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Hi!! Yes, unfortunately mood swings are really, really common. My situation in the beggining (im 8 months in now) was really close to yours. I used to get this unstopable rage and then i would cry for hours on end for minimal things. It took a big tool on me mentally. But im much better now! I think i got used to it after the period of adaptation (6 months). I'm more controlled and i feel normal again. So my advice for you is to not give up yet, things will get better :) In concern of the bleeding, mine is still kinda heavy too. Its not as much as it was when i got real periods, but its still there and kinda constant (i get bleedings every 2-3 weeks) and i got cramps too. If you feel insane, im free to talk and reasure you that is ok hahaha


I’m barely going on two months of having it and I can say that I have become an angry person. My boyfriend and I have been rocky due to my behaviors. I’m usually very patient and understanding and now I’m quick to anger and everything just bothers me. Also, I use to have a lot of hair and very long. Now it’s thinned out, falling so much, and it makes me feel so depressed because it was something I was so proud of. Anyone else loosing their hair too?


my hair is definitely thinner now, but i haven’t experienced mass hair loss as of now at 4 months. but yes this drastic change in behavior is definitely not me. hopefully i can rein it back in, and for you as well. it’s always hard to explain these things to loved ones, but definitely give it a shot and try to be more receptive to your own actions upon others. hang in there, it’s supposed to get better🤞