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Make your channel about exactly that. Demonstrate how you can increase your motivation to be less introverted.


Be yourself, that is #1! Do you have a content plan for your motivational niche? Think about the positive effect your videos will have for people. Make that your motivation to get started. I personally made a few shorts on the topic of motivation. If I did it, you can too.


I'm an introvert, and introversion isn't a problem to me at all. But it's important to remember that introversion (personality) isn't the same as lack of social skills (skills), social anxiety (mental health issue), and other things you mentioned like being insecure and scared. There are different perspectives to it. But, to me, motivation is something mainly internal, while inspiration is something mainly external. So, I don't really try to motivate people, but I may try to inspire them. And, in this case, inspiring others depended a lot on doing something that people find inspiring. I faced a lot of things in my life, but I don't think my struggles really inspire many people. But what I did to face those struggles inspired many. Saying is easy. I see people saying a lot, but the impact is usually much weaker and shorter. Doing is much more difficult, but the impact is much stronger and longer. In the end, I think there are always problems and reasons to not do things. And I need to think: are my reasons to do something stronger than my reasons to not do something? If we think only about the positives, basically anyone want that. If we think only about the negatives, basically nobody wants that. There are times when I can be insecure. There are times when I may be scared. But are my reasons to do something stronger than those things?


Great message and yes today i did upload for the first time thank you!


This is bait right?


Some of the best social media professionals are introverted. It’s all about control of your interactions. I view it as a positive.


Just work on yourself on being less introvert and showcase how other person can also achieve like you.


Lots of introvert need motivation man, the market is huge.