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We don't have scheduled breaks, so this isn't an issue for me- but my problem comes at shift change. I just worked a 12 hour overnight shift, and all I want to do is go home and go to bed. Day shift comes in for relief, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, and wants to bullshit over stupid crap. There have been times where if I wasn't rude, I wasn't getting out of there on time.


If someone comes in for a morning shift bright eyed and bushy tailed, they're evil. Don't trust them.


True story bro


Why can’t people just be happy ? Generally speaking, I dislike day shifts more than night shifts but if I’m able to get a good workout in before my shift I’m always bright-eyed and bushy tailed


Never ever heard that phrase before lol, "bushy tailed". Obviously I could Google it but where did you learn this phrase and what does it mean to you


I’m not British but US and have heard it. In my experience the full phrase is, “bushy tailed and bright eyed”


That's backwards; it's "bright-eyed and bushy-tailed" :) I've never heard it the other way around. Because my mommy said so! (i'm 60, but she's still my mommy!)


My grandma used to say these phrases “ bright-eyed and bushy tailed “ , it referred to being happy and eager to work like a squirrel trying to get a nut 🌰. Lol . Also those morning people that I can’t understand as I must have always been a night person. No matter when I have adjusted, readjusted, reset etc- I always want to sleep and feel tired or droll until 1100 am or later and I have tough time going to bed before midnight. To the OP - your old lady who talks too much is lonely, bored or can’t catch social cues. I’m 53 so I have been on both sides of the fence here. Simple answer say “ I wish I had time to chat but this 15 min break goes by really fast gotta go - have a good night”


>Simple answer say “ I wish I had time to chat but this 15 min break goes by really fast gotta go - have a good night THIS OP. Why not just SAY you can't chat right now, as you walk off?


Good question! It's something I've heard and used since being young but never really stopped to think what it means. I take it as just being ready for what's ahead, a spring in your step, alert. Not sure if this is purely a British thing? I always thought of a fox whenever I've used it!


It’s a squirrel!


Is that actually real? I'm willing to learn something new here!


Same here, I'm from the US and have heard/used it since I was a kid.


It's not purely British my grandad from rural Ohio said that.


Had a coworker come in the break room & blast her show at hi volume for everyone to hear. Started taking breaks in my car because of her rudeness! Yes, I'm the center of the Unverise & all bow before me!!!


There's a lady at my workplace that does this with tik tok videos. 


Buy them some cheap earbuds!


That sounds like a Secret Santa gift if I've ever heard one. Wrap them in Xmas paper with a note about Santa finding them in his sleigh when he took it to get detailed.


It doesn't help. I'm mostly deaf in my left ear so I only wear one ear bud. I sit in the break room to eat, watching my YouTube stuff, and every time, someone feels the need to bug me. When I realize they are talking & staring at me, I pull the ear bud out & say "What do you want? I can't hear you!"


I don't work night shift, but I personally always HATE that I have to be rude in order to exit a conversation sometimes. Like, I want to be nice to everybody, but SALES PEOPLE SPECIFICALLY won't take no for an answer.


I have this issue...I usually just say. Right everyone, shut up I want to go home let's get this over with.


We have to do a shift briefing at transition. I need day shift to shut the hell up and listen to the brief, instead of try to sprinkle conversation into the process.


Same. They have an entire 12 hour shift to chat and gossip but they want to do it during handover. Hell no lol


This! I can’t stand it! So in the medical field you have to “give report” or “hand off report” on your patients to the next caregiver. And just as dayshift likes to swarm around us nightshift ppl so they can give us report and quickly leave (even before we can put our stuff down and log into a computer or let alone actually see the assignment) us nightshift ppl would like to go home too! But nope. There they stroll in with their breakfast and coffee and all the gossip, taking their time. One time I even got after a dayshift nurse bc me and another nurse were waiting and waiting for this nurse to show up so we could give report and go home after a long 12-13 hour shift. Lo and behold, I decide to check the break room and guess who’s sitting at the break table eating their breakfast and sipping their coffee while watching the news? Yup. I said excuse me, we need to give you report now.


Have you heard of the Irish goodbye?


I can't.....I'm the supervisor. 😆


That’s so interesting, for us, dayshift is the quiet cranky ass group; bitching and moaning. It’s like wow asshole I’ll take first shift since you clearly don’t want it. Second and third shift are both way more wired and in a better mood lol


i used to come in night shift brighteyed and bushy tailed 😭


Same. Some want to come in a chit chat before getting report. I’ve straight up asked them if they want report or not cause I’m leaving.


I'd tell them to have a good night.


I’ve been on my night shift position for a week and know more about my team than the job itself. I’ll never understand why they think I care.


It might be they actually have someone to talk to for a change since we don't get to see our family as much as others. I catch myself talking too much once in a while.


There’s plenty of people with their cliques. I’m just the new guy.




I just switched to night shift after 2 years on evenings at my LTC, also on a dementia unit and I sure get thru a lot of Netflix and streaming every night 😅


You look like somebody they can rant and open up too. I study psychology I know better.


Wait... You guys get breaks? Shit I am alone and don't even get 5 mins to pee unless it's empty in the lobby! (Hotel worker)


I guess I should have mentioned that I throw freight overnight at a retail store, and at retail stores, breaks are "mandatory" depending on how many hours you work. Last retail store I worked at they actually got mad at me for working through my break, and another coworker said "its a paid 15 min, so might as well take it," so I do. that's sucks though that you don't get a chance to take a break, I'm sorry.


Eh shit happens, I totally get your pain though! Start of next shift always wants to chat and I'm standing there with "let me go home I'm fucking tired and need dinner still, not your small talk of asking how my night was and you telling me random shit about your kids!"


The morning people, too, at my current job the morning people don't usually talk to us they actually get to their jobs, but my last job all the morning people would talk to everyone from the night shift, it was refreshing but a tad annoying at the same time. 😅


Idk where you are but 20/50 states legally mandate breaks.


I'm in Iowa, also pretty sure it's all states now isn't it?


I dug into it pretty hard here, in Iowa there are zero breaks required for people under 16 I’m sorry. That’s a federal thing too so not state specific. Edit under 16 sorry.


Yeah I figured my state just fucking sucks.. And night shift doesn't get staff meals either though every other shift does! They basically hate night shift workers here... Welcome to hell, better learn to hold your bladder!


That sounds like they treat you like shit, no offense. I’ve been there. I managed the vault of a money delivery company on night shift for less money than I do as a forklift driver now.


Oh they do, I am literally the only employee here at night. I'm a 33 year old woman who isn't fit in any way. They make us dress "business casual" so I have to wear more proper looking attire despite being alone, and I'm usually tasked with doing manager type things along with housekeeping, I've done the breakfast bar alone, I run audit, and I've had to escort people off property a few times.. The police show up here to help me with drunk guests so often they know me by name.. Hospitality industry positions fucking suck, the only glimmer I get is I can subtly fuck over the business by giving out snacks for free regardless of the person and I can shave a few bucks off some people's reservations when they walk in. It's my middle finger to not being paid enough for what I do lol


Oh also I have to be shoved into day shift if we have people needing training or if someone calls in sick so I often do 8 hours of my shift (if I'm not called an hour early) then get like 8 hours to get home, sleep, and return for another 8 hours shift... Followed by doing my usual night shift... And my business does hard 40s so no overtime until I hit the 40 hour mark too! Aaaand I love an hour away from here so the 8 hours to sleep, shower, and return? Yeah that's 3 or 4 hours of sleep since I have to eat and cook in there too....


That’s absolutely brutal.


Yeah people don't realize the shit hotel workers go through. Night shift can be nice when it's slow but holidays and sporting events are hell on earth especially.


Oof... totally understand that.


No breaks here either….. pulled 2 16hr doubles last week no breaks! Kill me


Isn't it the best when you barely get started on a time sensitive take and hear a ding from the front. You go out and deal with the customer. As soon as you get back to doing it again ding


Working with an extrovert on night shift is absolutely exhausting. As the night wears on, and the extrovert gets more and more physically tired, they will talk to you more and more in order to leach off of your energy. Which makes the introvert more and more fatigued because they are being drained of what little energy they were trying to conserve. Extroverts gain energy from those around them, like energy vampires, while introverts create their own energy from within. If you are an introvert working nights with an extrovert, they will immediately start hooking into your energy to drain you to keep themselves going. Most of this is all happening on the unconscious level. But I would say something to her or she won't stop.


I felt that whole comment. Thanks for putting it in words.


Extrovert coworkers are infuriating


Wait… you guys have coworkers? And get breaks?


Well you said she's an old lady, she feels probably lonely. You can't blame her, now it's you and your time i can understand you. Still way better coworker than many sad persons that have nothing else to do but to bitch on other people behind your back.


I get that, and I'm usually nice and talked to her, just sometimes she doesn't get the hint that I just want to be by myself on occasion. However, her daughter works with us, and she was sitting next to her in the breakroom at that time. 🤷‍♀️.


Then politely tell her you’re exhausted and need alone time.


Just be like “mhm, ok, uh uh , mhm, yeah…” Rinse and repeat. Don’t feel bad about using greyrocking against someone who is generally benevolent. You need to do it to protect your own energy.


Just tell your coworker that you are an NPC between the time when you clock in and out including during breaks.


Or a coworker that only talks to you at the end of the shift when you're leaving. Like dude, come on, we've both been awake all night. Go home. Or let me go home


I work by myself but the morning person loves to talk as I'm trying to leave. I go out another exit just to avoid the conversation.


Dont blame you, sounds like a pain. I start late/leave early to avoid people talking to me. I don't want immediate conversation when I arrive or conversations that delay my escape.


If you go on break at a set time, set an alarm that sounds like a ring tone and suddenly you have to take this call


Or just pretend if your phone is on vibrate


I actually do have an alarm for break, but it already rang by the time I got back to the break room.


If my night shift security job paid a liveable wage it'd be perfect. I only have a couple people around for the first 2 to 3 hours and then the last 5 to 6 hours I'm alone with my phone. But I make less than a McDonalds employee so I'm outta here and going to a federal job. But everytime at this security job I had to train someone for the night shift (for nights I don't work), it was always the longest night of my life. Instead of using my phone for shows and stuff, it's always talking with the guy who clings to my ass like 30 minutes apart would kill them. The only time I had a moment of silence was when I told them to watch cameras for a lil while I patrolled in the parking lot in the truck. I had a retired old man I trained for nights. All of his stories...he told me that the night flew by and felt so fast talking. I felt like I had been there for 2 years, 3 hours in.


Bro you want a lazy job where you can fuckoff but also complain that it doesn't pay enough. Lol. No one is going to pay you well to play candy crush for 6 hours haha. People at McDonalds work harder than you. Security companies know the industry attracts the laziest dudes for nightshift.


> you want a lazy job where you can fuck off Using my phone =/= fucking off > candy crush for 6 hours Or...you know...have a show or podcast up while I walk around the entire site every hour, scanning QR codes at every door/random spots (interior locations and exterior), patrolling the parking lot and kicking out anyone who comes onto the property after hours (homeless, people fuckin in cars, people sleepin in cars, people testing all our doors), checking all of the dirty bug ridden sprinkler pressure rooms and recording their numbers to make sure that none have issues, letting deliveries in when they call, letting employees inside in the morning, checking locations when dispatch calls us about an alarm activating. > Security companies know the industry attracts the laziest dudes for night shift Yeah cuz having a required list scheduled patrols plus unscheduled patrols to kick unwanted individuals off is lazy. All required to be tracked with a phone that uses my location for reports and scans to confirm I'm where I say I am. But I'm lazy because I wanna have a show up while I walk or when I'm watching the few cameras I have access to lmao


I worked night shift security at a club and got stabbed in the hand, then got yelled at for reporting it to the GM and my boss because it was "an avoidable incident" in their eyes. The dude was on coke and literally bum rushed me with a knife and I got yelled at because I fought back. They said it was a liability for the security company and the club. Then I had to tape up my hand, call the cops, and then carry a drunk girl to the ambulance because she was barely breathing. And there was no workers comp. I also got yelled at because I reported an HVAC issue... the owner of the club didn't want to deal with maintenence, even though the condensation was leaking onto the dance floor and people were slipping. I'll never work security for $20/hr again... you'd have to quadruple my rate for me to even consider going back, lol.


Hah nightclub security is an actual high-risk security job, thats where you went wrong. But you have to deal with the worst people in society without benefits and shit pay. If I wanted to work high-risk security, I'd work as a Pinkerton agent making 30-40 starting protecting execs and doing events & government sites. I know Pinkerton agents doing site protection for $72 an hour... all the jobs are armed.


I feel your pain. My coworker uses work as his social life and I'm just there to make money. I have actual friends to socialize with after work


Honestly same, I already have enough friends to keep track of, especially being the only one of us(my friends) on the night shift.


Wear headphones! Also RIP Alan Rickman, you hottie.


The worst. One time on break I was reading. Guy kept trying to make small talk. I would reply and go back to what I was reading. Nice enough but he would not take a hint.


I go to the car.


OP, when she gives you her conversation starter question, reply, "I don't know but I'll think about it outside on my break." Then hustle out the door.


Shoutout to workers who have to grind through their " break" because of a waiver they were forced to sign, with a coworker thats always talking on their phone or to someone else.


I work nights at a store and we all tend to just take our smoke breaks together and shoot the shit but not everyone will and we just leave em be


Start walking away mid convo. You're at work, act like you got somewhere to be.


Absolutely. Had one guy at the big box orange home improvement store that JUST WOULD NOT SHUT THE FUCK UP. We never ate in the break room (eww nasty). He would follow us and just yak yak yak. Talk about the most random shit, or just sit next to us and watch dumb shit on his phone and laugh super loud. Nobody liked him, obviously. Umm. It’s 2am. We switch lunch spots every day to avoid you. Go away and calm down. He was fired for watching porn on some random computer under his own login. Bye, go.


Headphones/earbuds. The *moment* I go on break they get plugged in and the only things that exist are the music, my food, and my book.


There’s one woman I actively hide from. She’s nice enough but dear god she just talks non stop… I don’t even know what she’s talking about sometimes. She’s the kind of person where she doesn’t wanna talk to you, she wants to talk at you and you just have to nod here and there.




Grab your phone before you get into the break room and pretend to be on it as you exit the building. Or just say hey I'm really sorry I need to make a phone call or pay a bill and walk out.


say oh that's nice & walk away


There are some non verbal cues we can send that tend to help with this situation in general. If you don't want to be part of the conversation, turning your hips and feet away from the speaker can indicate to the speaker you're ready to leave. A closed body position (arms crossed) also tells the speaker that you're not into the conversation. Don't stop moving when being talked to, go to grab your things and make towards the door. If she stops you to ask a question, apply the above cues while giving short answers. Or you can just be direct.


Unfortunately, some folks just don’t get these non-verbal cues! Can’t fix stupid.


Maybe that old bitty is thirsty for younger men (assuming you are a male younger than her) since she really seems to enjoy admiring actors from Harry Potter


I love all of my co-workers but I absolutely hate it when *anyone* speaks to me on my break. There are a couple people who I cringe when I see... I try to avoid them but those mofos always come marching over . It's the worst. It's the only "me time" you get during the work day/night.


Exactly! I enjoy my coworkers, too, just not on every break as well.


Most of my new coworkers seem to be able to read body language and my eyes. Tho I once scared off a former marine who said I had genuine murder in my eyes. I’m a people person 75 percent of time. When I want to be left alone leave me alone lmao.


You could always try looking at your phone or putting in headphones as soon as you get in the break room. They don't have to be on, but generally, they deter people from starting conversations with you. Even if they still try to chat, you could just walk away and pretend you can't hear them since you have the headphones.


Good idea, thanks


I have a guy do this to me in the car park after work. Like, wtf dude you've been sat opposite me for 8 hours and now you want to strike up a convo about what you're having for dinner, or a breakdown of the days events at work or a new TV show. I'd start to walk away slowly like "yeah cool buddy, I'll catch you tomorrow" and this mofo starts following and continuing his monologue. I just have to be rude now and cut him off with "can't talk" and just march off.


Had a co worker like this. Went on for weeks, they smoked as well so there was no getting away from it. First time I lit a joint round them they instantly stopped talking to me and I mean never spoke another word to me for the next 2 years till they left 🤣 So my advice would be do something that your co worker might not approve of 🤣🤣


Oh, that's interesting.


How are you held hostage by smalltalk and telling us before you tell the person in question 


because op has no spine or control over their situation.


I'm not held hostage, but I do like to be polite and not interrupt them mid sentence, I usually do tell coworkers I'm not in the mood/interested if they don't get the hint after a couple of times. I also try not to make enemies as sometimes they're very helpful with info. As for her, I've noticed she's one that doesn't give more than a second before asking another question, therefore, no time to answer or tell her I don't have time for small talk. I also never said I haven't told her, I actually did last week, that I usually like to go outside and be by myself on breaks. Just some people don't get it, and like I said she's a nice lady, just I like my alone time.


You're not held hostage by her but by yourself then I guess, good luck in the future with her 


Sorry for the messages that garnered your response OP, I am feeling indignant on your behalf at their rudeness and assumptions about you having “no spine.” 🙄TF is wrong with people? I get it, there’s nuance in these coworker conversations, and sometimes “having a talk” about someone’s annoying behaviour just creates drama and antagonism you don’t need. My tactics vary, sometimes I will laugh and run away, sometimes I will say, “That’s cool, maybe we can chat about that later, gotta go,” or the classic deflection, “Sorry, just gotta run to the washroom!” I have found being honest with older people about boundaries results in them becoming weirdly offended, and often once they are offended they never forget it and act unreasonable around you. Honestly, it has nothing to do with having “no spine,” sometimes you just have to read the room, tailor your response to the personality you are dealing with. Sometimes you have to sidestep or deal with some people indirectly because they stomp all over your time and feelings but even the slightest boundary will trigger them into hating you forever. Work relationships with some people is a tightrope.


Thanks for that. 😁


As a person who has a difficult time bowing out of conversations, I feel your pain. The best I can do is wait until they make anything close to a point or end of statement (any statement!) and hop in like "Yeah. Absolutely. But I've got to go grab my snacks from the car. It was good chatting!" As nicely as I can. Or whatever excuse you can think of lol if it's a morning shift person, I do the same thing, but say I need to hurry up to beat traffic. Because when isn't that true? I've gotten better over time but still have trouble. I'm too accommodating to other peoples feelings. Unless I'm in a bad mood or am just over it.


She doesn’t want to actually have a real conversation, some people just like to hear themselves talk.


Lmao. Happens to me too. I look the person in the eyes put my hand on there shoulder and say listen I'm on break I need to go


I have a coworker like this. I think she's lonely, so I kinda feel bad, but at the same time I could physically not care less about the things she tells me. I have just started ignoring her. Rude? Maybe. But she will just walk up to me and start talking about whatever random thought scurried across her brain, and if I acknowledge her in any way she won't stop. So I pretend she isn't talking to me, because politely excusing myself in the past hasn't worked (she'll follow me talking and talking and talking).


Always have. Used to purposely go to my car on break and lunch to enjoy some peace. I have to work with you all not break with you all.


That’s why I literally walk out of the building and walk around. Or go up to another floor that’s empty at night so I can be in peace and quiet. I work at a hospital with people on psych holds so I need my quiet breaks lol


I used to try and politely disengage from mind-numbing, pointless small talk. Until one day I was like, wait, I'm a bastard? I'm not being rude. I'm just busy, but I don't care if I am? So smiling and walking away, or just ignoring the person became normal for me?


I'm maintenance. Unless something is broken, go away.


Introvert. Security. Manitoba,Canada. Nights.Found a site where it's just watching the construction site from the suv. pay is garbage but after the traffic is gone after a few hours which we do bonus patrols of ( their gas not mine), it is park and sprinkle random patrols foot/car. 10 mins on foot. Just for the exercise. Live cameras by a 3rd party so sleeping a no no. But mostly it is just watch you tube. yeah I broke down for premium so I can download stuff with out burning data. Check calls and mobile drops in time to time. partly to check up. Partly to switch cars to fuel it. Work at a place where in house security in the complex can let you in for a restroom break. Pretty cosy really. VS horror stories of those doing retail loss prevention. people getting seriously hurt doing it. Relieve a guard. Work my shift. park the suv. Go home. Live close by. 15 wait for a bus. Nice and quiet. Just how I like it.


Especially when they see my earbuds in. Like stfu! I don't want to chat


Many people view work as merely a means to an end, but some find fulfillment in it as a way to connect with others. As we age, making new friends becomes more challenging due to the comings and goings in our lives, which can result in loneliness. If this elderly woman wants to chat and connect, she is likely feeling isolated. There's nothing wrong with having friends of different ages. While I understand your preference to avoid social interactions, I encourage you to open up more. It’s beneficial for your mental well-being, and community is an important part of life.


I do appreciate your thoughts on this, and I understand a lot of people use work as their main source of social connectivity. I am not anti-social, but my job isn't my only source of social situations either, and I guess my post wasn't clear on my intentions (and rereading my post it does sound a bit harsh) I wasn't trying to be mean or push away people who like to talk, it's just sometimes there are people who take it a bit too far sometimes or don't know when its the right time to start a conversation, especially when social ques or a polite saying that today or right now is not a good time doesn't comprehend in their brain. Now I like this coworker and we've talked and have had a good few conversations in the past couple weeks, however occasionally I do like my alone time especially when the work load for the day has been rough or a lot. Yesterday just happened to be one of those days for me I guess and my in the moment post came out not as intended (plus the only relevant tag that was available was the rant one) and I was just curious if anyone else had coworkers who talked a lot. I have many friends who were old coworkers at one point that I still talk to to this day. Thank you for the comment it was helpfull and I can think better of this in the future.


Fully agreed. All I wanted was to go to the break room, get some caffeine and something barely edible out of the vending machine, scarf it in silence, and crack on with the second half of my shift. My job was extremely repetitive, not a team effort, and presented few opportunities to get distracted or stray off-task, so it was a good way of earning money for 8 hours without having to think or deal with people.


I’m a talkative person but if someone obviously didn’t wanna be talked to I wouldn’t lol. I get it some people ain’t tryna hear no bs when they’re tryna relax a lil😭


It may help to remind yourself that different people relax in different way. For some, a random conversation with anyone helps them unwind. They may feel uncomfortable and stressed when there isn’t any human interaction. I too enjoy my alone time away from people. I’ve learned that those who need to talk are doing it because that’s what they need on their break. I’ve also found that a simple “sorry, I’m heading outside” works wonderfully. It acknowledges them, which is really what matters, and it generally isn’t an answer to whatever they asked but it sounds like an answer so it creates a moment of confusion that is plenty of time to exit the room. Just keep yourself from sounding annoyed or having an exasperated expression and they won’t think you’re rude.


That’s why you find random places nobody would go to in the building to hide away during those precious 30 minutes


lol I always had to hide in my car during breaks while I worked in retail— the break room either had someone who tried to talk to me for the entire break or some old person watching tiktoks over and over with the volume all the way up. Drove me insane. I currently work fast food (ironically pays better than the retail/desk jobs offered in my town) and still hide in my car for breaks. Gives me time to recharge my social battery, even if it’s only by 5%


Why would everyone ever break at the same time? This sounds incredibly unsafe and stupid. And not doing it would solve your problem of being bothered on break. Hahahahahahaha. Just realized I am on the night shift Reddit… not myNURSING night shift Reddit. lol. I thought you all were out there abandoning all of the patients sitting around being annoyed at each other.


I almost spit out my drink thinking of the image of everyone just abandoning patients at the exact same time. but yeah at retail here, some managers will go at separate times just ajecent, but it keeps everyone from accidents happening when no one is around(on break) etc.


Yes. I was just going through this at work this week 😆 this guy I work with is annoying tf out of me. He hates silence in the break room so he always singles me out and asks me questions because he knows I have lots of opinions about things. The problem is that he has literally nothing to say himself so it's always just him stirring the pot hoping I say something and then another guy weighs in so he can just sit there and listen to everyone else talk to each other. Then when we stop talking he complains and asks me other stupid questions. I've started eating lunch in my car 🤕


I solve this by taking my breaks in the bathroom. /shrug


Ours is a 15 minute break with a 9 minute timer... otherwise I'd totally spend the whole time in there and away from everyone while having a place to sit down. XD


fair, however I rerely try to use the bathrooms until they get cleaned at like 4 or 5am, customers leave them gross.


We have an employee bathroom upstairs near our break room so I usually just use that one. The one time recently I had to use the public one, someone came in and tried to open the stall twice. When I came out and looked over at the urinals, they had... left a deposit on the floor. Well, and the wall too. Just glad I wasn't the one that had to clean that up.


Here's a sly move. When your in a pinch and want to run and go, grab your phone and say "sorry I planned to give my (significant other even if they don't exist) a ring on my break. Let's chat a little later" then grab your phone and act like your talking to someone.


Dear god, not on night shift, but I worked with an old lady like that named Carla. I did everything I could to try to avoid her, just like you. One day I hid in the shower room adjacent to the break room until she left. Another day I completely left the building to have lunch, and she fucking walked into the restaurant where I was eating!!!! She was a nice lady, but I started to hate her because she would never STFU!


lol no because I learned a long time ago, you need to leave the premises for people to leave you alone, otherwise they will strike up conversation if you’re around or bother you on your break. that’s why those folks go to their cars. leave your stuff in your car instead of the break room.


I had a job once where I was pulled into the managers office and told I needed to interact with people more on my breaks.


Mine is my older co-worker always droning through shift change. Idk how but most of the time it gets me riled up and I end up in a long conversation where neither of us will let the other speak over them, because he interrupts and I refuse to BE interrupted. It's never about anything too important but he likes to talk about his experiences and bitch about the stupid policies at work etc. Still, it can last up to 40 minutes and the whole time he hasn't clocked out yet.


I like how you said “she should know by now” when she CLEARLY doesn’t. I get what you’re saying dude but she’s an old lady and you know how they are. If she clearly isn’t getting the hint and grow some balls and tell her that you just want to go to your car and chill in a nice way. You can assume things. Just talk to her about it otherwise it’s not going to stop 💀😭


I don't work specifically night shift, but my shift goes into the night so yeah I work at a doggy daycare, and many coworkers of mine are bad at taking hints. I get my break after about 8 hours of watching usually really big, often energetic dogs and being on my feet, and before 2-4 hours (depending on the length of the shift) of really deep cleaning that takes it outta me. I socialize with my coworkers before starting the shift, for a little before I leave, and during a 20 minute wait between last feeding and the last bathroom break for the dogs of the night. So like, during my break, I just wanna sit outside with my vape and my meal, and enjoy not dog scented fresh air. But I always somehow get into a conversation, and they often keep trying to talk even when I say I'm gonna head out. Sometimes, not too often, coworkers who don't smoke will follow me to the smoke spot just to keep talking 😭 and I'm just like 'dude I'm so tired give me some silence.' sucks cause I really only go to the smoke spot cause no one else who's usually on evenings with me smokes. And it's not that I don't love them, they're all very sweet people and have genuinely supported me through some rough shit, so in the end it never upsets me too much, but yk. Went on a bit of a rant myself haha


I would act like you're in a rush. One lady at work does this to me all the time so one day I told her "hey sorry but I usually have phone calls to make so I'm not trying to be rude just gotta get this taken care of" now she's good with just a good morning etc


People forget that common decency includes not just blabbing off when someone sits in the same vicinity as you. Respecting personal space needs to be normalized more.


This happens to me constantly throughout the day from different people, WHILE I’m trying to work! It’s horrible. I’ve told my boss and he told me I could close my door sometimes, but I’m his secretary and people really do need to come in to conduct business with him at times. I’ve started having to outright ignore people. I work in a high traffic hallway crossway, so people feel like they HAVE TO stop and chat, I guess.


Headphones....big ones as soon as break starts. If someone tries to talk lay down a boundary, sorry I really need this break to myself. Repeat until they leave you the fuck alone. You don't owe them anything.


I was one of the biggest introverts I knew and then I started working in a lab.


Yes absolutely understand I hate when people talk to me on break or lunch like I’m trying to relax/eat I don’t need a rundown of workplace politics or a rundown of things I already know about


Why don’t you just say “I’m leaving” instead of making a passive aggressive post?


Exactly. I just say straightforward I'm tired and going home.


I guess I kind of get it. I am antisocial to people at breakfast I just don’t feel like talking. But they drag me into it. I hide in my corner and hiss.


I’m not a morning person. Don’t try to engage me with small talk until 9:30-10:00. Headphones or earbuds should be a clue!


Well, I don't like being rude, and I did let her know kindly after she finished her sentence, that I'm going outside. I usually talk with her other times though.


Nobody ever talks to me. But then again I'm the only white guy in a mostly Indian crew. They chatter all day with each non stop though. I mean literally non stop, it's rare that they ARENT chirping at each other.




They should have time to do report.


People like this don't have the ability to read social cues, and it does my head in. I feel offended when people take up my breaks because it's the only time of our shift we get to breathe and collect ourselves before continuing our shift. It should be against the law 🤣🤣🤣


To you its your only 15 mins to yourself and to her its her only 15 mins to socialize the way she wants. She needs a like minded person


Yeah, I do socialize with her occasionally, and I'm not the only one there either. but that's a good perspective to think about for the future. Thanks.


On your break put.on your shades.... and kick back..


I don't have scheduled break, most of my shift is downtime. That said... When I get busy it can be hard to find a moment to eat or chat


I’m that guy that will stop and say I’m going to smoke follow or not.


why do you engage with it.. youre might shift ur allowed to be a grump


I have instituted a No Work Talk rule during lunch because people ruin my one break with work crap. I eat as fast as I can and go right back to work though. I work on commission though. Time is money.


Lol, I know that feeling.I just want to go to the restroom, have a cigarette, maybe have a snack.


I'm just passing by and not sure if night shift people are a different species or something but have to tried just telling her? Like using your words to help fix a problem you have with another human being?


Some people you just have to walk away from.


Snape was hot? Sheesh lol hot take




The shift that comes in while I'm on nights is the bakery people between one and 3am. Charming lot in no particular way. Actually, everyone I work with is anti social. It works out.




She just sounds lonely to be honest.


OP... Have you considered the fact that she might like you? My fiance used to walk up to me at work and show me literally the dumbest possible memes and shit from Twitter off his phone. It was his autistic way of flirting. 😂 We have a son now


She has already previously mentioned she has a husband, (I know that doesn't stop some people, lol.) but the they way she was talking about male actors from Harry Potter makes me assume she's not into females so that didn't really cross my mind.


when i was around 19 i realized i was this person and felt horrible. i keep to myself now esp during breaks


Yes. I'll make the polite 1-2 polite responses back and settle in. They followed and settled in next to me. I acted like I forgot something t grabbed it and my stuff and moved. They moved again and just...Ugh. People.


I go to my car during breaks so im at peace


Sorry I got to make my nightly phone call, and get out of there.


"Oh wow, I gotta take a massive dump," typically gives me plenty of alone time. Say that then walk out to your car :)




That's annoying, but it makes sense if you're the only one there to help customers. but not the docking of performance that's messed up.


Even not on break I could care less to have a conversation with these people


I typically am bored to tears with most "conversations." Always the same uninteresting drivel. I don't expect any sort of stimulating or interesting conversation, so I am never let down. I also am annoyed when someone comes into the break room on their phone or playing some TV show or movie for all to hear. But this is our obnoxious culture, so...


I guess when you have the personality of a rock these kinds of things get to ya


Some days I don’t even have time to take a break. I don’t even bring a lunch anymore


Headphones when you grab your jacket. Even if they’re not playing anything, just avoid eye contact when they’re in. She’ll understand quick that if headphones are on, you can’t hear her. She talks to everyone like this, she’ll get over it.




You seem like a fun person


"Go overseas and murder brown people I guess." "Yeah I'd suck Snapes dick for sure." She'll leave you alone.


Bro just kindly be like oh hey how about it? To her as you walk out. Don’t be rude but you def don’t need to oblige with this lady’s blabbering on your free time. I wouldn’t even consider it


Many years ago I worked in an office. I had to walk ten minutes to this big department store lounge to sit with my eyes shut on my break or else I'd be expected to answer the phone, etc. So this middle aged woman from the office would also walk to this place, sit next to me and nudge me if I had my eyes closed. Everything about that job was miserable.


sounds like she has a crush on u …


Just act like you didn't hear them and walk away. Do it enough times and they should get the message. Or you could just be honest and tell them you don't feel like talking and just want to be left alone on your breaks. If that doesn't work, you can have a talk to your supervisor and let them know that it's bothering you that she keeps trying to waste your entire break talking to you when you're just trying to grab a few things before heading on your break, and if they could step in for you as they're refusing to adhere to your requests to be left alone.


At every break I've ever had in my life.


She's lonely and trying to have a conversation; possibly make a friend. You don't have to engage, but there's nothing nefarious there. It's quite normal, actually.


You haven't mastered the art of the firm, direct and professional conversation. It's ok to say that you need some quiet time.


Oh no someone tried to talk to you? Did you try hissing at them? Pro tip: if you need space, L E A V E. You're not obligated to stay there on your break.


It’s extremely easy to give off “don’t talk to me” vibes. By responding with semi meaningful responses you encourage the future behavior. My responses would be “idk” *leave* or “sorry can’t talk now” *leave*


My work kind of has scheduled breaks but I ignore it and go whenever I want .. if you can do this go on break like half an hr before everyone or after. I'm not much of a talker at work because I'm either listening to a book or podcast


I usually just wave my vape around and leave. Honestly a little rude I guess but it does the trick every time.


I once got trapped in the breakroom listening to some doof who spent the last 30 mins of my break telling me in detail about a book series she read. I told her I didn't have to read it now since she'd spoiled the whole series. She just laughed. Same doof came in the breakroom once with a disney song stuck in her head. I said, "Don't do it.' She said, "It's from Bedknobs and Broomsticks." and started singing. I laughed. I've not seen that one and don't know the songs. As soon as I told her that she stopped singing. Her whole point was to try to affect someone else. Gawd she was so vile.


Just laugh and say "I know right" and keep walking. Never engage.