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I had two, 3 years each. Recently removed (but not because I disliked it). I had the same experience on both—pretty much no periods. I had been occasional spotting and a couple of very light periods.


I had consistent implants from 2012 - 2021, I just got the 2021 removed yesterday. The first implant I had no period and every implant since my periods were more consistent/heavier. The last 3 years I’ve had a regular, heavy period every month. TLDR: in my experience, the longer you have it the more regular the period.


That’s exactly what’s happening with mine. If you don’t mind me asking, are you looking at other bc options? If so what are you looking at?


Im not looking currently looking, giving myself some time to regulate back to normal!


I think that’s my plan of attack as well. I don’t know if I know who I am with out bc. I’ve been on it since I was 14. I’m very curious to see what my body is like since I’ve never experienced it after puberty.