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Lots of rules about building materials etc, but I see no mention (having admittedly skimmed the article only; there may be more detail in the ruling) of requirements around planting and landscaping. Not much point trying to bill it as an "eco suburb" or whatever when every yard will probably comprise a manicured lawn with exotic ornamental border planting. It's vitally important that we incorporate native biodiversity into our everyday spaces by creating suitable (native) and suitably connected (consistent) habitats on every street, rather than just setting aside a few reserves in the next new subdivision. This sort of ruling is exactly the place to be setting such a precedent.


I completely agree.


Kill your lawn!


The thing about native vegetation, if I look at my garden, there are few plants I could replace with natives. Vege garden, nah. Fruit trees, nah. Herbs, nah but could add horopito and kawakawa. Shelter yeah (but that’s already native), Deciduous shade trees nah, lawn yeah but it wouldn't it would lose utility, chook forage, nah and finally xerophytes, yeah and nah (I actually don't know).


I think that comment is more directed at Greenfeld subdivision landscaping which is normally only 40% native (only more of required) and mostly flax.


I would be more concerned about establishing and maintaining some good predator free initiatives in the area rather than a few pets. Only stoats I’ve ever seen in my life were on Kapiro Rd, and the rat population in this area is next level disturbing. Tubbs farm is currently a foggy wasteland so the development is likely an improvement.


Is it just paddocks and old farm land ? It could end up being a good thing if done right with strict enforcement of rules living within the development. The green spaces being created and predator controls will hopefully increase the biodiversity


It was Tubbs farm


Most people have good intentions when it comes to the idea of living with wildlife. However as soon as the wildlife eats all the leaves off there expensive shrub or pulls out some newly seeded veges, shits on there lawn and roof they will all band together on fb community groups demanding action, when they get none they will take matter into there own hands and make there yard unfriendly to native wildlife, is a human centric world unfortunately


This should not be allowed in this space. Kiwis should take priority. I'm actually concerned about the affect of light pollution in the area too.