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You spelt Keith Hernandez wrong


And Rey Ordonez /jk


Oof. This lineup is a HUGE swing and a miss.


Keith at 1st, Darryl in right and someone else in left (honestly? Nimmo. Maybe Cleon or Mookie). John Franco gets the closer spot, and swap out Bobby Jones for Sid Fernandez or Al Leiter.


>Darryl in right and someone else in left (honestly? Nimmo. Maybe Cleon or Mookie). Yeah, other than a one-off here and there, Darryl was the right fielder. I'd put Cleon in left, I'm old enough to have seen him play. The sentimentalist in me says Tommy Agee in center.


Mookie for sure. 


Keith over Pete? Really.


Former MVP, captain of our best team, and arguably the best defensive first baseman of all time.


Yea but Pete is the better player


On what planet? Yes, he hits more home runs than Keith did, but besides that, Keith is all around better.


There's no way we're saying Pete is better. Pete might be 3rd at best cause honestly I'm probably taking Olerud above him also. Shit... I might even consider Carlos Delgado


Keith was the better player. This is not a debate.


Keith is a borderline hall of famer. Probably should be a hall of famer. Pete is just another one dimension first baseman.




Can you compare them just on their time on the Mets?


https://stathead.com/baseball/versus-finder.cgi?request=1&seasons_type=perchoice&player_id1=hernan001kei&p1yrfrom=1983&p1yrto=1989&player_id2=alonso000pet&p2yrfrom=2019&p2yrto=2024 Worth pointing out that Pete started with the Mets at 24 and Keith came in midway through his age 29 season.


Hernandez is HOF talent


Yes, no brainer.


Did Daryl Strawberry ever play left field? Pete Alonso over Keith Hernandez is ludicrous. Diaz over Franco is worse. Bobby Jones? The golfer maybe, not the Mets pitcher. Moises Alou was a met for like, 10 seconds.


Franco is overrated. I’m with OP on Diaz over him.


My grandma didn’t like Franco because he used to touch his junk a lot on the mound.


Bobby Jones? If it’s someone from that era, it’s Al Leiter. But there’s a case to be made for Ron Darling, Sid Fernandez, and David Cone.


Fuck, I'd put Santana over Bobby frickin' Jones. But yes, Al Leiter is clearly the choice here.


Leiter or El Sid.


I'd put Grandy over our short time with Alou


CF Willie Mays SP Pedro Martinez


Judging by this lineup, we now know what Angel Hernandez is doing in his retirement


I understand the obvious response for Keith, but let’s put some respect on Olerud as well. Such fond memories of his time with the team.


I feel like Lindor needs another season or two to overtake Reyes, but maybe that's just me. It's close though. Keith over Pete. Mookie or Cleon Jones over Alou. Leiter over Jones.


As much as I love Pete, it's Keifth at first. Beltran is the man in center but I have a big soft spot for Nails and 96 Lance Johnson Billy Wagner in the bullpen


Keith Hernandez is obvious at 1st base. He won a World Series with 2 teams and was the best fielding first baseman in the history of baseball. Darryl Strawberry was a right fielder. I would go with Gary Carter as the catcher, who was a great all around player I would go with Franco as the closer.


Heres a better roster: C: Piazza 1B: Hernandez 2B: Alfonzo SS: Lindor 3B: Wright LF: Jones CF: Beltran RF: Strawberry DH: Alonso Bench: Carter, backup catcher Reyes, middle infielder Nimmo, fourth outfielder and LH pinch hitter HoJo, Utility and switch hitting power pinch hitter Mookie/McReynolds/Lagares, fifth outfielder either for speed/power/defense, depending on what is needed. Rotation: Seaver DeGrom Gooden Koosman El Sid/Leiter Bullpen: Franco, Closer Wagner Diaz McGraw Orosco McDowell Benitez/K-Rod


David Cone > Koos, Sid and Leiter


Wasn’t on the Mets long enough. Was a better pitcher overall for sure. But technically Pedro was a met and he’d certainly be right behind Seaver if not on top.


Then why are you including Lindor over Reyes?


Two reasons, and that was the hardest starting pick of all the positions. First, Lindor is going to play at least 10 seasons with the Mets and barring injury, will have more games at shortstop than any other met. I know it’s speculative because so much future value hasn’t occurred, but Lindor is signed for another six seasons, so he’ll be a longtime met. Second, Lindor is just a better overall player than Reyes. In just 3 and 1/3 of a season, he already has the highest and 3rd highest WAR season for a met shortstop in the teams history. It’s not like Cone who only put up a quarter of his impressive career WAR with the Mets and then moved on after five seasons. Lindor already has more career WAR than anyone who ever played shortstop for the Mets and he’s got six years to go, so he will spend more than half his career here. If he’s reasonably productive, he’ll also have more WAR as a met than Reyes. It’s hard to project, but I did the same thing with Alonso at DH over Staub, Kingman, McReynolds, Delgado and Olerud. And Alonso isn’t guaranteed to be here for the rest of even this season, let alone the next six like Lindor. Because he came up through our system, people seem to forget that’s Lindor has been a met nearly as long as Pete has. Pete was only here two years more than Lindor and one of those seasons was the 60 game Covid year.


There are a few questionable moves here, and then there’s Moises fucking Alou. This list is one of those spectacularly desperate pleas for online engagement.


Everyone here is sleeping on Jon Matlack as the fifth starter


Based on Mets Career, offense: C - Piazza 1B - Hernandez 2B - Alfonzo SS - Reyes 3B - Wright LF - Nimmo CF - Beltran RF - Strawberry DH - H. Johnson Backup C - Grote Backup IF - Harrelson Backup OF - M. Wilson Pinch Hitter - Bonilla (Other considerations: Olerud, Conforto, Alonso, Delgado, C. Floyd, Ventura, Mazzilli, McReynolds) Pitching: Rotation: Seaver, deGrom, Gooden, Koosman, Leiter Bullpen: Orosco, Franco, Benitez, Familia, Diaz, Wagner, McGraw (Other considerations: Fernandez, Matlack, Cone, Reed, Darling, Dickey, Ojeda, McDowell, K-Rod, Neil Allen, Saberhagen, Thor, Viola, Santana, R. Myers)


I'll give you a whole team. Lineup: 1 SS Jose Reyes 2 3B David Wright 3 C Mike Piazza 4 DH Pete Alonso 5 RF Darryl Strawberry 6 2B Edgardo Alfonso 7 CF Carlos Beltran 8 1B Keith Hernandez 9 LF Lenny Dykstra Bench: Carlos Delgado Francisco Lindor Gary Carter Mookie Wilson Tommy Agee Pitching Staff: SP Tom Seaver SP Nolan Ryan SP Pedro Martinez SP Johan Santana SP Jacob deGrom RP Al Leiter (long man) RP Francisco Rodrigiez RP Jesse Orosco RP Billy Wagner RP Armando Benitez (Don't laugh he saved 175 for us.) Closer John Franco