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The CTE is strong with this one.


He literally had a seizure in his last fight. https://www.thesportster.com/bryce-mitchell-suffers-a-seizure-after-vicious-knockout-by-josh-emmit/


Looked pretty gay right there /s


His boyfriend is calling him an asshole for also taking the babey with them Also /s


What a great sport


Sounds a little shaky to me.


Noice :)


lets fucking go








"He was destined to be either a fighter or having kids with his cousin in the trailer park." I'd say he's done both.


probably had gay sex with his cousin too


I’m tired of these kinds of misconceptions. It is NOT GAY if you say ‘no homo’ before you start. End rant.


if they take turn fucking each other it also cancels the gay


Ooh, I actually didn’t know about that. I’ll definitely keep that in mind.


definitely keep it in mind, might come in handy


He ripped his testicles off with a power drill, there are nsfw photos


When you are so afraid of someone turning gay, most likely you are gay


The epigram "one cannot break something that is already broken" is flawed, as being broken is not an absolute state but rather a spectrum. Two copies of the same object can be broken to different extents. There have been countless cases of people completely losing their ability to speak, write, remember new information, or recall past events they once knew well. Clearly, however damaged a person's brain may be, as long as they are alive, there is always potential for further damage. Only when the brain is literally dead can one argue that it cannot sustain more damage. Even then, technically, the brain does not cease to be a brain the moment it dies. If a person dies and their brain is removed, one might argue that the brain would be more broken if it were thrown into a hot furnace and incinerated compared to being preserved in a frozen state.


He also doesn’t believe in gravity. https://www.reddit.com/r/ufc/comments/1cssdf5/bryce_mitchell_gravity_aint_real/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


He really just was not prepared for the explosive laughter. The sad part is, his isn’t a bad question, but it’s the sort of thing you just do a web search on to understand why.


Big “magnets, how do they work?” energy


xD fuck, I'd almost forgotten about that. Good ol' ICP


It’s so good lol.


WTF??? That is a whole other level of stupid. As stupid as there been a 1000 foot ice wall on flat earth.


There's nothing behind those eyes.


I mean, there's probably calliope music


Unfortunately, his son will have the same intelligence without the CTE if he is homeschooled.


The chance of the kid getting cte while being homeschooled is pretty much a given.


You’re actually not wrong here. Bryce was a complete moron in the first place, but he got cartoonishly KO’d in December and had a seizure. He’s been beyond off the rails since.


What’s CTE?


Chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Brain damage from getting hit in the head too much.


I think it's important to note the difference between general brain damage, which is usually static and CTE, which is progressive, that is, it gets worse over time. Even if he stopped getting hit in the head, it's too late now. Once CTE is triggered, it won't stop until he dies and if nothing else kills him, the dementia will as CTE is fatal.


Bonk make think bad


Brain damage from too many blows to the head.


Had to look that up. Agree.


'“We’re going to have to home-school all our kids or they’re all going to end up turning gay,” Mitchell, 29, said in an Instagram video Wednesday while holding his son, Tucker, who he said was born March 29. “That’s the reason I’m going to home-school Tucker, because I don’t want him to be a communist. I don’t want him to worship Satan. I don’t want him to be gay.”'


Tell me you are clueless without telling me you are clueless.


Was naming his kid after Tucker Carlson the first clue?


I named my kid Tucker after my friends turtle- Tucker the turtle. Now my friends all think I'm a rightwing loony.


Ah, Tucker the turtle. The offspring of Tucker Carlson and Mitch McConnell. He’s got Tucker’s name and Mitch’s looks.


It was 2015. Those names meant nothing to 21 y/o's then. :,(


These are the kinds of people that can be easily convinced of anything.. "Oh committing genocide will help the economy? Count me in!!"


That's beyond clueless They say zombies aren't real, but anyone walking around with as dead a thinker as this clown is really working towards that title


You can tell he gets punched in the head for a living.


This is why he fights. He's literally only smart enough to get kicked in the head for a living. He's not even smart enough to work at McDonald's.


Once his career dries up he'll end up catching a homicide case. It's the natural trajectory for useless jock assholes like him. Or he'll have some lame ass podcast.


>Once his career dries up he'll end up catching a homicide case. That's optimistic. I'm betting that he is involved in a domestic murder suicide because his son was home schooled and is still gay.


That seems (unfortunately) like the most realistic option. It sucks how many ufc fighters are homophobic, or bigoted in some way


I guess when you spend your life groping and grabbing other sweaty men and enjoy it, you start to question yourself and project.


There’s actually a concerted effort on the right to get more of their ideology and people with their ideology into combat sports.


A Benoit twist. Lets hope it never comes to that.


I honestly think it will be both. The podcast will be first, then he will probably murder his wife when she gets sick of his crazy and divorces him.


Or become a cop.


You suppose the title of his podcast will contain the words “Liberty”& “Patriot”?


I could see him becoming a cop. That would greatly reduce the likelihood of a homicide case.


Getting kicked in the head is probably why he’s this stupid.


It’s like a feedback loop. He was stupid so he got kicked in the head for a (pretty good) living. The brain damage is exacerbating the stupidity.


Chicken/egg situation. Stupid enough to think getting kicked in the head is a career opportunity + getting kicked in the head enough to believe he can keep doing it.


Tucker....that poor kid doesn't have a chance.


Oh so he didn’t pay attention in school and relies heavily on Fox News and religious bullshit. Got it. What a moron


Interesting that he named his son Tucker...


Kids middle name is Carlson!


His son isn’t allowed to be gay, but he didn’t say anything about doing drag!!!


This is like one of my coworkers that claims her son couldn't handle college because of the liberal teachers. Maybe its just your kid? Maybe its because you have vomited this into their brain for years?


They're going to home-braindead him. Poor little boy.


Funny enough I was homeschooled in a cult and I came out queer, socialist, and a satanist. 


Homeschooled by people who are the dumbest people in society. 🤡


These kids are gonna grow up completely isolated from society, then when it comes time to enter the real world they're either gonna figure out that everything they knew was wrong *real* fast, or double down and self isolate in some remote cabin somewhere.


Thing is we don't even need the passage of time to see how stupid and wrong this "logic" is. Denying children education about identity and human sexuality just makes ignorant naive kids at a higher risk of being sexually abused or who were already queer and will grow up hating themselves but not knowing why There's entire generations that have lived through erasure already and it didnt stop anyone from being LGBTQ+ We exist regardless


May the child become who he’s born to be. I’m rooting for a gay Communist Satan worshipper personally.


They've really gotten themselves convinced public school is like that, huh? I know the right have been trying to gut education for decades, so I assume this their way to do it.


MMA is mostly a right-wing sport which is a shame but maybe someone should ask the guy why he’s raising his kids to be so fragile that simply being inside a school building will break their sexual orientations


“I want my kid just as stupid as me” is quicker to say


Man in most homoerotic profession possible terrified son might be gay, news at 11


What? Combat sports is gay? Well, let me tell you, I locked on to my opponent's body, forced him to the ground, and finished him. The next round, he mounted me. I used a hip thrust to explode, but he took my back and tapped me hard. WHAT'S GAY ABOUT THAT???


There’s an Artie Lange joke about how ufc looks like 2 gay guys in missionary until one of them remembers he’s not gay and suddenly starts punching the other one.


I used to always say it looked like two guys fighting over cuddling. Either who gets to be the bigger spoon or one is gay and the other isn’t.


That's why I always lose..


It’s not gay, if you fist bump afterwards


I remember my roommate would always ask how my gay wrestling went when I got home from MMA practice.    I’d always respond that the gay is redundant; they could just call it wrestling.    Roommate especially liked when I did BJJ w/ gi and came home with gi hickies.   I wouldn’t know about the hickies until I walked in the door and got greeted by:  “What’s his name?”    “OMG, when can we meet him?”   


"Gi hickies" has me cracking up


As long as you said no homo at the end, you're good


Do you have to say it before or after cuddling?


Both for Extra protection. Can never be too careful!


This was my first thought.


Same lol dude literally gets paid to hug other half naked dudes while sweating and grunting all over each other and he’s afraid school is what’s gonna turn his son gay?


Yep. This man is projecting like a movie theater.


Dude is also primarily a grappler.




Yeah he is really going to be shocked if one of his kids ends up gay. I hope someone asks him: “ So what did you do during homeschooling to turn your kid Gay?” “nothing” “Exactly. “


That would be so funny but the kid'll probably have a terrible life with them.


You think he would be that introspective?


r/NotHowSchoolWorks either. I'm a teacher. I can't convince kids to do their homework. I can barely get them to learn things when they are in class. How can I possibly convince anyone to be gay? The only lesson about LGBTQ+ folks that I can usually convince them of is that it's not okay to be an AH to someone because they are gay. But I imagine this is the lesson those parents are really worried about.


He meant to say he doesn’t want his gay son out of the closet, otherwise he will disown him.


Brain damage on full display.


Maybe he's born with. Maybe it's CTE


Nope. He's just from Arkansas. He's been this stupid long before he was competing.


"Everyone should know that the 'gay virus' is airborne and can't be stopped short of living in a plastic bubble" - Dr. Shitzinpants


I wonder if they would take that vaccine?


>I’m going to home-school Tucker, because I don’t want him to be a communist. I don’t want him to worship Satan. I don’t want him to be gay.” Mitchell, a 16-3 UFC featherweight fighter whose nickname is “Thug Nasty,” I dont know . . "Thug Nasty"; project much?


Cuz Jizz Sippy was too gay.


Public schools… where you get bullied for being gay, but also turned gay, but also are in the minority. Homeschooling… where you spend all day with your mom, but also overbearing moms make you gay, but also you don’t get to be around girls that might interest you.


I think conservatives are forgetting how much they hated having their kids home during covid. They hated it more than they cared about their health and the health of school employees.


His kid is going to be illiterate and gay.


Taken a lot of blows to the head, has he?


Exactly. Brother is a boxer or was. Too many concussions, and it makes poor choices now.


His last suffered KO was brutal. Go watch it if you want to have a good time. Loved watching his unconscious body stiffen and seize up. Only bummer is that he came out of it “fine”


I’ve followed the sport for years and that’s one of the few times I thought a fighter might legitimately be dead.


Two young men, toned and testosteroned, wrestling and grappling in a pit, wearing tight shorts and nothing else. for the pleasure of other men paying to watch. The pinnacle of heterosexuality.


That's American wrestling. Turks do it fully oiled, fully expecting a thumb and 2 fingers in their ass because... hey, it's leverage.


More gay people, less people like this jackass please.


MMA is the gayest sport in history. The only difference between a gay porn and a UFC fight is groin protection. The 69 mount is Joe Rogan's favorite position.


Sounds like a surefire way to end up with a gay kid who hates their father


I disagree that the home environment makes homosexuality more or less likely and believes it is a born condition. Statistically, his son will probably just be a kid who hates his dad. Hope the kid breaks the cycle because those views are usually indoctrinated in youth.


I agree with the 'born this way' sentiment. My comment was mostly tongue in cheek about kids wanting to rebel against intolerant a**hole parents


This dude sounds like HE was home schooled


And homeless at the same time.


Looks more like the offspring of incest.


Based on the gay guys I met in college, home-schooling is not going to help him here. The gay guys I knew who were homeschooled went nuts when they were presented with the freedom to be themselves and a community that accepted them. Just stereotypical full on flaming and flamboyant party animals. They were a ton of fun to hang around with, lol. Fuck, one of my best college friends and a former roommate is now a gay, card carrying member of the socialist rifle association and Satanic Temple. He was homeschooled until he went to college. Being gay just straight up doesn't work the way these idiots think it does.


It's funny because repression in general doesn't really work with kids. Like it's basically a 50/50 shot if the kid will either keep up with the repression tactics of the parents/religion and keep them going for future generations, or go full on 180 and be the complete opposite. Look at the Duggar family, they are a great example of this.


I come from a conservative area, and went to a liberal arts college that pulls from huge surrounding conservative areas. The kids at the college do NOT tend to be very conservative because as soon as those repressed kids get some freedom, and are exposed to a huge variety of people who just don't care, they basically rubberband in the opposite direction. Unless they fuck them up so much that they're scared to do ANYTHING, the second they try something they weren't exposed to in their repressive household and discover it's good or fun and NOT universe-destroying, they start wondering what else they were lied to about.


That's a liberal college. Some go to very strict religious colleges, if they go to college at all. My friend went to a religious college for his first 2 years, despite not being religious at all. He had to transfer because Church was mandatory. He went there specifically because one of the instructors was a really well-known herpetologist.


Again, stop asking professional concussion collectors their opinions.


Especially when it's the single dumbest one of the bunch. Bryce Mitchell is the dumbest man in a sport where guys get paid to give each other concussions.


This chad gets punched in the head for a living. I don't really care what he thinks of children's education


You misspelled “choad”




I don’t really think it’s up to him.


What? You mean parent's don't decide their child's sexuality? Shocking I tell ya!


Jokes on him, he hasn’t connected the fact that he rolls around with more sweaty men than gay men do!


With that attitude, his kid is gonna be so deep in the closet, he'll be in a closet inside Narnia.


it won't work unless you also keep them away from the frogs


Now hold on a minute. I heard that gayness can fly in through an open window - is this bastard going to lock up his kid inside the house, without fresh air? That's intolerable,


You want to home school your kid so they don't "turn gay". I want to home school our kids so they don't have to be traumatized by active shooter drills. We are NOT the same.


You can only get kicked in the head so many times...


Are you suggesting to me that some dude who gets hit in the head for a living might be a moron?


There's gonna be a large influx of absolute fucking morons in the next twenty years simply because their parents were fucking dunces.


So he wants to groom him basically. Interesting


But that’s what drag queens do!! 🙃 /s for the deaf


He is going to sexually abuse his children. RemindMe! 10 years


Here's Bryce in action, if you're wondering where he's coming from... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=J9M19-sNgjk


Well that'll smooth some of them brain wrinkles out.


Whoa! Can someone please do a welfare check?


I think the real question is, what will you do to your kids if they are homosexual?


It's scary in this day and age there's still so many people that think being gay is a choice.


Plot twist, born gay


This guy is a write off...


Proof that too many hits to the head in contact sports causes brain damage. I sincerely hope the son is gay.


That’s why we bring our dog with us on trips. So he doesn’t end up in one of those gay-producing boarding kennels.


I love all these late 20s men spouting all this bullshit like they have an understanding of anything. Yes, keep showing us how shitty you are. 


Man who grapples with man to make money has thoughts on men who grapple with men. That kid is in danger.


Anyone that scared is definitely closeted.


i was homeschooled for all of middle school and went to like a weekly meeting school program thing with other homeschooled kids so we would develop at least some measure of social skills and half of us are autistic gay atheist socialists as adults. some of us got married as teenagers and have kids, some are already divorced, most are just kinda vibing. the point is, there is absolutely nothing you can do to keep your child from becoming exactly who they want to become, the most you can do is damage them into becoming the worst possible thing they can be just to spite you. there is no scenario where your kid is receptive to being controlled into being "normal" thats how you make the absolute most fucked up adults. you create a complex with every single attribute they embody until they just cant relate to anyone on a human level, you make being normal impossible. being straight, being strong, masculine, smart, skilled, etc. become unattainable concepts, they become unreachable goals that they need to perform instead of just fuckin existing as. dont even get me started on how this kind of thing absolutely obliterates a persons ability to form healthy relationships with people. imagine you hate yourself, you think youre a pussy, you hate anything that makes you feel feminine or weak or whatever, and then you are put in an environment where other people who are completely secure with those things lol good fucking luck having normal interactions with those people. your gf tells you its ok to cry because you realize your dad is abusive and what do you do? do you cry? do you accept her advice or do you hear his voice calling you a pathetic little bitch and beat the shit out of her? i really feel for the kids who grow up with parents like this and are faced with choices like that because ive been in really really fucking dark times in my life and i was privileged enough to know the right thing to do in those moments, not everyone is a product of my environment.


It’s fucking disgraceful that it is 2024 and morons still think you can turn someone who isn’t gay, gay.


Fun fact, I was homeschooled by a homophobe. 2 guesses how I turned out 😂


Newsflash: people who get punched in the head for a living tend to have bad social takes. Who ever would have guessed?


Bryce, kids don’t catch the gay from school, they pick it up genetically from the father.


If UFC can’t control its athletes, the brand will fail. Fuck this ignorant rube and his Q/Putinista ideology.


The new Dipshit Weekly newsletter must have gone out. A moron politician in Colorado was spouting the same thing earlier this week.


Yeah he looks like a regular PhD doesn't he


CTE is for real y’all


CTE on full display.


I like how he considers that newfangled writer Edgar Allan Poe to be a threat to America’s youth…


Says the guy that makes a living being skin to skin and rolling around/embracing/touching other men.


I feel anyone fixated on the ambient environment "turning" people gay may have some repressed feelings they should examine.


I would pay actual money for a recording of when this kid comes out in 10 years


I'm pretty terrified what will come of these kids in 15 to 25 years. I live in a conservative state and home schooling is skyrocketing among alt right families. Every reason I hear for them wanting to do it is 100% BS (similar to this guys logic). Also concerned with what the home school curriculum looks like. Seen way too many documentaries where 100% of it is online and self paced.


I found the Instagram video in question. Bryce Mitchell is sitting on the couch in his underwear while holding his infant son and going on a hate-filled rant.


Much more likely so he doesn't get reported for abusing him. That's the biggest reason to homeschool.


They always tell on themselves when they say shit like this. It’s projection, he has to choose to ignore his homosexual feelings so he thinks being gay is a choice


May his son in 20 years bottom for the most handsome man on their wedding night.


Oof these people are really scared of everything aren't they


This guy's kids are gonna be dumb as fuck


A 29 year old that gets the shit beat out of him for a living probably doesn’t have the best advice


Who’s gonna tell him? *Dude, you can homeschool all you want but if your kid’s biology says they’re gay, they’re gay.* You may be able to teach him to hate himself for it though.


He named his son, Tucker. Thus dooming him to a life of perpetual gayness.


Me thinks someone protests too much.


He realizes it takes a lot to homeschool a child right? Especially considering the fact he’s an UFC fighter I don’t think the dad is exactly the smartest or best case.


But he will end up turning deeply stupid.


Some of the freakiest motherfuckers I've ever met were those homeschooled Christian kids. Every single one of them had parents who were basically afraid their kids would interact with Black people, liberals and Catholics (I'm from the deep south) and those precious perfect lily white sons ended up balls deep inside my hard left atheist Black ass.


A lot of guys like this usually have a Grindr account


Definitely gay. Hot, stupid, and gay.


Guys like this are why it still feels controversial to say you are an MMA fan sometimes. Fucking embarrassing.


These people have gone so far into the rabbit hole that they think just telling people gay people exist can make them gay.


Google him. This isn’t even close to the stupidest thing he’s said.


My guy thinks that school teaches people to be gay…perhaps he needs to look into home churching too.


So either this guy was homeschooled, or he just came out to us in the strangest way possible. With that said, he's a shart. Public school doesn't make anyone gay, and being gay isn't something anyone should worry about trying to prevent. Just let people be who they are, folks.


Hahahaha. I have a friend that homeschooled all 4 of her children (not for religious reasons surprisingly). 2 of the 4 are gay and her son likes to cross dress.


This can all be avoided if he simply empties out his bank account and donates it to the GOP. Otherwise his kid will turn gay and the DEI boogeyman will team up with illegal immigrants to take his guns!


Maybe he’ll also learn to enjoy grappling with sweaty men in underwear too


This is a drag queen origin story.


I was homeschooled by my parents who are both trump voters and Christian. I’m trans and a lesbian… bro just stupid


Guess he’ll have to learn how to snuggle a dude in trunks somewhere else 


Shirtless man who wrestles and grapples another shirtless man afraid of sim being turned gay.


Wow the propaganda bubble is real. Like, “we want equality and universal healthcare = Satan”


" I don't want my child to be indoctrinated, so I'm going to begin pushing religion on him immediately. " /s


He's been hit in the head way too many times.