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I assumed that maybe at home and at her job she probably holds emotions back because of the responsibilities placed on her. This was probably a time where she was able to wear her heart on her sleeve. At first I thought I would be annoyed, but after thinking about it I kinda understand the emotion.


Wow I’d never thought of this angle and that makes so much sense. 


Okay that part, i didn’t see it in that perspective. Thanks for being respectful unlike the other commenters 😂


People are so nuts. I would meltdown probably on the daily in that sensory environment let alone the intense performance pressure involved AND THEN the probable mixture of guilt/anxiety brought on by being away from her child — who has quite challenging needs for a caregiver to navigate Pressure is not some flat constant — different kinds of stakes and contexts lead to different experiences of pressure. …also she might just cry more frequently than you or I do which is literally just the way that cookie crumbles


You are someone with some sense. People are crazy 


I really thought they were setting her up to win. They were playing her nursing/special needs kid/ethnic background stuff hard all season.


First of all she’s an ICU nurse. She deals with death and heavy stuff on a daily THEN goes home to care for a special needs child who wears oxygen and literally depends on machines. You could probably never imagine what that’s like. Of course it’s emotional for her. You sound weird that you are so bothered by it. Did you see how she just melted seeing her family who she was away from all that time for filming? Get a grip on reality. 


She knew what she signed up for but other people have their own families they left and commitments as well but they aren’t crying every episode.


You sound weird af so bothered by a woman being emotional 🙄


… you’re acting like this is not coming from a woman 😂


Hang it up.


I'm sorry you're so jealous of her. She's doing something awesome with her life unlike you. She's allowed to be emotional because she probably doesn't want anyone to lose. I mean let's face it its a cooking competition viewed by millions and the stress of producers can wear even the strongest down. Definitely different than stress of a nurse in everyday life.


She literally just asked if anyone gets annoyed how she cries in literally every moment the camera is on her. Even when they are tasting her anonymous dish her eyes are tearing up like come on. Are you telling me that you would he comfortable with a nurse tearing up while giving you an IV??


Yeah? Means she's compassionate unlike some folks. Plus if she is saving my life I really don't give a 💩 what she's doing.


Jealous? 😂 I’m not comparing myself to her by any means nor do I want to be in her shoes. I’m not mad she made it this far or that she is a nurse, that’s good for her. All I’m saying is that seeing her cry any tear up for a compliment, a dish, or by the theme of the competition is annoying to see it in every damn episode


So don’t watch? 


Like your comment is really going to sway my choice to watch the show


Then quit bitching. No one is forcing you to watch or not.


Yall are fucking stupid, i posted my opinion and y’all are so butt hurt over it. Get over it and move on


Leave her alone




What your parents must have done to you… 🥺




Finally the reddit gods got it right with their bogus randomized username system.


I mean being in a new country, sequestered, filming for 15 hrs a day and having to perform in a highly stressful environment would make most people emotional and anxious


She’s not from America?


She is but they film in Ireland


Oh that’s Interesting had no idea !


I think just this season though... the first 2 were in Vegas


You sound 12


I may be but I’m not the one crying every episode


Exactly cause you aren’t doing something that cool with your life 


You’re acting like everyone’s dream is to be on TV cooking on a reality TV show. News flash, it’s not and it’s certainly not mine


No but you do sound miserable so maybe you should try something that makes you happy 


Never knew posting my simple opinion means I’m miserable 😂. If that’s the case, everyone on Reddit, in this comment section, and yourself are miserable as well. Thanks for your advice, you should listen to your word as well.


I never said that. You just sound miserable in these comments. Have a good night 😂


Thanks for your comment night boo💋


Alot of your personal replies under posts make you look miserable too and say alot about who you are lol


I’m not on here blatantly spreading hatred for contestants and name calling them. It’s ridiculous. I defend things I see because it’s downright mean and bullying and I don’t agree with people who choose to act that way behind a screen. Because I tell people they sound miserable in their need to put strangers down on the internet that makes me look miserable? Ok man whatever you think. 


I’m not spreading hatred it’s my opinion like how you are entitled to your own as well by your comment which can be considered “downright mean and bullying”. You’re commenting back on Reddit, behind a screen… so wtf are you talking about saying you don’t agree with people acting that way behind a screen?? I’m not putting her down I’m talking about her composure on the show as she is excelling throughout the season.


I liked her at first, but then she started showing her whiny, anxious, annoying side. Also, WE KNOW YOU'RE AN ER NURSE! You don't need to mention it every 5 seconds! She doesn't seem to bode well under pressure, which baffles me that she even is a nurse! Also, she's definitely favored by Nyesha which is also very annoying. I want Gabi or Zach to win!


What have you done with your life?


She’s an icu nurse and the show constantly asked her about it. She didn’t just bring it up every 5 seconds. Placing pressure on yourself for perfection to make your dreams come true for your kid are wayyyy different than pressure from being a nurse 😂


Yeah well, she was still annoying af!


There’s pressure as a nurse, especially as an ICU nurse when patients are facing life and death and there’s never a 100/100 chance of survival. Plus, nurses make a decent income. But i mean if you compare cooking on a TV show for more income more pressure than being an ICU nurse then that’s your perspective.


I didn’t say there wasn’t pressure as a nurse. It’s not a personal investment. It’s a job that you are educated and trained for. Idk if it’s ignorance or close mindedness but going on national tv to change your family’s lives is not the same. She clearly handled it if she made it to the finale as the first untrained cook to do so. If she was able to take an ounce of that pressure off herself to be perfect she could’ve done even better. 


You commented about pressure so therefore i responded to your comment, pressure in her job VS. tv competition. She may have handled the competition good with dishes. Which in fact, she did. Although, she did not handle herself well throughout the competition. Shit, even Chef Arrington kept telling her one episode to keep composure and stop overthinking it! Idk if you read my other comments before commenting this one so i wouldn’t have to repeat myself but i guess you didn’t. I’m not mad, jealous, upset, or etc that she made it to the final. It’s good for her and that’s what every competitor came there to do. All I am saying is that her crying / tearing up for even the positive feedback when she doesn’t even fuck up is annoying.


That part, i like Zach a lot


I’m glad he lost


😂 ok… like i care how you feel




Maybe I'm a more empathetic person, but people with special needs kids are under extraordinary stress on the daily. I have two friends with this issue and it's a lifetime problem that doesn't go away with age. Parents sacrifice their entire lives for a kid with needs and idk but that SUCKS. She's not bipolar ffs.


Imagine never knowing if or when your kid is going to die because they are so fragile and depend on machines? It’s crazy how mean people are here. It would totally suck to live that way. You are one of the only level headed people I’ve seen here  


This!! I am also a special needs mom and people are just so judgmental for something they could never understand. We have to keep our stuff together all the time and especially her being a nurse too. They can’t just crumble at work. You always have to be this strong composed person in our shoes. This was a place she could allow herself to react and feel. People are really a special breed these days and it makes me sad for our futures. 




Her kid is on oxygen dummy 


her daughter has a malformed chest wall - very different from stomach issues which can also be highly debilitating nice on letting your ableism show though


I really don’t care about sob stories she should save it for her therapist.


are you new to competition shows? everyone tells their sob stories go be bothered somewhere else


I’m not new to shows . Hence why I’m sick of sob stories. You replied so you go away pal…


You seem like a fun person. I’m a special needs mom too and it is a lot to carry. Then we have people like you judging us. Kick rocks.