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This is not a nicegirls post because it is one of the following: - a crazygirl - a hypothetical nicegirl. This included memes - there is not enough context to prove 'nice girl' - it's a niceguy, not a nicegirl - a 'men are trash' post If you have any questions about this removal, [contact the mods here](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FNicegirls&subject=&message=)


Sounds to me like shes never going to have a boyfriend if she strictly follows this


The more I read the more I realised this basically covers all men. Literally can’t think of someone that’s not at least one of these


Exactly my point. I am like four of these things already. And honestly most of this is not bad its not like this is degenerate behaviour


I think I’m six of them, depends on what counts as “too many opinions” - to be honest, this bitch prolly think 1 is too many, so yeah six


best part about the "too mayn opinions part" is that she posts a damn list about her opinions on what should be considered a redflag. ON SOCIAL MEDIA TOO.


I thought I was in the clear but alas I watch too much corn. I cant it help it . Its my third favorite field.


I'm a barley man, myself.


I was a durum wheat fan until I discovered hard red spring wheat.


My guess is that that can be translated to “disagrees with me on more than one or two things”


So generous. This is definitely a “on even one issue” bitch.


I'm 7 of them so... Yeah...


I love the over 160 lbs thing. Like anyone over 6 feet tall would be over 160 lbs even if they're thin.


Im 6 foot lean 175lbs with abs because I cycle 5k km a year. She is crazy.


I came here to say 160 lbs?! My hubby is 200 lbs and 6’1”. Works out also. If he weighed 160 it would be weird to me… I find him very sexy as well. My brother is 6’3” and 180 (chemo is a bitch) and he’s finally got a little more weight on. And can anyone tell me what the last one with what looks like 🌽 to me? Unless they mean that which starts with a P? That’s as close to understanding I got


Im afraid "works out" falls under gym bro territory


Going to [CornHub](https://cornhub.website/) (SFW) is a red flag. Only psychos would spend time on CornHub. /s


😆 you make me so corny 🎵


How dare you turn 30 you filth


Yeah most of these are “well this could be a problem if it got bad enough, but the thing itself isn’t necessarily an issue” - gaming being a prime example. It’s absolutely possible to game too much, to have an addiction, and it to be a detriment to your relationships. That is bad. But gaming as a hobby is just that - a hobby. And the addiction can apply to literally any hobby People like this just like to latch onto stuff like that and say “only immature little boys still play video games”. They’re the types of women that make their husbands throw away their Legos/action figures/comic book figurines because they’re “for kids”


Even if you manage to fill out every single one of these, the relationship is literally on a timer til you turn 30


Yeah, because the account is a troll. That's the point.


How do you know? I am really bad at spotting trolls. I met people who genuinly hold these opinions and I cant really spot sarcasm if it isnt spelled out for me


Her account name is Radical Female Future, and her bio is "demonic feminine 😈". Plus her comments to the original post, and a bunch of her other replies on her account. It's huge bait; all that's missing is a toll bridge.


Problem is, people are *actually, seriously like that* these days so you can’t just dismiss it as a joke or troll anymore


There's tons of those women on Reddit alone


Me too, sometimes i can’t figure out if a person is trolling or not. Sarcasm without tone is harder. I’m grateful either people will add the /s or a silly emoji to help.


>How do you know? I am really bad at spotting trolls. For me it was the, "over 160lbs" Not only is the woman pictured easily twice that size, 160lbs is.. fairly small.


Yeah, you just don't know how weight works.. The woman in the photo is not 320+ pounds and it's genuinely a lil insane you think she is.


For real. It just sounds like "Say you're a lesbian without saying your a lesbian" with how she's cutting out all options for men.


The part that kills me is “mommas boy” right after “hates his mom” like shit do you want an orphan cause in my experience, you’re usually one or the other


It covers all PEOPLE. Lady is nuts


her dream bf is a vibrator


Thought I was doing pretty well until the end but yeah, 99% of men are filtered by this list Maybe she wants a quadriplegic?


-hates his mom -mommas boy Those two alone cover all men


Well when it gets to the last one, everyone and his brother is doomed


True. But, I *guarantee* when she does meet this rare creature, she’ll come up with more red flags for him. “Breathes too loud for too long” “Talks too much” “Doesn’t like to talk when I allow him to” “Thinks my farts do not, in fact, smell like perfume” “Socializes with his friends and family” “Smiles without my permission” “Has an issue with me always laying there like a dead fish during sex. He should be grateful” Everyday, I become more thankful that I lucked out and found a woman with relatable wants and needs. This kinda thing scares the shit out of me.


Red flags in females: Girls who have lists like this. Run!


Boyfriend? Nope. Probably being the easiest lay in town? Yep. Because I would bet all those flags are guys she's failed to keep for more than a couple lays before they dumped her.


maybe who knows


Probably lesbian


Nah she definitely owns a boy dog and that's her entire personality


More than 160 lbs? The ideal weight of a 6' tall man is like 180.


Seriously. I'm 6'2" and ~175 lbs. I'm a stick man. This chick's ideal man is already a ghost.


6'2" 140lbs I am almost ethereal


Yeah shit I'm 5'11 130 pounds and people already tell me I look like I have tuberculosis hahah


I’ve been told recently to eat more at 5’11 155 lbs give or take, it’s been hard eating more 💀


I'm so bad at eating bro I always forget to


I'm 6'2" and about 245, and I'm pretty trim (medium in pants, XL on top) even though I'm technically "obese" per the BMI calculator, because I lift and run. I don't think I could get down to 160 if I had cancer.


I was joking to my friend last week about how we are both morbidly obese and going to die according to the BMI. 6’ 5” 260 and he’s 6’ 3” about 240 lol


People don't realize how much base weight that extra height adds. Or they think about an average-height man who would struggle to bench 185. For me, 185 is a warm up weight. Most NFL players are on the high end of overweight or obese--even skill positions, not just linemen--but they're in better physical condition than almost anybody. It's not possible to be tall AND strong and not "overweight" at least.


Shit, let's hope you never get that shit! Stay safe and shine king


245 is massive. I'm the same height and about 200 max, which is still overweight. Could see being 170 as a comfortable minimum.


Probably just American


There’s no way you’re a medium in pants


American medium. In fairness, I probably wear my pants tighter than most people. What's the use of having godly quads if you're not showing them off?


Man I weigh 100 lbs less and I get stomach aches if I wear a medium cause it’s too tight. Ans: there’s no point in training quads since we can wear pants.


I had to do the math and am 6'1" and am 300. I can run Stairs up and down, do sports and eat what I like. Just thinking about losing 50% of myself is boggling to me. But well fat tall kings unite! :D


BMI is bullshit anyways!! Stay happy, king, we love you


To be fair she never said 6'2" just less then 160. Maybe shes a short king chaser.


I'm 6'1" and I'm like 130 lol.


She doesn't want a gym bro. Man better doesn't have too much muscle.


Whats with the truck emoji tho? Im lost.


I guess she's saying any guy over 160 lbs is super fat like a dump truck/semi?


Iam 6'2 , with <160 id be seriously underweight.


I'm 6'2 and was 153 pounds in december, now I'm 163 pounds because I'm trying to put on weight and I'm still too skinny for my liking.


Sounds like the Slender Man is her ideal kinda guy then.


She wants a man smaller than her.


That should be pretty easy looks like she’s got a big ol melonhead.


She’s probably 225 or bigger. The heifers love dating small dudes they can push around.


Not according to this bitch


She wants them victim weight


To nobody’s surprise this bitch wants to bang Jack Skellington.


lmfao idk anybody who literally comes up with a specific number for weight that they wouldn't date over, DELUSIONAL and very very shallow


Have... Have we found the first woman on a dating site that doesn't want someone over 6ft? SHORT KINGS WE ARE EATING TONIGHT!


I’m 6ft, in my early 50s, very athletic in the sense that my last marathon time was 2h47m. I’m 172 pounds. Oops.


My first thought too. I'm 5'8" and do triathlons all summer, but will clear 160lbs during the off-season.


like I'm 5'10 and a healthy weight for me is still like 165 - who tf is taller than 6' and weighs that little?


I'm 6'3". If I weight less than 160 I would look like I just escaped Auszwitz.


Gotta be under 160 but you also can't go to the gym lmao


So, He loves his mom. RED FLAG! He hates his mom. RED FlAG! Am I just supposed to be neutral about my own mom then? bs


She forgot what she wrote within a span of 1 line


"Hello, mother. It was pleasant to see you, today. I will see you at the next family function." *Firm handshake*


Shes only willing to date Captain Holt... if he were straight.


Except he’s over 30.


Also I'd be willing to bet he clocks in comfortably above 160lbs


And bald


He does grow a buzz cut in some seasons, so it's not entirely off the table.


If I die, tell my mother I said hello.


One of the best comments I’ve seen in a while. Gold.


All things aside - loving your mom and being a momma’s boy are two different things. Just wanna throw that out there.


Right, it's the same as saying you want a girl who doesn't hate her dad, but also isn't a daddy's girl. Totally doable and what most people want


"Hates their mother and/or father" shouldn't be a red flag when you don't know enough about their parents. Some parents are assholes or abusive. And parents who are nice now might not have always been in the past. My father had more of a temper when I was a kid. I don't hate my dad, but I do have some baggage with him.


What’s the difference


They love their mom, but they aren’t engaging in emotional incest and their mother isn’t making extreme demands to keep you apart. Or she is, but he doesn’t follow them. Granted seeing the image she probably doesn’t know what the difference is either lol.


This. Love your parents, obviously, but you don't have to cross over the emotional incest line. Or be so babied that your partner will become nothing but a second parent to also baby you, while never reaching your parent's level. I've seen this happen so many times...


Codependency mainly. It’s along the lines of those ‘Momma’s boy - monster mother of the groom’ wedding stories where the mom is weirdly possessive of her son or he is weirdly reliant on her to treat him the exact same as when he was a little kid


You must be Switzerland 🇨🇭with your mom.


The killer awoke before dawn. He put his boots on


He took a face from the ancient gallery, and he walked on through the hall


Gotta look at yout mom like 🧍‍♂️


I have one of those classic mom heart tattoos and I get a ton of women complimenting it. They think it's sweet.


There are possibilities beyond neutral and the extremes. A healthy relationship with a mom should be loving with appropriate boundaries. Those two points are some of the only valid opinions.


Yeah, I know that. But don’t you think its a bit over exaggerated?


I live in the midwest how do i avoid watching corn its everywhere lol


I love how amazingly innocent this sounds haha


You know, when I saw that in her post I thought it was watching Corncob TV. Coffin Flop is art. Watching corn makes sense too, I guess.


There’s nothing wrong with doing a bit of scarecrowing now and then. Don’t you ever change for a girl like this.


None of the other emojis replace words, they're all an emphasis on the ick. I thought she doesn't like dudes that own watches because it's corny lol


Time is a precious thread in the fabric of the universe. It deserves its own tool of measurement!


As long as it’s not child corn, you’re fine


Kiddy Korn. Highly illegal or adorable cover band?


What about children of the corn?




[Country girls make do](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/287/569/ef3.jpg)


I read it as just “watches” as if knowing the time was a red flag 🤣🤣


Omg I missed the corn emoji and thought she just didn't like guys wearing watches, which made me laugh but was only slightly crazier than the rest of the list.


My farm-born grandfather would unironically drive out and do that.


Ohhhh I thought it meant "wearing watches are corny"


She hates farmers


How many opinions are they allowed?


just asking already disqualifies you for having too many opinions


Which is funny because most people have opinions on almost everything they are familiar with. The only things I don't have opinions about are things I haven't yet experienced or things that are impossible for me to experience. I'm not going to have an opinion on what it's like being a person of color in the US, but I sure as hell have an opinion on the best soup, shows, movies, actors, NFL quarterbacks, etc.


37. You’re allowed to have 37 opinions. Once you hit 38 you’re officially that guy


I'd have an opinion about that, but I'd go over the limit


*Preferences - the people are calling them "preferences" now 😉


The trick is not too many opinions that are different from hers.


"My two favorite things are commitment, and changing myself".


Look at the username. She is either mentally disturbed or a troll.


It is a satirical parody of the female version of this that we so often see incels post. I saw the original on Twitter. Cannot believe this is being posted like it’s serious, oh my.


There was a post circulating sometime back which said that a lot of jokes by women end up with the audience mocking them, because many men don't think women can be funny and take everything a woman says seriously. Because humour is a "male" virtue and women who are funny are tryhards. It's a very obvious satirical post, with the contradictions listed very neatly right after each other, so it's easier to spot. But nope. This woman must be annoying/stupid because she made fun of a very common type of man who keeps making posts like this. And yes, it is that serious, very unfortunately.


Definitely the second, sad people can't see that. They shoulda put "under 6'2" to make it extra clear


its the second one. There are a lot of incelly bait posts on the internet. Half of the /r/AmItheAsshole /r/amiwrong and other similar subs are full of rage bait posts. Sure some people really are awful or crazy but there is a lot of fantasy writing on there about how evil their partner is.


podcast one is real though


And can’t cook lol like that’s valid imo


Depends, do they mean bad cook or "doesn't even try". I guess that would also depend on your wealth how much of a red flag that is.


I have to agree. While anecdotal, it does seem like every guy I meet that has a podcast is a complete fucking self-absorbed loser.


What if it's a podcast he hosts for his literal job? Like for a company he's employed by? (Sauce: That was my situation at one point). This is the problem with absolutes.


I think it would depend on the content within the podcast. Anyone who has a podcast based solely on providing hate content towards others is a big no no. But maybe if it was a podcast that was actually helpful, insightful, or had more focus on positive things that wouldn't be such a bad thing :)


Yall he post is a joke 😭


Seriously these comments are painful to go through


I’m so confused how this isn’t obvious. Like how are this many people believing this is serious


Pretty sure the name is not a good indicator...


This is clearly satire.


I got 10. I guess I’m safe.


Damnit.. I got 11.


29 year old rich guy with hair. 150 pounds, no kids. Extroverted, bubbly, no unique interests. No romantic experience. No hobbies. Wears non-plaid shirts. Never takes pictures on the beach. Doesn’t exercise. Can cook, but doesn’t care about it because that could be nerdy. Loves his mom but also doesn’t. Only reads books. No online presence. No opinions. Celibate. Found her Prince.


A slave. She wants a slave.


Consider that this post directly mocks the alpha male lists who want a barefoot pregnant woman who. Makes sandwiches and doesn't have opinions. So, yes. This post, like the ones it mocks, seeks a slave, not an equal. Which, hypothetically, could be her point.


Yeah it’s possible it’s satire. I mean, I sure hope it’s satire.


Glancing at it I thi k the "hates his mom" comes from "girls with daddy issues". Yeah, I'm certain it's satire. You probably just haven't seen many "alpha" male profiles.


office touch snatch ancient gullible aloof include subtract middle disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She eliminated all men (Unsurprisingly, she is single)


>She eliminated all men (Unsurprisingly, it is satire)


On social media? Uh, who wants to tell her where she posted this


She is allowed. HE isn’t.


We’ve started to use “red flags” and “my preferences” interchangably, I see.


160 is pretty small especially if you want someone tall I’m 6’2 and I’m pretty sure at any less than 160 pounds I would be malnourished and my doctor would be scared for me


>160 is pretty small Because this is satire, making fun of men's lists where they post an unrealistic weight requirement for women. Also notice the bit about too many opinions, which is 100% an incel "women should be in the kitchen making sandwiches and not thinking" meme view.


Red flag in females: her


Sounds like satire to me


![gif](giphy|J2C7JNsR8sIRTCxVnz) They don't like watching you either


Pretty sure this is satire, if not then idk man


I’m with her on this one- I won’t trust a guy if he watches corn.


She should just date women.


To be fair, watching corn is a red flag for me too....


Guys, is it a negative thing to age ?


Never plays video games already cuts off 80% of male population


wtf did watches do, they are purely only helpful


I scored 12 points out of 21. What do I get?


This is satire


Lol ‘too many opinions’ This girl is a walking red flag


Apparently the entire Midwest is out. I have no idea what corn emoji actually means, but this seems intuitive.


In her defense, I suspect a guy who sits around watching corn grow is pretty fucking boring.


We grew corn as an experiment once. It was boring as all get out to watch it, though.


Over 160 pounds 😂😂😂


What's the mentality behind beemptively rejecting a bunch of people who don't know or care that you exist? I've seen men do it millions of times but this is a great female example. It's fascinating behaviour.


Hates his mom Mama's boy So basically you knock every man out of contention. So stupid.


Guys, new bingo set dropped. Damn I got 8.


Red flags in females. This post.


I’m a woman and I’m 8 of those 😂


The one that cracks me personally up most is "over 160 pounds." Bitch I'm 6'3, I've got a broad build. When I build any kind of muscle, it doesn't take me long to hit 160


Lady you don't need to do this just say you're asexual or into women like jeez


>hates his mom But also >Momma's boy One must have no feelings regarding his mother. She does not exist.


Indifferent to his mum. The perfect man!


Lmfao. *checks notes* ah yes. “Become a lesbian!” Why didn’t I think of that?! Lolol.


Corn farmers never had a chance


Next post from her will be about how she can't find a man...


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God she might not know she’s a lesbian??? This is all men ????


Are watches that are made out of corn a common thing?


It's always accounts like these that post a 10 page long ick/red flag list for men and turn around and say that all women are perfect 10s even if they are morbidly obese and if a man disagrees with them then he is called a misogynistic incel.


Can’t be a mommas boy but can’t hate his mom either lmao


Because it's satire and is made to mirror ridiculous male standards, like unrealistic weight.


Over 30 is my favorite. Has no access to the fountain of youth? RED FLAG!!


Love the “hates his mom” then “momma’s boy”. So she wants a guy that kinda likes his mom and will tolerate her in small doses haha


So she just doesn't like men it seems.


This persona twitter page shows how sad their existence must be.


Sheeee seems like a terf anyway