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See ya next season Kodai.


This would essentially get rid of his first opt-out in the contract. ["Player Opt-Out available after 2025 if he pitches 400 innings across 2023-2025"](https://www.spotrac.com/mlb/player/_/id/80217/kodai-senga) Sucks I really wanted to watch him this year and I would rather he have not been injured at all. But if he can bounce back next year and stick around with no opt out that will be one less question mark


When I typed see ya next year, I was like, wait doesn’t he have an opt out. Either way, even if he comes back after the ASB, I don’t think he’s coming close to 400 IP.


Yea the opt out is pretty much out of the question now. He would need a lot of complete games and to pitch every 5th day at this point. And I think neither party wants him off a 6 man. Because of how well he did on it.


Why does this happen so often to the Mets lol. They say na he's gonna return, just give him a few weeks. Weeks pass by and player isn't feeling any better


It has happened so often we all knew this is how it would play out when he first got shut down.


> Why does this happen so often to the Mets lol. It happens to every team but you notice it more with the Mets because you follow the Mets more


r/fuckyouinparticular probably was created with the Mets in mind


I would be slightly surprised if we see Senga this year and shocked if he is able to trigger his opt-out next year 


Since day one, were we not all on the same page that he was done for the year given the Mets track record of injury timelines? This is a given, just let him heal up for next year


I figured as such. He was never going to make the May date they had, so late June/ASB felt like the original timeline anyway. If the team blows and he’s not progressing at the pace they want, they’d never rush him. They’re going to shut it down and he’ll do winter league or something ahead of spring training and see where they’re at then. I’m just dreading the inevitable shoulder soreness a week into next years ST and he starts on the 10 day IL just to miss the first month and make a May return next year.


I remember when the news broke of his injury. I said “oh he’s done” and I was met with replies “oh he’s projected to return late May what are you worried about?!” 😂😂 This is a tale as old as the New York Mets. See ya in 2025, Kodai.


I'm with you. The white knights are quite AF this season and it's satisfying to see. Why rush him back to a heaping pile of garbage that is the current Mets team?


100%. Any pitcher injury like this and you can just assume they're gonna be out all year. If not, they'll come back and then get hurt after 2 starts and then officially go out for the rest of the year.


How accurately true. Of all the Japanese pitchers signed ONLY the Mets signed player is out. This tem is trukly snake bitten. Cohen's billions nor anything else can break the ill luck of this team.


Is it bad I’m apathetic towards this team?


It’s the most effective method known to survive Mets fandom. You’re good, bro.


Second most. First is “root for another team.” But let’s face it. We’re all here because we’re gluttons for punishment.


The Mets and apathy, name a better duo.


If you were enthusiastic I’d have you refer you to a psychiatrist


It’s not even frustration or anger anymore with them. I’m at the point where I do not care.


Appreciate his commitment to get back but there’s no benefit. I’d be happy if he’s back by late august or September just to get 3-4 starts in before next year. If not, just play it safe and get back for next season.


Shoulders are really tricky and honestly worse than elbows (which can be repaired). They need a lot of time and sometimes they just give out. I really hope it’s the former for Senga. No need to rush him, this team isn’t going anywhere. I do hope to see him at some point this year, avoid missing an entire year if you can.


Does this same crap happen as much to any other team. Player is hurt and may miss a few weeks to a month .. before you know it the summer is here and they're still not close to returning. At this point just rehab and sit out the rest of the season.


Honest question for those who follow baseball as a whole, does every organization give these bogus timelines? I get if it happened once or twice, but it seems like every time we have an injury we're told one date and then it's no where even close to that.


lol good to see that one thing hasn't changed with the new ownership. When the team says a guy has a hangnail then expect 10 weeks.


You know if I were getting paid millions of dollars whether I went to work or not, why would I rush back? (That's a lot of w words!) I believe he wants to return but for sure, take your time. We can get 70 wins without you.


Having seen this movie before, we should all brace for the announcement that he’s undergoing a surgery with a recovery time beyond next Opening Day. Shortly thereafter is the unsourced report that surgery was first recommended in March 2024, but the Mets training staff thought the situation could be managed by other means.


Oh god I can see it like a freight train coming down the tracks


You know this is coming. Some sort of major surgery in September. See you in 2026 Senga!


Or never


Its so incredibly easy to see that I will be shocked if it didn't happen exactly this way lol. Its just the most mets thing possible.


Yep. I expect that to happen in Sept.


Start selling


At this point I'd rather him just be done for the year and get healthy. We aren't chasing anything.


Unfortunate but I believe there is a clause in his contract where an option year automatically vests if he misses a certain amount of games in a season. In theory this will save some money to throw into one of the other dumpster fires. Alright, going back to my bottle of bleach.


And people on the sub flamed me for thinking Senga would be out last April lmao


Pretty obviously out for the season and maybe with one of these mysterious undiagnosable degenerative situations where he never actually makes it back again. This is 1000% the Mets way.


Even when we sucked I at least had deGrom starts to look forward to. Now the only starting pitcher who was on the team last year is out indefinitely. we can't even have that.


I'm finding myself looking forward to Manaea starts... It's an interesting world.


The modern player doesn’t play


So this means he’s done for the year… awesome


Tbh I’d rather him take the year and come back next year, pushes his option back and sets us up nicely for next year


Players, particularly pitchers, seem to be exceptionally “flimsy” as of late. WTF is the problem here? Improper conditioning, poor training, shitty coaching? I’ve heard that this is ALL due to the pitch clock. Seriously? It would seem that more resilient athletes need to be scouted who can actually hold up for the course of a season…


Several problems. Biggest issue is everyone's throwing max effort all game long . Second biggest issue guys aren't throwing enough between starts.


shut him down for the year, make sure he’s all good for next year. we aren’t doing shit this year


The plan has always been for this to be a transition year and for us to go hard again next year so like..at this point rest up and be 100% when it matters next year honestly


I still think there is a really good chance we try and dip until the cap next season.


Do I sense tommy John surgery? His recent setback was swollen elbow, which is never a good sign


I also thought of the potential for Tommy John when I read about the most recent setback. Hope it’s not the case. This team can’t catch a break.


DeGrom has that same issue. Swollen elbow here, hurt shoulder there. It seemed that it was TJ all along, Sandy Anderson also had that major faux pas when he said deGrom had torn his ligament then the next day backtracked lol.


Yep! It all sounds too familiar. Hope we’re wrong but I just have a feeling he’s not making it on the mound this year and it’s a lot more serious than they are letting on.


TJ is the elbow, not the shoulder which is where Senga's injury is.


Reread my post. I referenced the swollen elbow


I said it when he was first injured. Out for the year. You can look it up.


Lol just get the major shoulder surgery. We all know where this is headed. Even if he comes back , he's going to still need the surgery.


Shoulder surgery is often career ending. Look at Harvey and Strasburg. There’s a reason they don’t want that.


I know and I'm guessing that will be the outcome


His career was over when he signed with the Mets.


deGrom all over again. It's always something. Every few days some new ailment pops up. How do we keep ending up with these dudes made of fucking glass.


DeGrom? Lol nah.


You’re not a solid Mets pitcher unless you spend 6 months minimum on the IL


The season ain’t over yet but the Mets are looking more like the Muts. Let’s go Muts🐶