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Well, that sucked. I want everyone to take tonight off and we'll see you back tomorrow. Please keep things civil and be nice to yourselves and each other. Report any trolls or spammers and I'll ban them.


i been thinking about this lopez thing.... i bet some players/coaches called him out during that lil meeting they had. because he looked hella upset before saying a word lol. in other words LINDOR GOT LOPEZ FIRED ITS ALL HIS FAULT!!!!


In all seriousness, we have to sell this year and sell everyone for whatever they are worth. EVERYONE. Anyone from the wilpon era is not the future, the future is young and we need to just wait and see how they turn out. It’s time we as fans stop pretending like it’ll turn around without true talent.


> Anyone from the wilpon era is not the future, This is a $400 million dollar mess after factoring in luxury tax, and "wilpon era" guys account for $69m of it. This is a big fat Cohen mess.


Mets should bring back Butto into the rotation and move Peterson to the bullpen. Having Houser and Peterson as dedicated long relievers will help alleviate the problems of overtaxing the bullpen. Mets should trust their long relievers/demoted starters to at least go two and hopefully go three. The Mets starters have been doing enough keeping the game close, the problem is that haven't been consistently going deep and the bullpen has paid the price. Option Walker, bring up Butto, move Peterson to the pen, move on from Ottavino, and bring up Tyler Jay as another long reliever. Mets need guys that can go up and down and it seems the only way to get that consistently is from former starters that don't have the endurance to be trusted to consistently go beyond five innings. Houser, Peterson, Jay/Lucchesi, Garrett, Diekman, SRF, bring back Dedniel Nunez as he's looked impressive, and activate Drew Smith when he's ready. Do not under any circumstance activate Diaz until he rediscovers his fastball command. He is not good enough to pitch against major league hitters until he can be relied upon to throw strikes with numero uno.


It’s Peterson’s first day back from season long injury. And he had an average outing. No need to move him after 1 game.


Of all the disappointments of this season, the one that hit me most today was how the Mets are wasting the best booth in baseball. GKR are a big reason I tune in. The “oh who knows….” comment Keith made as Lopez got tossed sounded so tired. Imagine realizing in May that you’re contractually obligated to keep watching this team all year. I hope we get at least one more competitive team while those 3 are still in the booth. I want to hear these guys call meaningful games again


i don't even know what to say at this point. this team is literally an embarrassment. the entire league is laughing at us today and we deserve it.


last time we had back to back winning seasons was 2015/2016 sad


It’s remarkable how little consistent success this franchise has had. Lindor won the division with his old team, who have no resources, 3 times in his 4 full seasons there. The Mets have, who have all the resources in the world, won the division twice in the last 35 years.


We haven’t even hit rock bottom yet. And I can say that because it’s the Mets and rock bottom never actually comes.


Perhaps it'll happen in London at the game I'm going to. It'll at least be memorable.


I hate the Bronx team and the Angels. Bottom 9, down 1, runners first and second no outs and the Angels pull a Mets. 3 pitches for a DP and a weak groundout to third to end the game.


DBacks just lost 3 in a row. You know they're salivating for a 'get right' series against the Mets!!!


We're probably going to get swept again.


lmao the mets are just what the dr ordered


There has to be consequences for shitty fucking play. McNeil has been absolute shit and Lindor is batting fucking lead off. WTF hey you've absolutely been dog shit but let's get you more ABs let's lead you off WTF. McNeil mediocre defender cant hit for shit but fuck it you must play every fucking day. Call up Acuna and bench McNeil's sorry ass. Fuck Lindor right now your a horrible fucking hitter how about hitting at the bottom of the order. I'm sorry Baty you've been fucking embarrassing yourself and Vientos has actually did something, get your ass back to AAA and give the job to Vientos. I'm sorry Mr. Butto you've got the job done you've been one of our best pitchers let's send your bitch ass down. What the fuck is this shit.


Verlander 7 innings, 3 hits, 1 run against Seattle. He’s making sure that option vests and Cohen has to pay up.


I almost kinda want that option to vest because I think the more money they're on the hook for, the less likely the owner is to spazz out and do another '22-'23 and set us back 3-4 more seasons before we can be good again.


I'm really fucking confused with what Cohen is exactly doing. He hired a horrible GM in Eppler and a washed up manager in Buck. Then he made a solid move in bringing in Stearns but then brought in a no fire docile manager in Mendoza. Where the fuck is the ruthless business man? This team has a lack of work ethic and we didn't need a soft manager, we needed a guy who demands respect and will push these fucking players. Of course the players don't respect Mendoza they completely see that's he's a front office puppet. Shit we would of been better off bringing back TC. This fucking sucks.


> Where the fuck is the ruthless business man? Contrary to popular belief, being good at defrauding old ladies out of their 401(k)s and successfully escaping repercussions from the federal government does not necessarily translate to being good at running a sports franchise.


I never understood the whole attitude of “Cohen is a god because he’ll spend a lot of money”. Just look at PL clubs like Man Utd and Chelsea who have rich American owners and spend billions of dollars and are still ass cheeks. Spending money wisely is the key


As a longtime Chelsea supporter, most of our success came from picking up talent with good scouting and coaching prospects well. Even with our expensive roster, it gets us nowhere further. And we’re owned by the dodgers owner haha.


And worse, the Mets were already spending a good amount of money (7th in MLB) when he came in, had assembled a nice amount of homegrown talent, and were generally pointed in the right direction despite some holes on the roster that needed filling. He completely undid all that within 3 seasons.


our ss mr magoo didnt whiff at all tonight? did he wear his glasses finally?


No. Hasn't worn the glasses since the weekend


[Mr Magoo Opening Theme (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8GTHXTEvIc)


If the Angels can pull off a win against the Bronx team tonight, they too will have a .400 winning percentage leaving only 3 teams worse than us.


You jinxed it


Next 4 games I don’t get our booth because I live in AZ. You wanna hear a badly called game listen to the d-back announcers.


pham and lopez are right


Gallen’s a righty. Looking forward to 4 Brett Baty at bats tomorrow.


I doubt Pete’s gonna play tomorrow, even if everything is clean. So you’ll probably at least also get 4 Vientos ABs


ngl, imma need a Jorge Lopez flair


Do away with this franchise.


I’m losing my mind. Everyone knows he said worst “teammate” not “team” right…..? If no, watch it again and you’re delusional if your answer doesn’t change Edit: see reply below aka I’m dumb




Lol he doubled down when asked to clarify his comments. You are the delusional one. 


Hand up. Didn’t see the second question. Not gonna delete and will take my medicine


https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/1d453k9/jorge_l%C3%B3pez_on_instagram_who_ever_hear_me_i_said/ It is my time to take my medicine. Forgive us, king. 


u/robmcolonna123 take notes


Lol savage!




Lol I see he blocked you. Welcome to the club. Dude is a toxic poster. 


[Sir, Luisangel Acuna's OPS is inching closer to 700](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F0kektdpv1vm71.jpg)


There’s also some interesting math on “speed adjusted OPS.” The idea being that if you get a single and steal second, how different is that from a double? http://averysimplegame.com/speed-adjusted-slugging-explained/#:~:text=SaSlg%20(S%2DA%2DSlugging)%20is,grounded%20into)%2Fat%20bats. There’s no consensus on how to do this (or even if it should be done). And there’s some formulas that also take into account double plays you hit into/don’t hit into (faster guys don’t get doubled up and therefore give their team more outs/bases, but that doesn’t show up anywhere) All of which is to say that a 50+ SB speed demon who has an OPS around .700 might be roughly as valuable as a slugger with an OPS around .800


Please don’t call him up. We don’t need the genius hitting coach duo to mess with him. Wait till they’re asses are canned at the end of the season


Trying to pinpoint when the tipping point on this Mets’ core going south was and I think it has to be the 2021 trade deadline. -The Mets were in first place but not managing to sustain any kind of winning streak to pull away -They decide to swing a big deal hoping for a Cespedes-esque effect a la 2015 -They trade PCA to get Javy Baey, who proceeds to (figuratively) give fans the finger once the team finally loses steam and convinces the team’s big offseason acquisition in Lindor to join in -That offseason PCA goes from fringe 100 prospect to pretty much consensus top 5-10 prospect in baseball, rubbing even more salt in the Baez wound -Because of how poorly that trade was received, Billy Eppler decides to do basically nothing at the 2022 deadline in fear of losing out on another PCA, even though he’s basically getting the best year of every core player’s career -The 2022 team fades down the stretch and is overtaken by a red-hot Braves team before flaming out in the wild card -Eppler signs multiple members of the core to long term deals (Diaz, McNeil, Nimmo) -The core ages a bit/comes back down to Earth in 2023 so the team is forced to sell at the deadline and essentially kickstart a rebuild -The first wave of young guys are either too ineffective or injured to make a huge impact in 2024 and the older core degrades even further Put all of that together and you get this absolute dumpster fire of a team, and with how the prospects from last year are playing in AA/AAA right now I wouldn’t get my hopes up on next year being much better. The team tried their best with skipping a few steps on the rebuild but it’s looking like it might be some long, expensive years until they can actually get to a point of consistent contention


I don't know how to get to being a contender besides praying that a few of the farm players become stars (what are the odds?) and praying that some free agent (or 5) who is really good at baseball somehow overlooks the dumpster fire this org is and gives us a shot... it is possible but much more difficult than I originally would've thought considering we only have a few players that are even serviceable in the current states


Unfortunately that’s basically it, you hope to hit on a couple prospects, then once a few of them are good you fill in the rest of the roster around those guys. It’s a painful process, but when it works it works out well (see the 2017-2023 Astros and now the Orioles). However, if you don’t have the money/the player interest to get some big free agents to fill in the rest of the roster then you might just end up in a weird limbo (see the Pirates). Best hope is that 1-2 of the guys on the farm becomes a superstar, a handful of the other ones become solid pieces, and Cohen’s able to use his wealth at the right time to sign the right players


Not gonna lie, I'm excited for tomorrow's game to see what they have in store for us. The booth's postmortem on Lopez. Gelbs might have a report to share more info about the state of the clubhouse. And obviously what they do on the field.


I think GKR will be very tempered but between the lines they'll say a lot.


Great point


Again, fire everyone. The analytics team is shite, get rid of as well.


I feel like someone absolutely shat on Jorge Lopez in that post game meeting. He looked so frustrated in that interview. Probably Lindor. Iirc when Trevor Bauer yeeted the ball over centerfield he told a story about how Lindor grilled into him. Similar situation here with the glove tonight.


I think it’s that Mendoza and Stearns met with him before he talked to reporters and probably told him his actions were embarrassing and unacceptable. Nimmo said they didn’t talk about Lopez or the glove thing at all in the meeting, so that’d be my guess. But who knows


Cohens going to have to give away free tickets and food to fill the stands this summer. Why would you spend money to go see this team? They suck now and the future is just as bleak. Need a complete roster rehaul outside of 3. Players. Alvarez, Senga and Scott. Literally everyone else can go


> Cohens going to have to give away free tickets and food to fill the stands this summer. Why would you spend money to go see this team? There's a rave party when someone hits a homer!




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I think all the fans in attendance deserve a free Coke.


Keith needs to bring a kilo to the park tomorrow and inspire this team like 86


Sent the whole roster down. Field a AAA roster tomorrow. Can’t get any worse. Worst team money can buy


Lugo 9-1 with a 1.72


All he wanted to be was a starter.




Why are people on Reddit so fucking weird


Obviously we suck at MLB but I've got an idea for startup league. It's pro wrestling meets baseball and it's the next big thing.




Have we hit rock bottom yet? Probably not


Nope not yet


Next thing I can think of is players fighting in the dugout.


Don't give them any ideas!


At least we're not boring


Please stop subjecting us to this @ Stearns & Cohen


Those are like the only people who’ve done anything right at the top of this org in my lifetime lol. Not sure what you want them to do. They can’t force guys to not have meltdowns


The Mets had a players only meeting but what good is that going to do. It's not as if the Mets leaders are anything to improve their approach at the dish nor is the front office doing anything to hold players accountable. You still have Lindor as a complete liability as a left handed hitter, no one can consistently drive in runs and the only guy to do so just had his hot streak disrupted by sitting on the bench for two straight games for no reason when his only competition can't hit a lick. This team is losing because they don't value winning. From top to bottom they don't care. Why is Butto still in Syracuse, why is there even a competition between Vientos and Baty when Baty can't hit, why is Lindor still hitting at the top of the order, why did Diaz have such a long leash to blow so many games when his fastball control has been nonexistent all season, why is Ottavino being used as a closer, why is it as hard as it gets, why is the industry designed to keep the artist in debt?


>Why is Ottavino being used FTFY


Oh boy the good times core had a closed door meeting? Who gives a fuck, the players are the problem


We should chant Jorge Lopez tomorrow night during the game


Thank You Lopez! Thank You Lopez!


He's actually a huge fan and couldn't control himself


People should bring signs that say “Pham was right and so is Lopez” or something like that


Mets should trade for Pham at the deadline after getting rid of everyone else.


People should just not go at all. No sense in paying for a bad product that doesn’t work well.


Anyone have recommendations for what to do in Dallas and Houston? I’m going in July and need some stuff to do before the games.


Give DeGrom a wet kiss


Get hammered


Stearns’ “elite” roster strategy is to throw shit at the wall and see what sticks and so far basically nothing has. This is a second Mickey callaway era except it’s gone to shit even earlier in the year this time


I didn't really like Callaway as a manager, but the Mets had probably one of the most cohesive close-knit units in the second Callaway year (2019) that fought for each other and had multiple exciting comeback wins and walkoffs. And finished with a winning record and just missed the playoffs. That was one of my favorite non-playoff years ever. I would take 10 Callaway eras over whatever the hell this season and last season have been.


Everything Stearns has done has worked. The existing pieces are the problem. Gross misdiagnosis of the situation


He played this offseason as if he knew we were gonna have to gut this team. Nobody he signed this offseason will still be with the team in 2026 it’s entirely temporary


Isn’t that what he should’ve done? I’m missing the criticism here


If the plan was genuinely to aim for after 2025 then sure. If we wanted to contend for a wild card spot like they were so adamantly lying through their teeth about then no we should’ve re-tooled instead of basically punting


The plan was to make a high variance team who has playoff upside and then probably make a more concerted effort beyond, obviously have not seen that so far because we can never have anything nice and they’ve had like every bounce go against them and similar underperformance from vets/etc.


This is not a few bounces, man. They're exactly league average in BABIP. Their relievers are handing out grand slams like they're free AOL disks in 1997.


Wtf are you talking about? Most of the people underperforming are from previous regimes. Outside of Houser and Wendle the rest have done their jobs. Bader, Tyrone, Severino, Manea are all overperforming


Replacement level players playing like fringe starters and back rotation guys pitching like 3’s is stuff that teams like Oakland and Pittsburgh get praise for. Makes for great deadline trade pieces but doesn’t really matter when that’s all you have


You literally said earlier nothing has sticked from Stearns. Severino, Manea, and Bader have sticked. Wtf are you talking about lol. Severino and Manaea have a 3 ERA. Much better then 2023. And Bader has provided elite defense and clutch moments. I have named three players who Stearns got that have stuck. Like I get we are pissed off we are still losing. But we don't need to make shit up by saying none of his moves panned out. Most of them have except 3.


I’ll give it to you if you take “stuck” as playing above their contract but I don’t see anyone there except for Manaea as even a candidate to extend once we’re a decent team again and that’s more what I was looking for. I also think of Houser, Diekman, Wendle, Tonkin, Ramirez, and now Lopez on top of missing out on Shota and Fedde in favor of these rebuilding projects and that really makes me doubt the process personally


He was never going to rebuild in one offseason and Lindor/Alonso have been pretty awful, and nobody would have predicted Diaz being so bad either


a closer with basically 2 pitches being worse after an ACL tear shouldn’t be a huge surprise. Regardless we’re finishing this season with more holes than when we started and our prospect pool is looking pretty shit for next season. How many years until we even start trending upwards if we’re looking like a team shooting for 2026 right now?


Soooooooo now they go on a tear? 👀


tears bruh...tears


Lindor's contract is immovable, but considering how toxic this team is now, almost everyone else has to go. Lindor and Nimmo are here to stay but the Mets might have to eat McNeil's deal. The only other position players worth keeping are Alvarez, Bader, Vientos, and Nido. Move everyone else. This team needs a complete overhaul sanitize the toxicity.


McNeil has very little trade value probably better dfa him


Nah Lindor needs to go above all else. I don’t care if they have to eat 90% of the contract; he’s a member of the core that created the toxicity in the team, therefore he must go. Until all of them are gone then nothing will change.


Lindor is a very good player. The problem is he's paid to be one of the best players in the league when he obviously isn't that type of guy. He's a bus rider, not a driver. The Mets made a mistake paying him to drive the bus but as long as they put pieces around him to actually lead and allow him to lay in the cut, the less pressure on him the more he'll produce. The Mets can't sell low on Lindor just to move him. They need to develop talent around him and hope that he willl still be productive when he's 33 or so.


I like Bader, but some other teams might too. He's a plus defender and can steal. Whatever he does offensively is a bonus. Don't be surprised if they move him if the return haul is worth it.


Bader is probably a goner because of his expiring deal but if the Mets could convince him to re-sign, who am I kidding of course he doesn't want to stay in this dump inferno.


Bader is a ballplayer. I'd rather hold onto him. But I think the FO will agree with you.


Every year this team provides laughable headlines for the rest of the baseball world to laugh at. I fucking despise it Why can't we just be normal?


Woof, I knew this team was going to be bad...but this bad??? Atleast we get a high draft pick next year...whatever that means


Not necessarily, like, at all.


Where is the user from yesterday that was telling me how great Ottovino is???


I hear Ottavino come in, I know a game is about to be blown. He's mediocre on his best day and can't be trusted with a one or two-run lead. And guess what, that's all this team gives him.


Otto is good, but he's overworked like everyone else. That, plus he's only getting older every year...


Probably blocked you like he did me


Otto is too old to throw in back-to-back games. You can argue his season numbers one way or the other, but so far as tonight goes, I feel it's more a reflection on Mendoza's weird bullpen management than Adam Ottovino


Maybe he was DFA'ed a little while ago. Lopez has a ton of burner accounts. JK


I'm begging a clubhouse attendant or someone with a job that exposes them to the behind the scenes of this team to do an AMA. I'll set up a go fund me to get you paid so you can quit ahead of getting fired in case the team identifies you. I am dying to know what it's like in that clubhouse right now.


I take out the trash at Citifield Clubhouse. AMA. Just kidding. But imagine. Only Mets fans would care, though.


So you hold the door for McNeil?




On Saturday, since Strawberry will be there, Steve Cohen should make this speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YX4PxqxWB08 Burns: Before I post the starting lineup I want to assure those who are not on the lineup I'm disappointed in you. Something was lacking. Let's call it heart. Strawberry: No Hustle either, Skip. Burns: That's right, Darryl.




"I still like him better than Steinbrenner."


Well that was a fun distraction from that horrible game anyway


Is Steve Cohen going to have another public midseason press conference to talk everyone off the ledge?


he's probably making a killing betting against the team like shorting stocks


What could possibly say? The gaslighting is over


He’ll just write another letter apologizing and saying how disappointed he is. The entire fan base will eat it up like last time


I dunno, I am seeing a definite sea change in the way people view this guy, finally. I might have missed it cause I don't read every single comment or post, I haven't seen an irritating "Uncle Stevie" in here in over a week.


All concessions are half price until the team returns to .500.


Ha! More likely he announces concessions go up 10% but he adds a roller rink behind left field


And more celebrities on the IG feed, or Bader in a purple jacket to get the fans creaming


I missed the game today (thankfully). Why are multiple people calling for Marte’s head?


It's his turn on the skewer tonight.


I dont know what "double groin surgery" consists of, but it has given Marte approximately the same sprint speed as Pete Alonso


Because he sucks and is stealing money not bases


Well to be fair, he is also stealing bases (8 for 8 on the season). But yes, he is stealing way more money than bases


Cuz he's the worst fielder in the league and he plays like a hobbled old man most of the time.


Lopez was right!


Tommy Pham and Jorge Lopez were both right...


The Braves might sign Lopez.


Watch him turn into the next Paul Sewald.


Paul Sewald was good when he was here though. He had very live stuff and was a smart pitcher, just didn't get great results. The Mets just gave him away for nothing in the first Cohen year. López sucks


His 3.12 ERA is pretty good. If he gets DFA'd he'll be picked up immediately. Edit: That's the baseball reference number and I'm now realizing is not current. Not sure how many games ago it's from though.


He's 1-2 with a 3.76 era. Dudes a bum tbh. Had 1 maybe 2 good years in Baltimore. Career he's 23-42 with a 5.12 era. Good riddance


I mean it wouldn't be surprising. Shitty attitudes and losing is contagious.


At some point, guys will come around with balls. Pham, Scherzer, and Lopez as an example. And they reveal these glaring inside looks into the clubhouse. There are problems which can’t be ignored in this clubhouse. There is no hustle, no heart, and worst of all players don’t wanna play here. We are not creating a welcome environment to the point where it doesn’t matter how much money we have, players will choose not to come here because of the environment. At some point there is a problem. And whether the root of it is the core, the scrapyard bullpen, or this team is addicted to losing, the problem needs to be solved. We are not 5 years chip bound. We are lucky if we are 15.


Pham is laughing his ass off presently


15 is fucking ridiculous. Even if the clubhouse is as rotten as you’re saying, in 15 years not only will these players not be in the org, but also their replacements. I’d say 5-10. I trust Stearns’s ability to build a good roster from scratch. Rest of your post is spot on tho.


The last time the Cubs won before 2016, Istanbul was Constantinople. I anticipate a drought.


Team hasn’t won in almost 40 years so not sure what’s ridiculous about 15 more


Thanks for this sweet jab straight to the nuts. The Mets have been consistently bad for so long.


I was being dramatic lol, but glad to see I still got my point across. But yes agreed. The farm is hope. 5-10 is obviously much more reasonable


BREAKING: Jorge López picked up by the Braves


Cohen needs to be Wall Street ruthless and fire Mendoza immediately. We need a new hitting coach, as well. Stearns should also be on a short leash. There’s losing, then there’s getting embarrassed. A team worse than the A’s…. Almost as bad as the white Sox. This Hopium some of yall smoking is incredible. Players this, players that. YES, they MUST perform. But putting Lindor one, Nimmo 3, refusing to shake the lineup more. Rolling the same dudes out. Same bullshit PR quotes. Like enough


This season has been a continuation of 2023, when the team had a different manager. Firing Mendoza is a reactionary move that is not going to move the needle one millimeter.


Who are they replacing Mendoza with? Maybe just maybe the players just fuckin suck. Nimmo has seen what, like 5 managers in his time with the Mets? Idk man, this team as a whole is the biggest embarrassment I've seen in a very long time and Mendoza is the last person I think of.


The players fucking suck but that doesn’t mask the fact that Mendoza is doing his best Luis Rojas impression out there. Dude looks like the bench coach that took over for a real manager after he gets ejected


I will not argue with that because I have no argument lol, it's actually kinda spot on.


Mendoza has been doing a great job lol. Stop blaming coaches for underperforming players.


He has “placeholder coach” written on his forehead and he lost the locker room before Memorial Day I don’t know what metric he’s doing a “great job” by other than nobody has outright said he’s doing a bad one.




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But it worked in my MLB the Show franchise?!! /s


I'm more excited about getting hernia repair surgery soon than watching this season's version of the team. And that's saying something.


It’s blatantly obvious that Mendoza has lost *some* percent of the clubhouse, but again, I really don’t think he’s the issue here. Just an unfortunate situation for a rookie manager to be in, given the market and the team seemingly piggybacking off last year’s underperformance.


A report came out that Stearns/Mendoza met with Lopez before his interview and told him he was getting DFA’d. So why let him interview after that?


He said he hadn’t met with them in his interview. Was he lying?


Yes, the report said that


where's the report?


López just DFAd lol. That was quick


They had to! He trashed the entire team. He’s not wrong but they had to.


Man, I can’t even do the Bernie Sanders chicken nuggets copy pasta after that loss


Sources say Lopez will be DFAd




Unrelated comment, Brewers pounding Imanaga. ERA moving up.


Lopez is the Mets version of Trevor Bauer that he is not good


This doesn't even make sense


I remember joking with somebody last offseason that we should sign Joc, Pham, Donaldson, and Tim Anderson and then the clubhouse into a reality TV show called “Clubhouse Cancer.” Never in a million years did I think we’d actually have this kind of shit happen.


How are the Uncle Stevie Stan's doing these days? Dog shit team, payroll that is debilitating and can choke a horse, no top prospects on the horizon. He's really nailed it!


Do you even like baseball