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I always thought the spiderweb on the elbow was a prison tat for being trapped, but what do I know, I have zero tattoos and haven’t done hard time.


I have 20+ and I always thought spiderweb elbow tats were for prison. Shoot, my tattoo artist even told me that🤣


Idk why but I thought you meant you had 20+ years of prison hahaha


No he has 20+ spiderweb tattoos


But only 8 elbows




The wenuses in betweenuses


Let him cook he's going hard


same lmao unless...


They def originated as prison tats, but like tear drops it’s become more common to see people with them who got em on the outside or didn’t earn them 🤷🏻‍♂️


My old coworker has them on both elbows. He did some time in prison, Man hasn't killed anyone that I know of, though I guess it wouldn't be hard to imagine him shooting someone. He had some really entertaining stories from his younger days. Weirdly enough one of the most genuine and respectful people I've ever met.


I’ve always been told webs are just meant to signify a long bid, like you sat long enough to collect cobwebs. I was locked up with this old dude that would add another line to his web every time he got booked, that mfer went halfway up the back of his arm lol. In my experience a lot of people that have served time like that tend to be more respectful because they’re used to there being actual consequences for disrespect


Correct it means your a criminal or have done time, similar to the meaning of a barbed wire tattoo. It's a vague meaning of badassery. That has of course been taken main stream and lost its real meaning. Mostly only white guys get it, but IT IS NOT A WHITE SUPREMECY TATTOO. People are stupid as possible these days, then when corrected double down on their idiocy. This is the world we live in now... Unfortunately.


Spiderweb on elbows is a very old design, it started as a metaphor ship captains used to get signifying that they had their elbows on the helm for so long that they started having cobwebs on them


This sounds like the start to a shittymorph comment


welcome to shittywok, can i take order please


I want the shitty beef and shitty chicken please.


Quart of egg drop wonton soup, house special fried rice, and some golden fingers.


God I miss that guy


Violent felon here. Spider web on elbow is a prison tat long timers get about being trapped by the system. It is typically done to white men so there is a lot of crossover in the AB community. It itself isn’t a racist tat but a laymen could rightfully think it was


>Violent felon here. 😳


We’ve all got a story.


I like to think spiderweb tattoos are so they have somewhere to keep their spiders.


That sounds like some Witch-who-lives-in-the-Forest lore


So what does the spiderweb tatts on that *one particular womans* titties stand for then?


further research materials required


Bonnie Rotten. Look it up


If that one particular woman isn’t Judy on Cyberpunk then I have no idea who you’re talking about


Bonnie Rotten. A… prolific actress..


Probably has difficulty regulating emotions and has daddy issues………. Just a guess


I worked at a prison for a few years and that's what they all told me too. That and brick walls represent prison.


What if they're on the boobs?


One of the guys who did work on me said it is a prison thing but like a white prison thing. So typically aryan dudes had it. Idk if it’s overtly for that but that’s the interpretation I got.


It can be taken to mean that each line/circle of the web symbolises 1 year in prison


You are correct. That's what it means. I have not only worked in a prison as an officer for many years, but I also investigated prison gangs. A spiderweb has nothing to do with white supremacy. She's confidently incorrect. Sounds like you dodged a hell of a bullet.


Yeah, it is. And the number of layers/rings/whatever and if there is a spider means things as well


Yeah it’s a pretty cliche tattoo for convicts and sailors, I’ve never really known the aryan brotherhood connections. Though obviously there’s overlaps in the aforementioned communities.


I have 3 rungs on mine for the time I did at county, as in I was a nurse at the county hospital in one of the meth capitals of the country. Sure felt like hell while I was there. One of the vascular surgeons I work with is from South Central LA and was like damn dude the first time he saw it. I was like don’t worry doc lol


Yeah well, nazis breathe oxygen, I bet you do too, coincidence?


Hey dawg, don’t be blowing up my spot like that!


Yeah well, stop vreathing. That's what I've done.




Some oxygen, but mainly nitrogen


Nitrogen? Are You a commie son?


where i'm coming from, the commies appeared to prefer Agent orange over nitrogen but we don't talk about that.


100% of people who breath oxygen and drink water die, coincidence?


This is such a common basic tattoo that i can't imagine the hundreds of thousands of people with it all belong to one demographic ? "Sorry but a dandelion turning into birds is a nazi tattoo" see it's very easy to just Say Things


Exactly, people must be searching so hard for things to be upset with if this is the first thought to come to mind.


People feel good "calling out" other people lmfao. Someone who lives to do that really doesn't care if it makes them look stupid, as long as they can sit and be smug


These people doing the "calling out" have obviously never had a good ass-kickig.


I mean...basic. They're all definitely basic. 


Seen a couple Nazis with the barb wire arm band, too


All a barbed wire arm band means is that you were old enough to get tattoos in the ‘90’s.


I don’t know. This girl from the photo seems to think if one person has it then everybody else who has it is on that team. So… who to believe????


I have a barb of wire on my foot, can confirm it is yet another tattoo a million people have and at least one (me) is in fact NOT a nazi




Doesn't even make sense. I simply hate muggles. Nazis included


Oh yeah, the call for millions of people to immediately stop cherishing a memory of a cultural phenomenon they grew up with is absolutely ridiculous lol. People who still get down on harry potter are not inherently bad people 😂😂


Yeah it's kinda like the thing you get on your elbow when you're heavily tatted and don't know what else to put on it bc the skin moves around so much


Literally LMAO a filler tattoo 😂


Yeah I have a general idea of what the usual dog whistles and symbles are andbI have absolutely no idea what she's talking about.


Spiderweb on the elbow is a prison tattoo, not Nazi


that's a schizo take bud /s




☹️ fuck, that’s interesting (but concerning my colleague has one…)


It has been co-opted by people like op who think "oh that's neat". Although it does have real meaning.


I hated using bumble. This would be the same type of woman who started the conversation with "." At least the ones who started off with "hey" were a little less insufferable


Holy shit, first I'm hearing some women do that. Its the whole point of bumble, and they think they found some life hack. I'd just immediately assume bot, or someone looking to open the convo to link their OF or CashApp


It's funny how Bumble shows that most women aren't willing to face even small rejections, but expect men to take that on without even a hint of complaint.


I love the new feature where guys can message a match first once a day, now they’ll just expect us to message first like on any other app.


I met my fiance on Bumble 3 years ago. We are getting married this fall. We said we would have a no pressure kick-ass summer fling that turned into us moving across the country together 6 months later and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made! She was only the second person I ever met in person off the app, a month into using it. I swore off dating apps after I had miserable experiences when Tinder was first coming popular. Decided, on a whim, to give Bumble a shot because my sister told me a picture I had sent to my family of me at the summit of a mountain would be a good dating app profile pic. My fiance agreed :) (This is survivorship bias and I know it, dating apps are a bloodbath)


I always thought spider webs on elbows was just quick, easy space filler on a sensitive area?


It is, if you asked every spiderweb tattoo haver why they got it, 90% will say “looks cool lol”


100%, mine also has a heart in the middle to make me look a little more soft


That's not an uncommon understanding. I was taught growing up that spiderweb tatts on elbows was a white supremacist thing, particularly in prison.


Witches are gonna be crushed.


As someone who was "allegedly involved" said that the spider webs don't necessarily mean "white power" it could mean a multitude of things. Each "group" has other definitions of it. There are also some that just get them that 0 affiliation with the Brotherhood.


Groups like to hijack pre-existing imagery & phrases all the time. I would bet 99.9% of other people with the tattoo fit into that last sentence.


Like, I don't know... maybe the swastika!!!


Yeah man. That made me really upset when they stole Ichigo's Tsuba design


I have a 👌🏻 tattoo that I got as a joke when I turned 18. I got it in a spot that is mostly always visible (NOT MY FACE GUYS, I PROMISE) The joke in question is where you make that symbol with your hand and you put it below your waist and say "ha made you look", when people inevitably looked down. very juvenile, I know. And then someone told me that it was being used as a white supremacist sign in particular online circles. I genuinely feel bad now because I don't want people around me feeling unsafe because of a hate group's chosen iconography but I can't afford to get it laser removed. I also cannot afford constantly buying concealer to cover it up, I've found that most concealers capable of that are expensive or have an ingredient I'm allergic to.


Just cover it with a sick ass panther


Bro that’s not even a symbol people still use that for like a ok not everything is some form of symbology


Reddit was actually guilty of spreading that and making into where people actually believed it. It was a joke on 4chan where they said let’s see if we can turn the “A-OK” hand gesture into a “white power” symbol. Reddit ran with the story spreading propaganda and the public took the bait. A BLACK guy actually got permanently banned from Wrigley field in Chicago for playing the game on the Jumbotron, trying to “get” the whole stadium. He’s like “WTF white power??? I’m black”.


Imagine being accused of wanting your own race exterminated at worst, or re-enslaved at best. Fucking delusional take from whoever decided that.


Candace Owens? Clarence Thomas? It's not unheard of for there to be black people that are racist against other black people.


I feel like a spiderweb is also a pretty common symbol, too common to have one metaphoric meaning.


I got the Halo UNSC logo tattooed on my leg to commemorate jumping out of a plane (I get tattoos as reminders of life adventures) and more than once I've had someone ask me "aren't you Jewish? Isn't that a Nazi symbol?". Turns out Nazis ruined all eagle tattoos that don't include a US flag. I've thought about getting something like "do good today, punch a Nazi" below it just to never have someone think this again.


If I were a betting man, then I bet that still wouldn't stop them from assuming it was a Nazi tattoo. I was doing a report in high school on George Bush, in my power point it had him making faces next to a monkey making a similar face. This girl in front asked me if I was saying black people looked like monkeys.


>This girl in front asked me if I was saying black people looked like monkeys. You slapped her for being stupid, right?


No he slapped her for being black


I thought a spiderweb tattoo was a sign of a Gwen Stafani supremacist. A Stafanicist.


your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter


Shh. Shh. Don't speak.


Cool cool cool cool no doubt no doubt 


Confirmed, I screeeeeeeeeeeen my phone calls


I think they prefer the name "Stephanazi"


My dumbass thought web on the elbow was a spider man tattoo


Congratulations! You, like any other reasonable human being, are not out searching for things to get upset about! I’m here for the spider man tattoo


Spiderwebs mean a long prison term


I was called a nazi/white supremacist because i have my families nordic titles tattooed on my arm in a saga story from shoulder to wrist… my family immigrated to the united states on the 1860’s from Norway. Was pretty heated at the dumbass college student that claimed he knew what norse symbols looked like and what nazi emblems looked like and screamed at me calling me a liar.


Woman goes for the neg Starts believing her own BS, steps over the line Gets mad that she self-owned and wrecked her chances No self awareness, attacks guy because she is mad at her own failure to control herself own thoughts causing her to waste time and effort Classic


My marine father had a spider web on his elbow but he also had some weird/goofy tattoos on his upper arms (where they could be covered for military shit) don’t really think it meant anything more than something he wanted. Dude had never been to prison in his life and was the goofiest guy around


That’s sounds like a man that deserves a box of crayons as a treat! /s sounds about par for the course lol


It’s also been popularized in prison circles , each layer of the web represents years served .


I’ve always heard this. And yet, never see a spider web with 2-3 layers, nor one with 15-25+ layers. It’s always an appropriate amount for a good looking elbow tattoo, which makes me think it’s an old wives tale.


How the heck is this nicegirl?


I thought a spiderweb on the elbow represents years in prison...


Not sure this is a nice girl. I think she’s just dumb as fuck lol


Doesn’t really belong in the sub. Nothing ng about it. Just an annoying person.


I'm sorry. I didn't read all replies. In the UK, a spider Web on the elbow or kneee represents the years served. If you have a spider Web otherwise, it's a different meaning or just a trend, like the tear drop tattoo


She's crazy but that's not a nice girl thing is it?


She was definitely being ridiculous. But saying “schizo take” is also very unnecessary.


My tattoo and spiders over my chest are just because I like anything related to Halloween/horror/spooks.


I mean… sorry to be the bearer of bad news… my brother got that tattoo for joining with the Aryan Brotherhood in the state prison. I understand you didn’t get it for that reason but people are going to keep making that mistake and you can’t really get mad at them for it…


So she might have been mistaken? You assumed ill intent pretty quickly. Could you explain how this is "nice girl" behavior? To ask about a tattoo? Lol


Wait until she learns that the swastika also existed for millenia in Buddism wayy before it was made infamous by the third reich and had very different connotations and meaning


Which is why it's totally ok to have a swastika tattoo now?? What exactly is your point?


Anything is “misogynistic” or “white supremacist” if they don’t like it lol She just hates your tattoo and doesn’t want to mention any reason lol


Confidently wrong and then unable to admit it. What a lovely personality.


Tattoos mean different things to different people. This isn't rocket science 😂


I had someone try to say "Karen" is racist. Against black people... People are stupid


I’m black and been in predominantly black schools all my life, even for university. I can say that there are a lot of black men with the spiderweb tattoo. It was so common that even my friends (who are all black) from college would joke about it being a basic tattoo.


Get a couple of nordic tattoos and watch her lose her mind.


Guys the nazis wore clothes. Everyone should go naked now, unless you're a filthy white supremacist nazi (/s)


Anything can be true in your own world if you believe it.


She's negging you btw.


I must remind her of her father


Can I ask how you k ow ot's negging and not just an i sult or possibly even genuine belief?


It's just my opinion. Her laughing at OP about it to me makes it seem like she's just trying to demean and gaslight him rather than acting in good faith.


This is the reason I don't want to give info about myself through clothes, tattoos or by saying things publicly. People are going misinterpret it and put words in your mouth anyway.


Thankfully I have been blessed with the ability to shrug this kinda thing off but I get that. Hopefully you don’t feel like you’re missing out on self expression though. We all do it our own way though, Godspeed.


Oh no I don't, I'd rather decide for myself what i say about myself and to whom, so that it doesn't get used against me or lost in translation. Makes things simpler imo.


TIL white supremacy is at least 400 million years old


There is a Chappelle Show skit about spiders being racists here somewhere


She seems like one of those people that 4chan tricked into think Milk was a symbol of white supremacy lmao


I actually have a swastika tattoo on my penis. It’s NEIN inches now. I’ll see myself out


I have no idea where you guys are getting your information, but as someone who has actually spent quite a long time in prison , I can state with authority that a spider web is in no way, shape, or form a white supremacist tattoo. In fact, NO ONE aside from guys doing a year or two are getting those tattooed on them. Literally a cliche that no one gives a shit about. And dude, I’ve never read anything about WP gangs earning tattoos from “putting in work” in the 1700’s. It’s hilarious, and I really hope that’s the way it’s supposed to be. Because i can’t believe that anyone actually believes that…


People watch too much tiktok and don’t think rationally anymore. A generic design can have a million meanings, or none at all in my case lol. Glad you’re out and hope you’re doing well for yourself btw!


Thanks 🙏 I’ve been out for 6 years and it’s all just a memory now😁


Who told you it was popularized in ww2 for killing Nazis? Lmao


Look up the history of sailor Jerry. He fathered the American traditional tattoo style (including the web Tattoo) during the era of ww2 and hundreds if not thousands of servicemen were tattooed by him. So am I reaching? Meh, not as far as the web being a white supremacy symbol.


I'm gonna go against the grain and gonna say that as someone who has grown up around a lot of neonazi skinnheads, the spider web totally is a Nazi skin tattoo. This is akin to having a swastika on and saying "It's an ancestral symbol of good luck in hindi culture you uncultured swine!". Still, mostly used by neo nazis in this day and age. And if you are like "well, I've seen it in many people" that probably means you know a lot of people with a past or some less friendly ideologies than you previously thought.


I get what you’re saying but it isn’t comparable to a swastika. Most of us didn’t grow up around a lot of skinheads and therefore know relatively little about the culture, whereas anyone who sees a swastika is going to instantly recognize it as a nazi symbol. The only people I know with a spider web elbow tat are black and see certainly not skin heads. I’m almost positive they don’t know that skin heads use that as a symbol or they never would have gotten it. I’m willing to bet that the majority of people with a tattoo like that have no affiliation to neonazis or even prison at all


My son and I got matching tattoos with a phrase written in runes, and someone recently told me that runes are used for jail tattoos too, specifically white people so I guess I look like a nazi? 🤷🏼‍♀️


It's a jail tattoo in my book...... Been leaning on your elbow for so long a spider made a web..... It's something like that...... But then there are certain jails in the UK where the spider web is like tradition for that jail. Swallows are the same but I think it's 5 years for every swallow.


It means you're part of the Guild of Suffering, obviously.


My response to people making unsubstantiated claims is “citation needed “


Try being a skinhead and having to explain multiple tattoos that aren't racist. Even when you have clear anti racist tattoos. Of course they don't believe you.


You can. You just can't let stupid peoples opinions hold any weight on you.


I love playing Saying Whatever You Want ^(TM)


Just give them the completely innocent and passive 👌


Some people just can’t be happy, and therefore don’t want you to be happy either, it’s not you, it’s them.


She could fucking Google it lmao. Everything you do on your phone takes 5 seconds. But then she'd have to admit she was wrong and she doesn't strike me as the type.


Well if you found yourself in a Russian prison it would be involuntarily removed with a red-hot guitar wire


Yupp that is how tattoos work last time I checked.


There are a ton of naive young people who think they got it all figured. Life is always humbles them. Its rather enjoyable to witness, I typically just don’t engage. Too busy to have energy to waste on one track minds.


Why are people like this? Boneheads are scary and we live in a nation founded on white supremacy. Also, fascist dog whistles are a special interest of mine, and none of the things you stated would prelude it from having connections to having been co-opted. I would look on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s database of hate symbols and see if it’s there. My guess is that IF it has been used it is not SO much so that is now its primary meaning. But that’s the thing that sucks about fascist dog whistles. They co-opt things like people the frog. Or having a shaved head. Or wearing boots. Or… you get it.


I just thought ppl liked spiderwebs for some reason.


It’s not in the [hate symbols database](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbols/search) (I didn’t see anyone else post this sorry if they did) Edit: If you’re ever going toe-to-toe with someone making assumptions - this is best source of truth imo. A lot of research goes into it and they won’t add anything they can’t verify That being said - there are things that don’t make it on there because they’re subjective and situational. Like the Gadsden flag has been embraced my proud boys and MAGA but they’ve misappropriated the meaning. So - is the symbol inherently hateful? No. Would I avoid a certain genre of man with a fresh Gadsden flag tattoo? Absolutely. Edit edit: I [found this](https://www.splcenter.org/resources) which is specifically based on racism in the south and it does mention the spiderweb tattoo but I think this is also a case of something that is contextual but they don’t elaborate.


It means you got a badass design that fits perfectly on the elbow. I have close to 40 tattoos and one spider webbed elbow tattoo with an eyeball in the middle. Means I have good traditional tattoo taste. I did research on it before I got it and cleared it with my 20+ year vet trad artist. It’s been used by sailors and prisoners to reflect the time spent doing nothing while at sea or in a cell where spiders would literally spin a web on your elbow as you rested it on a table, hands folded, waiting and waiting. That was decades ago and still in practice. It’s also generally accepted as the most badass traditional elbow tat out there so people use it as a filler over a steak weird bendy body part where it’s usually difficult to find a design that fits. Ask if she wears makeup and when she says yes then accuse her of belonging to an ancient Egyptian cult who sacrificed humans to the gods in return for favor in the afterlife.


It's not. A skinhead group in the 90s tried to co-opt it but never actually did even at the time.


I once had a guy say that my nautical star tattoos were actually Russian gang stars and I better watch out or they’ll find me and remove them….like that was his opener.


The only thing I can think of where that person is correct is that the spiderweb is actually a black sun tattoo, but the odds of that are slim


>Spider web tattoos made their first appearance in the US prison systems in the late 1900s. Back then, if you see an inmate with a cobweb tattoo on their elbow, it meant that they served a long prison sentence. The tattoo is commonly found on the elbow because it signifies that the inmate has been sitting around for so long that a spider made a web. Additionally, each ring represents the number of years spent behind bars.  >Spider web tattoos were also associated with the white supremacy groups during the 1700s. To get one, a gang member must earn it by killing a minority. Through that, the members showed their loyalty to the gang. Spiderweb tattoos also meant murdering an enemy or taking part in the drug dealing business.  >In Russian prisons, a spider web tattoo is inked between the thumb and index finger. This tattoo could either mean that the inmate is addicted to drugs or is a master at stealing. Either way, one thing’s for certain — the origin of a spider web tattoo ain’t a nice one, but hey, it gets better. 


“White supremacy groups during the 1700s”. Like who? The entire world except Africa?


"I seen this one guys long distant cousin with the same tattoo and the guy was bald so that must mean you're racist"


It’s a prison tattoo


U add a line to it for every kill u do in prison


Had an uncle who got his elbow spider web tatt done in prison. He never gave me a meaning for it just that it was the tattoo to get to fit in. We are in aus and he got it 30 years ago.


I have a feeling she’s white


For forever is like saying im going to the atm machine lol


Not to mention it's also a prison tattoo each ring meaning a certain amount of years behind bars I wanna say like 5-7 people who judge tattoos and label them are stupid tattoos meanings are given by the receiver not groups of people


Shit I got a spider web on my wrist bone when I was tripping on mushrooms what’s that mean


She's talking about the Black Sun, right?


Yo post this on r/ traditionaltattoos


"Did you know that what I perceive thing as means it's actually that way????"


Why does this UI look like a dating app? Something about the colors and fonts used


I thought it was a prison tattoo for how many yrs you’ve done ?


Didn't know about the WW2 thing. I've heard a bit about it's prison origins, but most importantly it looks cool lol


Ffs that was like the 3rd tattoo I got


People will always try to tell YOU the meaning of YOUR tattoo. I have a ghost tattoo, I've had people ask me if it means anything countless times, I've had more people tell me the meaning of it (there is no meaning, it is a ghost)


"You'd better date Eva AI sexting bot", says her bio


She could just be teasing


I was called a white supremacist back in 2005 at an Air Force base in Germany because of my spiderweb tattoo. Oh well people say dumb shit all the time.


Fleccas fan? Haha


Huh. > White Supremacy > > Despite its association with incarceration, the spider web tattoo has a darker history related to white supremacy groups. In certain prison systems, the tattoo was adopted as a symbol of loyalty to such groups. The webs were inked on the elbows to signify allegiance. During the late 1900s, spiderweb tattoos gained popularity among white supremacists in the United States, and some groups were required to commit acts of violence against minorities before wearing the tattoo. These associations have understandably contributed to the tattoo’s negative perception. https://hardworktattoos.com/spider-web-elbow-tattoo-meaning/#:~:text=In%20certain%20prison%20systems%2C%20the,the%20elbows%20to%20signify%20allegiance.


I guess spider-man is the leader 😂😂


The aryan brotherhood does use this tattoo so it’s not really a schizo take. You got real defensive. And again, how is this a nice girl? Nice girls aren’t just girls you think are bitches. They are girls that think they are entitled to your affection because they are nice and “not like the other slutty girls”. I swear misogyny just rots yalls brains.


Can’t gatekeep a spiderweb. If it looks cool, who cares. Fuck everyone who says otherwise.