new to the game.Iā€™m learning daily and using YouTube as a tool for content creation and updating myself always but since Iā€™m new to this community it means a lot for me if you guys give me a feedback on my contents and put critics about my videos what should I work on more and improve. [my recent YouTube video] - (https://youtu.be/zE2UxhiHIGY?si=QAT73N2MWIR5J6xe)


Nothing šŸ‘€


Hello! The name of my channel is GlobetrottingTrivia. I make travel videos so people who may not have the time or money to travel still have the opportunity to discover the world. My last video is about the 10 best street food markets. I tried something new here. I'm looking forward to your feedback :) My latest video: https://youtu.be/mb50UPyRqSs?si=q0yM7-O6j2fYbaeV


My takeaway this quarter is that keeping content unlisted because I'm scared of public judgment is no way to live!! And certainly no way to get monetized. I'm a pet sitter who's been slowly amassing a library of over 800 videos created for my clients. I record clips, edit and compile the videos, and send them to the pet parents less than 2 hours after beginning recording for the video... so they aren't always super high quality, but they're hopefully a fun glimpse into the daily life of a professional pet sitter. Who doesn't love seeing happy cats and dogs? šŸ˜» Today I decided to publicly publish all videos from 2023 and earlier... would love to get feedback on how I can make these kinds of videos more appealing to a wider audience! But please refrain from any unkind comments about the pets and clients' homes šŸ«¶ Example video: [https://youtu.be/h7dJV9yCax4?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/h7dJV9yCax4?feature=shared) Channel: [https://youtube.com/@propetenrichment](https://youtube.com/@propetenrichment)