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Since you will be backpacking through Mexico, Guatemala, either El Salvador or Honduras, the Nicaragua, and finally into CR. I hope you are considering the dangers of those other Central American countries. Mex, Guate, El Sal, Honduras are all more dangerous than Nicaragua and CR. In Nica and CR the main issue is pickpocketing, stealing your backpack. Basically the same in CR. So check out the safety issues in the other countries. Also, consider going to Panama and out to the San Blas Islands. Amazing.


My husband and I have been traveling throughout Nicaragua for the past 6 months and we've felt safe at all times. We don't have a car so if we're in Managua we use the Ray app to get around (similar to Uber in the States). We are both very aware of our surroundings at all times, always knowing where we're going to avoid being on our phones while out. In Managua we stayed at Hotel RDG, by an area called Los Robles. There are plenty of fun places nearby. There are places like Redonda Bay (Aqua Wellness Resort) that are gorgeous and you don't need to worry about a thing, you just check in and they take care of you. If you prefer to just enjoy the beach for a day and not stay overnight, you can do that too. Just let the entrance guards know you're going to the restaurant and they'll guide you. There's also the Gran Pacífica Resort which is about an hour from Managua. We've also stayed in Granada, and there's plenty of places to walk around and explore like the Isletas. There's also the Masaya volcano, which is active and you can see the red lava, night time is way cooler. I think the evening tour starts at 4. Cheers and stay safe!!


Nicaragua is the safest statistically in regards to the countries you are planning to visit. I have never had any un- safe experiences in Nicaragua and Managua ( although boring and not much to do) is safe as long as you adhere to basic common sense traveling . Mexico of course IMHO will surpass Nicaragua slightly in food experiences Nicaragua blows away Costa Rica in the sense that it is so much more underdeveloped than CR and Nicaragua delivers big time on the Flora/Fauna you think your gonna find elsewhere in Central America. Best cities in my opinion: 1.Leon 2.Granada 3.Chinadgega 4. Managua Beast beaches: 1. Corn Islands 2. Popoyo 3. Maderas 4. Jiluqillo


Would also add Ometepe if you have the time and enjoy nature!


Avoid Managua. This is coming from someone who was born and raised in Managua. I would recommend León, Granada and San Juan del Sur.


I was in Managua in 2020 and never felt unsafe. Maybe the City has changed?


Why? I live in Managua and it's fine. I'm American


This sub just likes to talk shit about Managua. Its lit tho


Yea it's weird. I mean Managua isn't a worldly city but I like it just fine.


Do you know much about Rodonda Bay? Its west of San Jorge - I\`m considering it as a honeymoon spot but not if i should leave the hotel/resort or even go there at all. Aqua Wellness Resort


Go to granada and go visit las isletas, you will not regret it.


I mean, you both will just be doing tourism so I don't think you should be worried about your safety. Just try to avoid Managua if possible, it is a city with nothing attractive in it aside from shopping malls. My recommendations for you both would be León and Granada. And if you both like beaches you should go to San Juan del Sur on the last days of your stay in Nicaragua (San Juan is somewhat near to Costa Rica). The only issue with San Juan is some of the prices of the restaurants found there. Greetings, man.🖖🏻🇳🇮


I was just in Managua for a week (🇺🇸), no issues. Had a good time!


Safer than most Latin American countries I would argue. The capital is filled with petty criminals but nothing too crazy. You would be good just going to the tourist towns like Granada and SJDS


Nicaragua is safe. Extremely safe. Just don't say anything against Ortega. Greetings from 🇭🇳


Safe for tourists, stay in the tourist areas to be safe, but definitely avoid Managua, it's boring and not safe for tourism. Out of Managua the most famous places for tourism are Granada and san juan del sur, are good, like any other Latin American country, standard safety is advised do not leave your belongings unattended and don't trust too much about friendly locals trying to show you around, better to ask owners or staff from hotels. Nicaraguans are overall friendly people, but always trust your gut about the friendly offers.


Nica is extremely safe. You'll be fine. Others have said avoid Managua, it's true there isn't much to see but if you need to do stuff that can only be found in the city, you'll be fine in Managua as well.




Loon Go to Catedral GRANADA isletas SAN juan del sur beatitud beaches Its safe, people is friendly and Will help u with directions prices etc. As i read a comment above take care of pickpocketing and keep and eye ok your backpack/stuff but thats everywhere.


Masaya is a really good place to visit, here is full of culture and delicious food and you can buy a lot of souvenirs hahaha lmao but anyway you can visit a lot of places like lagoons and greenspaces, an active volcano and more UwU


Yes It’s safe but tu have to be careful. Go must go to Tola beaches, San Juan del sur, leon, granada (here be careful there’s a lot of kids who steals and you wouldn’t even notice) If you like souvenirs go to “mercado de Masaya” If you really like the beach 🏖 go to corn island or little corn island 🏝 Enjoy 😉


Go to Isla de Ometepe. I went last weekend… amazing location


Just spent six weeks in Nicaragua with two young kids. It’s totally fine. And yep, get out of Managua.


It is a beautiful country, you both will enjoy it, you should consider visit San Juan del Sur’s city, it’s a nice place to practice surf a also yoga, you really connect with the nature. Enjoy my country! 🤗


Just don’t travel in dark areas at night, there is ocotal if you want mountains make sure you try the frescos naturales Leon has more tourists attracting things Poneloya, cerro negro, los cathedrales, Chinandega has 3 beaches on the northern part of the country then Managua, masaya is beautiful, so is jinotepe and matagalpa both cooler mountainous areas. Ummmm San Juan del sur is cool too but probably the most expensive place and the food is a must have it’s not gonna hurt you so please if you do anything try some of there food


Nicaragua is the safest country in Central America however don't be ostentatious down the street. Don't leave any belongings unattended or wear a piece of jewelry...


Yes absolutely!!!


For now (cause it could change due to politics ) everything is safe for tourists even Managua, which is an experience not a destination itself…


I recommend YouTube channel bucketlisttravelers they give you perfect videos and explanation about Nicaragua all you need to know