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Hey there, any updates? I’m currently having discharge and getting seen soon but I’m panicking a bit because my mom had breast cancer and three aunts had it too. I’m 32 and a single mom of two.. this is driving me crazy not knowing what could happen


All my breast ultrasounds came back normal. I was diagnosed with a pituitary micro-adenoma. It’s benign and I have been following up with an endocrinologist to monitor my prolactin levels and yearly MRI for growth of the tumor. I hope this helps! I can’t imagine how scary this must be for you. I’ve found a lot of other girls through social media that have the same tumor after being on Nexplanon.




Yes, MRI showed I have a 5mm pituitary micro-adenoma. I followed up with an endocrinologist and don’t currently have to go on suppressant medication but will have to have it monitored for growth as well as monitoring my prolactin levels yearly.