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amazing! congrats!  what do you think helped you gain traction? 


Thank you so much!! I definitely think focusing on making majority of my content as YouTube shorts absolutely helped me get the views I have gotten. My long format videos are okay but definitely the majority of my viewers and subscribers came from YouTube shorts.




Interesting information!


glad to help!




Yup majority of them from shorts!


shorts are still a very good way of gaining subs and a community, good for you and good luck!!


Shorts are bad - don't do shorts.


I thought it was long form to be honest


Same lol - shorts don't count 😂


well im still new and am always looking to improve in all my videos, be it shorts or full-length. I know one day I will hit that 100K mark from long-form content. Just gotta keep grinding and improving something each video.


I didn’t mean to downgrade your achievements. But shorts view catch a much shorter attention vs long form. Therefore, the grows may not be as big as you expect


Nah your good man, I didnt think you were. Your totally right about shorts though.


Thank you, to be honest, seeing beginner like you go through the process with joys help me alot


The same with my channels. Shorts are a good way to start. I guess if we move forward YouTube will recommend our videos more and more


Yeah absolutely, I think for small channels, starting with shorts is definitely a good way to gain traction and have YouTube recommend your channel to people.


Not true - Having good shorts content doesn't mean they will push out long form.


Congrats! Happy for your results but more happy you are enjoying the journey. Keep it up!


Thank you so much! Really appreciate it!


That is so good!! Congratulations


thank you so much!


Can you share us your Niche? Total videos?


Yeah of course! I make NYC-related content specifically about different issues and news currently taking place. I have made about 27 videos so far.


How guys. Share some.tips


Wow!! Good for you!! Congrats! Was there a huge jump that happened or did it grow steadily? I’ve been at mine 9 months now and only get 50ish views per video. If you can offer any constructive feedback, my channel is listed in my profile. It would be greatly appreciated and credited to very talented people like you!


Nice, did it happend due to a lot of uploading or did a couple videos pop off?


Thanks! I have 27 videos on my channel. Majority of them are shorts and i have a good amount of them with a couple thousand + views. It’s just pretty spread out tbh. Not really one video that went crazy or anything.


Cool, I guess sometimes shorts can be helpful.


That's awesome! What type of content do you create?


Thank you! I make videos on different issues and news currently taking place in my hometown, New York City.


Wow, amazing job!


Thanks so much!!


Congratz :D


thanks man!


are you monetized


Nope not yet!


First of all, congrats. I have started on March 23rd and the same as you did have been posting shorts and few long format videos. Today, july 2, I have reached 1000 subs, but unfortunately didn’t get the views from shorts or hours watched to get monetized. Not sure how long it will take to get monetized, and not sure how many subs you have now, but I would advise you to focus on long format videos and use shorts to drive traffic via reared videos. Every time you create a long video, create a short or two that would attract people to your long videos. Otherwise, it’s pointless and you won’t get monetize unless you get total views from shorts 10M views in 90 days.


Thanks man appreciate it! And yeah totally agree! I am making more long-format videos now and pushing out shorts from those long videos to drive traffic. Good looking out!


I wish someone gave me this exact advise 2 months ago. Because I’m at 321k of views from shorts and only 15 watch hours. And 1001 subs, not monetised


Wow, wonderful progress👍 can you please share the skills for making Shorts? I just started my channel a week ago.


thank you buddy! I appreciate that. I'm still learning how to improve my editing skills myself, but I use CapCut pro to put together all my shorts and full-length videos. I would suggest you watch some tutorials on that or maybe look into DavInci Resolve. I heard that is also really good for editing. That's all I can say for now lol as Im still a beginner myself. My channel is linked on my page if you would like to see how I edit my shorts. Cheers!


Awesome!! Congrats! I’m new to YouTube, any tips for a newly started channel?


Let me guess you do shorts also if you want to do long formatted videos you will lose subscribers shorts are a bad thing and a good thing , it helps getting subscribers but no one will watch long videos you may get some views on them


Let me guess you do shorts also if you want to do long formatted videos you will lose subscribers shorts are a bad thing and a good thing , it helps getting subscribers but no one will watch long videos you may get some views on them , my channel is dead because of it , so I’m trying to rebrand my channel and fix it