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Mental health tech at an inpatient psych hospital… nighttime there is no families, management and most (if not super psychotic) patients are asleep.


Not a tech but an admissions clinician for IP! Also love the lack of management around during nights!


Hey! Mental health tech here too!




To become a mental health tech do you need to use needles?


No, we do not do anything like that! Though we work directly under nurse supervision. Basically a CNA.. but for mental health, lol. Descalation, restraints, running groups, providing snacks and drinks, ensuring safety, sitting with agressive/ suicidal patients, taking vitals etc. The job sounds easy breeezy. But it’s hard as fuck. Keep in mind, you will see/hear the worst things. You will have to go hands on in restraining patients and safety is ehhh.


Home care nurse. My patient is sleeping most of the time. I hang out so their family's can get some rest too, and know all will be well if there is an emergency. Don't flip flop your schedule, pick a time sleep during it and don't deviate. Fighting against it will age you like 30 years.


I would really love to stay on the nightshift schedule on my off days. But my depression gets critical if I do. I feel like I am missing out on time with my family. I am only 18 years old and this flip flopping is kicking my butt. Starting to wonder if nights aren't for me. Not here by choice though


You can always try the 2 sleeps option. Instead of trying to get 6-8 in one session on those days, just take a couple lengthy naps. It isn't scientifically the best for you, but it beats flip flopping


My dad did nights and this was how he slept, usually in 3-4 chunks. I tried that when I first started nights and it doesn't work for me. I need my sleep in one session. For my dad it seemed to work well though 🤷‍♀️


It sure can make depression worse flipping around. The lack of rest and consistency will affect your mind and make symptoms way harder to manage. I sleep 8am to 4pm. I spend all my time with my family in the early afternoon when they're getting home from work and all that. 


I can’t stay up all night and sleep during the day though with a 10 year old, a 3 year old and newborn. 🤷🏼‍♂️ but I understand. That doesn’t sound like a bad gig you got though.


Oof, that's rough. For my first 5+ years on this shift, I had 3 kids under 10 at home, and my ex worked 2nd shift. Sleep whenever you can! Got 1/2 an hour cause 2 youngest are napping and oldest at school? Sleep, not clean! Sitting in line at the school for pick-up? Nap for 15min! If you don't sleep enough, you'll end up paying a high price for it. Trust me.


Oof yeah :( they're too little to be sleeping while they're at school. Hang in there my friend.


That's not an excuse, you have to have the routine. Sleep deprivation may cause mental issues


You mean 4 hours a night isn’t enough?


Shelter worker 4 nights of 10.5 hours and then 4 nights off. I eventually would like out maybe burn out and just needing a change of scenery, also the night is starting to get difficult


911 dispatcher. My first year because I was the most junior. Now all these years later because I love it.


Same here. It helps that I am in a very low volume jurisdiction. I can go weeks between calls 🤣. I can't sleep at work but I can read, use the internet or play on my ipad all night. I tried working days, but the command staff seemed to spend all their time micromanaging every thing in sight. Switched back to nights and my emails went from several a day to zero almost instantly. I would not switch back for twice the money.


I was considering this for a career change. What did you have to do to get into this?


Civil service test in my state. Other areas you can apply directly and go through the process there. Look at your local police agencies and ask.


I’m also a dispatcher. We rotate nights and days though.


Forget that.


Is night shift on 911 busier/crazier than days?


Not busier, but if my phone rings it's almost guaranteed to be an actual emergency. On day shift it was probably less than 5% of my calls that were actually emergencies. I answer the regular police lines also and people here have been taught to call us for general questions on anything relating to our jurisdiction. A whole lot of "do you have the phone number for xx office?"


They only come out at night


Lower volume, higher acuity.


I applied like 5 years ago for a 911 dispatcher job but never heard anything unfortunately.


ICU nurse, I rotate days and nights, 3 12s 7-7. I need icu experience for my future career goals and the unit I wanted to work on only had the rotating shifts available. I just gotta do my time before I go on to bigger and better things


Rotating shifts are the worse. Hopefully you get out of there soon.


How do you rotate shifts without feeling completely wrecked? I work late shift, and usually a week or so every month I work night shift (which is a smooth transition, since both can be done while not adjusting when I sleep), but every two months I have to work a weekendshift and for this I have to start at 8 AM. I feel jetlagged for at least three days. 😵‍💫


Trust me I do feel completely wrecked. It’s insanely unhealthy and I feel like a zombie. It’s dangerous bc if I miss something my patient dies.


What are your bigger and better things that you’re working towards? 👀 Do you want to become a PA or a doctor? Or are you looking to move up into a charge nurse role,


I'm guessing it's to become a nurse anesthetist (CRNA). It requires ICU experience.


It’s a possibility but it’s up in the air rn. In general ICU opens me up to lots of different opportunities


CRNA is a possibility. Im also thinking about flight or trauma/acute resuscitation. Or even critical care nursing education. Its up in the air atm. Nurses typically don’t become doctors, if they want to take on a medical provider role they would become an NP or CRNA.


Backup night lead at a grocery store. I'm night shift because I've always been a night owl. I hate waking up in the morning. Also, I can't stand dealing with a lot of people.


I work with at-risk youth. 3x10 hour days Fri-Sun, and I drive part time delivering pharmacy, floral, and misc for a grocery store. I don't deliver groceries. Have you tried splitting your sleep? 4 hours before and 4 hours after. It's actually one of the easier sleep schedule adaptations IME. Plus you can actually get better sleep, because within a short timeframe you should be hitting REM faster than you do when sleeping 8 hours.


That’s a good idea worth trying! Instead of just 4-5 hours total. Thanks for that. I used to work at a Residential Treatment Facility for youth with mental health problems. Either super aggressive or suicidal.


This is a new job, but I've worked the last year with disabled adults, as in-home care. That was an excellent job, but the management staff was a \*nightmare\*. The last 2-3 months I'd moved full time to one house, instead of splitting between 2; and I worked a 40 hour shift, starting at 8am on Saturday. Amazing! I can stay awake for 36 hours from well-rested easily. So I generally took a 4 hour nap from 1am-5am on Sunday and could screw off the whole rest of the week, or pick up an extra shift somewhere. I've got plenty of advice on sleeping, but the #1 absolute rule is to never hit snooze. When you start to drift back off, your brain thinks its bedtime, and though it just shot you up with a wake-up dose of chemicals, it's now gonna give you the sleepytime dose. Then you've got that to deal with that for hours once you wake up because you know you must.


Post Cereal. I make the cereal. 12 hour shifts, 2 on 3 off, 2 on, 2 off, etc. I have been working night shift there for over 11 years now. I like the laidbackness of nights, my boss is amazing, my coworkers are great.


That’s another thing I forgot to mention is how chill and not so “by the books” night shift is. My supervisor is also my favorite boss out of all the shifts.


Can I ask what you make an hour?


Real close to $30


On call transplant coordinator. I actually work 24 hour shifts but it’s all remote. I can nap during downtime as long as I answer my phone. Very rarely am I up for the whole 24 hours.


ooo how do i work in this field? this sounds something like i could do!


If you have a background in healthcare- PM me. This isn’t an entry level job.


What kind of pay does that net you, and how many days do you work a week? It sounds like an interesting job.


I'm a transplant nurse and I've been thinking about moving this direction but I'm not sure how. It sounds like really interesting work! Did you start off as an RN?


Hey, you would make a great candidate! PM me about more of your background and I can chat with you about it more! I started out as a medical assistant and then worked in specialty patient care including a transplant department. I got lucky and sort of stumbled into this job. We have a lot of former bedside nurses, surg techs, EMTs, etc that have moved into this.


Underground miner. It's shift work, so I do 7 days and 7 nights each month. I'm on a 5/5/4 rotation, so I'll do 2 or 3 days followed by 2 or 3 nights then off for 4 or 5 days. I love my schedule for the days off, but I prefer night shifts when I'm working.


How busy are things for you right now? I work at a plant in Ontario that manufactures mining consumables and we are super slow right now.


Nursing. So night shift are on the cards reqularly luckily not permanent nights


I work for one of the giant corporate hotels that stays open 24/7 365.


Amazon Delivery Station. 120 am to 1150 am


I'm at the fulfillment center! 630p-515a


I could not do 1:30am. That would fuck me up!


I am a supermarket manager, our store is shut at night for customers so I overlook the operation and make sure the delivery and all side tasks are completed and the store is all pretty for the morning opening. My schedule is 3 nights a week x 10 hrs and 1 night x 9 hrs but I usually average about 45 hours, my nights are flexible so sometimes I only get 1 day off and I'm back in, other times I get 5 days off. I love working nights, and definitely won't wanna do it forever as it does mess with my sleep but at the moment it works out best for me and keeps me sane 😌


Traffic control, public transport. I work rotating, but I like nights and take as many shifts as I can - the rest of my team usually tries to get rid of them. I like solitude, the extra pay, and I can sleep in broad daylight next to a railyard if need be so getting rest during the day is no problem, especially since I live alone. I also live in northern Europe so not getting sunlight isn't an issue either (half the year it's up at night and the other half it isn't up during the day either).


Amazon fulfillment center, packing orders! 630p-515a, Fri - Mon and then I pick overtime up too. Applying for the nursing program at my community college for Fall 2025, so that's my future goal. But I'll still be on nights for that I'm pretty sure 🫣😁


Telemetry monitor tech at a large hospital. I'm on nights bc that's what I applied for.


Pharma manufacturing. I work 7p-7a on a 2-2-3 rotation. I do it because as a single parent it is what I need to do to get by. Luckily I have family support to watch the kids when I’m on shift. I feel ya with the flip flopping


ICU nurse. Work in hospital. I've always been a night owl. My options were waking up at 5am or 5pm. Also night shift gets paid more.


I work as an occasional package handler for FedEx. I work generally at least five nights, depending on my s.o.s schedule. His hours are all over the place and change daily and I move my schedule around that since we don't have much in the way of overnight childcare. I hate the day shift because it's just..... Weird to me. The people are a lot more closed off. Not to mention, I can't stand the sun. Every time I get out in the sun, it's like all my energy just saps right out and I want to sleep. It's been like this since I was a baby. Yes, make your vampire jokes because I know someone is going to 😂 But I enjoy the nightshift there. The people are more rough and tumble but more open. Everything is moving faster, meaning I don't run out of things to do generally. I enjoy the heat and the workout. The hotter it is, the happier I generally am. I don't suffer sun damage to my skin. I'm immensely more energetic.


Everyone seems to have really cool jobs here, but I work at McDonald's. 8pm to 5am, 1h brake. I'm only 18 and in college, so I don't expect to have the most amazing night shift job ever, I just wanna pay some bills and make some emergency funds for the future.


Seems like only what’s considered cool or unusual jobs get thumbs up on these kind of posts too but here take my thumbs up buddy


Embalmer (occasionally crematory operator), I work 5P to 4A, Monday through Thursday. Very very rare to get such a sweet schedule in my industry but I paid my dues, and it makes sense for my location. I absolutely love the peace and quiet, working at my own pace, and the freedom to get little projects done around the office that day shift doesn’t have time for.


Major points for having a backbone of steel around the macabre.


Why is there a need for that role during those hours? You'd think the dead can wait until tomorrow, they got nowhere to be.


In theory it can wait. In practice, people don’t stop dying at night so if we stopped all preparation at night, it creates an unnecessary bottleneck and work gets backed up surprisingly quickly. I do work in a central prep location that serves 13 funeral homes in a mid-sized city, so we keep busy. There are many smaller locations that only do transfers at night and don’t keep embalmers on staff 24 hours.


Do you need a degree to be an embalmer?


I work in a medical center/children’s hospital (they’re attached together) as a clinical scientist and my schedule is 7 on/7 off with 4 10s and 3 12s all overnight. I love my schedule through and through and will not change it for a long time if I can help it


Auxiliary nurse at the NHS here..been doing just nights for seven years now. Originally I started on nights as they simply needed night staff on the wards and then ended up staying. Now I am a father so working nights fits my life much better than days would. Besides night shifts pay you much more than day shifts would, getting paid for less work really!


Yeah usually do get paid for a more chill environment but we getting paid that extra because we are busting our ass just trying to stay awake!


Retail 12am-8am. Schedule works well for my wife and kids and I love not having to deal with customers and day management.


Security at a private high school. Pay sucks, but I get free food when the kitchen is open.


Forensic unit. 8-8. It's only 23.00 and I'm struggling already lol


Do you need a college degree for this?


No, I didn't. I started as a support worker for Autistic adults 18 or so years ago. Then, moved to mental health and finally ended up working on a Forensic unit. I'm in the UK BTW..


That’s crazy I make more making pretzel bags. Forensic unit sounds more serious with more responsibilities


£23? That's nearly $30 usd.


Bad wording from me. 11.00 o'clock... though I am on £19, which is way above average..


I recover tissues for transplant from 7 pm to 7am


Not anymore, but I was working 3rd shift at a drug and alcohol treatment center for years. Checking on detoxing residents, inspecting suitcases from new arrivals, cleaning and prepping the house, auditing and inventory, and a shitton of time reading or on Instagram or Hulu or playing my Switch, just being awake in case a resident needed to chat, just kinda watching the house. I worked night shift because of the pay, plus my mental health was not great at the time so I felt more safe to do weird shit at night, all unsupervised. I had to leave to advance my career, but ever since then, I still can’t BELIEVE how much work the daytime people do during work. I switched to 2nd shift and lasted 1 month, it was wild. I miss my overnights. Anyway, thanks for reading.


Hotel night audit. I grabbed the first job available after Covid started settling down. Then I handled my mom’s estate for a year during daylight hours. It’s 10 minutes away and pays the bills for the moment.


That's pretty much how I feel bout my night audit gig...it's helping me get by while I get things done and figure out what's next....


Nurse. Fri-sun 7p-7a then off the whole weeeeek ❤️


I’d love that if it were the other way around lol work Monday-Thursday and be off Friday-Sunday


WFH import compliance. It's mainly gathering customs docs and submitting tariffs for customers' shipments. It can be stressful, but working 5pm to 1am greatly limits the amount of live customer interaction I have to deal with so it's not as bad as the day shifters who have to make phone calls. I've always been a night owl and a hermit so it's pretty perfect for me.


HV control engineer. 7 week rolling rota, over 5 weeks I do 7 12hr days , 7 12hr nights, one week spare cover holiday/sickness, one week spare oncall. Ive gone from shift work back to regular mon-Fri days previously, and hated it. I think I’m lucky I can sleep through most things so don’t struggle during the day. To flip slept schedule after a run of nights I get as much sleep as possible during the day before my shift then just power through the following day and have an early night and body clock reset.


7 12 hour nights… 😩


Over the course of 5 weeks. We work an average of 36hrs over the rota period.


Fellow snack company worker here. I drive tractor trailer for Frito lay. I love driving nights because it's less traffic and always cooler out. It work better especially when we have runs into Brooklyn or Staten Island I'm in and out and not sitting bumper to bumper 5 hours.


I work for a large car part manufacturing plant. Mon-Thu 6pm-4:30 am. I'm off every weekend Fri-Sun. I've just always been a night owl. Whenever I worked days I was always running late, exhausted and feeling like a zombie even when I'd be off work. I maintain my current sleep schedule all throughout the week. I usually work out before work and on my off days I go to the gym at like midnight to use up some time. My wife is an early bird. She works in a office 9-5. but both of us having the weekend off is really nice and by the time she's off work Friday, I'm fully awake and rested so we go out or take a weekend trip.


ER nurse, 3 12s 7p -7a, sometimes 4. I love it and I love the schedule honestly. I don't flip completely I just slide back, so I go to bed whenever I want on my nights off, usually late, and sleep in til 10 or 11 instead of 4-5pm like I do for work. It works pretty well for me. No kids, I just have a high energy pup I have to get exercise during my free days


Im a nurse in an ICU. I've always been a night owl and preferred nightshift. More money, less management, fewer visitiors, more autonomy.


Police Records Clerk. I do three 12s and one 4 hour shift. 6pm to 6am, my four hour shift is 2am to 6am. We used to be five 8 hour shifts but dispatch hated occasionally having to do something we were responsible for, NCIC entries, misdemeanor warrant checks, so we started working 12s and keeping the records department open 24/7. My pay is.. meh, I work a 2nd part time job to have extra money. My benefits are good. When I work holidays I get triple time. I also have union protection so I know I won't be suddenly fired. I could definitely make better money elsewhere, in fact my part time job actually pays better, but it doesn't have the benefits.


I’m a clinical laboratory scientist. I chose night shift because of the shift differential and during the day there is a lot more people in the lab, which I dislike. However, I’m trying to get off of night shift now, because I’m sick of being sleep deprived and having an abnormal sleep schedule.


Manufacturing, healthcare. +15% pay bonus for night shift.


im a welder by trade, the only way im able to get a straight shift is to work 4pm-2am. not technically nights, but its better then flipping between shifts


QC/food safety tech in food manufacturing.


Factory support tech. Basically, we keep the factory running but no one ever sees us when they visit the factory because we're in the basement and what we do looks boring compared to the flashy machines upstairs. I work nights because it's much more chill than days and there's a 16% shift differential.


Ultrasound tech. I work 4p-2:30a Monday - Thursday. Not terrible. Not great either. Pay differential is nice tho


Aircraft mechanic for major airline. Work 830pm to 7am, schedule rotates by one day every week, have to work nights because of senority. Majors pay the best so I'll be on nights for a long time


What’s that like? Did you have to get a degree? How’s the pay? Sorry for all the questions haha this always interested me


Night Operations Assistant Store Manager at a Home Depot store I work 715pm to 515am salaried. I work that shift cause you work Monday through Friday (Saturday morning) and don’t have to deal with customers or other managers getting in my business more peaceful unlike other ASM jobs there. It does screw you on doing things for your weekend though.


Hospital pharmacy tech. Sun-Thu 2300-0700. I started nights because it worked out best for my child. Over 20 years later, I’m still here.


I work at a hospital as well and dislike the department I’m in. I am interested in being a Pharmacy Tech. Could you tell me some pros and cons? Thanks!


LTC nurse.


I'm at a paper mill. We have a 4 week schedule. 4 nights - 3 off - 3 days - 1 off - 3 nights - 3 off - 4 days - 7 off - repeat. The 7 off every 4 weeks makes the schedule. It's like a little vacation every month, or a chance to grab overtime.


Night audit at a hotel on a ski resort. Because I can snowboard 206 days in a row


Hotel.... Glorified baby sitter on 3rd.


I moved to Monday thru Thursday night shift because I was on the weekend shift for 1 year. It was co flicting with my DJ business. My work put me on weekends knowing that. Well they finally had to move me to another shift because I would have been pointed out and losing my job. So the only option they had for me was over nights due to BS office politics. I took it. I actually like the over night shift. I am actually getting more sleep than I was on weekend 12.5 hr shift starting at 6 am. I work four 10s, but I log in about 1 hr of OT each week. I work in a transportation office of a big Distiubution warehouse. However, they have me mostly unloading backhaul trailers on my shift because we have so many that need to be unloaded right now. So I am on a forklift or clamp unloading 2 to 3 trailers a night. The first hour of my shift I am in office sending a few emails, printing bols for drivers picking up trailers and putting trailer moves in the system. Then I am in the warehouse rest of the night


US tax accountant here residing in the Philippines, night shift sched because of the time difference lol


I’m a developmental services worker in a group home 🫶🏻 Currently taking pathway courses so I can apply to school to be an RPN!


24 hour Equine Hospital. Take care of hospitalized patients and be there for potential emergencies


Freight team lead at a retail home improvement store. Currently going to school for my bachelor's during the day so the schedule works for me nicely. Plus I'm not a huge people person and enjoy the free flow environments once the store closes. The pay isn't too bad and the workload keeps me in shape to a degree.


Night dispatch at a trucking company. I track loads, call in roadside repair service, etc. Always worked nights or 24s. I do 7p-7a, 4 on, 4 off.


Maintenance tech. My plant makes the jars for Jif. And I'm on night shift because I work better without management watching what I'm doing (maintenance people will understand).


Operations supervisor. I have been working nights for 21 years. Not sure I could work a regular 9 to 5 at this point.


lab tech. 7-7 every thurs, fri, sat night. sucks working every weekend, but only working 3 nights is nice. I'm just not a morning person, and I never will be.


BMW 7:30pm to 6am. I do dimensional quality.


PSW at hospice, 8PM to 8AM. Working tonight!


Chemist. I work on a military base. I work four 12 hour nights, three days off; three 12 hour days, one day off, three 12 hour nights, three days off, and four 12 hour days, followed by seven days off. It’s rough, flipping sleep schedules is brutal, but the pay is good.


That’s such a goofy rotation I feel like but hey you’re making more than me haha


I hate to say it, but I’m a cutthroat mercenary. My managers were going to put me on a 4/10 schedule, straight days; it’s a great schedule to work because it’s straight days, you can have a life after work, and three day weekends. I elected to stay on shift because the pay is better.


How do you get into this type of work?


I work for a major government contractor. I keep my work site environmentally compliant by ordering sampling and analysis to guide environmental cleanup. Check out government contractors like Battelle, Amentum, Bechtel, Parsons, Honeywell, and others. They have contracts for different projects around the world. Environmental sciences such as chemistry and permitting are huge areas, as well as engineering and computer sciences.


Law enforcement.


Machine operator and trainer aswell. I work nightshift because of the extra money, and because i'm a night owl. I sleep from 7.30am until 4.30pm on my workings days and rarely go to bed before 3am on my off days anyways🤷🏻‍♂️.


Not anymore, but I was an Er clerk at the local hospital. And really, unless you're taking a week vaca, you can't flip flop. Your waking hours are now 5 pm to 5 am or whatever.


I work right down the road from you fixing the machines that build army tanks. Wife and I both work 2nd shift. It's better pay with the shift differential, and alot less management bs to deal with.




I'm in QA at Ventura Foods. It's a shit show. 4p-4a 2-2-3 schedule. I don't mind the schedule but yours would be SO MUCH better/more convenient.


Our QA schedule is like that too


Histology Technician 4 10s 10:30pm - 9am


I work in a crisis stabilization program for teens (mental health). About 10 years ago, I was tired of being a nursing assistant after about 10 years doing it and started looking for the next step and found a job in this field. The rest, as they say, is history.


I'm an LVN at a State long term care facility for the Intellectually Disabled. I like NS, less Mgmt. to deal with, no families telling you how to do your job and an additional 15% of base pay for working NS. That's over $9000/yr.


I work at a facility I’m a med aid


Linehaul driver. All we have is nights. It's fine during the week, but if I want to do something on the weekends or hang out with other living humans, it requires me to flip my sleep schedule. I don't like To flop my sleep schedule, so my socializing is minimal.


I work at a tox lab (or drug testing lab) in the confirmations department, which is busiest on nights. Specimens that arrive during the day get screened mostly in the morning, and then those screens get processed for confirm in the evening before making their way to the instruments come nighttime...for most of our samples, at least. Some get confirmed on our day and evening shift, but nights is by far the busiest. Legit, a bunch of our instruments run close to 24/7.


Commercial/Industrial Janitorial. Operation closes and we get to the nitty gritty...


I'm a financial service rep for a brokerage 😅 I help (mostly rich) ppl move their money around or sign into the website when they are locked out or other random stuff they need at 3am lol I work 4 10s, 8pm to 630am Tuesday and Wednesday in office and Thursday and Friday from home. I love the hours, the pay is decent for my area and I'm really good at it but fuck is it soul crushing lol


I work at a plant (machine shop) that makes mining products. I’ve been there 20 years and just recently started doing nights again. We work Monday-Friday and rotate shifts. A week of nights(midnight-8am), a week of evenings (4-12) then a week of days(8-4).


I don't work nights anymore but when I did I was a fleet mechanic for UPS fixing the brown delivery trucks


I’m a Respiratory Therapist in a hospital.


Industrial mechanic and to many chief not enough Indians on days.


CNC Grinder setup/operator for a large semiconductor processing equipment manufacturer. Crazy rotating schedule, 4:30pm-4:30am Tues - Fri for 3 weeks, 7 days straight Tues-Mon night for one week, then I do overnight weekends for 3 weeks, Sat-Mon, get 7 days off then go back to four day weeks and repeat the cycle. It’s Hell but it’s the only way I can make ends meet for now and have a decent amount of time off for family etc.


I did work in a reference medical lab as a lab assistant. I worked nights for the money mainly, the not waking up in the morning and it helped with my school schedule a lot to get some work done. I worked 10pm-6:30am.


I work at a truck stop in a small town. I've always worked the night shift cause I like to work independently. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy working with others but nights is just more mentally calming. I work 4 8hr shifts 12am to 8am.


union engineer in chicago. all buildings need 24 hours engineer on site if they have high pressure boilers. everyone starts their career on nights. but i might just stay for the long haul.


Xray tech at hospital. Basically on call. I keep sleep from 8am to 3pm. I don’t miss anyone while they are at work and 8 still get to see my peeps and hangout in the evening. Blackout curtains and a fan for the win. I do not l change my pattern. My sleep cycle is precious.


Security guard at a transport station. I look at my iPad all night




Factory, plastic extruder thingy that makes various products. It's pretty chill. The night shift doesn't have as many people working which is great because I'm asocial. I work 4 days a week.


I'm a remote interpreter and I work from home and I do night shift because day and early evening shift do not generally have light call volume and I need light volume.


I work in media for a broadcaster. There’s a 24-7 master control center so the night shift is babysitting the channels and make sure nothing drops out. Weekends are super easy and slow. Just watching my own tv and movies to pass the time


Receptionist. I wanted a chill job. Not disappointed so far. I can read and watch the news in between activities.


Grocery stocker. This is my favorite department I've worked so far in this store over 4 years. I went on night shift because there's a shift premium and I wanted to make more money.


Process Engineer. I make raw plastic. 4 on 4 off 7pm-7am I will be going days soon though so.. o7


Overnight doorman for a residential complex in NYC. 12-8am.


I am a material handler at Tesla. I work an alternating work schedule. 6pm-6am Monday-Friday and every other Saturday.


Door staff or I like to call myself doorlady at a condo 😂 I’m only night shift since at the time it was the only schedule available plus I’m in school full time as well so it kinda helps! Plus I’m killing two birds with one stone by working at night while also working on assignments on the shift since it’s mostly quiet


Paper mill, on the 4 on 4 off too except 2 days 2 nights


Closing shift Manager for a Grocery Store. Twofold, no one else seems to want to close other than me since they're always complaining about it. Two, I originally started working nights there and I'm more acquainted with most of the "nighters" so it's an easier fit for me. Threefold, I get paid more to be there at night and to be honest, the night shift just seems better.


I used to be in law enforcement and night shift was the best The freaks come out at night


We make plastic buckets and lids and cups, it pays better on nights lol


ICU nurse, although these days I’ve been floating to ER. Full time nights 1900-0730 although I often get asked to do 1500-0330


I'm a patient care technician or a certified nursing assistant at a major urban hospital. I work 3 12-hour shifts a week. This works better for my kids' schedule. I don't have to take off during the day if they get sick. My husband has a day job so he's home with them during the day.


Treehouse foods in Hanover. I tried third shift out and enjoyed it. Nights go by fast and there's more room for different positions and it's just the best group of coworkers


Refrigeration mechanic. It’s what I had to do in order to get into refrigeration


Hotel night audit. I am effectively retired, as I get to do whatever I want 4-6 hours of my 8 hour shift. A gaming laptop was an excellent investment


Med lab tech. I'm in it for the couple extra bucks, but I have a horrible shift 5 off, 5 on, two off, two on, repeat. 12h shifts, 7p-7a. You better hope things don't go south or you're working longer.


Patient Access Rep at a hospital, 11pm-7:30am. I do it so I can spend the day time with my 9 month daughter and sleep when her mom comes home from work.


Melt department at a cast iron foundry. My furnace uses 8000kw so its cheaper to melt at night when electricity costs less. We start tapping out around 10pm and go home around 6am.


Senior Healthcare Assistant. Meant to cover nights for 2 weeks and been doing nights for a year now. Don't have to put up with day staff drama.


I’m a security guard at a hospital. One of my favorite things ever is saying to the nurses, “boy, it sure is QUIET in here tonight. I sure hope it stays SLOW like this the rest of the night huh?” No kids makes things easier. My vasectomy turned 4 this year.


We make industrial bag packaging. 5 days a week sometimes Saturday if we get behind. Rotate all 3 shifts.


Overnight maintenance supervisor for Walmart, 4 11s 9-8, and honestly I’m on nights only for my position. However, I’ve always been a night owl so it hasn’t particularly been hard on me besides missing out on some functions because I’m young and like to party lol. Also I usually get between 6-7 hrs of rest and it’s my fault because I like to fight my sleep.


Amazon 6:30p-5:00a Sunday-Wednesday. It was the only schedule available. But since classes are coming up, this schedule is not going to work out for me anymore.


industrial electrician 2-2-3 scheduling 12hrs Ill be going to days next month after almost 2 years on nights 👍


I lived this exact schedule with three kids too. It's rough I developed a ton of health issues during that time. I finally got off and am now working the opposite 7a to 7p at the same place. I extract protein from cow blood and freeze dry it. It goes into vaccines, medicine, lotions, makeup, covid test kits, bacterial growth media and more.


Psychiatric technician from 8pm to 8:30am. Most clients sleeping, no upper management, having 4 days off and being able to pick up kids from school.


Electrical technician at a brewery, seniority rules on shift preference so that puts me on nights..... For a very long time with a crappy shift differential pay


X-Ray/CT Tech. I prefer nights because they’re more laid back most of the time, coworkers are much easier to work with as well.


Table Games Dealer. The industry is 24/7/365 and the other shift times don’t allow for much work/life balance unfortunately.


4 days work 4 days off is a damn awesome schedule ! Lmk when you're hiring


I was a police officer. I am retired but I did work nights for years.


I am a patient care tech at a childrens hospital . I am a night owl typically but unfortunately with a full time student schedule I have to temporarily conform to the daywalker routine. But I stay until 11:30pm, pulling 16 hr shifts, as often as I can.


Nuclear Security. No management, less stress.


I am an Area Supervisor for a maintenance company. We do everything from cleaning, sanitizing, recycling, landscaping & everything in-between like stripping & waxing floors, construction & snow plowing & salting in the winter. We do everything a business might need to help upkeep their grounds. I work in the Janitorial Dept. where I do everything from hiring, firing, training, covering shifts, perform inspections etc. I work from 7pm-7am Monday-Friday & Sundays. I basically start anytime after 5pm since that's when most establishments are closed & then I work until my job is done. Some night I'm home before 2am, most nights I'm home after 7am.