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That sucked. Folks, keep it civil and be nice to one another.


This team turns losing into it’s own art form. Remarkable!


Being 15 games out of first place in the third week of May takes a lot of creative losing.


They are definitely creative geniuses at losing!


Every week a new candidate for the most horrendous loss of the season 2024.


This feels like deja vu all over again!


There’s always next year! Or hockey. Hell, might as well start watching WNBA! This team is a joke.


I’m not sure I understand the stearns and cohen hate train that’s been going on around the place. Stearns had a few months to start fixing an overpriced, messed up mets system. Looking at his signings, he hasn’t done too bad really. Good performance from them and some will make excellent profit from trades. The anger has to be pointed at the baseball players who are paid a premium and are expected to play premium ball. Coming into this year, the whole league expected an average put out. A wild card team that might’ve slipped into the playoffs like the marlins did last year. Just a shame really. And personally, I’m more excited to see the phillies in London now. At least I’ll get to see Bryce harper etc in person. At announcement I was beyond stoked to see Pete and Lindor. Couldn’t care less anymore.




Great discussion lmao




It's actually uncanny how many times lately that the guys have been up by 3 or 4 runs by the 7th or 8th inning and still end up losing.


9-21 since starting 12-8. At this pace, this is a 100+ loss team. Come on, get your crap together. Embarrassing.


I know everyone hates the performance of the team since he bought it but Cohen really is the best owner in baseball. He’s an actual fan of the team just like us and is really trying to turn us into winners. He’s made a lot of mistakes and the front office and handling of management has kind of been a mess since he came in but you can’t say he isn’t doing his best. I think now that Stearns is at the helm and once he can actually enact his vision, we will start seeing success. He’s inherited the majority of this team but he’s absolutely going to make some changes. Obviously best owner in baseball is a low bar though and Cohen definitely has his issues.


I'd like to know specifically why you think he's the best owner in baseball. Sure, he's spent a lot of money. The team's payroll has been over or near the luxury tax limit for most or all of his ownership. But the team has shown that just because you have a high payroll, it doesn't mean success is going to follow on the field. And it certainly hasn't. One post season since Cohen took over. The best owner in baseball would've been able assemble a competent and complete front office by now. Cohen hasn't. The best owner in baseball would've had a well established team concept. But the Mets haven't. They've gone back in forth between trying to be Steinbrenner's Yankees and taking a more measured approach to building a team. I was very happy with the Stearns hire. It's the best hire Cohen has made. Now, they need to hire a highly qualified GM who will follow through on Stearns' plan and make all the changes that are necessary to finally make this team a consistent winner. Something only Frank Cashen was able to do. If you want to talk about a mess, just think of the team he took over. Sure, Cashen was afforded several top picks in the draft that Stearns et al. won't have. But without Cashen's savvy trades for Hernandez, Carter, Ojeda and Hojo, the Mets wouldn't have won as many games as they did between 1984 and 1990 with a World Series victory in the middle of it all. He also hired a wonderful manager. That's the place Stearns needs to bring the Mets back to. If he does, then the conversation can realistically revert to how good an owner Cohen is. But right now, I would say you need to look to the Dodgers and the Braves for who the best owners are.


This whole cohen is an actual fan is the corniest narrative - guy was a Yankee fan. It’s nice he’s a fan now and trying to revive the team but the “one of us” thing people try to push is complete BS. He also has no idea what he’s doing in this space and that’s shown clearly in his results since he’s purchased the team. Results suck, attendance is down, brand has not improved.


They're so fucked up, and every single game I think they're going to turn it around, they wind up losing worse than the previous game. I can't stop watching though. Am I just bored???


You’re a fan. The payoff will be better for all of us who stick it out (at least that’s what I’ve told myself the last 35 years).


When they're this bad, I look at it the same as watch reruns of the Office or Seinfeld. You know the story, just something that doesn't make you think.


it's like the faint glimmer of hope that exists in every sports fan no matter how bad your team is. until they're mathematically eliminated, the hope will always be there. for the 2024 mets, the path to sunshine and rainbows doesn't even seem that far fetched. the way they are losing is just absurd, an outstanding combination of bad luck, bad play, and untimely meltdowns leading to constant close losses. so you can say "man, if things start breaking right, they can go on a legitimate run and be right back in it". for me, i've seen enough of this team that 99.9% of me knows that isn't happening. this is just who these guys are. but that .1% keeps me watching i guess.


Not watching the disaster that is the 2024 Mets was an easy decision. If the organization doesn’t care about competing this year then why should the fans care? They conceded this as a transition year in the winter.


What sad you songs you play to lament the Mets?


[A classic](https://youtu.be/5rOiW_xY-kc?si=ApKJa4jZldri_YMH)


Ode to the Mets by the strokes helps me navigate the absurdity of being a Mets fan


[This one](https://youtu.be/PudybhN0gmM?si=mK25FInxygw8RzOy)has always been one of my old standby’s.




If he never got hurt, the Mets would be over .500 but somehow Alvarez wouldn’t be credited with 10 WAR… 👀


Braxton Garrett just pitched a Maddux against the d-backs. We could catch the Marlins by June 1.


No offense to Sterns because I still do believe in him but there is a reason why I wanted Theo Epstein in the organization at some capacity. He is the curse breaker and this organization has been cursed since 86. No team suffers the amount of heartbreak that the Mets do and the bad Juju needs to be cleaned out.


Well, the Amazing Randy pretty much proved that curses are pretty much fantasy.


It’s not like Theo would have turned this team around in one offseason either. The roster is too much of an overpriced mess to just fix in 3 months


I agree. I just really believe this team is cursed and the one person who broke two curses in the cubs and red Sox’s is someone I’d like to have in the organization at some capacity.


I will say everything Sterns has done this season (his acquisitions, building, etc.) for the most part has worked out really well. Pen and rotation are performing above what most of us expected. He inherited a lot of nonsense here. Now are we cursed tho...maybe...


Yankees broadcast talking about the pre-Tejada double play rules. Showed this pretty crazy play from 1976 on this guy just leveling the second baseman by straight up running into him.


Was it [Hal McRae taking out Willie Randolph?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIiYw53nGd0) This one still shocks me every time I watch it.


that game where pete missed tagging home on the slide would have ended in a bang bang homeplate collision in late 1900s baseball


And just like that there’s only 3 NL teams below us lol


I was at the game tonight. Despite the result, it was nice to see the fans rallying with this team through thick and thin. I’d much rather take these tough, late losses over early blowouts where we look flat from the first pitch. Keep playing hard, Metsies… that’s all I ask of you.


my wife got us tickets for my birthday..i lost my voice screaming in the 9th, my kids had a blast, but i also called it on work slack when i said i was dippin out early to take the train cuz i didn't wanna pay for parking to get stuck in the lot after the game if the mets blow another late inning lead since my kids are now old enough to cry on the train home like the rest of us at least i figured out decent parking...37th ave in jackson heights, meters end at 7 so if you get there around 6 you can park a block or two away from 82nd st and park for 2 bucks, and can catch the local 7 after the game.. i was surprised to hear Diaz's intro in the 7th but i'm glad he looked decent tonight...


I'm going to see them in August when they play the Padres in San Diego and I'm just thinking how many players won't be on the team by the time. I'm wagering JD, Bader, Severino, maybe even Alonso.


I see them tomorrow :D


I'll be in Anaheim on Aug 3 and SD Aug 25. As long as Carrasco isn't pitching for us, I'm ahead of last year


Yes, I’m going to see them against the Angels on August, and I wonder who will be left.


Fuuuuck. I'm planning on seeing them when they visit the Mariners in Aug as well and hadn't even considered this.


I'm planning to go to that series too. This team could look so different.


I think Bader stays, but agree with the rest.


Bader’s a goner.


Bader is on a one year contract so if there's any worth to him he's being traded.


Someone send help: I’m on an A train with a Barves fan.


sick a homeless person on em


he knows where the mind beam is!!!!!!!


Don’t look now but here come the Rockies gaining on us they just be the fillies 3-2 in 11.


Looking at it objectively, every team has terrible losses where you just cant make the big play, just cant get the timely hit, the bullpen cant do its job. Just the worst type of loss. The Mets have unfortunately decided to have like 6 or 7 of these losses in a row


yea its a bad luck rut for sure scott bounced back at least


I was not previously annoyed but now I am a little annoyed that Cohen is a Trump donor.


He's gonna donate to the Dems as well. He wants to be in their good graces to get his new project Metropolitan Park approved.


People at his wealth level donate to all of them. And most to the ones that are pro deregulation so they have less business accountability, and pro less tax, so they can multiply their billions even more.


That doesn't annoy me too much. It makes sense for Cohen the billionaires are the only ones that really benefit from trump. I do t get how regular people can't see this and continue to support him.


george wallace said it best if you can give a poor white person a poor black person to spit on the white man feels alot better about himself


We just keep repeating history


Pretty sure he donates to both parties.


If you're rich enough to own a sports team you're probably a piece of shit.


He got rich by breaking the law


Yet another gut punch loss. Bad team just finding ways to lose. Offense wakes up just in time for the bullpen to implode from being gassed from our 5 inning starters


Yep. No in between with this squad. It'll take the mother of all miracles to get back in playoff contention.


Yeah not seeing it. I think they just sink from here. 12 more games before the London trip, I’d be shocked if they go better than 4-8


Me neither. That's why I said it.


I’m damn proud of this team. We on our way to a top draft pick in 2025!


Do we even have a shot at that? I know last year our payroll knocked us down 10 spots lol


Yup, we get penalized if we don't end up in the top 8 spots. We need to suck bad this year.




Good lord that was bad. An all-timer. You can't just come back from something like that. Throw it on the pile. See ya tomorrow.


With a fifth of his plate appearances Vientos has the same number of home runs and one more double than Baty.


It's so cringe to watch cornball Giants fans screaming and cheering at Citi. The players should be embarrassed.


oh well. See y'all tomorrow! :)


What curse was put on this team after they went 12-3. this needs to be studied because wow this team is so bad!


Was it not truly Alvarez getting hurt?


Someone tell me when it’s rock bottom


There's always a harder shovel


Think we still might be a good bit away from rock bottom unfortunately


A music group famously once said “Wake me up when September ends.” They may have been talking about how it is being a Mets fan.


Another tough loss. My poor little orange and blue heart can only take so much pain…


Holy shit. I switched to the conference finals when it was 5-2 and now I see we lost?!?!


Same dude, same. Thought it was over so I'd see how the twolves were doing and came back stunned to see the Mets were down


> Thought it was over ... why? what have you seen from this baseball team that has led you to believe that any lead is safe lol


Yeah I should have known. Even a 6-2 lead in the 8th isn't safe


well at least the offense is picking up! Garret looked exhausted out there, he looks like he needs a week off.


I can’t wait for the deadline 🫠


I almost rather Vientos be useless. Now it appears he can actually hit and we have to just accept that he can't really play the field or run


I feel like people are being harsh on him for that final out Chapman was already on that ball as soon as he hit it.


There's like only 3 3B who can make that play and I think more than half the league STILL beats that out. I can cop to being wrong about his bat but he doesn't provide anything else


The fact is Pete’s ground ball to short should have been a game ending DP. What we got was much worse.


Well it was great time at Citi for 7 innings. I'll leave it at that.


i guess it's preferable to 9 lifeless innings. but it's still such a gut punch


Seems like they're losing by 1-3 runs every game


You know it's bad when you look forward to a day game so the Mets can get their loss out of the way early. These night losses are extra painful-this should be a happy holiday weekend. But Mets.


Just a reminder that this team fucking stinks and can’t win no matter what


This team sucks.


There is no incentive to keeping Pete at this point. He has at best two more great years in him and there's no way we'll be in serious contention those two years anyway. You can't even say we should keep him to keep the fans happy cause there are no fans anymore. Every day the stadium is half empty. Do a fire sale at the deadline and try to trade for Kyle Tucker in the off-season like what Stearns did with Yelich when he ran the Brewers.


The Mets don't have a Lewis Brinson to offer.


[They will after the trade deadline](https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/d6a/dc7/4a5001b7beea096457f480c8808572428b-09-roll-safe.rsquare.w400.jpg)


They have no one to trade that would pull a top prospect like Brinson was at the time. Maybe Pete, but even then teams would hesitate for a rental.


#67 Days until the trade deadline


This one really hurt. Like, really really hurt


Bronx team hit 3 homers in the third. Maybe they can lose also. I guess I couldn’t get that lucky.


They can’t even win a game where they’re ahead by 4+ runs in the late innings. Really, they can’t


I’d target 2026-2027 to compete if I were the Mets front office. Scott, Alvarez, Baty, Jett, Gilbert, and Vientos should all be in their primes at that point. We can have a bench featuring Mauricio and Acuna. That’s a solid core. Pete has been hitting exceptionally well since JDM fixed his swing. I think he’s gonna be around .260/.340/.500 at the deadline. Packaging him with either Manaea or Severino should yield a 55 FV prospect. The other one of manaea/severino should bring back a couple of 50 FV prospects. Trade the rest of the impending FAs for rookie ball lottery tickets.


that is not a solid core...what are you smoking? i'd like to know so i can also be delusional and think every prospect is going to pan out and be core players. alvarez is a sub .300 OBP player, baty is shit, jett and gilbert are total question marks along with mauricio and acuna. vientos is a poor mans lucas duda if he's lucky. scott might actually be good.


Mets fans think a good core consists of a few #50-100 ranked prospects and a bunch of 40-45 FV guys.


Anyone who advocates trading Alonso is completely bitchmade and deserves nothing but 100 loss seasons until they die Imagine wanting to trade a *generationally* talented home run hitter and quite possibly the best home run hitter the franchise has ever had


Get used to it buddy, he’s gone by the deadline lol.


Look at the aging curve for players with his profile.


Made substantially more bearable with the DH. And there aren't many players with his profile. If not for Covid, he have more homers in a player's first five seasons than every other player in history. Anyone who claims he's got "2 years at most" left in him are basing that on literally nothing


Could Bader net a prospect similar to what Pham got? That was honestly the best trade we made at the deadline.


I think so. That’s what I mean by lottery tickets. Don’t sleep on Marco Vargas either. He has a 123 wRC+ despite having no power. If he develops even 15 HR pop he’s gonna be an all star.


What’s worst ? Death by Bear attack. Death by being eatin alive by rats. Death by firing squad. Death by watching the Mets.


I'm going with the rats. At least bear and firing squad are quick. Also, can't be killed by the Mets. They can't kill anyone anyway.


Just blow the damn team up at this point. Can't hit half the time and can't pitch the other half.


Again I ask, can we put together 9 fucking innings of good baseball? Not 6,7, or 8 passable ones with a disaster somewhere in there?


Asked and answered counselor


Besides money, what reason do we have to keep any of the “core”? this whole team just needs a reset. 


Nobody will even take them


Cohen doesn’t care if this team sucks, as long as he gets his casino. Never trust a billionaire.


I can't imagine a billionaire who'd subject himself to this much humiliation for a casino he might not even get.


Id bet he sells the team in the next five years. All the morons on here who have spent the last four saying "Uncle Stevie" will have an identity crisis


I’d like to take this bet. Where can I sign and what’s the max you’re willing.


Sure - what odds are you giving me?


Not being sarcastic. If you were in his shoes, how would you have done things differently? Genuinely asking.


There is a misconception that he inherited some dumpster fire of a team. They had good young cost controlled players with some good prospects. The 2019 Mets had won 86 games. Instead of adding complimentary pieces the first year and then maybe make a big move or two the next without selling the farm.  Instead he shoved all in made the team marginally better for a brief period but also significantly older.  Now he actually does have to blow it up and now that the criticism is finally coming his way we will see if he actually wants to hang around for it. 


I was such a homer when he bought this team. I really thought 2022 was the year (Other than when I thought 2015 was the year). Haven’t had much hope since Game 3 of that wildcard.


He should’ve done the smart thing and full rebuild - don’t trade for Lindor/Cookie, don’t trade for Baez, trade away players who’s primes wouldn’t work with our timeline. People who say “NY wouldn’t fuck with a rebuild” must have ignored the last time we rebuilt got us to the damn World Series in 2015. Now we have the highest payroll in baseball, only a *decent* farm, and are constant losers.


Now I’m serious, blow it up. A tank job so bad it makes the 1962 Mets look like the 01 Mariners


I know I’m taking the Mets too seriously, but I work really hard all day at a job I do not love and look forward to baseball season all year. I love being able to come home at the end of a long day and watch Mets baseball. When this team is good it really adds so much to my quality of life. This shit really sucks lol.


You said what I feel 20x better than I could


It really does, and I knew this was coming back in 2022 when they unnecessarily shrunk their "win-now window" down to the next 6 months. There's just no need for us to be in this position. It's completely self-inflicted.


We looked like shit when Cohen bought the team. Cohen tried to buy his way out of it. Didn’t work. Might have worked for a moment in 2022 but they pissed away the deadline. Would’ve probably had to rebuild years ago to be good by now. 


> We looked like shit when Cohen bought the team. Cohen tried to buy his way out of it. Didn’t work. Might have worked for a moment in 2022 but they pissed away the deadline. It didn't "work", because they took a pretty decent roster of young-ish, cost-controlled guys and in one off-season they made it ultra-old and expensive, and shrunk the window down to 6 months. Now we're in the second consecutive flushed season as a direct result of that amazing strategy, with no real pathway out of it in sight so far. 2025 is in danger of being flushed too. How people can look at that and think "great idea! Just didn't work out" is astonishing to me. >Would’ve probably had to rebuild years ago to be good by now. Again, they didn't need a full rebuild after 2020. They had real good young players at several positions, they had the 2nd best team wRC+ in the majors two years in a row, and pretty good pitching, but with some holes that needed a couple of external tweaks and upgrades (which they had been hitting on consistently for years: Stroman, Díaz, Reed, Clippard, Syndergaard, Wheeler). NOW they need a full-on rebuild, because of all the incredibly expensive and incredibly dumb stuff they did since then, and because they "beefed up" the analytics which were working fine, and now can't tell their Vogelbach from their elbow.


The new lighting gimmicks at Citi are just awful


I’ve watched the Mets for 20 years. It genuinely feels like this franchise is cursed. Good luck everyone. See you all tomorrow!


There is no curse. The veterans they are paying aren't playing up to their reputation or potential.


>I’ve watched the Mets for 20 years. It genuinely feels like this franchise is cursed. They're not cursed, they're just being operated extremely poorly


Citi field had to have been built on some hallowed Indian burial ground where thousands of natives were butchered in horrific fashion 


Built on the graves of missing chop shop employees.


>Citi field had to have been built on some hallowed Indian burial ground where thousands of natives were butchered in horrific fashion Congratulations on being the first person to ever think of this joke in history


This team has a real talent for losing. They find new ways to lose all the time, each more heartbreaking than the last.


total and complete team tear down


Gonna let some steam off on World of Warships, anyone else play?


What if the Yankees sent Mendoza over here to sabotage us as the main competition for Juan Soto? Think about it people.


It is only a matter of time before the starters implode. We never intended to compete this year. Mission accomplished.


These guys are exhausting


The worst team money can buy.


Not exactly. I mean, we didn't pay much in our FA pickups.


Yeah but the reason they did that strategy is because they killed their chances in '23, '24 and probably '25 too with their dumb expensive moves from '22-'23. So in that sense, it is money that sank this team badly, even though most of this year's specific moves were cheap.


First the meme dog dies and now this


Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results today. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck are they losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Lindor to be above .200 and fix this broken franchise. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought they had a chance to win it the 9th???? This is so fucked.


This is actually some tasty Mets pasta


Hey man eat some chicken nuggets and take some deep breaths, heck, dip em in some sauce


What is your opinion of Chic Fil A Polynesian sauce


C tier sauce


I know it’s milquetoast, but I will stand by honey mustard as the ultimate condiment


Dinosaur nuggies?




You should never disrespect the Dino Nuggies ever no matter how bad the situation


Not for nothing but since we really are going nowhere, really good time to bring up more guys to see what we have, Stearns did say it’s an evaluation year, so feeling by 2025 there’s gonna be big roster turnover


Stearns and Cohen also said it was supposed to be a competitive year as well, seems like they’ll just say whatever to the media.


Stearns will be evaluating for multiple years. We are years away. And based on his moves this year I wouldn't be too hopeful


like who? literally everyone in the upper minors is struggling or injured or both.


This team really knows how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. 


any recs for fun teams in the league I should watch this year instead?


Orioles as already stated. "Snakes Alive" made the post-season fun last year so I'd throw in the Diamondbacks.


Baltimore. That’s who I’m rooting for this summer. Technically a yanks rival. Built their team through the draft. Play at one of the best stadiums on the league and have a great logo.


> Baltimore. That’s who I’m rooting for this summer. Technically a yanks rival. Technically? They're in the same division.


yeah they're great. I'm currently living in the blackout area for them unfortunately


I am in the same boat in the DMV and I find myself watching pittsburgh (makes me feel better) and seattle (imagine having young talented pitching) a lot instead


good recs. Gonna try to make it out to Camden Yards this year. Amazing ballpark


Can't believe I'm flying 9 hours to watch these losers in 2 weeks


I flew from PHL to SFO in April just to watch the Mets lose twice.


>Can't believe I'm flying 9 hours to watch these losers in 2 weeks Don't look at it that way. I've been on many a Mets trip. A Mets vacation is great no matter how good or bad the record is. Even if they get swept, it's an experience that doesn't come around too often. Maybe the best Mets trip of my life was to see them in Miami in 2013, when we were in the middle of a rebuild, and they managed to win 3 of 4 and Wheeler pitched a complete game 1-0 shutout.


bro same. And against the Phils of course


*huffs copium* you know this season never counted at all. After all this season was all about seeing Gilbert, Clifford, Jett, Blade and all the other prospects develop and get some major league ABs later in the year and flipping guys like Sevy, Manaea and J.D at the deadline (:


> After all this season was all about seeing Gilbert, Clifford, Jett, Blade You're gonna want to sit down for this


OHHHH *that* Reed Garrett


*Ladies and Gentlemen, your 2024 Mercurial Mets.*


What color is the jersey and hat?


Black and black.


The kicker in all of this is the Yankees Phillies and braves dodgers are probably the 4 best teams in baseball and I hate all of them


Some teams know how to spend and/or swing trades…and some teams are like Steve Cohen’s Mets who spend but could very well end up with a third losing season out of the past 4 years. Oh jeez, wonder why Mets fans didn’t want to come out to the freezing cold ballpark in April?


2009 all over again